(2014/01) January 2014

becoz of my weight and gaining.. now im alr 80kg. plus carrying my girl 12kg.. i went to polyclinic see doctor.. he say becoz of weight gain and different scenerios like carrying elder ones.. bending.. no medication unless very pain den take normal dosage panadol.. so im waiting for next weekend's baby fair.. gonna look for babies bellies see if they have prenatal massage promotion...

Oic. Last visit to gynea coming one month ago I was around 54 kg and my gal is around 8-9 kg. So I am still slightly better than you. I already feel like I am a penguin walking around.. think you should be worse than me.. we need to hang on.. another 3+ months to go :)

Re: Cord Blood Bank,

I recently just attend a health care workshop conducted by my own company. The trainer is a very experience agent. He mention about saving own bb cord blood. He say cord blood can only be stored for 21 years. If you have only #1 and #1 need to use cord blood due to sickness, eg leukemia, does it make sense to say that #1 own cord blood is also defect and not suitable to use?

He mention about storing it to public cord bank, they will store it and let who ever need it use the cord blood who ever is suitable for. Public cord bank is who ever needs it will use it first. We parents will not have any power over who can use my child's cord blood and who can't. We cannot make any decision.

Private cord bank is like cordlife, parents will have e power of who can use the cord blood of our child's or in another words, we can save it for our own use. *touchwood*

Initially, I really wanted to store both of my bb cord blood but upon listening to what he say, I feel also truth. If #1 needs to use the stem cell means the cord blood should also be defect as well Liao, isn't?

Guess I'll need to do more research on this area.

For those mummies who want to store your bb cord blood, maybe wanna ask the person more about this area as well.

Just my sharing in what I heard. :)

Hi strawberi_pie, i have the same thoughts as you initially. but later found out that baby's cord blood can still be use if *touchwood* baby develop diseases like leukemia later in his/her life. unless the baby is born with congenital illnesses, then the cord blood bank wouldn't store the cord blood. they will do tests on mummy's blood and the cord blood too before storing.
becoz of my weight and gaining.. now im alr 80kg. plus carrying my girl 12kg.. i went to polyclinic see doctor.. he say becoz of weight gain and different scenerios like carrying elder ones.. bending.. no medication unless very pain den take normal dosage panadol.. so im waiting for next weekend's baby fair.. gonna look for babies bellies see if they have prenatal massage promotion...
I saw the baby fair facebook page- babies bellies got one for one promotion! :)
Oic. Last visit to gynea coming one month ago I was around 54 kg and my gal is around 8-9 kg. So I am still slightly better than you. I already feel like I am a penguin walking around.. think you should be worse than me.. we need to hang on.. another 3+ months to go :)

I still can walk normally.. just that when i stand up or get out of my bed i have to pause for awhile den can start walking.. my bed also soft kind.. so make it worst.. my girl wake up mani times a night.. so i gotta get up a few times oso.. hanging on.. glad that my support pillow arrive today.. tonight going back to try on it.. yeahhh
I saw the baby fair facebook page- babies bellies got one for one promotion! :)

really~~ good.. i need it badly.. n my hus alw dun wan help me.. gotta ask my not professional daughter to give me a few punch on my back to feel slightly better.. just 4 5punches she say ok can get up liao.. -___-"
I still can walk normally.. just that when i stand up or get out of my bed i have to pause for awhile den can start walking.. my bed also soft kind.. so make it worst.. my girl wake up mani times a night.. so i gotta get up a few times oso.. hanging on.. glad that my support pillow arrive today.. tonight going back to try on it.. yeahhh

I am ok. Just by end of the day I feel painful when lying down on bed. Luckily my bed support quite ok. Last weekend went Malacca, the bed can hardly make it. I can hardly sleep.
anyone knows whats the healthy minimum weight gain for entire pregnancy ? During 1st tri lost alot of appetite and dropped 5kg! Dr say it was ok and appetite will pick up in 2nd and 3rd tri.. but already in 2nd tri and my belly button has popped out liao.. by far i recovered back 4kg of what i lost :confused:. really hope this is normal - anyone face this as well ?2 weeks to 6month mark :D
another question... my 1st gal had to stay almost 1 week in hospital after birth due to jaundice... how can i avoid that now with this baby ...
anyone knows whats the healthy minimum weight gain for entire pregnancy ? During 1st tri lost alot of appetite and dropped 5kg! Dr say it was ok and appetite will pick up in 2nd and 3rd tri.. but already in 2nd tri and my belly button has popped out liao.. by far i recovered back 4kg of what i lost :confused:. really hope this is normal - anyone face this as well ?2 weeks to 6month mark :D

i think the minimum healthy weight gain really varies from person to person, but gynae recommended me 10-12kg total gain. i'm at 26w1d and gained 7 total so far, so am still on track.
jt_junior and shirlynn, i also experiencing pain in tailbone area. just checked with gynae jus now as had an appointment with her, and she says that is very normal cos of downward pressure bb will exert on tailbone. will go away after birth, but in the meanwhile will just be painful and uncomfy.
I am ok. Just by end of the day I feel painful when lying down on bed. Luckily my bed support quite ok. Last weekend went Malacca, the bed can hardly make it. I can hardly sleep.

ya.. luckily this time round i dun need to take public transport to work.. if not i will have hard time.. frm hm to work place is not convenient with train n bus.. yst i was merely clearing wardrobe and abit of moving of cloths from one side to another.. my back ache so badly!!!
anyone knows whats the healthy minimum weight gain for entire pregnancy ? During 1st tri lost alot of appetite and dropped 5kg! Dr say it was ok and appetite will pick up in 2nd and 3rd tri.. but already in 2nd tri and my belly button has popped out liao.. by far i recovered back 4kg of what i lost :confused:. really hope this is normal - anyone face this as well ?2 weeks to 6month mark :D

I think as long baby is growing well inside should be good.. not all mommies will have belly button pop out.. although my tummy is big now.. my belly button still doesnt pop out.. dun worry!! just eat normally..
another question... my 1st gal had to stay almost 1 week in hospital after birth due to jaundice... how can i avoid that now with this baby ...

Think papaya cannot eat too much.. probably once a week..

I think avoid eating too much papaya.
jt_junior and shirlynn, i also experiencing pain in tailbone area. just checked with gynae jus now as had an appointment with her, and she says that is very normal cos of downward pressure bb will exert on tailbone. will go away after birth, but in the meanwhile will just be painful and uncomfy.

ya.. lower body ache... sometimes at night will have leg cramp.. painful.. and next day morning the lower calf will be aching..
jt_junior and shirlynn, i also experiencing pain in tailbone area. just checked with gynae jus now as had an appointment with her, and she says that is very normal cos of downward pressure bb will exert on tailbone. will go away after birth, but in the meanwhile will just be painful and uncomfy.

i also have pain in buttock hip areas but not sure due to what...according to GP incorrect sitting position. I thought was my old injury or accidentally sprained it...so not sure due to what. How's the pain like and izit common in pregnant woman?

Think papaya cannot eat too much.. probably once a week..

I think avoid eating too much papaya.

ya.. lower body ache... sometimes at night will have leg cramp.. painful.. and next day morning the lower calf will be aching..

I also suffered leg cramp at night...sharp pain woke me up and next day calf aching :(
i think the minimum healthy weight gain really varies from person to person, but gynae recommended me 10-12kg total gain. i'm at 26w1d and gained 7 total so far, so am still on track.

Doc said im gaining weight too fast. From pre-pregnancy weight to now about 8kg and my baby now weighs almost 1kg!! :eek:
i also have pain in buttock hip areas but not sure due to what...according to GP incorrect sitting position. I thought was my old injury or accidentally sprained it...so not sure due to what. How's the pain like and izit common in pregnant woman?

Pyng, the pain feels like hmm... feel like the muscle there sore. or pressure on hard surface that kind of pain? to me lah anyway. gynae said it is normal and very common, due to bb pressing down on tailbone which is curved in. she also said alot of patients dun even dare ask her abt it cos they paiseh, but i just wanted peace of mind.
i also have pain in buttock hip areas but not sure due to what...according to GP incorrect sitting position. I thought was my old injury or accidentally sprained it...so not sure due to what. How's the pain like and izit common in pregnant woman?

I also suffered leg cramp at night...sharp pain woke me up and next day calf aching :(

my pain is like walk or stand too long that kind of pain at the lower back and the butt joint is like aching.. so when im at my slping at the side position, i will feel it.. this time the pain came earlier..

the calf pain is like whole calf muscle cramp together dislocated like tat.. tat time the 1st cramp was so pain until next day i have to limp.. and wore slipper to work.. cant even step on the car clutch.
I had leg cramp once at night and it was very painful..the pain lasted for 2 days. Now i will prop my legs on a pillow when i sleep to help the water retention and also prevent the leg cramp..
my cramp will come if i accidentally over stretch my calf.. sometimes when turning to another side, will stretch abit.. so everytime i turn.. i will try to turn slowly..
hello ladies.. i'm new here. due 5th Jan. in week 25 mark now....

i get aches on my two butt cheek area at times.. i realised its usually coz by doing some bending. the last time i got it was when i bend to wash toilet bowls.

anybody starts to get swollen feet already?

think i had put on close to 8 kgs since week 7. sigh.. how to control weight increase? if i eat all 3 meals a day.. sure going to put on 1 kg per week.
i control my weight by kind of skipping meals. so i'm not really eating alot now. just one main meal a day. with small snacks like bread, biscuits and fruits.
think this is fine?
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hello ladies.. i'm new here. due 5th Jan. in week 25 mark now....

i get aches on my two butt cheek area at times.. i realised its usually coz by doing some bending. the last time i got it was when i bend to wash toilet bowls.

anybody starts to get swollen feet already?

think i had put on close to 8 kgs since week 7. sigh.. how to control weight increase? if i eat all 3 meals a day.. sure going to put on 1 kg per week.
i control my weight by kind of skipping meals. so i'm not really eating alot now. just one main meal a day. with small snacks like bread, biscuits and fruits.
think this is fine?
anybody starts to get swollen feet already?
anybody starts to get swollen feet already?

Yeah we have the same pain in same area.. the butt cheek!! my feet still ok.. have not started to swell *touch wood*.

week 7 u alr put on 8kg?? until now u put on how mani kgs?? frm pre preg till now i put on abt 7kg.. im at 24th week..
Yeah we have the same pain in same area.. the butt cheek!! my feet still ok.. have not started to swell *touch wood*.

week 7 u alr put on 8kg?? until now u put on how mani kgs?? frm pre preg till now i put on abt 7kg.. im at 24th week..

oh.. i meant based on week 7 weight till now week 25.. i had put on closed on 8kg...
if take from pre pregnancy hor.. i think got 10 kg liao.. hahaa
coz i wasn't weighing myself much when just started pregnant.. keep thinking i'm still skinny. till the week 7 visit to gynae and weight checked, realised i had already put on 2 kg compare to my usual weights u see..
so i'm in denial.. taking as i'm already 2 kg heavier to start will .. to feel more balance on only 8 kg put on instead of 10.. hahaa

doc said max each month is 2.5kg add on. the last month i went had a 3 kg put on. that was the week 22 check up a month ago. which for that month.. i was trying to eat properly. 3 meals a day with small snacks in between.
this month is due this weekend. i'm like.. skipping meals to keep it within the 2 kg range now. (coz for the earlier months check up. i had not been eating regularly and the weight increase was proper, like 1-2kg)
Pyng, the pain feels like hmm... feel like the muscle there sore. or pressure on hard surface that kind of pain? to me lah anyway. gynae said it is normal and very common, due to bb pressing down on tailbone which is curved in. she also said alot of patients dun even dare ask her abt it cos they paiseh, but i just wanted peace of mind.

i not sure if my pain belong to same as all of u here coz my pain is like sprained type and when laid on bed & wake up from bed must adjust in right angle, if not the pain can be super painfully! Then put on panty and short hv to hold on something...walk also slow if not the striking pain can attack me. Lucky after 2 wks, turn better after much rest (without walking too much, try to avoid carry heavy things and do light housework)
Last pregnancy i have no such issue & even no much cramp on calf.

hello ladies.. i'm new here. due 5th Jan. in week 25 mark now....

i get aches on my two butt cheek area at times.. i realised its usually coz by doing some bending. the last time i got it was when i bend to wash toilet bowls.

anybody starts to get swollen feet already?

think i had put on close to 8 kgs since week 7. sigh.. how to control weight increase? if i eat all 3 meals a day.. sure going to put on 1 kg per week.
i control my weight by kind of skipping meals. so i'm not really eating alot now. just one main meal a day. with small snacks like bread, biscuits and fruits.
think this is fine?

So far no swollen feet...ur wt increased could be due to water retention. If eat too little, bb will be small so better eat healthy and control portion.
sherlly, not good to skip meals ba. maybe instead of eating 3 full meals plus snacks, just eat 5-6 regular small meals instead?
oh.. i meant based on week 7 weight till now week 25.. i had put on closed on 8kg...
if take from pre pregnancy hor.. i think got 10 kg liao.. hahaa
coz i wasn't weighing myself much when just started pregnant.. keep thinking i'm still skinny. till the week 7 visit to gynae and weight checked, realised i had already put on 2 kg compare to my usual weights u see..
so i'm in denial.. taking as i'm already 2 kg heavier to start will .. to feel more balance on only 8 kg put on instead of 10.. hahaa

doc said max each month is 2.5kg add on. the last month i went had a 3 kg put on. that was the week 22 check up a month ago. which for that month.. i was trying to eat properly. 3 meals a day with small snacks in between.
this month is due this weekend. i'm like.. skipping meals to keep it within the 2 kg range now. (coz for the earlier months check up. i had not been eating regularly and the weight increase was proper, like 1-2kg)

haha i see.. i got shocked.. lolz.. dun skip meals la.. just eat normally but lesser carbo?? but it's abit difficult to control at times.. hee.. i dun dare to weigh myself even i have the weighing scale at home.. hee.. dun wanna scare the hell out of myself.. haha.. dun wan to face the reality..
haha i see.. i got shocked.. lolz.. dun skip meals la.. just eat normally but lesser carbo?? but it's abit difficult to control at times.. hee.. i dun dare to weigh myself even i have the weighing scale at home.. hee.. dun wanna scare the hell out of myself.. haha.. dun wan to face the reality..

haha i am the exact opposite. i keep weighing myself just to make sure i nv boomz out! i v scared weight suddenly balloon
i'm not working now.. resting at home. have to admit i'm quite a lazy person.. so if i dont feel hungry i can dont eat.
lazy to go out to find food or cook also. hehee..
these days hubby been working till late. so i will sleep with him usually after 1am. woke up 8 plus to bid him goodbye to work and continue to sleep till noon.
then have my breakfast, milk and bread/cereal at noon time. then go look for lunch at 2-3pm. then wait for him for dinner together again 8pm like that.

certain days if slept real late like 2-3am.. i can sleep till 1-2pm. and when that happens. i will be having my "breakfast" at 2-3pm. then in the late afternoon.. i will just grab some biscuits or fruits. and wait till dinner time with hubby again.

just wondering if this eating habit is ok? my clock is kinda turned around. no need to sleep early right? as long as getting enough sleep?

earlier on the pregnancy during my 1st trimester. i'm always hungry. and the kind of hunger pains that makes u want to vomit. so i'm like keep feeding myself to prevent hunger.
now in the 2nd trimester. everything is back to normal. i dont usually feel hungry anymore. so i'm like can skip eating kind. lol.

pyng, water retention also count into the weight right? in that case i'm still putting on weight? i was reading the sept2013 thread. seems like alot of the mummies was worried for big babies as they want easy natural birth.. i guess small babies also ok? hehee
haha i am the exact opposite. i keep weighing myself just to make sure i nv boomz out! i v scared weight suddenly balloon

same here.. thus i realised after every proper meal i will put on at least 1kg.. so in order to keep the weight down is only by eating less..

anyone doing prenatal yoga anywhere? good ones to recommend that we can go together?
oh dear sherlly, don't skip meals. Put on better than baby don't have enough nutritions. You will be able to loose the weight easily after delivery, especially if you breastfeed. At most, exercise more after baby is born :)
Just started my prenatal at spaceandlight studio today, not bad! Like the environment as they open the windows to let fresh air come in. Wah, but haven't been exercising for some time, was panting away halfway thru the class. Must be super unfit haha.
I also had very bad cramps on my calf area last night so bad that wanna cry coz can't move much when having to wake up at night to pee :( need to do calf stretching exercises more I guess...

Jt_junior: I am like u too! Dun dare to face reality to weigh myself lol... Only know the weight when I go for my Gynae appointments haha...

Sometimes I feel my left side of tummy is higher than right coz baby's legs seem to be always kicking there... Tummy feels distorted at times gosh!
Last night I think I had the worst night ever. Had heartburn n burp the entire night. Couldn't lie flat as will feel v xin ku. Then my left shoulder also ache like mad.. The ache was so unbearable until totally cnt fall asleep. I had hot flashes now n then too. If on air con I will feel cold but if off air con I sweat. End up I fell asleep only at 6am... Sigh
haha i am the exact opposite. i keep weighing myself just to make sure i nv boomz out! i v scared weight suddenly balloon

do u wt urself daily and any control by doing it?

same here.. thus i realised after every proper meal i will put on at least 1kg.. so in order to keep the weight down is only by eating less..

anyone doing prenatal yoga anywhere? good ones to recommend that we can go together?

Frankly your eating habit not good as u do not eat at proper time and balance food. Ya small bb is good but hv to depend if healthy anot. Water retention is the main curplit if you do not eat much yet increased wt and swollen feet is the sympton. Try to drink more water. I go prenatal yoga at master sadhan located at tanjong pager and i try to go once weekly if time allowed.

Last night I think I had the worst night ever. Had heartburn n burp the entire night. Couldn't lie flat as will feel v xin ku. Then my left shoulder also ache like mad.. The ache was so unbearable until totally cnt fall asleep. I had hot flashes now n then too. If on air con I will feel cold but if off air con I sweat. End up I fell asleep only at 6am... Sigh

Gosh...sound bad and are u ok now?
gbob i think i read somewhere it's not advisable to sleep flat on our backs. affects blood and oxygen flow to bb. if u really only feel comfy sleeping on your back, suggest to slightly elevate with a couple of pillows?

i had a really hard time training myself not to. now i hug one bolster on my side, and use another at my back to support and prevent me from rolling over. cos that is still my default position ahah
do u wt urself daily and any control by doing it?

Pyng on a daily basis i weigh myself but if no cause for concern like sudden weight explosion i dont do much. if have, i tend to eat healthier for the next few days. eg clear noodle soups, more veggie less rice that kind. also a reminder to myself to balance nutrition properly cos sometimes my cravings are anything but healthy.
Pyng on a daily basis i weigh myself but if no cause for concern like sudden weight explosion i dont do much. if have, i tend to eat healthier for the next few days. eg clear noodle soups, more veggie less rice that kind. also a reminder to myself to balance nutrition properly cos sometimes my cravings are anything but healthy.

like u i will watch out my diet if i indulgene too much. Next month i will need to watch out my sugar intake as i will be testing for GDM.

Btw any mummies here keep passing gas (fart) daily? I faced such problem since last week and hv been farting many times daily (got sound type) :( Later going for my gyna appt...hoping my placenta has shifted up.
pyng, yes I fart too. kekeke. it's better than not being able to let e 'gas' out.

GBOB, I had heartburn when I had my #1 too, feel terrible. all u can do is to eat more meals, but in smaller portions. n dun eat too full, abt 80% full. drink more water. if u still feel bad, take ginger water/tea to help with digestion.

lately, I have been feeling the heaviness only at e bottom of my stomach. makes walking diff. hope it goes off soon.

TGIF mummies. weekend is here, can rest/nua more.
Frankly your eating habit not good as u do not eat at proper time and balance food. Ya small bb is good but hv to depend if healthy anot. Water retention is the main curplit if you do not eat much yet increased wt and swollen feet is the sympton. Try to drink more water. I go prenatal yoga at master sadhan located at tanjong pager and i try to go once weekly if time allowed.

thanks ylyn and png.. i'm trying to be good today. waking up early now to have breakfast.. hahaa..
pyng, how's the yoga classes? is it this one http://www.masters-yogasadhan.com.sg ? are the classes huge?

ylyn, i just googled on spaceandlight studio. location don't seems very convenient. how much does it cost?

one more questions on yoga, have to get big size yoga clothings to go? or where to get maternity exercise clothings?

gbob i think i read somewhere it's not advisable to sleep flat on our backs. affects blood and oxygen flow to bb. if u really only feel comfy sleeping on your back, suggest to slightly elevate with a couple of pillows?

i had a really hard time training myself not to. now i hug one bolster on my side, and use another at my back to support and prevent me from rolling over. cos that is still my default position ahah

i still sleep mostly by my back. will try to sleep sideways but usually waking up in flat position. on my last visit to gynae, i did asked doc. for the baby size now he said is ok to sleep on back. as long as comfortable.
but i was reading from whattoexpect, said sleep flat can cause hemorrhoids... i'm having a small one that protrudes out which i can see. grew last week. not sure if its caused by this.. sigh.
so far its not causing any itch or pain la.. just wonder when it will go away... only after giving birth? or one day it will break and bleed?
anyone had hemorrhoids?

like u i will watch out my diet if i indulgene too much. Next month i will need to watch out my sugar intake as i will be testing for GDM.

Btw any mummies here keep passing gas (fart) daily? I faced such problem since last week and hv been farting many times daily (got sound type) :( Later going for my gyna appt...hoping my placenta has shifted up.
ya... i fart quite alot also... and loudly most of the time.. coz i think my butt cheek is really huge now.. hahaa..
wow GBOB, you ok? sounds really bad. I have quite bad heartburn too, wish I could fart out the "air" in my stomach! So normally I would try to lie on my sides, seems to relief the feeling a bit, but I know they say lying down makes it worse. Sometimes I take some peppermint tea also, seems to help a little. At least caffiene free.
Sherlly, yes, location a bit off, but they have shuttle bus and free parking, so not too bad. Bought when they had a groupon promo that time, 6 sessions for 38 I think. I used my old yoga attire which was loose to start with, so still can fit :)
Thanks sweeties. I am feeling much better already. Luckily it lasted only for that one night (Praise the Lord)... I am very used to sleeping on my right side or on my back facing up. I dont know isit cos I tried to sleep on my left side thus causing my left shoulder to ache so terribly. But I think for the moment, so long as I can fall asleep, I cannot care much which sides i sleep or if Im sleeping on my back. I do know sleeping on my back is no good so I am trying very hard not to...but sometimes still wake up lying flat...hahaha... I will try my best not to...
sherlly - i notice class hv lesser ppl if u go on wkdays morning or sat morning. I usually go sat morning...if on leave, will go wkdays morning one. Wear loose comfortable clothing will do. Ya i have piles :( Just wonder the fart is due to wat...maybe i check with my gynae later. Sian my wt increased again...almost 2 kg and if this continues i will have a big bb! I really need to do something on my diet leh...mummies any advise and tips huh coz i really scare if every mth wt increase 2kgs...i still hv 14 to 15 wks to go leh.
pyng, i think it's normal to increase weight by 2kg each month. recommended weight increase is 0.5kg per week.

weight increase is not just to bb, but also the increased blood supply in our bodies, fluids, maternal fat stores (inevitable sadly :(), amniotic fluid etc. gynae will tell you whether bb is getting too big anot anyway, don't worry
i like to use this calculator to check on my weight gain progress and see if is ok.

Took a screenshot of it, and refer on a bi-weekly basis to make sure still on track. works well for me so far, and gynae has said my gain progress is good and in line as well. just in case any mummies here want a peace of mind abt their weight gain. there are some weeks that will gain more, some less. but if generally evens out, i think we are all ok
just want to check.. heartburn isit when a mouthful of fluid comes back up? or is it just stuffiness at throat/diaphragm area... which is like food stuck in the middle.. neither going up or down?
so far i had twice experience of 2nd scenario. food stucked while half way thru my meal. i have to go force to puke it out so that it gets cleared else i can't continue to eat.

the 1st scenario comes on and off.. sometimes it burnt abit of the throat. but so far its ok.. not as horrible as the 2nd scenario which i felt really horrible.

thanks ylyn and pyng on the gym info.. really feel like taking up yoga. will check got any coupon deal anot first.

cheer_bb, i just used the link. thanks.. really quite cool.
so far i'm sticking very close to the normal range. however, the total weight gain of the normal range for me is 15kg(from week 0 - week 40). which i think is on the high side.
recommended is like.. keep it 10-12 right?
pyng, i think it's normal to increase weight by 2kg each month. recommended weight increase is 0.5kg per week.

weight increase is not just to bb, but also the increased blood supply in our bodies, fluids, maternal fat stores (inevitable sadly :(), amniotic fluid etc. gynae will tell you whether bb is getting too big anot anyway, don't worry

Tks for the link & it's really useful :)
sherlly, recommended weight increase also depends on your pre-pregnancy BMI. if you are on the slimmer side/lower BMI, gynae may recommend gaining more than 10-12. should check with your gynae on this better
Hi sherlly, mine is second scenario

oh.. that's really bad. both experience i had was horrible. i was thinking whether its the dress i was wearing. coz there is a band underneath the breast area.. i think the band too tight, and causes the indigestion. the last i had was at Plaza sing trying to have lunch with hubby. in the end i have to go to toilet and try to puke in order to clear. din managed to clear all.. but at least felt more comfortable and can continue to eat.
think can try as ylyn suggest, sleep on the side. sometimes when i felt a little indigestion, i try to sleep on the side... and usually will help to bring some air out.. (wondering isit coz food is rolled over the other side in the stomach.. lol)

sherlly, recommended weight increase also depends on your pre-pregnancy BMI. if you are on the slimmer side/lower BMI, gynae may recommend gaining more than 10-12. should check with your gynae on this better
actually, my gynae said its ok for my weight gain. said since i was slimmer to start with.
but he also mentioned that, if i want to go back as i was before, then i better watch my weight gain. as in if i still want to look good. then i have to keep it within 2kg per month.
that's y.. my gynae is taking concern for me to go back to prepregnancy weight also lo.. making me stress.

hi hi mommies.. suddenly so mani post.. lolz..

i bought my support pillow from Tao Bao.. it's from China.. the pillow itself is cheap.. it's the shipping that is expensive.. lolz.. total i paid $80+. the pillow itself is $40+.. to me it's comfortable.. initially when i bought it.. not sure if the material is good or not.. if not good e most when baby is out, i can place him in btw e pillow to prevent him from falling.. turn out to be good.. my gal oso snatch to use it..

how to insert photo in a reply??
