(2014/02) February 2014

jap food doesn't sound sinful la compared to the pratas I have been eating

but isn't chirashi raw fish?

Talking about jap food, I had Himawari buffet lunch! cos colleague birthday so we celebrated. I am still very full now. Not supposed to eat raw , but I couldn't resist the sashimi, so I had some la...
i had terrible cravings for laksa about 3 weeks back. had it 3 times in a week. but everytime after having my laksa, my tummy feels terrible and i throw up everything.

spicy food is not nice on the way up...it burns! lol

so after tt, i refuse to eat laksa anymore but still craves for spicy stuff so i will order soupy items like ban mian or xiao wan mian then throw lots of chilli padi in to make the soup got kick. LOL
lol i got craving for durian puff and bot 1 during lunch for tea break...then just now i ate and coll come asking whr got durian smell...hahaha
Cyrsstall, I agree spicy food isn't nice on the way up. I threw up yesterday afternoon then ate beef curry for dinner. All the while hoping and praying that I won't throw up.

I've been craving for savoury food. Unlike before preggie, can have sweet desserts without proprer meals. Now I can barely think of sweet stuff.
Sunshinebb: I'm eating durian pancake now.. Haha

Food seems to be able to lessen my headaches. Oops ><

Xiao Ling: u wanna call the doc to ask? My doc said to see him if got any blood when I saw him for the first time at 7 weeks
blushblush: ya my tastebuds also prefer salty now. no cravings for sweet stuff at all. see already also dont feel like eating. when my MS first started, i polished 2 packs of potato chips in a week when before that i can dont eat a pack of chips for one whole year!
Hi there

I am also a Feb mom , now ard 8 weeks.

Things had been going smoothly (except for the nausea) until yesterday when I suddenly had bleeding. The bleeding was like menses bleeding (bright red) and really scared me. So I called my gynea and had him go to TMC as his clinic was closed (cost 300 just for his visit charges though). Anyway he said the heartbeat still there so gave me a jab and some hormone pills.

Wondering if any mom's out there have had the same experience of menses like bleeding
I ate just now ard 1pm thn i fell asleep. Hehehehe. Ya cnnt tahan cos i super hungry.heehehehe...

The other time i crave sushi. Ate 2plates then full. Lol
Cherryz, prepare a mini pantry at yr work station ba. Dun eat biscuit, try cereal/milk or fruits if u can't go out &amp; buy.
Xiao ling &amp; pmy, pls go &amp; see a gynae soon &amp; take things slow. If can rest at home try to rest more.
Me too start to hv appetite
felt hungry for dinner at 6plus den ate ban mian &amp; 2 slice of sponge cake
Everyone seems to have cravings. I seemed to be opposite. No appetite at all. What I eat in a day seems to b what I eat for a meal during pre pregnancy days. Can only swallow plain biscuits, bread n rice w soup. So afraid bb isnt getting the nutrients he/she needs..
Thanks Julia. I guess we can only wait out.

Crystal I feel u. V envy mums who dun hv ms. Hv to kneel n pray to toilet bowl almost daily. Today I found a comfortable position, head over sink n side of sink support the chest. Suitable for long pukes lol. Gd tat u hv food cravings thou.

Meiji- dun worry I Oso no appetite. Only biscuits n porridge n might puke out Oso. I haven been ofc for a wk n even the cleaning lady tell me my face become sharper n lost weight. My #1 I Oso like tat but bb Oso healthy n chubby. Hang I there ur appetitie will return in 2nd tri.

Xiaoling go bk kk c gynae n check ok?
yeah thanks all ladies for the advices. i will monitor for 1 more day. if still continues i will go see gynae today.

good morning to all mtbs
today is fri eve! :p
Jy, Have sent to you... Found your mail in the junk... =)

Good Day everyone! Its gona be a great day ahead...
haiz...yesterday's MS was super bad

one slice of cake for breakfast and feel uncomfortable till abt 3pm, then had one pastry for "lunch" and was uncomfortable again.

felt very hungry during dinner so my dad bought some rice n vege for me but I ate those and promptly donated everything to the toilet bowl. end up dinner is another plain bun. =(

hope today will be a better day
is-elle- thanks for the encouragement. i just hope it will improve soon. my first one's MS lasted till 14th week. -_-"

crystall- i m eating red bean pau for lunch now.. hope it stays...
figured out my bb cant stand meat.. no meat for me..
wah...was busy and more into the fb group..didnt come in for quite a while...so active and so many member liao!!...took me 2 days to read all the post i missed...hehe.

Envy those with cravings as I dont have any. No symptom at all so far...everything normal...just gets tired easily.

By the way...what is the iphone apps to monitor bb progress?
hi unicorn, i have received your pm and have sent an fb invite to that email address you provided. pls check your email inbox or junkbox
Hi ladies, finally joined this thread. Im 7 weeks now, edd 26/2. Im so nauseous now i can't follow and catch up on the thread. Just dropped in to say hi!
Finally tmr is Friday... Can't wait for my scan on we'd. Juz found out a gf underwent ivf n her scan Oso on we'd. We both will update each other. Hope both gd news.

Crystal my ms is bearable today. Omitting milo really makes me feels better in the morning. If u r drinking choc based stuff need to omit. Somehow dinner is the worse. Ytd dinner I Oso donate out then so hungry but juz drank cereal dun dare eat anything else. Hope u r better today.

Meiji ur baby is vegetarian!

Wow seems fb gp v active.
Cherryz, tks a mil
recd yr email le.
Crystal n Meiji cracker, take some milk or light soupy food ba it works for me hopes it works for u too
Hi all, I am new here. EDD will be in 18 Feb.
Did a scan when im 6week. heart beating can be seen by then.

I'm now 8 weeks.
I'm suffering from very bad MS since last two weeks.

Im visiting Dr Adrian Woodworth at TMC CCK.
thks for all the support! today ms is slightly better...so far nothing has gone down the toilet bowl yet...though feeling slightly nauseous the whole day

i still haven figure out what cause me to puke or what yet but i know for sure i cannot stand cooking smell or oily food.

tomorrow is friday!!!!
hi, just wondering if added to fb group, does it appear on your newsfeed and your friends know that u are in such a group?
hihi morning mtbs.

May i know how many mummy here is SAHM? envy envy! though i sleep at 10pm i still very very tired. How i wish to take leave or ask gyne for MC to stay at home to rest.

mtbs with MS, pls hang on 1st tri will be over soon.
