(2014/01) January 2014

Hopeful mum, I was told by the nurse when I called to make apt that prof mahesh no subsidized rate. Mayb I hear wrongly. Anyway keep me informed ya. I also wanna "positive" thinking and plan ahead. Kekeke

issit. i didnt specify which dr to see. so just trying my luck to enquire. once they reply i will let u know. lazy to call.

if have then good hor, can save a lot of money leh. although i hate going to the polyclinic and queue. but nvm lah can save a huge amt why not. save this money then can buy the pram LOL
Hopeful mum, I got referral letter from polyclinic n went nuh to c drs for my next intended IVF. Initial stage as in first few consultations with the dr on duty got subsidised rates, blood tests n scans also subsidized rates. Once they finish with all those nec tests n start u on IVF, u will b auto converted to pte Liao. As for prof mahesh, I think he totally no subsidized rate de. Hope I m clear on what I m trying to say. Lolx. Anyway u still keep me in view abt nuh's reply ya. I curious
Ya I got what u mean. Just wanna try. Cool at least first few test is subsidised also not bad mah.

If I really Ivf ill go get the referral letter also. Nuh also nearer to my house. Good lah nearby
Went to motherhood fair for 3rd time n this time spent the most! $2k+ on the Growlier education system. Its really an investment ror my girl for the next 3yrs. It doesnt only touches on english vocabs.. also science n maths without using any gadgets. Mainly e traditional way of books n some game cards.
Wah T_T so expensive! Omg I'm so engrossed on baby making I neglected these type of costs! Lol

Wow but if its good then I think good investments

What else is there next time I go must prepare to bring more $$
Ya it is but this set is e basic ones. Infact can start frm pregnancy. E guy v good in talking n giving ideas how to teach n talk to our kids even in e tummy..

Tdy den I noe.. k1 alr start to introduce general science to kids.. p1 doing comprehension.. zzz so different frm our time. N this really make e kids move their hands n think with their brain rather than using e gadgets. My girl is jus 2yrs n starting to get engrossed w ipad n my fone!

By 3yrs plus they muz be able to read n spell. Tts nowadays system..
NUH IVF has betta svc. Patient actually chk into room after procedure to rest before given clearence to go home. KKH IVF, they almost tell u to get off the bed immediately or at most rest 15mins.

Heavy investment leh. No la, 3yo dun nid to read and spell. Even 4yo not compulsory. Unless certain preschools wif high standards and requirements
Thanks juju. I see. Very good info here leh! Kk I must be more active and positive in finding out how can make my next pregnancy work
Hopeful mum, I did my first two rounds of IVF with KK. N no success. So decided to try nuh. After gg to c their dr for initial consultations etc, I find that there's a vast difference n nuh is definitely way better than kkh.

T_T, wah, 2k plus ah?! Geez! That's alot hor. But if its good for your kid, why not?! Lolx... But it kinda makes me wonder, when we r old n kids grow up, will our kids spend 2k plus on a certain thing on us? Something to ponder abt... Hahaha
i did my ivf in kkh 5 yrs back.

Nvr nvr expect anything frm our chn. They grow up in diff era frm us. They might even find it harder to survive than us.
GBOB. Lol good qns! No choice Loh. We give them unconditional love mah

See before we conceive we already so Gan chiong. After conceive already attached. Lol.

So deliver Liao definitely more love! So nice. I also want to have a child for me to love and pamper. Lol
Hi, anyone here have severe morning sickness that lasted whole day? I have been vomiting non stop the last 2 days. Am thinking of going for TCM for accuputure or medicine. Anyone tried that?
Haha juju. I'm just kidding la. Won't expect anything frm our kids lah. We Sayang them is 应该的 ☺

Hi crystalbelle, y dnt u c gynae? Cos I think there's medication to stop vomiting
Sayang ok la. dun over sayang lor. Mine alrdy becoming pampered princess although not over sayang. Think #2 muz hold back the reins even more!
Juju I think I sure over sayang ! Lol
Will ctrl. Some more probably the first kid in the family for both my side and hubby side.

Sign got to wait for awhile more.
ya it's a big and huge investment. but can be passed down to #2 and so on.. also to build their basic foundation. I myself is not very well educated in the past as my parents dun stress us to study and more on chinese educated. So i just hope that she will be able to speak more proper english. but also all depends on her in future how she wanna path her own route..
weeee im so excited tat tmr is Monday! after so many weeks of endurance not to go for scanning. tmr is my KKH appt..!!
Hopeful mum,

I think there is a way to see Prof Mahesh under subsidised rate.. I promise to PM you right after i post this! So sorry i haven't emailed you yet with the info as my morning sickness is still pretty bad and i'm feeling pretty lethargic.. Glad to hear your spotting has stopped.. Have faith k..


I guess morning sickness is just part of pregnancy and some of us do get it more than others.. You can inform your gynae abt it and ask for anti nausea med.. I tried it but it doesn't work for me though, still as nauseous and vomit too.. But no harm giving it a try.. Hang in there!
Lol thanks mini81. I kinda give up for this round I just take medication as instructed Loh. Cox no sac seen at 6w dr says not optimistic.

So just need to find out what's wrong. Since 3rd mc Liao. Do something abt it. Don't want to lose another child.

No prob. When u feel better then u email me. It will be good if can see him at subsidised rate. Sure very ex.
Min81, **sayang sayang** sure must b v xin ku for u. Hope your ms ease up soon. Wah if can c prof mahesh under subsidized good leh! But not for pregnancy right? Oh well, i will just hafta take a step at a time.

TT, hooray!!! Tmr u can scan Liao! Long wait right! U must b feeling excited! Do rem to update us ya!! N hey! U still have sore boobs leh!! That's a symptom what! Lolx... The rest just left u n let u have a break for awhile nia lah. Dnt worry

Hopeful mum, ya I agree must find out the cause before trying again. Ah bo our heart cannot take such pain so many times.
GBOB: ya lor.. the soreness is so bad that im so afraid to take off my bra when i bath. so heavy and painful..

last scan was at week 5 and was only a sac.. hopefully tmr i can see development of the baby and heartbeat..
TT don't worry. Sure can see one
. Ur boobs so sore no prob lah!

GBOB good if can get subsidy since I seeing for testing why it keep recurring. Once I pregnant I think I'll go back to my gynae. Unless he damn good makes me feel comfy.

Keke wait for mini81 ms to ease up the. I get from her see how to get subsidy. Fertility treatment is just ex in Singapore!

I damn irritated. With the pregnyl hcg shot, I got sore boobs also. Actually no more Liao. But dr say don't waste just inject in me. Wah now go thru the pain. But getting lesser as things goes down.

Thanks for the sayang gal! Will be ok, everyday motivate myself to endure.. Will hang in there
You don't think too much about symptoms k.. Actually this time my boobs not very sore also, don't feel it much.. And my ms only kicked in around wk 7 i think..

Hopeful mum,

You've got mail! I don't have exact details but i know another lady who went thru it at the subsidised clinic so do call up to check k.. If can get subsidised rate will really help to lessen the costs..
TT, daijobu! Tmr can hear loud Bom Bom sound!!!

Min, I bo think alrdy lah. Jin tired Liao, I'm like hopeful mum now... Just let it be... Que sera sera lor. Keep thinking also wnt get answer. Just wait it out n c. Good that u r hanging in there deary. MS good lah. It shows baby is growing really well! I got a feeling u having a princess leh... Hehe

Hopeful mum, sometimes the mail can go to your spam box. U check that?
checked liao.. sorry i kept reading as MINi.. lol its MIN81, after i read GBOB post then realized.

ya coz sometimes ppl spell as SmileLy or smilelxy

ya i on mc but decided to go back to work tmr.. now on the way to hand over so very busy...
GBOB: haha.. thanks! if can.. ask my hubby to record.. hee..

hopeful mum: what u work as? this hour go back to work???
T_T lol no lah as in tmr. i am on one week mc from fri to thur, dr say though cant see sac just rest at home in case i bleed or have sharp pain etc (ectopic).

but i stay at home do nothing also anyhow think. i work in a bank, but just quit my job serving notice now. going to help family business so can give me more work life balance.

i often work very very late and hubby also always traveling want mke baby also difficult. then next time after have baby cn bring my baby to work. so dont need to put infant or hire maid. can look after baby myself. so get pay cut but exchange for quality of life loh.
Hi Hi Ladies! I was MIA-ing for the past 1.5 weeks and wow, many posts to catch up today!
Shirley and GBOB- I am having brown spotting since 1.5 weeks ago. was a few reddish spots on 23 May, rushed to clinic and doc gave me jab and progesterone pill. Spotting became brown over the next 3 days and I returned to Doc to check on 27 May. Baby grew from 8 MM to 15 MM and heartbeat present. Doc gave another jab, and 5 days MC to rest. Brown spotting continued and i went back yesterday. Baby grew 15 MM to 21 MM, heartbeat present. Overall, doc says brown spotting is old blood so dont panic, rest more and relax. so ladies, please dont freak out (though i know its easier said than done), if u want a peace of mind, go doc, and lets all stay positive together!
T-T, I still bloating very bad. I just wore an originally loose work dress and its tight! sad!!!
Hi hi jal, good to have u back! N nice to hear that your baby's growing well I m not so concerned on the brown spottings but rather the total disappearance of my symptoms for a whole week alrdy. That's what worries me. But I m trying to stay positive
Thanks Min81! receive the email, reply u too fast without reading the contents. thanks for ur kind words
i do hope its a positive outcome, if not i'll go get myself checked.

Jal, congrats! rest well and have a healthy baby!

GBOB, dont worry, u see we have so many positive stories
Hi mummies,

I'm selling pre-loved "yaolan " at $60. Used less than 3weeks. Suitable from newborn to about 12kg.

Self collection @ Yio Chu Kang (near AMK Ave 4).

Pls pm me if interested. Thx!
im so sleeepy bvox of progedtonr but i can slp. took 3 min snickers, one kitkat and som cakes.

yum i hooe i can slp now
Hopeful mum: oh!! Banks.. as usual. My sil work in uob back office also OT alot.. but when come to bonus is good la.. at least u haf a backup plan really good. Its a hassle to find care for e infant time. My hubby very fussy hence things v difficult for me..

JAL: welcome back n glad tt u n bb is doing well!! I went motherhood fair n bought a few maternity tops n start wearing it. So comfy.. I dun even dare to wear my working pants. Even my loose shorts start to fut in jus nice.. guess another 3 weeks or so cannot wear liao!!
Morning ladies! Last night I typed like I was drunk. I was just so sleepy yet hungry. I can't believe I actually updated on this thread.

I probably fell asleep the moment I put my laptop away. Then at 3am I woke up! Went to pee and couldn't fall back into slp till abt 430-5. Oh man. I'm exhausted now. Why did I want to go work today?!

TT good luck for ur scan later
so excited for u !
Wow nuh services really quite good! They called me upon receiving my email. So can get subsidy for recurrent loss. I just need to go to the polyclinic to get a referral letter. But I didn't ask abt prof mahesh. Argh nvm I go see dr first. The most dont see him the rest as long as can do tests on me that will be great.
Haha hopeful mum, I c your post last night I know u must b super mabo Liao. What meds u took? I also woke up to pee ard 4:30am n Cldnt fall asleep till ard 6am. Zzz...nuh service good hor!
Lol just the utrogestan Loh. I listen to all of ur advice to continue taking. But day time i skip, only took night time then can help me with my slp. But all of sudden so hungry I was scrambling for food last night. So unhealthy eat and KO immediately. Ya this morning I woke up and read I was like, seriously what was I typing!!

I very impressed with nuh, I send email on Sunday they only took less than half a day to call me back!!! And they call to reply my enquiry I was waiting for them to email me actually.

How are u feeling today?
hi, i also will wake up every night to pee.. quite disturbing at times.. will feel so lazy to get up. wanna ask u ladies, do u all buy the pregnancy pillows? i normally slp side ways and will always need bolster. i wonder if the pregnancy pillow will be a better choice or not.

hope u ladies are doing well. stay positive & strong!

jal, congrats!

T_T, i also can't fit into my skirts now.. sian... must start shopping for new clothes. haha.. gd luck for ur scan! keep us updated!

i went to the motherhood expo on sat and didn't buy anything. hubby said too early to buy. haha.. so we just walked 1 rd and left.

btw, i have a gf who did IVF also at SGH and it was a success at first try.
