(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

rene:i am 'high' but my HB toss off le..sianz..i won't dare to scream coz scare in law hear..if i accidently too loud,my HB will cover my mouth sia..

missy:think rene meant scream while BD..

REN: maybe will try but not now ba.. Haa.. Need some courage u noe.. Haa...

Abt scream? Lol.. *blush* keep it low la.. Haa.. I'm staying wif my parents n my room is partition de.. Already not covered properly Liao.. Haa.. If staying alone den different story..

U ask like tat means u will scream??!!! Lol..

But back den when I was staying wif my mil, wow.. They very havoc.. I'm at e room next to theirs.. Can hear so loud n clear till I blush lo.. Really machiam watching tv kind.. Haa... Den hb will say, I nv like tat where got me.. Lol.. Den I was like.. Oh ok lo.. So awkward.. Lol..

Missy: Wah.. U make it sound so serious leh.. Haa.. Bring towel.. Haa.. Sounds really pain la.. Awwwww...

2ww: yaa.. He said tat.. U got see lion king tat doesn't have e lion kind fur de meh?? Lol..

Wah.. Role play ar.. I'll laugh like hell too.. Too funny le.. All these can try when I live alone.. Haa

Faith: u staying wif ur inlaws ar?? Ok ma? Tot u staying alone.. Haa.. My feeling la.. Haa
wahseh vanilla, yr inlaws so happening ! lol !

last time we can be noisy ... but now staying with inlaws must tone down ... esp since my sil is sleeping in the next room ... plus my gal also sleeping on same bed as us now ... last time she slept in her own bed ... now staying with inlaws then no space for her bed

but to be honest, even if we noisy or what, my gal seems to be able to sleep thru it .. hahaha!!!

faith, if hb ignore you, just go for his didi ... he wont deny you if you disturb his didi ... =P
vanilla : wah sia, they nt pai sei meh.. plus their age still BD so often ah.. keke damn funie.

i also nvr scream la. nw my hse gt my maid n my son. if i scream ltr they all hear. My hb also will cover my mouth if i make a slight noise. he damn sensitive one, afraid ppl will hear. hahaha

Missy: u notti notti lei. Ask Faith to attack the didi.. hahaha so kinky lol.. keke but i DO AGREE. sure will haf RESPOND!! *wink wink*

mayb ur gal heard but act blur coz she wan to be Jiejie la..

2ww: we must take our mind off abit ma, hahaa...
Ren: wah.. This one u gotta ask em ur self Liao.. Haa.. I really dont know.. Haa.. But like wat hb said la.. They nv like tat where gt him?? Haa.. So......... Jus sleep lo...

Later ur son wake up n cry cuz daddy bully his mommy!! Lol...
vanilla:i staying with in laws coz now applying flats from HDB..but like no chances again..sianz lor..I really wanted a flat of my own then i can perform all the 'excited' things in my flat..eg,BD on sofa in living rm,screaming as loud as I want,wearing sexy nightie ard the house..now,everything also cannot..sometimes think back,I like very suay,cannot get anything that I wish for for the past 2 yr..
i had a dream last night. In the dream, i dreamt of the giving birth process... wow, i think i must be too obsessed with getting pregnant. Didnt want to tell my HB else he will think that i am crazy! hahah
Morning ladies... Haiz jin sian... I'm cd 32 now... Avg cycle cd 35.... Yesterday backside itchy then I went to test... But bfn.... Haiz... What are the chances of it being positive in 3 days??
BabyMaine: Hard to say leh.. think you still have chances! test it CD36 days ba. Does your AF always report on time?

I looked back at my diary when Im preggy with my #1. Pre preg symtom is just back ache and a bit dizzy! shacks, dun have these 2 symtoms at all!!! Is my AF really reporting?
2WW - my af is between 32 to 36 days... and i've been having cramps and backache le... seems like no hope already... haiz... when will i see that positive sign!!! when i was preggy with my number 1 i didn't have any symptoms and it was a real shock to see that bfp...
missy:you got measure bbt? got ewcm? just BD 2-3 times every wk if possible to cover the base..

2ww:haha..think too much alr..hopefully ur dream can come true soon..which CD u at now?

babymaine:eek:nce no see red,still got hope..gd luck..
im on CD29 days. my cycle normally 34-35days. so im in 2ww as my nick says.. hahah.. im planning to test next week. if my AF comes, then save on my HPT kit $$ = dun need to test liao..

by the way, check with you all hor.. during ovalution, do you feel tender boobs?
2ww: tender boobs is one of the signs of ovulation.. together with o cramp.. it's good that you have such signs.. so to tell you that you have o-ed.. read this somewhere in the net.. good luck in your 2ww.. hope to hear good news from you soon.. keeping finger crossed for you..
Hi ladies

Today is my cd 12 (period start on 5th June and my cycle is usually 27 to 28 days). Since two to three days ago, I have been feeling the O cramps..... last night and this morning was alot more painful. There are some clear stretchy discharge too..... Could it be that I have ovulated this early?
Hi mummies,

Anyway, i think i might have good news to share with you girls!! =D

Think it might be a POSITIVe!!

Ytd morning, I tested with the cheapo HPT strips and then saw a faint line so i used the Clearblue Plus, I saw a + sign came up, tho not very strong positive kind. Then i use another brand called, First Response(red dye instead of like CB which is blue, as i read that blue dye can sometimes give false positive - I bought i from ebay), same, it gave me a line.. Not very strong tho.

Then lastly, i came back home ytd night and used the Clearblue Digital to confirm all of the above!!!! It says, Pregnant, 1-2 weeks... =D

Seriously, still not very convincing.. I dont feel anything apart from tired... And i guess i felt a little greasy in my tummy.. Felt my tummy upside down like tat. Not sure if it is MS or wat, for my previous pregnancy, no MS at all..

Finally, my Rainbow Baby!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy, excited and worried at the same time... =(

Worried cuz i felt my lines are faint as compare to that time when i conceived lele and only able to test positive till this morning.. Which is DPO15. *fingers crossed, legs crossed, whole body twisted*

Hope i can see beanie in 2 weeks time. =)

Anyway, to those who are waiting to test positive for OPK, you gals will soon get your l l soon.

For those who are in their 2WW, your + and l l will come soon... VERY SOON.

Lastly, baby dust to u gals.. =D
Vanilla: tt's really great news!!!!
so happy for ya n heartiest Congrats to ya!! The effort's all worth it!!

Dun worry too much, njoy ur pregnancy, think positive and healthy thoughts ad lil beanie'd stick to ya like super glue, durig pregnancy and all too!!

Jiayou and tis really heartening news!! This thread is good!!

Take care n njoy ur weekends!!
Congrats vanilla!!!!!!! Happy for you !!! Take care!!! Wishing you super smooth pregnancy !!! Choose good gynae!!!

annt, anything is possible does look like you are going to or ovulating so go bd!!!!
Vanilla:eek:nce again,congrats to u..really happy for u..use a BIG bag to store all ur bbdust..

bewildered:Lets hope this thread continue to bloom and bring lots of bbdust to us..
Bewildered: thank u!! How not to worried tho I also keep telling myself everything will be alright.. I keep telling beanie to grow a little each day n tell him or her to be strong!! Going for my 6 weeks scan on 28 jun.. These 2 weeks is even more worst den ttcing 2ww...

Faith: thank u once again..

Annt: thank u, yes u will have us soon.

Morebbs: I wun say I'm fertile cuz I conceive with e help of Clomid. O me fertile is those without help de.. But nevertheless, thank u.. Don't need to envy ur turn will come soon.. So y envy me?
i agree ... vanilla, for you like able to strike quite zhun ... hehehe... i was on clomid 5mths and didnt strike ... even monitor with opks also didnt strike ... boo hoo ...

but its ok ... our turn will come ...
Faith: yeap, our turn will come too!!
quite a big number of mummies who 'stepped' into this thread r preggers ler, tis a gd thread aftall!!
ya jiayou n Good Luck too!

Vanilla: erm, think no matter wat will be scared der bah, but just go with ur feel, ya've a feel tt u'll get preggers n tt bb'd be a girl... I totally trust those positive feel tt ya've n wld pl bet tt bb'd really be a girl as per ur maternal instinct.. Dun worry!! Bb'd be gd n stay inside, warm, snuggly and comfortably until she's too big for the warm tummy of her Mummy before coming out!!
just think happy thoughts, visualise a happy bb!!
Hi, I am an Oct mum-to-be n I have some remaining ovulation , pregnancy strips n a clearblue pregnancy test kit to let go (40 ovulation+10 Pregnancy strips expiring Aug 2013) at $30. Normal mail postage will be included...
Pls kindly pm me if interested. Thanks!

Ah why do I still get an itsy bit emotional *blush* each time I see someone graduate from this thread?!!!

Ah CNY bb!! Gong xi gong xi!!!
vanilla:ya,I agree with missy and merry123..I was on clomid for 1 yr and on TCM and on monitoring opk for at least half a yr bit still not strike yet..u are indeed fertile and ur HB troops are very powerful..haha..

bewildered:ya,hopefully our turn can come soon and continue the belief for this thread..u too JY and gd luck!!
wow vanilla. congrats..

finally i tink i o-ing soon. haha. the opk strip seem to be positive. make me so blur. heng... digital clear blue ovulation give me smiley face. hehe
faith: to me fertile is like those conceive naturally kind. Like wan to have jiu have kind.. haa.. me.. I mean we.. we gotta work for it... lol..

cheryl: thanks.. =D

madam yip:thank you.. =D
Dear ladies,

I will like to sell the following items at greatly reduced prices:-
1) 14 sticks of Clearblue fertility monitor test sticks @ $18 (Expiry date: October 2012)
2) 1 unopened box of 30 sticks of Clearblue fertility monitor test sticks @ $48 (Expiry date: March 2013)
3) 3 brand new bottles of Nature's Way Femaprin Vitex extract @ $11 per bottle (If u take all 3 bottles, will be @ $30) (Expiry date: August 2013) I had PCOS and was able to ovulate whilst I was on this.

Please PM me if interested.
vanilla04>> Not sure if u remb me, the one who sold the Clearblue digital ovulation kits to u a couple of mths back. Juz wanna say a huge CONGRATS to u!! So happy for u when I pop in and saw tat u striked! =)
Hi Amy,

I rmb i bought it. But i cant rmb ur nick. I rmb u gave me a pack of bb dust too.. haa... Thank you. Can see that u are selling ur TTCing stuffs.. You strike too?

How many weeks are u now?
bliss: thank you.. =D

miaay: ya.. i also curious.. But i thk should be cuz she that time sell me the CB digital one is becuz she got e CB monitor de.. No longer using CB digital de le.. So now she selling all her stuffs, think should have graduated le.. =D
missycandy, vanila04>> U gals still remb me arh? =) Actually I already striked when I passed vanilla04 the CB digital one, tat's why I gave her the bb dust pack. =)
Amy: wow... Then i thk u now muz be ending ur 2nd tri soon.. Going into ur 3rd tri already??

Congrats!!! haa... How many weeks are u now?

Tat time u should have told me ma.. Den i could hug hug u to take more bb dust from u!!! muahahahaha... Den might have strike before this cycle.. Could be a dragon bb still.. After my loss i keep wanting to have another dragon baby to minimize my loss but it is impossible de la.. haa..

But am really glad tat i am looking forward to my little beanie now.. =D

Thanks for ya baby dust!! Gonna pass them to others once i pass my 1st tri..

missycandy, vanilla>> Thanx! I am due in early Oct, now 24+ weeks le. =) I didn't tell u coz not yet past 1st tri, a bit pang tang ma.. Haha.. Yes, do pass the bb dust on to those who need it. =D

missycandy>> I go home look, I think I still have another packet of the bb dust pack in my drawer. If have, then can pass to u. =)
