(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Sade ya but some fruits bb dun like but just try to eat a bit. Actually I luv soursop but dun dare to take too much coz dunnoe isit Liang. I dun dare to take orange coz I think it's Liang but very tempting hee.

Do you gals take sour plum? At first I was wondering y ppl always say pregnant will eat sour plum. Because my tongue been feeling very bland n always feels nausea n giddy, although I don't ve craving for sour plum but I tried taking it n to my surprised I feel better taking it!

Btw I bought a pregnancy n baby care guide vol 13 book at kino n the information inside is pretty good. Got time you gals can take a look. It's $15 for the book it's today's parents.
Sade, come to think of it..$2600 is really exp. Furthermore, must give 2 Ang paos.

I tried to call another CL who came highly recommended in the forum, and she is fully booked too.

Haha, think nowadays many of us are quite KS. Always try to book way in advance. Haha
Yepz! I ate abit....but it's i luv food cooked wif wine
hiaz......must ren!
Hihi gals! Haven't been logging in lately Hee. How r u all?

Joyfully, I have constipation too. Hmm dr Loh said water is the best medicine and asked me to drink 3litres everyday. He gave me a stool softerner med also. I ate prunes and fruits everyday so it's much better now. You can try prunes and fruits since you can't take water?
Chevy, i signed up with agency liao. When I enquired, they already said those CLs willing to work during CNY will be booked up soon. Hope they assign a good CL to me.
luv: i meeting the agancy this sunday to sign the package. did u take the herbal packeage and the massage package?
bruno, i took the herbal package only. Btw, dun mind me asking, what's ur ethnicity? I have the impression u're Indian. If so, surprised u believe in the use of Chinese herbs too.
Paiseh if I'm wrong abt ur ethnicity!

Din do massage previously. And not really a massage person, LOL. But many pple swear by Jamu massage.

Btw, which confinement package are u taking?
Joyfully, I din engaged any CL, as my edd in 22-1 so sure kana CNY. I called a freelance CL recommended by another sister and she quoted me $3600 with 3 ang poas. She's quite pushy I find, cos she told me that she might be unavailable and then refer another CL to me. I read a lot of horrible stories so I decline her.
Anyway it's too exp.
So I called PEM, was quoted 3k plus 2 ang poas. Cheaper but still exp.
So aft discussion with my hubby, we decided to DIY my confinement with his help and also my mum.
Cos I rather use the money to buy tonics for myself.
N also during CNY period, all the food ingredients sure increase prices esp fish. So have to save a bit.
I had signed up the prenatal courses with TMC conducted by Wong boi boi. So I hope that can manage during confinement,

Of cos with extra money it's better to engage a CL.

For me, I am worried cos don't know how much the delivery charges will be and also of premature bb. All these are unknown figures. ESP I want to try natural birth but if cant make it then will have to do emergency c section and it costs at least $11k.
And also for new born sure a lot of items to buy.

So no choice but to give up my CL.

But I will have the massage sin it can help to gain back my figure. Hehe. Freelance one are cheaper. I think abt $50 per session.
Sade, wow your DH so steady! Haha, don't think my DH can help in taking care of the newborn. He doesnt like doing housework too, cos I have spoilt him Liao.;p I have asked him to take one month leave though, but subject to his work schedule next year.

My mum is a great cook, but doesnt have much experience in handling babies, since my siblings and I were all taken care of by my granny when we are born. So think Bo pian, have to engage CL. I am still sourcing around and asking my gf for recommendation. Those good ones recommended on SMH forum are all fully booked. So scary ya.

Hopefully, the one whom I talked to can lower her rates, or I may have to look for another one.

But I am determined to get the Malay lady to do massage for me. Do u have any contacts?
Hope, thanks for your suggestion. How have u been feeling lately? Have you gone for any scan yet?
Joyfully, I'm ok but feeling tired and sleepy coz I took the progesterone meds orally. My scan is coming Sat. Pray and hope everything will be smooth smooth.... Can't wait!

What about you? Everything good?
Hi joyfully, no choice I force him cos I told him that I had suffered so much for these few years. So he has to do it.

Oh since ur mum is a great cook, then she can cook for u mah. As for handling of bb, me n my hubby also no experience. My mum lost touch liao. I was worried initially, but just try lor.

Good to engage CL at least can hv proper rest. I hope to hv proper rest too. I will just leave all chores to my hubby n mum. Just breast feed bb, eat and then rest. That's my plan.

Ya u better bargain with ur CL and let her roughly know what she needs to do n help. E.g. cooking for u n hubby, washing whole family laundry, no maid etc.

Too kua Zhang that good CL r taken so fast. But I was advice by other fourm threads that it's better to book thru agency cos can change if u r unhappy with ur CL and also freelance CL tends to over book and then last min give excuse and to ask her friend to take over.

My friends have the contAct for massage lady. Let me get from her and let u know next week.

I haven't call yet cos still wondering when to do massage. Maybe one month aft birth. Or?
Hi Sade, I don't have confidence in handling nb. So think better to engage a CL, so that I can rest.

For massage, my gf usu do it during the one month confinement period. But I think should be ok if you want to do after your confinement period as well.
Hope, all the best for your upcoming scan.
hope you can see your baby's hb then.

I am feeling sleepy and nausea.. Think it's due to the utro pill which I am taking. Now I seem to reject a lot of food and drinks. Am running out of ideas on what to eat and drink liao.
Hi ladies,
Just to share my views on utrogestan.

I thou for utrogestan it's better to insert it then to take it orally? Just to make sure that finger nails are short and clean and wash hands before and after then should be ok to insert it v.
Just rest on the bed 20-30mins aft for better absorption. Cos thru insert the progesterone is absorbed there just the place it need it. No need to go thru liver. Although a bit messy with the discharge, just put a pantry liner.

I thou for normal pregnancy with spotting, the gynae will instruct them to use it orally. Cos they r just normal gynae.

But for us, we r dealing with fertility gynae, so I thou they will advise us to use it as insert.

Reasons because lesser side effects such as drowsiness. And also if taken orally, the liver will have to process it.

As when undergo ivf, there is already lots of injections and pills inside the body. So I feel that it's better to use it as insert.

U might want to check with your gynae abt it? google and find out more.

Just to share my views only, hope no hard feelings to anyone.
Sade i agreed with wat you said. I did the same like wat you say☺wash hands n lie down n put panty liner. N now everyday also put panty liner n try to change every 3hrs for hygiene purpose.
Ya bb shower, have to change panty liner frequently for hygiene purpose.

Thks for agreeing with me. ;-)

Oh ya for ur earlier post on orange, I don't know whether it's too liang. I think so, but I take only aft first trimester. Cos need some vit C.

I love soursop too. But I seldom take it cos it's too sour at times. I only took at dessert store. But it's been v long time ago that sin I last ate it.

Just ren for first trimester. Can take some during second trimester. Hehe.

I took sour plum too now in my second trimester. My nausea is increasing during week 13 n 14. Weird. So I ate sour plum even thou it's unhealthy due to salt content. N I find it's v salty.
Think I bought salty plum.

Try to cut down sin it's nt healthy. Easier said than done.

We Jia you together.
Sade, yah it's utro pills. Hmm the nurse ask me to take orally after ET Lei so I continued. But I will ask Dr Loh again Hee. Are you seeing him at TMC already?
Hope Ya been seeing him at his clinic sin week 8. Cheaper than TFC. For me, Samsiah of TFC told me to use as insert sin ET.
Hi ladies, just popping by to say hi.

Just wondering, did your doctors ever tell you that pregnancies from IVF are more fragile and at higher risk of m/c? Mine told me that when I was warded for heavy bleeding, kinda made me even more scared and am wondering what I can do to better support the pregnancy. Any ideas?
i just went for my gynae appt yesterday. This time round could see baby's head and his/her tiny limbs... sooo cute. still doesn't fail to amaze me even tho this is my 2nd child
however, i'm supposed to be 9 weeks plus but yesterday's scan showed i'm already 10 weeks plus....dr loh said baby is growing fast... so my edd is moved forward a week to late feb which means will clash with cny!

i'm also using utrogestan as inserts. duphaston makes me very nauseous and i can't keep it down so i was given utrogestan inserts instead.

during confinement u can eat more dishes cooked with wine ok.. for now just eat less
eskimo, i hear that even though EDD based on scan shifts, we still follow the original EDD. It just shows tha ur baby's growth is faster than average i think.
Wow, what have u been eating? Hahah...

Agree with you. It's always amazing to see baby on the ultrasound scans, esp when it moves!!
I could even make out its palm yesterday. Heheh...
Hi miracle u r having twins right? I had read that ivf pregnancies r more fragile, nt thru doc. Anyway first trimester rmmore risky for all pregnancies. N for twins, I think hv to be even more careful.
Miracle, i think in 1st tri, our preg may be more fragile cos our hormones that sustain the preg were artificially induced. But i think once we reach 2nd tri when the placenta takes over, shld have just the same risks as any other natural preg. Dun worry yeah?
Hi Sade and Luv, thanks for your replies.

Yup Sade, having twins. Are you all taking anything else other that progesterone to support the pregnancy?

The heavy bleeding scare 2 days ago made me wonder if there's anything else I should take to help the babies grow better and stabilise the pregnancy.
Miracle, have u considered TCM? I almost wanted to go back and see my TCM doc. Now that i know the reason for my bleeding, will monitor first and just take the doc's meds for now.

I just started taking prenatal vits and fish oil capsules.
Miracle, since u're in the west, u can go to Dr Tan Kian Sing at Clementi. Gotta make appt tho. Usually if u can make it during the day on weekdays then easier to get appt. His clinic details in the shared Google doc.
Miracle, for me only utrogestan sin week 6 till week 11. Did ur gynae give u injection for bleeding? Just only injection and bedrest. Doc did said that it's still risky for first trimester.
Sade, given jab alrdy. Ok, guess I can only just bed rest then. Thanks for sharing ah!

Thank Luv! Will go check Dr Tan out.
No pro. Miracle. Less walking, less to no climbing of stairs, no squAtting, bed rest. Hope u recover soon.

Luv what is the brand of vitamins n fish oil that u r taking?
Ok Thks luv.

Joyfully, read fr other thread that u r not working. Envy envy. I wanted to quit too but can't. So kena struck here. Sian.

Guess u must be still ok cos u can still afford to pay for CL even without the maternity benefits. For me even with benefits, I still hv to forgo it. :-(

Is ur hubby supportive of u quitting?

Maybe u wanna ask ur gynae if u can take utrogestan as insert.
seeing a tcm and getting some an tai medicine is a good idea if you want to do more.. freeing your mind and relax is also important so that it also helps to calms your babies. i know easier said than done but it really helps. our babies can feel our emotions too

dr loh told me proluton will last for a week.

can i check how come your utrogestan is until week 11 and not all the way till end of 1st trimester? were you on duphaston also at the same time?
Eskimobaby hihi. Ya I stopped at week 11. Cos I kana itchy v at week 10. I asked dr loh if I can stopped the utrogestan. Cos I don't want to irritate there. He agreed to let me stop. N I also took prognoya till week 11. I cut down on utrogestan n prognoya gradually sin week 10 without asking dr loh. No duphaston for me.
Sade, the other nurse Hadah asked me to take orally but it's ok I will ask dr Loh tml. Hope tml will be smooth smooth! Did you take utro 3 times a day the last time? I'm taking 2 times a day. Still seeing him at TFC tml... Didnt know that TMC cheaper..... But my hubby hates the parking haha.
Sade, the other nurse Hadah asked me to take orally but it's ok I will ask dr Loh tml. Hope tml will be smooth smooth! Did you take utro 3 times a day the last time? I'm taking 2 times a day. Still seeing him at TFC tml... Didnt know that TMC cheaper..... But my hubby hates the parking haha.
Oic, I took 2 times utrogestan sin bfp. So funny hor, ya better ask him can do as inserts.
Only during 2ww, I took crinone x1, utrogestan 2pills x 2. Aft sin bfp, it's only utrogestan 2pills x 2.
Ya his consultation rate at his clinic is $68 and $20 scan and $10 routine urine test. Tue n thur evening visit +$10.
Hehe I asked him whether can see him at his clinic during my week 6. Samsiah a bit unhappy but sin I wanted dr loh as my gynae hence dr loh said ok. Maybe u tell him that u r planning to use him as your gynae and see him at his clinic.
Cos seeing him at TFC costs $200+ incl some supports.
Ya the parking is Jia let over there but no choice sin he's at TMC.

Hi Sade, no need to be envious. There are sacrifices to be made. Thank God, so far hubby has been very supportive.

I am on crinone inserts now, so think will just stick to it first. Thanks for your suggestion.
