(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

I bot the nail polish from John little


Dun be too hard on yourself.. I only got a few months to TTC.. Am just trying my luck for a snake bb.. After that, then I dun wan le.. The gap between my no 3 and 4 would be too great.. I dun like.. So take it easy.. Dun pin hopes too high
you will feel more relaxed

Cheryl, Congrats...do take care!

Berries, dun lose heart n hope, try again next cycle, we are all going thru the same thing together....jia you
Cheryl > Congrats

Actually 5 weeks can see sac liao. That time I have my #1 I visited a gynae who uses a vagina scan
that time 1st time blur blur also so let gynae scan can see like a small bean inside my tummy.

Berries > Pat pat and Hug hugs to u Jiayou for your next cycle ya. Dun be sad anymore.

Pooh > Thanks for your info.
Any idea what is the name of the polish?
thanks charlotte/windy/raywen!
normally first day will feel tis way.. after getting over it.. will excited to wait for my +ve opk le...

joyful : this mth will be our mth!!! jia you!!!
Congrats Cheryl!!

Dun worry too much, ya try monitoring on the hpt daily? D line will most likely get darker..
think 5w can see sac n 6w shld be able to see heartbeat.. I also went gyn at 6w but can only see sac.. -_- anyway, i read online n went gyn at 6w coz m scared of ectopic n scared will burst tube, so went at 6w.. Good Luck! Dun worry unduly ok! Things will turn out better and different this time.. Keep ur spirits up!

Raywen: hope tt ya'll get ur positive soon on the hpt!!

Missy: no worries, shld be able to locate the receipts.. Cos hb paid so he was sorta complaining.. -_-

Berries: Big Big Hug & A Big Big Pat on ur back to Jiayou! Look @ the chart again, we are surrounded by mummies who strike!
Cheryl's in between the list n strike too, ya's turn will come!!
Jiayou too!
Bewildered: I hope so too!!! Haha...u take good care of urself & dun worry unduly!

Good evening everybody! Time to go hm b mummy cum maid le :p
hi mummies.. nv log in much as getting super bz at work due to department restructuring.. that's why im still up at this hour, working and i can only open up my laptop in peace after my DD falls asleep.

i already tested on 12 DPO with a BFN.. urgh! just to console myself, i dug out my records when i had #1.. (i know right, im so bo liao) LMP was on 10 Sep but only tested BFP on 6 Nov!!! in between i tested twice in Oct but all BFN.

so let's see if AF decides to give me a break, hahaha.
morning ladies!

blessed : thanks! i feel much better today... will jia you on this new cycle

bewildered : read wat u post make me have hope again.. thanks!! *hug back*

joyful : wow!! so nice.. BKK can shop and shop and shop!! normally ppl strike wen they are on hoilday.. coz more relax.. u will have one made in thailand wen u are bk..

raywen : haha... ur sentence damn funny.. mummy cum maid.. tis is wat i also tell my DH my role at home.

kayliz : probably is too early.. test again a couple of days later... waiting for ur gd news!
<font color="aa00aa">Updated on 3-Oct-2012!!</font>

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length</TD><TD>TTCing for #</TD><TD>Child age for</TD><TD>Child age for</TD><TD>Child age for </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD>CD22</TD><TD>29 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 5mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anne</TD><TD>20-Sep</TD><TD>CD14</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 4mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bebbie</TD><TD>5-Sep</TD><TD>CD29</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 2mth</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbkoh</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 9mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD>2-Oct</TD><TD>CD2</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 3mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bewildered</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>CD58</TD><TD>30 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 11mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedone</TD><TD>6-Sep</TD><TD>CD28</TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blueswimmercrab</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheryl</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD>CD50</TD><TD>32 to 40</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 4yrs 8mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Charlotte</TD><TD>17-Sep</TD><TD>CD17</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 5yrs</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cinmay</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>joyful</TD><TD>29-Aug</TD><TD>CD36</TD><TD>30 (on Clomid)</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kayliz</TD><TD>31-Aug</TD><TD>CD34</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 1mth</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kopibaby</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD>CD23</TD><TD>24 to 33</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 4mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>luvflower</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD>CD72</TD><TD>28</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MoreBBs</TD><TD>4-Sep</TD><TD>CD30</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pillow4</TD><TD>31-Aug</TD><TD>CD34</TD><TD>32 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 3mth</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pooh</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD>CD22</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#4</TD><TD>#1 : 9yrs</TD><TD>#2: 5yrs</TD><TD>#3: 4yrs </TD></TR><TR><TD>raywen</TD><TD>1-Sep</TD><TD>CD33</TD><TD>29 to 32</TD><TD>#3</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs11mths</TD><TD>#2: 1yr 5mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklestarworld</TD><TD>23-Sep</TD><TD>CD11</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 13mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Windy</TD><TD>10-Sep</TD><TD>CD24</TD><TD>28 to 32</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 6mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD>CD68</TD><TD>27-28</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Kayliz, if i calculate correct i also in dpo 12. Tested. But is BFN. Feel very sad.

Really work hard for this cycle

Now waiting for AF. Don't have any preg symptoms. So more or less knew will be BFN. But just can't accept....
actually, bewildered shld be graduated right? or not yet? hmmm ...

*pat pat trevitrevi* as long as no red. still have hope!

im DPO2 now. sigh.
sry joyful.. forgot to update.. was not in ofc yesterday.. so i tink i update in the excel which is at home.. noted.. will update.. *hugs*
Trevitrevi: today's my 14 DPO. I tested this morn, negative also. I also feel the same as u, no preg feelings but my cramps are very bad. I just started feeling sore not at my boobs but nearer to armpits. And for the last 3 days my temp has been shooting up. Today I got the highest temp of all in my current cycle. My hub keeps saying he thinks I'm preg but I doubt so. I only BD once during my O period leh.. Where got so lucky? We shall see.
Good afternoon, real busy this morning....clean up and tidy the house for HDB valuation, wants to move nearer to my mum place at Jurong

kayliz, u never know....even BD once also got chance if u are lucky so maybe yr hubby is right, hold on and good luck!
kayliz, ya u nvr know. if no see red. wait few more days to test again. sometimes it takes awhile to detect the hcg.

charlotte, wa. hope u get good valuation price!
Hi everyone,
Im back. Been busy for the past few days. I sedcued my hubby last night with a pretty lingerie. I had not been doing that since i had my #1. So found them while clearing my wardrobe and decided to use them...hahaha!!!
Hubby was immediately turned on and leave the rest to your imgaination. hahah!!!
Will continue again tonight too.

Recently, my boy has interest in babies. He likes playing with them. I asked if he wants a baby sister, he nod his head this morning. Finally after so months of asking, he finally agreed. So hopeful there is chance. My hubby is also open to an idea of having a 2nd. He a found a Big Brother T that i bote for my boy to announce the arrival when i have a 2nd, but decided to use it anyways as he might be growing out it soon...So thats when I told him, i was hoping for a dargon baby, he felt sad for me and said its never too late to try....So i felt positive and keen to try again.

Last mth we BD 3 days before O and was hoping for a mircle But it didnt happen.My sister shared that she BD three days before her O, but she strike...

Anyways, I will continue trying. Now that the two men in my life are wanting a baby, so its something to look forward to.
charlotte : move to jurong? west side.. near me! wer u stay currently?

anne : wow!!! so erotic!! opps!! sometimes have those sexy lingerie can really spice up the BD session..
Berries, currently staying at Yew Tee.

missycandy, yes hopefully can get good price as we intend to change a bigger house and get a better primary school for my gal in 2014.
When do u don e lingerie? I shower v early if I wear till I go slp, oredi lose e effects.. If purposely go change b4 slp isnt it too obvious??

There was once i wore a plain nightie.. my son ask me why u wear this.. faint~
misscandy and kayliz: Today see RED liao!! haiz...

can i check what is the best timing to test the ovulation strips? which days to start testing?
Berries, oh yes, it does make a diff, so excited that hubby left marks on my neck... and i didnt see till at work my colleague asked what happened to my neck. And i was blur, asked what? then i realised what it was...hehehe!!!! so embrassing loh!!! they keep asking, so i said myabe i scratched loh!!!

Joyful, yes i purposely changed before bedtime. I think its ok, its only your hubby...heheh!!!
trevitrevi: hmm i will based on my average cycle days.. eg. 30 days then mid cycle is 15 days. so i start testing about 2 days before, CD 13 onwards.
Hi ladies, was on MC today.. Took a bundle deal of cough and runny nose med. KO for 5hrs in the afternoon.

I can't remember the nail polish's name.. Paiseh!

I'm at Jurong west!! *wave*

Btw, can I upload image from iPhone to this thread?
i just sent in my resignation... yesterday kena from my manager ... all becos of my colleague ... this friday im taking leave becos cc closed ... i applied the leave few weeks ago and she approved ... then last week, we scheduled a meeting on monday ... and she asked me why i mention my leave ... and why i must take leave before a big meeting ... ! i told her the leave was applied before this meeting was scheduled! then she says im being unfair to my colleague who has to prepare everything ... excuse me? what everything? we are both doing it together now !! then i asked her so shld i cancel my leave then? then she said im being rude.. HUH????????? -____________- then said oh if yr leave is impt then u go ahead and take it dont need to cancel... she says feel indignant for my colleague ... what the f?

then she says whenever i go on leave then my coll has to do everything ... as if im not doing anything ! im also doing things just that im not as showy as my colleague! and its not fair to compare me with a foreigner ok! of cos she doesnt go on leave becos she save her leave for going home la! wth! i like to stagger my leave ... plus when my gal sick i dont have a choice what!

then she said other colls also have kids and they dont always tk leave. i asked her who? theres only 1 other lady with a young child. and she does take leave too. and she has a maid! then she said oh previous colleagues. .. nothing to do with me what. madness!

then she said yr hb shld take leave too. why im always taking leave. i told her my hb also takes leave! just that i dont tell you. there isnt a need to say what. hey. my gal is sick but my hb is taking leave not me ok? am i supposed to say that? duh. she said when she interviewed me i told her hb and i will take turns. which we are! she said if she knew then she wouldnt have selected me. so i told her fine. "deselect" me then! then she said OK! then i slammed down the phone!

i actually wanted to give 24hrs notice. but hb says jus serve notice. apparently if confirmed i need to serve 2mths!!!!!!!!!!!! the irony, im supposed to be confirmed end of aug. but to date i havent received the letter. though mng claims she has confirmed me. but since no letter. i deem it as not approved. and best part. since not confirmed, notice is 3weeks! *YEAH*

i was hoping to pay off n nt go back to see her face anymore! plus since she says like im not helpful. there r 2 meetings next week. i purposely didnt wan to help anymore. call me petty. but since u say im not helping so i really dont help then!!!

i told my coll im contemplating 24hr. she was like NO!!! not now!!! ya becos she needs me! i told her since mng says so much ask her to help u then.

anyway hb says jus serve 3weeks. only 15days. so jus bear with it.

anyway, everybody heard our conversation in the dept. those at her side heard hers. my side heard mine. and i was actually keeping quiet half the time while she ranted on n on. but she really pushed it.

ive been thinking of leaving some time ago. just didnt knw when. guess she helped me to decide!!!

not that im against foreigners. but my whole dept only 2 of us are locals. and im the only one with young child. the other isnt married. so obviously to my mng, since everyone saves leave to go home. i shld save leave n tk one shot too huh. kns.
Berries: Cd1 for me tdy! Thanks for updating

Surprisingly m taking it well...haha...mayb numb from seeing red le! Jia you everyone...we can start testing together soon!
hi missy,

is ur company unionised?

if the situation is what u mentioned. Mgt claimed that they confirm u but u didnt receive the letter and demand u to serve 2mths.. if there is a union for your company, pls approach the union for help. see what can they do for u.

Let me know if there is anything i can help. i am working closely w some unions.
Wah blessedone ur mgr is really sickening! If I were u I would hv left too...but I think u shld serve 3 wks notice &amp; b a slacker like wat she says!!! Haha at least still gt $$$ &amp; can piss her off by doing wat she said u were doing...hehe
missy, yr mgr is so horrible! Is she married? With kids? I bet no. If I am in yours shoes, I will leave as well.

So yr HR accepted your 3 wks notice? If I didn't receive confirmation upon probation, does that mean I can serve pre-confirmation notice? Nowadays co don't give confirmation letter unless there is a salary adjustment. Have been thinkg of leaving all the while, just hop I have a good offer.
Joyful, thx for offering! No union. I think? I'm under parkway...

Raywen, ya that's hb idea but I don't like to see her face!!! Argh!!!

Twinkle, She's married 1 son but very big 27yrs now. She's in her 60s lo!

My contract states that I will be given written confirmation upon confirmation. So since nth given to me. It's deemed not confirm lo. I've asked my dad for advise, he's a lawyer. So he says correct.
missy, wah, her son so big already. no wonder can be so committed. I hv to go n dig my offer letter and see what it says. chances very low. i rem my letter is sooo brief. kiasee.. HR don't dare to put down much things. good thing u just need 3 weeks else 2 mths is a torture for u..
Missycandy > I feel for you. No wonder la, she old hag liao plus last time giving birth benefits not so good. Wait till she become a grandmother and then will start to feel for her DIL. But base on what u say abt her, I think she will be a horrible MIL. HAHA!!! :p

Dun worry ya
俗话说,东家不打,打西家。 Wishing u all the best to find a whole new job with better pay and better prospect
Missy: your manger really very bad leh, but since you are in healthcare industry, should be easy to get another job la. but i really like your courage! say tender, then send in the resignation letter. i have been comtemplating resign for very long le, just that dun have the courage!
thanks all for the support n concern!

3weeks is already going to be torture! but for the sake of not losing money n earning. just REN!

hmmm... ive been toying with the idea for awhile bcos i dun like what im doing now ... i actually wanted to tender 1st october ... and i thought is 1mth ... luckily this thing happened .. so makes me aware that if confirmed is 2 mths! wah i dun think I can continue to work 2mths after tendering! so blessing in disguise ...

true healthcare can find but i dread going thru interviews again ... i actually am keen to go work in aust ... but hb refuses ... sigh ... if i didnt have a child i would go ... but have child then also holding me back ... my dad says just bring my gal over ... and im thinking abt her education, locally, so competitive and a lot of uneccessary stress... so aust will be good too ... too bad hb not keen ... but i will broach the subject with him again in time to come ... oh plus the pay here is very low ... everyone is not willing to pay more ... my current pay is considered high according to my manager ... my coll is earning slightly more than half my pay so i might have to get a pay cut ...

now also not sure if wan to strike or not ... so much drama ... lol ...
blessed : tat lady is too much.. read le also hot!!!! *hughug*

<font color="aa00aa">Updated on 4-Oct-2012!!</font>

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length</TD><TD>TTCing for #</TD><TD>Child age for</TD><TD>Child age for</TD><TD>Child age for </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD>CD23</TD><TD>29 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 5mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anne</TD><TD>20-Sep</TD><TD>CD15</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 4mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bebbie</TD><TD>5-Sep</TD><TD>CD30</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 2mth</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbkoh</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 9mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD>2-Oct</TD><TD>CD3</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 3mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bewildered</TD><TD>7-Aug</TD><TD>CD59</TD><TD>30 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 11mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blessedone</TD><TD>6-Sep</TD><TD>CD29</TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blueswimmercrab</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheryl</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD>CD51</TD><TD>32 to 40</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 4yrs 8mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Charlotte</TD><TD>17-Sep</TD><TD>CD18</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 5yrs</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cinmay</TD><TD>^Graduated!!^</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>joyful</TD><TD>29-Aug</TD><TD>CD37</TD><TD>30 (on Clomid)</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kayliz</TD><TD>31-Aug</TD><TD>CD35</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs 1mth</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>kopibaby</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD>CD24</TD><TD>24 to 33</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 4mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>luvflower</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD>CD73</TD><TD>28</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MoreBBs</TD><TD>4-Sep</TD><TD>CD31</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 3yrs</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pillow4</TD><TD>31-Aug</TD><TD>CD35</TD><TD>32 to 35</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 3mth</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pooh</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD>CD23</TD><TD>28 to 30</TD><TD>#4</TD><TD>#1 : 9yrs</TD><TD>#2: 5yrs</TD><TD>#3: 4yrs </TD></TR><TR><TD>raywen</TD><TD>1-Sep</TD><TD>CD34</TD><TD>29 to 32</TD><TD>#3</TD><TD>#1: 2yrs11mths</TD><TD>#2: 1yr 5mths</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklestarworld</TD><TD>23-Sep</TD><TD>CD12</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 13mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Windy</TD><TD>10-Sep</TD><TD>CD25</TD><TD>28 to 32</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>#1: 1yr 6mths</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD>CD69</TD><TD>27-28</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
missycandy, this is the problem with us mummies with young kids....always get the blame n being penalised, nobody gives us support n stupid government not helping just use the mouth to say our birth rate low....WTH....no wonder now women dun wan to give birth. Government dun see our real problems, just blame us for everything
Missy: read ur post early in the morn but somehow the office comp does nt allow posting in chat forums but am able to post in the same motherhood forum wts and wtb threads loh, dunno why..

Was quite envious when saw tt ya gathered the courage to tender! Imagine, ya'll get the holiday, get to rest and relax for a while before finding a job coz think there's no lack of job in the healthcare industry..

But seriously, ur manager's kinda illogical loh, seems abit conflicting on what she wants.. Can quibble tt ya taking leave, then when ya wanna canx leave, she can flip n say tt ya disrespectful? So weird..

Is she the same pax who tawt ya went for some op when ya went for the hsg? Coz prev when ya memtioned tt incident of her wanna pat ya n all, the boss sounds so understanding..

Anw, dun bother abt her, coz tis not a gd comparison between ya n ur colleague.. Tis unfair comparison loh..

Ya wanna bring ur family to aust? Ya know anyone there? Else ya real daring to wanna uproot whole family to aust wor..

Btw, ask ya hor, coz ya mentioned tt ur dad's a lawyer, if coy promotes someone in grade hor, then with tt comes a letter saying tr notice period's now 2 mths tied with the change of grade, can one refuse to serve tt 2 mths notice coz the thg's one wasnt given a choice etc but tis sorta tied to the change?
was bz today..
wa, missy, ur manager so unreasonable one ah. but i agree just give 3 weeks notice since there is no black &amp; white confirmation letter...
HR called me and said they will honor the contract since no written confirmation given to me. though they said my manager did inform me. but since no letter given to me then they will honor that as its stated in my contract.

bewildered, yes same person! actually to be honest, she can be quite nice but most of the time, shes very irritable and raises her voice at others. i think becos she already menopause, in her late 60s, hb passed away some time ago. and her son busy with his own life. so shes alone most of the time. or more like with the maid at home and her pet dog. so i guess in a way also a bit pitiful since she doesnt appear to have a social life... but its not fair to me ... and HR did ask me to reconsider ... asked me if could sit down talk things out ... but i said whats the point? becos i can say my gal will fall sick again ... this kinda thing i cannot prevent and then my mng will again be unhappy if i go on leave for that ... and i will always be compared to the single foreigner. why put myself thru such? and my mng is like a time bomb. flares up easily. why should i put myself thru this? chey.

i have cousins in sydney and melbourne. my sister is in adelaide. to be honest, i never think abt if i go then what if things dont turn out right. becos like everyone says, healthcare sure can get job. just a matter of whether they will take me or if i accept the offers. right? my only worry is hb getting a job. but again i told him i can support him if he wants. hahahaha! sometimes when hes fed up at work, he says he wana be hsehubby. lol.

with regards to your legal advice question, i dont think you have the choice to refuse the 2 mths. unless you refuse the grade. becos from what i know, with job grade comes longer notice. thats why for my job. HR told me becos of my grade, its 2 mths. if lower grade then its 1mth... the company has its t&amp;cs for such. it probably applies across the whole co. and becos of that, you cannot opt that out. HR can be a pain in da arse. though they claim they care for us. they care more for the co. at least thats what the previous HRs ive gone thru is like. so your choice would only be to refuse the job grade promotion and then well, i assume no pay rise and you get to keep the 1 mth notice. hehehe.
ive more or less planned out the month. once ive served my notice, 1st weekend nov im going penang. then after that il be back deepavali. then my mil going TW with my sil. so i will send n fetch my gal from CC. ive actually started sending out resumes and job applications. lol. from the looks of things, i will probably start new job end nov... the 26th... or if they want then will be 3rd Dec ... so i have 1 mth break. of cos if they wan me to start earlier then i have to work things out n see how... but if i really strike this cycle then i also dont know how ... becos by dec il be 10weeks! hahahaha!
missy, HR have to agree since they will go by the book/black and white. Looking at the posts, reminded me to go n check my offer letter. Managed to find.

It says my employment is deemed confirmed only if a confirmation letter is issued to me at the end of the probationary period. Meaning, I have not confirmed too even thgh prob period was already over in end aug. Like that i only need to serve notice period of 1 wk instead of 1 mth. Unless they state, "you will be deemed as confirmed at the end of probation unless probation period is extended." Then if like this, i hv to give 1 mth.

bewildered, i guess that whoever who refuse that 2 mths might find it hard to find a job. I was ever in a job where i need to give 2 mths notice. when i wanted to resign, i went to flip the letter and i realise there was a loophole. the notice period was mentioned twice and they prob forgotten to update both and resulted in one stating 2 mths and one stating 1 mth. In the end, i act blur, give 1 mth only. I do agree with missy, there are HR rules and regulation. Some senior position might be harder to find replacement, so hv to enforce 2 mths or more notice period.

ooo twinkle ! r u thinking of leaving too ? wow 1 week notice is very good! hahaha! if only i could serve 1week too! but nvm. 3weeks i just endure. it will hopefully pass super fast. worse come to worse. i can always convert to salary in lieu...
