(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Yes fat chicken. The other is a female gynae.
Have to call n book appt for dr loh. He's only available aft 2pm on weekdays.

He has evening appt on Tuesday n Thursday which cost $10 more. Not sure of his sat Timing too. Jus know that hv to pay extra $10.
Luv, Sade, bbshower, fatchicken, Eskimobaby and Hope, thanks! Hope to join u gals on the this thread really soon.

Bbshower, weight gain of 2nd is ok for 1st tri. Don't worry too much ya. Read tat u have just went back to work. Take it slow and easy k?

Fatchicken, hope everything will turn out well for you! Please be positive, and pray that you and baby will be able to win the battle!
For me, I m doing a mini confinement for 2 weeks. I eat confinement food, for all meals, drank
homemade chicken essence every alt day, LRD tea for the whole day, and some tonic soup everyday which my mum told me is meant for ladies doing confinement.

Food aside, I wear long pants, but not long sleeve shirt to sleep. But I did go out and accompany my DH for meals whenever he is back in singapore. But I make sure I put on my cardi and kept myself warm.

I was very weak after my D&C, esp during the first three days. But after all the TLC rendered by my mum, my Sis and DH commented that I look better now, as in "好气色"! So think it is really impt to bu our body.

Jiayou to all the sisters here! May you gals be blessed with an enjoyable and smooth pregnancy journey ahead!
Good morning sisters. Can I ask those who pass first tri, did your ms suddenly go away? I feel pretty normal this morning and I didn't wake up to pee in the middle of the night. Am I normal? I am very very worried about my baby... Just don't want oit to be like the last time.
Koirc, my MS also subsided for a while b4 returning at times. I could even eat afternoon tea then. I asked the doc the same question, and he said so long as the scan shows baby's doing well, no need to worry so much abt the presence / lack of MS. Stay positive yeah?

Joyfully, we'll be waiting for you!
Thanks, Luv. Can't help it cos I had very bad experience the last time. I woke up one morning w/o ms and feel very normal. Next day I went for scan, my baby was gone.
We all went through a lot of hardships to come to this point. I want to protect my baby... But ya, I will try to remain positive. Can't wait for my scan next Friday to ensure everything's fine.
me too... but recently been feeling the nausea more frequently and sometimes will just merlion at nite.

in the early weeks of my first trimester until abt wk 10, i don't wake up in the middle of the nite to pee, but now it's getting more frequent and i have wake up once or twice to pee... so different ppl may have different reactions to pregnancies... don't worry ya.... it's just one day, maybe ur ms will be back again soon kekekeke :p

joyfully, you jia you too!
was really bz at work plus usually very tired after work so will just read through the posts and didn't really post.... but now that it's the holidays, have more time to start posting.

i went for my oscar test 3 wks ago... scan result was very good but when we went to see dr loh, the first thing he said was I gave him a scare. i was very blur then. he then showed me my oscar results and my blood test made my ratio become high risk down syndrome. i couldn't help but started tearing in his clinic. initially, he wasn't very keen in me going for oscar i also dunno why. for me, i did the oscar for my #1 so i never thought much abt it and just treated it as something routine.... i realised that it was my high hcg that causes the bt ratio to drop so drastically... dr loh don't think i have any cause for concern and when he scanned me that day he even commented, see baby so active where got down syndrome.

actually, that nite i realised how much i wanted this baby. ever since i conceived this #2 and started having bleeding and bad ms, i told myself that if it doesn't work out this time i will not force it and i still have my little girl. my hubby also surprised me. he is someone who doesn't like to force things to happen. he told me we will keep the baby no matter what and he doesn't believe that we can't do it.

well, even though we have made a decision but i know my mind is not my own now. with the pregnancy hormones in me, i know even if i don't think abt it now i might start thinking and going crazy in 2nd or 3rd trimester, so decided to go to camden for 2nd opinion. did another detailed scan and dr ananda explained why there can be such a discrepancy between the scan and bt, after his detailed scan, my ratio has dropped to low risk. this is also how i got to know my #2 gender also
Koirc, Jiayou. I also not having much MS and I am 8 weeks now. I only got nausea when I smelt unpleasant smells. Otherwise, I feel normal. At times, I also asked my hubby, is BB ok? I feel normal today.

Just saw bb today at SGH. BB is now 19mm. I felt so relieved. Now to wait another 3 weeks to see BB again. Now visit will do DS test. Now I need advice. There is no package for visits in SGH. So the first visit will be 105 and subsequent visits will be at 75. Currently, they haven open a pregnancy file for me, so i am still subsidised rate. Wonder if I should go private coz there is package. Any advise? Now i am paying 32 per visit. Thanks.

Joyfully, glad to hear from you. Jiayou, hope u nurse back ur health soon and join us here again.
Joyfully, so glad to hear from you and know that you are taking good of yourself! May you have a super tip top conditioned body and see you here again very soon okie
Meanwhile have yourself some great great holidays!
sade: many of my frds feesback in long term baby cot is much better. i am looking for thosw 4 in one type, nx timecan be converted to junior bed.
so many brands somethimes can just be confusing

luv: boy / girl all same. as long healthy, mummy and daddy happy. the only thing with having a boy first is if i am afraid of trying for no 2 and want to stop..then the old folks wont say anything since already have a boy

luv: u gain so little weight, i gain almost 6 kg... cannot tahan... told the doc i eat very little but after midnite very hungry keep waking up to eat..so eat lot of bread
Usagi, feeling quite undescribable isn't it. Fasinatated yet so surreal....hahahaaaa..... that's how I felt anyway.

Can't help u here. I'm wif KKH. During my last checkup, the nurses quite blur and wanted to charge me as new case. 1st consultation will cost me $100, subsequent $80(?)! I told them I'm from IVF and not new to the dr & clinic. After checking, reverted back to original charge of $59. Whew! But yours still cheaper leh! $32 only
Chevy, coz in the past, I went polyclinic to get referral to see gynae. So i got subsidises. It was there then i got referred to IVF-Care. so now i go back to O&G, still subsidised coz my pregnancy file not open. Not much $32 visit left. Hee. Coz i think after week 12, they will open file. My next visit still week 11. My last cheap consultation charges. hahaha.
Eskimobb, I just went for my Oscar last week. U didn't rec any call from clinic so you just wait till next visit to dr Loh? Coz they said no calls means ok right? Glad that now you feel assured that everything is ok. I still have 2 weeks wait to go before seeing dr Loh.... Hope everything is ok.
Joyfully, good to hear that your mum takes good care of u and your 气色 is good. Rest well and hope to hear good news from u soon.

Bruno, so confusing cos there is so many brands & models. Will have to start looking at it before deciding.

Cos limited space in my house hence I think will just buy either one.

Eskimobaby, it's good to go to Camden for 2nd scan, and got your reassurance instead of going straight to amino. May I know what's your age?

Koirc, I don't have much ms during first trimester. Till now I can forget abt it at times and behave v normally. Don't worry too much, just rest and eat well. That's the best you can do now.
I always have to remind myself to take things slowly. N relax more now.
Usagi I don't know abt SGH, but I felt that's it's better to find a reliable and experienced gynae so that he/she can monitor us to have a smoother delivery. To me, it's v important, cos anything can happen anytime, so I felt more an xin to have an experienced gynae.

Of course at private, the prices are not cheap even thou with packages.
i schedule my visit for the oscar such that it'll be one week before my appt with dr loh... i thot it's the norm for dr loh to review the results with us? for tmc, i don't think they will call us regardless of what's the result.

i'm 36 this year.

gynae charges are more or less the similar anywhere unless you are a subsidised patient at govt hosp. it's who you are comfortable with and trust that's important.
Hope I m with Dr loh too. Alice told me if she didn't call that's mean ok. I think can call n check aft 3days. Preferably call in the morning as its not so busy. I din call.

Eskimobaby so u r a teacher?
Sade, that's what Alice told me. Did my oscar last thur.... Hope I don't rec any calls!

Ladies, do you all drink cold drinks? Just bought some juices coz tired of plain water and milo.... Should be ok right?
hope, ya hope you won't rec any call.

me also start drinking cold drinks lately. I m not sure whether it's ok or not. But just drink moderately.
eskimo, think we're really experiencing similar symptoms! I also stopped going to the toilet so frequently but suddenly started frequenting the toilet again in 2nd tri esp at night. Tired ah...

Thankfully it was a false alarm for you. Did Dr Loh say why u have such high hCG then? Glad the Camden scan showed everything's fine.

Hope and sade, actually we're all very gan cheong cos we spent so much effort on TTC. I'm sure many pregnant ladies drink cold drinks without a second thought, hahah... I used to be one of them! Now also tempted to drink cold drinks very often. So long as we don't feel unwell after drinking cold drinks I see no harm.

Usagi, are u comfortable with ur SGH doc? If u are then no harm sticking with him/her.

bruno, wow, looks like all of u have gained significant weight. I'm the oddball here, hahah...
Luv, yah lor I think so. I see my preg gfs drink cold drinks all the time. Guess we treasure the pregnancy a lot coz doesn't come easy!

Whiteclover, ok thanks! Will do that Hee.
Luv, ya lor, saw most of preggies friends drinking cold drinks. But heard that its better to drink lesser cos bb will be stronger. Dont know how true is it.

Cant avoid esp the weather is so hot.
Thanks, sisters. Maybe I am just being super paranoid. But can't help it... Once bitten, twice shy!

Hey, Usagi, I forgot which doctor you're with. They didn't open a pregnancy file for me when I did my week 8 scan leh. I am going back next Friday for the DS scan. And may I know how you get subsidized rate?

I am actually planning to move to private after my first tri cos my original gynae is private practice. I go to SGH to do IVF at her recommendation cos she's not a fertility doctor.

Sisters, please share all the tips you have. I am going shopping this weekend. Excited!
koirc, haha, guess u should start to buy some clothes and bras now.

13-14 weeks bah if i dont rem wrongly.
maybe try touching or rubbing your bump while u r on train.

I am excited to buy for bb too. But still too early. Just 20 weeks only. Heard some pantang issue, so dont think will buy first.

But will look around first.

But had already bought some clothes n bras for myself.
Uh, bump usually becomes obvious in 5th month for most ladies I think, esp first time mummies. B4 that we prob can see the bump ourselves but not other pple. Maybe unless we wear skin tight clothes. Even then most pple can't tell except those who've been preg b4 bah.
Hi Koirc, I am different from you. I got referral to go O&G at SGH in the past. Then i tried clomid without success. That's when O&G referred me to IVF-CARE. That's why when i realised i pregnant, I went back to O&G directly. I didnt go back to CARE. My pregnancy file also not open yet as I am in my 8 weeks now. By week 12, they will open. My doc is the head of O&G. He is Prof. Tan Hak Koon. He is quite nice. Always wear a pleasant smile to me and coz i am comfortable in mandarin, so he spoke mandarin to me. =) My lapo also done with him 1 yr ago b4 he transferred me to CARE.

After discussion with hubby, think I will stick to SGH as I really like SGH's location and I seen this gynae for 1yr+ le. No pt to swtich. Thanks all for the kind advice.
Just curious Koirc, how much you paying now per visit? My next visit i think still $32. But after my pregnancy file open, I think 105 for first visit then subsequent will be 75. Maybe more expensive as he is the head there.
Yep I'm a teacher

Yeah this pregnancy is really quite different.

I also can't resist cold drinks... Hey I never could resist ever since 5 weeks hehe.... I've given up trying to so I just drink both cold drink n plain water... At least I can stomach plain water now heee
I did ask Dr Loh why my hcg reading so high when I'm having a singleton n he mentioned that it's quite common in fet, maybe thats why he didn't sound very keen when I asked abt the Oscar test.
Eskimobaby,how high was yr hcg reading? Mine was also super high from the start that I got worried. When i first went for first pregnancy blood test, it was 16,000.
Just came home from my Oscar scan. Wasn't as excited as 10weeks scan maybe because I was there alone this time. And the sonographer wasn't very Gd. But glad that scan n blood test result all went well. Can ve a peace of mind le.

Just curious don't you gals at tmc know ur scan result n blood test result right after the scan? Because at kkh we do get the blood test result n scan report after scanning done just need to wait abt 5mins.

Btw sometimes I do drink cold cranberry juice whenever I felt my tummy burning hot, so felt that need to put out the fire in my tummy hee. I realize my tummy somex in fact quite often it gets hot inside can feel the burning sensation.
HI all, is it common to eat to feel better? Realised that i have to eat something every hour to feel ok. Eating is such a chore as i now hate the after taste on my tongue after food. Im 8 weeks today, still feeling food takes longer to digest, no appetite n nausea. Stop vomitting after i started vit b... Another 10 days before my next scan. How i wish i hv a scanner at home!
Hi Tutu: Can understand how is your felling now.. I m shld be 8.2weeks today.. same feeling as you.. digestion not very good. Feel hungry but no appetite to eat. But i still eat but once eat after that feel so bloated! aiyoh... wat is your 10 days scan? for me another 9days for blood test.. and scan on 1 Oct..
Cocolee ya I m with kkh n 12weeks3days now, n with dr mathew lau. Realised my edd always change after every scan alway couPle of days diff. Then today sonographer say I must remember edd date, n I told her always diff which one to remember...
Bb shower, Ya we don't know our results immediately.

For edd, just stick to the first edd. No need to keep changing even thou it's changes.
Reikibaby : went to c dr Zhao and she prescribe 15 packs of different medicine for 1 day dosage and drink for 5 days . She didn't do acupuncture on me today . She said my pulses are not strong . Are u also taking so much medicine?
Yalor I told the sonographer the date that my gynae provide then she say wrong ask to follow week 10 scan result which is 16 march. Gynae gave 18 march. Then I c today the report put edd 17 march. Guess will be one of this date ba.

May I know u ladies bb size at week 12? Because my hubby n I quite small size n hubby quite short so wondering if my bb length is alright.
Hi Bb shower.. Congrats! U passed 1st tri already. May I know at which weeks that KKH schedule u for the blood test for down syndrome? N wat is yr result? I choose Dr KT Tan n hv not see her yet. Will be seeing after my 13/9 blood test n 1/10 @9.15am scan . I m now 8.2 wks.. I also don't know wat scan on 1/10.. Then followby 1st time visit my gynae Dr Tan.. The scan n blood test the schedule me at AMC at level 1, is it same as you?
Ladies, do your edd date varies at every scan? Should be same at every scan right? So that bb is growing according to time?

Diantang, my body is different and dr zhao knws i cant take many herbs so she usually start with a few neutral herbs that suits my body and if my body takes it well after a wk she sticks to it. I only hve 4 packs for an tai and 1pack for my health which i hv it since before bfp. Usually if herbs can improve pulse, dr zhao will try nt to accu. U monitor see hw u feel after the an tai yao & feedback to her.
Cocolee Week 10 spend a rather longer time because do normal scanning whereby u can c the development of ur bb. Then after do urine test, blood pressure, weight n height then c gynae then blood test for hubby n I.

Week 12 is do down syndrome scanning only. N same day get the blood test n scannIng result.

Cocolee during ivf I m with dr mathew lau then after Positive I convert bk to subsidized so during those scanning n blood test I get subsidized rate. So once All major done I convert bk to Dr mathew lau like that I can save quite alot.

Btw I m still in tri 1 approaching tri 2 nx week which is week 13. Looking forward
