(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Prosper: I feel tt way too! Boy is harder than girl! Yet some ppl manage to hv many boys without even trying.. Heng suay lor

Bewildered: yup I remember, hope I don't forget in future too! But I've written it down in pregnancy journals too la.. But for no 1 I can offhand remember more things like first time I puked, first every thing, no 2 less n 3 even lesser! Lol
Confused.. Been having pain below for this twO weeks
Af shld report yesterday, or I'm really thinking so positive?

Aww.. So happy for u lil dragon girl!!!
My first preg I tested positive when I'm 6 weeks n it's a boy.. Consider late alsO?
morning and afternoon all!! busy the whole morning!!!

pinky: yeah!! we should meet up!!!! Jas is doing good!! =)

Jarol: Any faint lines mean BFP!!! Waiting for your good news!!!

bewildered: Be positive.. so long AF don't report means chances are there.. =)
Thanks Tigermum!

But somehow I still feel uneasy and scaredy without seeing the strong BFP. Just dun feel 踏实... Worried that this is just a false alarm...
Congrats LittleDragonGirl! So happy for you.

BBlove : wow 3 DIL preg in the same year! ur mil must be very busy and happy at the same time! If i strike this time, I will be preg with my sis this yr. Dunno my parents b happy or nt? haha

If i rem correctly, i was tested BFP for my #1 girl on my DPO 14/15. the line was a little faint. I was tested negative on DPO 11. I still have the pic of that preg test kit haha
Wah wah wah.. The forum is moving fast! Real fast! I b trying again since the red devil visits me on Monday! Sighs! So tired of trying cos for my no1 I hit the jackpot on the month that I got married. Haha! And now for no2 so depressed after trying for 3 mths and to no avail. I need bb dust mummy! Whaha. Was trying my hubby the other day that I am "lucky" to hit in may, edd will b in jan 2013 which means I hv to spend my cny 2013 doing my confinement. Guess it doesn't matter la hor since I can catch the dragon tail. Argh.

Btw, mummies, I need help. When to start using the ovulation test kit? For last mth I tested on day 14and the line is faint all the way.
hi ladies.. the thread is moving fast and gd news uh.. congrats lildragongirl..

Mrs Lee: how long is your cycle? What kit did u use ?
jarol: Yes!! Shall continue to wait and monitor, as long as af dun come, still got chance..Tt's my belief! =) Dun worry too much too okie? Any faint line is a pregnancy (unlike OPKs), so take gd care of urself and test again.. =)

ratna: Wow! Amazing.. haha.. I've only 1 kid and I forgot those impt dates alr, can't imagine when I have 2 and more.. heh heh..

tigermum1984: ya also feeling the suanness down there? Me too!! Dunno why's this so..

xinyue: 6 wks? then if counting fr O day, maybe tis 4 wks aft O.. hmm, m currently gg into 3rd wk fr O.. so shall continue to wait.. hope af dun come.. for my girl, I dunno wh dpo I tested positive but when we scanned at the gynae, can only see the sac.. then the u/s states tt m ard 5wks or so, so tt shld be ard 3wks+ fr O day bah..Mine's a girl, so maybe tt's why tested early? =p

mrstanwj: 14dpo so tis ard 2 wks or 4 wks fr LMP, v early too! & ya's #1's a girl, maybe girl can test early..oooh..

clcl: haha, totally agree! still wanna catch tt dragon tail if can.. coz even tho xinku once during the confinement but at least when the dragon kid goes to sch, will face slightly lesser stress than his peers born in the dragon yr of 12 hor? ;)

Prev I started using the OPK when I monitored the ewcm, then when ewcm disappeared, I just randomly tested every other day coz I totally have no feel of af etc, so din waste test kit.. tis only aft my TCM tt I monitored regularly everyday.. ya try to take ur last cycle less off the luteal phase then can agar agar when is the O day and test?
rene: maybe thats a good sign? i had that for my previous pregnancy.. =) *fingers crossed* for you...

lynzi: Thanks.. Ya, I really hope i can tell his didi or meimei about him rel soon... =)

pinky: thanks for ur bb dust.. =) Thats so sweet of ur boy.. haa...

bblove: WOW!! 3DILs... LOL... Not xi shang jia xi liao lo.. Is xi shang jia xi, jia jia xi!! =D

bewildered: I not sure if it is really true tat male hcg level will be lower but i tested positive on my DPO10.. And clearly there's a line there, not those faint kind. Cuz tat time i jus had a hunch tat I AM PREGGY!! So i hope to maintain tat kinda positive thinking for this cycle too.. =D I thk tat the positive thinking help is detecting the hcg level.. i myself think la.. keke..

I rmb i read somewhere about this too abt how long sperm will need to travel up etc.. I cant rmb where liao la... sian... Wait i find out den i post here.. haa..

So long AF no show means got chance...

little dragon gal: Congrats. Yes so long tat is a line it is a positive.

Mrs lee: I start to test on CD11 onwards till i got the positive.. hee.. If u are afraid tat u might miss ur O, u might wanna test once u finish ur AF lo..

Re: Countdown To Pregnancy,
I like this website too.. Also got register a acc there too.. keke... If u all not sure whether ur OPK or HPT is positive anot.. Jus post there and pple will vote... Cool rite? haa..

They also have this IMPLANTATION calculator.. I like.. haa.. Then u cna record ur symtopms day by day for DPO.. Very cool website, encourage u gals to go see..

Re: My OPKs,
Thanks ladies for the compliment!! I want to see how it is from light to those dark and darker positive OPKs.. I believe when i tested positive that day will be of so much 成就感.. haa..

Jus pray hard that the line will get darker and darker la.. keke... If i can O this month, I'm pretty sure i can STRIKE AND GRADUATE!!! hee.. =D
Castiel's Mummy: thks seem to be too early frm this lei... Anyway jus hope for e best... hope to hear ur gd news soon.

I'm Remb when I haf my boy I also haf a v faint postive after 1 week which should at 5 week. And e positive even appear like 2 min ltr which I tout is -v n want to throw e kit away Liao but was my Hubby who hold n wait n saw e faint line which somehow I still considered tat not a line... But the faint line is 15mth old le
My cycle is from 28-30days! Hehe. Last mth I tested in cd14 and the line is faint. Bd on 14th and 16th but failed. Wahaha

Okok, I tried once my af finish. Really wish to catch the dragon tail le cos my gal turns 2 yday and wishing to hv a 2 years gap but now .... Will b 3 yrs gap now. Haha

Ya lo. "an Wei" ourselves la hor? Hahah. Din knw ttc -ing is so tough le.. Wahaha.. Hopefully ...

Dragon gal, spread ur bb dust around.. We need it! Whahgaz
Thanks to all!

But I'm feeling worried and paranoid after reading about the complications of low hcg liao ~ ectopic pregnancy
Really scared... :'(
rene: or my boy it is like this when i test on DPO10


That time i see i still feel it is so faint.. But now i see it is so dark lo.. It is super duper obvious la.. Not consider faint anymore. It is jus lighter.. haa...

But 1st time preggy, not very convincing.. hee.. =D Tat time when test positive still not 4 weeks yet..

Hope u can see ur lighter line soon.. =D

Mrs Lee: start testing earlier wun do any harm.. Spending a few more dollars but can assure ur tat u wun miss ur O, its worth it.. =D
Castiel'sMummy: mine is even faint den this lol... Haha must go under e lights to c lol... Tat's y I super not convinced n brought e clearblue digital n it's show 2-3 week preggy. Haha waste my $$ to spend on such high tech ex digital test kit.

Im hoping..
** cross cross fingers n toes***

LittleDragonGal: dun think so much. Think ++++v...
LittleDragonGirl: dun think too much...so have u started making appt with your gynae? can share whether you experience any other symptoms now?
rainie: thank you for advising..the tcm u went so popular,i not the type of patience person so cannot wait..haha..

jarol,bewildered: gd luck to both of u,hope to hear gd news soon and spread bbdust here..don worry too much,stay postive and happy..

today my cd9,soon to start testing opk alr..thinking the need to 'ren' urine for few hrs to test is such a torture...argh...
rene: dun worry hor.. i am feeling positive vibes from ur side leh..

its gonan be a long weekend.. any mummies off on monday or going somewher for a short while?

Lildragongirl: ahve u missed ur AF babe..? once get the solid BFP then u can be very relaxed le!
Mrs Tan: Ya, just made an appt with gynae. I have booked for the earliest available slot which is next Wed.

Besides the pre-AF-alike cramping, there is also this mild one-sided pain in my lower abdomen or pelvis, which may come on gradually or suddenly (1 of the EP symptoms!).
Sometimes will feel nauseous too.

Must think POSITIVE!!!
tweety: Ya! +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve !

Sometimes the more we read and know, the more we scare ourselves huh...
jarol: dun worry too much.. for my 1st pregnancy, I also worry alot and then ended up, I think I din really enjoy the feel of the lil one inside.. so dun worry.. if it is ectopic, think the pain at the sides will be real painful bah coz hb's colleague had ectopic pregnancy and was put on bed rest, plus there's bleeding for her case too..

So please dun worry too much, think for ectopic, the signs will be more jialat..

normal on-off pain should be ok.. Also, low hcg level can also be a sign of v v early pregnancy too! =) So dun think too much towards the bad side okie? Try to enjoy, relax yourself and look fwd to ur gynae's appt next Wed! =) JIAYOU!!!
koms: I find her pretty gd (esp after my very bad experience with Dr Lawrence Ang at Sembawang!) She is patient though she's very very bz and gentle as well. But her charges quite high aas there isn't any package available to sign

bewildered: I will try to relax more... Thanks!
Komathi: keke hopefully la...

I'm on leave since yesterday to tc if my #1. n gg hotel stay this weekend with my Hubby but too bad is not my O date... Nevertheless will still enjoy our couple time tgther.. Keke

LilltleDragonGirl: keep us updated... My gynae for #1 was also Dr Lawrence Ang lol... Hmmm but not gg to him for #2 too
kom: Unable to take leave on 30/4 coz is financial month end closing..

ok i cant be too stressed if nt my AF will be further delay hehe
<font color="aa00aa">Harlow ladies!
Was busy clearing work earlier cos im on half day leave today.

Err..somebody asked me why i didnt test when my af gone missing.
Reason is i rather not disappoint myself in case its a false alarm so i rather wait till AF really missing then go and test.

Congrats! A faint line is still a positive.

U thinking of changing gynae?
I changed gynae too for my second one.
No regrets.
Though he is a tad more ex but its so worth it.

Talking about Lawrence Ang, i had super very bad experience with him.
So if your is complicated or high risk, pls dont see him.</font>
Re: Dr Lawrence Ang,
Wow... So many bad exprienee with him ar? When i was still expecting Castiel. I'm with him leh.. I dun really like his chop chop style but cuz near and price i stick to him. Not tat bad la..

But then after i lost my boy i wun be going back to him le.. I cannot tahan the chop chop style when i am expecting again.. i need ASSURANCE!! =D

So i'll be going to Dr Benjamin Tham...
kom: yes!! i'm with TMC

lynzi: yeah.. i remember your bad experience... hugz!!! =)

vanilla: i'm with dr tham!!! He's GOOD!! I LOVE HIM!!! hahahaha
Hi ladies,

im new here and hv a 4 year old son.TTC for some time already, but still no news. Had ectopic pregnancy last July, chemical pregnancy this jan. Super sianz...

im on a 28 day cycle. but today CD30 hv brown spotting &amp; sometimes red blood, so dunno should count as AF or not. Tested BFN or CD 28, so i guess im going to miss this cycle again.

Going for my HSG test to check if my tubes are blocked, but need to call on 1st day of menses to make appt. Till now, i have not even called as dunno if AF has really started.

What should i do?
Dragon gal,

Don't thk too much.
all will b well.

I forgot answer u question: I bought the online ovulation strips. And it's dirt cheap. $0.45 per strip. Hahaha. U wana get from this lady? If i wan can post the link for u:

I heard alot abt Lawrence Ang. Anyway I'm not seeing him, my Gynae was HK Ho from mount Alvernia. Will go to him again if hb agrees cos his price is very steep.
but I hv no doubt in him: heard other Gynae do refer their complicated cases to him too. There was once I was there, a lady came to see him ( emergency wo appt) and overhear that someone from tmc refer to him )
ya lo, this is what i think so. i normally spot before AF, maybe this is the 1st symptoms to full AF ba. But i have never been later than Day 29.

will monitor 1 more day &amp; call nurse to check.
Tigermum1984: sama sama, will feel demoralised when see the negative hpt.. Tt's wat i felt this morn, then aft tt, slowly regain myself n then can accept the negative ler bah... Can only hold on coz af's not here yet...

Thi dun test too much, else v sianz one.. I wasted 4hpt.. Haha, jus coz i cant tahan the suspense, now i know better.. Try to tahan the suspense is better than getting demoralised aft the negative hpt.. So now i'll wait n endure till either af rpts or see doc to chk wat's gg on woth my body..

I understand ur sian-ness, coz tt's wat i felt tis morn with the negative hpt.. :p

woah. vanilla, yr opks very inspiring! makes me wana do one too. lol. very hardworking! you will be blessed soon babe! Jy!

bewildered, dont bother ba. if strike will strike. hurhurhur. good luck hor!!!

i was actually quite hopeful too but end up boom. sigh. anyway, hope this cycle better. hurhurhur. today is CD10. starting testing opks. muahahaha! cant help it la. bleah. plus tdy seems like have ewcm leh. hmmm. did opk just now but its not positive. but its not those super faint ones. its just not as dark as it should be ? anyway ill take again tmr and the next few days... if i see darker.. il use smiley... must pre empt hb le... hehehehe... tonight see he got mood or not.. poor thing has been working late past few nights
yesterday came home 1am! tonight he said will be before midnight. dont still can BD or not. i actually feel like sleeping already. lol... see how!

see a lot of new ttcers ... thread now so active ... guess all trying to escape this 2012. ahahaha... aim for dragon tail... to me, as long as i can have another bb, im satisfied.. doesnt matter boy or gal. though i wan a boy next. but whatever God blesses us with, we welcome and accept with open heart n arms !

Just remember, we are not to be barren. We are to go forth n multiply. And MULTIPLY WE SHALL! hee hee hee !

Enjoy the weekend ladies !!!
