(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

It good to feel positive. My friend who studycrystal says smething like positive thinking will attract positive outcome... He believes strongly in it.

As for me, i also dun know what happen tt it always resulted in neg test. my #1 went to gynae cos on off got brown discharge. Gynae scanned then realised preggy at 8weeks and it was spotting. For #2, went to gynae cos I want to get clearance to plan for #2. (1was c-sect, fastest can only plan after 15 month) so want to ensure wound ok as i wanted to try less than 1 yr. On top of tt, no symptom except for a bloated tummy and v sore nipple. So when gynea scanned, bb was 11 weeks in size. I was so overjoyed cos back then both my 2 sil were preggy except me. Thus topic always different esp family gathering. So imagine when we realsied, my edd was in fact 1 month earlier than 1 of my sil.
Well I guess this was what ppl always call - surprise creeps in when you least expect it.

This time round, i only experience bloated tummy n menses like cramp like AF reporting. By the way mh hubby friend who is into fortune telling told him there is joy occasion in our family soon. During #1 time, he told us a baby will be joining us in lunar 7 month, when we met up with him in July. True enough I conceived my #1 in oct and edd in lunar 7th month as what he predicted. #2 time, he told us we were having a girl at 13 weeks and true enough doc confirmed the same at 30 weeks. So we were hoping tt he is right this round too.

bbjoy: I believe in what ya said abt positive attracting positive!! heh heh, actually I bought a book on crystal healing during sale but din get to really read it.. too many types of crystal names, then got different functions and all, din really read it.. =p But I still believe positive attracts positive..

Oh.. so ya's signal of pregnancy is the brown spotting.. but when'd ya last test for the first 2 pregnancy? but really best wor, and somewhat amazing tt the pregnancy can go undetected for so long.. Wow!! Ur sharing of ur #2's really interesting, must've been a real pleasant surprise sia!! I also wan surprise, please let me be pregnant now and let me catch the dragon tail.. somehow maybe my mentality's like those old pple, I still like dragon leh, tho am totally ok with the rest of the zodiac but somehow just have a pref for dragon so hope can tio!! =)

haha, then what happened aft tt? so ur SIL's ur own parents side or ur MIL side? then they welcome 3 grandchildren in the same year? Amazing! cant imagine the joy and ahem.. the noise!! haha, so cute!!

ur hb fren's a fortune teller or he just read up on his own? If he self -studied and still can predict so accurately, then he must've been good! Did he tell yall the gender this time round? ;)

Good Luck to All!! =)
<font color="aa00aa">Tweety,
U are eelyn?
Whoa..with Kom and u in here it feels like back to those days sia..nearly 2 years ago rite?
My girl doing great.
Thanks for asking.
Ehy..if u not using condom then u use what as contraceptive?

Which tcm u brought your girl to?
Got do tuina?
Yah its true..better tio bodies first before conceiving..dont be like me.
Very heartpain wor.</font>
lynzi: yeah!!! feels like we're in TTC 2011 again hor? haahaaa.... not using condom but using withdrawal way lor.. that's y easy to pray for 'accident' hahahaha
tweety: withdrawal uh.. i pray for ur accident babe!!

Lynzi: long time eh.. memories.. i see ur daughter cute siah.. r u thinking of #3 ?
<font color="aa00aa">Ratna is super sia and she can afford it.
Me must think many times if wana have #3.
See ppl preggy and get babies like very fun but wana wake up at nite again and feeding every 3 hours like cow is no fun hor.
My girl is a blessing.
Though she was colicky the first mth, by second mth she slept thru and generally an easy cheerful baby.</font>
kom: ya.. i know she's having her #3... and is a baby boy.. heeheee.....

Lynzi: go ahead if you can afford it.. my little J is also a blessing.. he didn't give me any problems from pregnancy till now... Love him lots!!!
tweety, hmm....think vaguely can rem but seems like long time ago, haha....anyway hi
good that some of yr little ones dun give u much problems, such a breeze for u mummies, mine is a super headache n not easy to handle child. u planning for #2?

lynzi, u planning for #3??? OMG....really salute u! I brought my gal or rather my family of 3 to one of the Bukit Batok TCM but his office is act in the east n he just rent a place. He is only in BB on every Sat n must booking one hor.

Faith, fyi my TCM is not TTC type of TCM, just a normal one as recommeded by my fren, if u looking for a TCM that specialise is this u can try the famous JE sinseh. I saw her before 5 yrs ago before I had my gal then strike but hubby is not comfortable with her so did not see her anymore. But she sees 100patient per day only hence u did to queue up and get a number as early as 6am!
Yup no3 is blue
we were thinking ab a no3 n got lucky la...
But after this experience I really believe very strongly that diet n timing of sex n position help in determining gender!!
<font color="aa00aa">Charlotte,
thinking only.
Dont think will happen..hehe
I heard got good tcm for kids at clementi too but im not sure of the exact location or name.

Whoa..u like can read our minds..hehe
Told u all those play a part.
Now then believe ha?
Ehy..i have yet to meet u for tea.
U still can go around rite?
Hehe.. Cannot talk bad ab me hor lynzi, I'll know! Lol
Only popping in sept! Very able to have tea! Hehe

Mrs tan: for boys try diet high in potassium, I tried to eat more meat, ESP red meat n lots of bananas n cereal.
I'm not very regular n I dun like opk so I bd ON the day tt I feel lots of CM. worked fr my no 1 n now no 3. Try penetrative position while bd.

Opposite works fr girls!
Charlotte: remember my hubby rode me there and collected the clothes? U will remember me if u see me la.. Hahaha... Hubby wanna stop at 1 so I'm praying for accident.. Hahaha..

Pinky: luckily never talk bad about u arh!! How's everything??
WOW!! Got 1 page liao ar.... LOL

Anyway, do u gals check ur on cervix? Like every day? Before AF, after AF, before O and after O?

I have a very good site to it. Wanna share wif u gals. BUT BUT BUT, it is abit GROSS ar.... BEWARE!! For me i learn alot from here.. And i manage to know where my cervix is and how it looks like.. hee..


Anyway, i do up a list of my OPKs.

I find tat the lines r getting darker and darker!! meaning the LH surge r getting more n more!! so happy... So looking forward to the PRECIOUS EGG!! =D

Vanillia04: if there's a like on this forum, i'll like ur post!! Tt's v neat work tt ya have there!!

Whoa, the website's v informative but abit cant take the pics.. Haha, esp the part where there's blood.. -_- scary... But din know tt the ewcm can be in such abundane!! Amazing tho..
tweety: hello! Your boy is so super cute la!
Im ok, but very tired. no 3 is quite siong. i feel like im non stop preggy/bfeeding. hahhaha
no 1 n 2 gap is 22 mths, 2 n 3 ard 18 mths.
but all blessings la!
Pinky: have yet got a chance to meet u.. Few times u can't make it last minute without date with jas.. I don't mind to be preg again!! Haha..

Vanilla04: wow.. So neat.. Good luck and work hard BDing!! =P
bewildered: haa.. Thanks... thanks for your like... muahahha... I wanna keep it as a momento ma.. Cuz i wun be doing it any sooner, at least for another 9 months!! MUAHAHAHHA!! I wanna keep it and do a scarpbook... haa...

Very informative rite.. I learn alot there.. Haa... Den i even showed hubby... I told him, u see.. This is the place that is needed to stretch till 10cm den bb can come out.. He was like -_-''' HUH... Den i tell him, now u noe the pain rite? Imagine pple stretch u 10cm.. keke.. =P

tweety: Thanks.. haa... Yup.. I'm so gonna strike this cycle and join the JAN 2013 THREAD!!! I"LL BE THERE!!! So happy.. Its getting darker and darker... keke... =D

16dpo n tested negative... Sigh, what's my chances of preggers for this round? Af's nt here yet.. Dunno to still wait a few days or to go see doc to make sure tt everythg's ok n y isn't af here when all the hpt showed negative.. Tho deep down,m secretly hoping tt all the hpt (same brand) r a defective batch n m thinking of buying other test sticks to tr out.. Haha, hb said tt m crazy n wasting money.. Sigh...
Tweety: yeah!!! Must catch up soon! I haven't spoken to Jas in sometime, she's ok ya?

Castiel mummy: Good luck N plenty of babydust to u!!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Pinky,
we got nothing bad to say about u lah..duh.
Does Sunay know that he has one more sibling coming?
Ok ok..i shall try to meet u soon.
Let me check my schedule first..must see when my boss is out of town.

Castiel mummy,
Very very good job there.
Hope u will bfp soon and can soon tell the didi or meimei about Castiel.

Mrs Tan,
For both my kids the method works.
Timing is very important besides diet.
So very happy managed to get one boy and one girl.
Close shop liao unless got accident.</font>
Wah, i'm so impressed with yr hardwork. It takes load od pstience to keep track of O and i'm sure i will not be as hardworking as you. Good luck

Dun loss hope. Maybe you want to give yourself few more days and test againSometime too early to detect.

Both my sils are from hubby family. That yr, my MIL's 3 DIL all preggy at the same time. 1 edd in Aug n 1 in Dec. The 2 due in Dec knew abt her pregnancy in end March. When i knew about mine in mid May and my edd in Nov. Tt why everyone wad shocked.

Hubby's friend is interested in feng shui n fortune telling. He used to do it as a living but now no more. So far he has been real accurate in advising us on family issue, my career n other issues so we are hoping tt he's right this round too.
Hopefully... But I tout wun so soon haf this kind of feeling... For my #1, I only felt v bloated at cd20+ onwards but I dun haf this feelings yet...

Nice reading this thread with all e mummies posting their touts, encouragement n experience..
bbjoy: Wah, then ur MIL must've been v happy tt year!! haha, abundant year!! =)

Am trying to tell myself tt as long's af's nt here, still got chance.. so shld really control myself and nt test anymore ler.. then consoled myself by reading online what could the max waiting period be, then if it takes the longest to implant, say 12 dpo then 3 days for hcg to be detected in the bloodstream and then another 3 days for hcg to be detected in the urine, so total maybe 18dpo bah.. sigh.. so shall wait till next wk, then if af's nt here yet, shall go see doc to find out what's happening to me body..

Erm, read online tt carrying male fetus may have lower hcg levels as such may only be able to test positive at a later stage.. is that true? For the mummies who are having boy/girl, wh dpo did yall test positive and the respective bb gender?


<font color="aa00aa">Bewildered,
Piak your hands then u know..hehe
Dont test so early lah to avoid disappointment.
I detected BFP for my boy after AF went missing for a week..thats 21DPO.
For my girl and the 2 losses, i got BFP earlier..13DPO.
So must ren hor.</font>
Wow the thread is moving too fast!

pinkypink- Thanks! Will try it out!

Castiel's Mummy: nice job!

lynzi: wow u so gd can close shop..haha Yes hope to have a "HAO" so hoping for a boy now hehe Since my hubby is the only son (he has 3 sis), so naturally there is a pressure on me.

bewildered: Thanks for the link!

im now DPO16. AF still not here yet. if i test on my DPO18, and still show negative, does that mean there is a chance im hving a boy? am i too hopeful? keke
lynzi: 21dpo for ur boy? Thx!!! =) Shall continue to hope!! haha, yar loh, think I really deserved it, coz I wasted 4 test kits ler.. one on 6dpo, 9dpo, 12dpo and now 16dpo.. =p

dunno y, the feel's so strong for this coz I always wanted a Jan 13 dragon bb and somehow I have this feel tt I'll have tt bb tt I so wanted.. when o went missing in Feb and Mar, I started to lose hope, but when it miraculously came back in early Apr aft my TCM, I started to harbour hopes again tt my dream may materialise soon coz if hit the Apr O, bb maybe Jan 13 kid!! so started hoping, feeling positive, then with the many negatives, still refused to believe and still maintained the positive outlook, so last choice, can only resort to believing tt m having a male fetus so maybe no positive HPT till now.. haha..

21dpo's pretty late wor, okie, still got time for me, shall continue to hold on.. provided af dun report first.. coz just saw 2 spots, cant make out whether it is brown or what, it is not exactly bright red too, but can't deny tt there's some red in them.. so also dunno what to think now.. piak my hands and bind my hands pls for the future cycles so tt I wont disappoint myself ea time by testing too early... haha, I need to have tt resolve nt to test early and to be able to tahan the suspense..

Oh yar, read tt ya've a boy and a girl, for ur boy, did ya change ur diet v drastically? I read tt male thrives in alkaline condition, so when I tested positive on the OPK, I kept eating grapefruit and oranges, think I ate 3 tt day.. -_- dunno if it work or not.. wanna try for boy in future cycles..
bewildered, we couldn't resist the temptation to test agn huh... I tested yday too! DPO16. Though I had really wanted to wait till only after this weekend to test if AF still has not reported.

But I am not certain of the result though... If the test line is faint, is it considered as faint positive? For my #1 boy, it's already a BFP on DPO14. I'm going to test agn tmr and hope that I can see 2 solid clear lines...
Else, I am going to see my gynae next week to scan if AF still din report by then...

*Praying for BFP*
bewildered, Jiayou!! Just follow your heart.
I never follow my heart that why CD1, hahaha cos i really no chance, i know myself.
If you think you got high chance then dun think so much le..
mrstanwj: haha, as long as AF dun appear, think still got chance bah, coz lynzi also mentioned tt boy boy tested positive on 21dpo..

btw, there's any webby tt I used to console myself..


There's a important notice there which states tt 'Only pregnancy test results reported by pregnant women are included. Therefore any negative results are false negatives.'

So hor, at 16dpo there are still 12.2% of preggie mums who somehow still tested negative.. v reassuring for me, if I din see the 2 spots just nw.. -_-
little dragon, yes faint line still consider positive. Dun worry you will see your 2 bold line soon

I tell myself i got to jiayou for my next cycle cos my last cycle i only bd on O day and 1 day later cos i am aiming for boy mah, they say if wan boy must make on O day.
But now i think reducing the chances of concieving leh.
Anyone trying alternate days and having boy?
jarol: think any faint line is a positive!!! =) Jiayou, maybe test again 2 days later or so since most webby said tt hcg will double every 2 days?? Congrats and really really hope tt ya'll get ur BFP this round and then can skip all those worrying abt having to debate/discuss with ur hb on a snake bb!!

Jiayou and Good Luck!!!

prosper: isit? really hope to find back tt dunno-why-but-so-positive-feel tt tagged along with me for the past 2 weeks.. haha.. saw the 2 spots then abit sian ler, not really brown, not really red, can't say tis pink, can't be implantation right? tis like so late ler, 16dpo, so guess it mayb be a prelude to the af..

Will try not to think abt anything now..too mind boggling ler, think until machiam doing maths qns ler.. haha..

coz trying to do up the sums wor.. some said tt spermies take 10hrs to navigate the female tract, some said 4hrs.. then O will follow 12-36hrs aft positive opk, so m counting the hrs to estimate when they'll meet.. haha... like doing maths qn lidat.. trying to figure out if we got our timing correct.. =p
I want my Af to come soon... if not show me a +ve no sign of preg no sign of AF coming. Dunno what my body wants... Pls give me an ans. It probably too stress liao

We only bd on cd8 .. so dun think will be so lucky to strike.
wee~ few days away.. and the 2013 is up. been busy these 2 weeks.... today shld b my 14/15dpo.. but dun tink hv chance this mth... i might need to wait for the next cycle.

but next cycle might hit CNY 2013 izit? then confinement will be too expensive.. sigh.. so shld wait aft 2 cycles. ):
read in a magazine tt before 13 may conceive still can, but I tried diff calculators online, edd'd be just before CNY, v v tight.. CL expensive is one thing, the scary thg is maybe can't find CL then market not open so no fresh food as some elderly said tt confinement need fresh food or sthg..
Lynzi: yes, my boy knows he gg hv a baby brother! He's quite excited, claims he wants to buy cars n toys fr the baby (for himself in reality.. Lol)

For my no 1 boy I BFP on DPO 21.. At DPO 14 was still at BFN, no 2 girl was DPO 14 n this no 3 boy was at DPO 9. So I dunno how much impact gender has on date of BFP.
Jarol, when I tested at 9DPO there was a faint positive only, layer the same day I tested with digital monitor and got 'pregnant'.
So faint is still counted! Good luck n Congrats!!

Prosper: for boy I usually BD only once.. On O day (I kancheong spider, when CM alot I go Gynae fr ultrasound.. Lol)

Bewildered: good luck!!! Hope u see a BFP!
Thanks prosper, bewildered and pinky for the encouragement!

Really hope can see the 2 bold lines tmr!
Have to try very hard to stop myself from testing agn tonight
ratna: Thx for the info! =) Btw, ya rem all the dates tt ya first tested positive for ur kids wor.. tt's really nice.. I can't rem when I tested positive coz prior to having #1, my af's a total mess, dropping by as and when it feels like it, maybe partly coz of my pcos.. so also dunno when strike with #1.. =p

hmm, really seems like maybe no link leh.. my boss also, for her #1 boy, she tested positive v v v late, whereas for her #2 boy, tested positive a day aft her missed af..

or maybe, just maybe, the link is for the first boy? seems like for the first boy, positive hpt occurs late? coz the same is experienced by ya, lynzi and my boss.. so maybe, just maybe, tis the firstborn boy will detect at a later stage? dunno where tt puts me now, coz if positive, tis #2, but first boy.. haha..

But for #2, really hoping to have BFP and realised my dream and know for sure, tt the unexplained positive feel will also bring abt a positive on the HPT soon... =p
