(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Bb shower, when is your next appt with your gynae? You might request for chk in your bp. Take care and rest well.

Edd will fluctuate during first trimester. It's normal
usually we'll just stick to the first edd given. My edd actually became one week earlier during my last visit but Dr Loh still put as the later date on my oscar scan form.

I only cfm my girl's gender in the 6th month cos even detail scan she was uncooperative... hehe
Oic ki ki, did u went to taka bb fair? Me also a bit pan tang. But v anxious to buy. Hehe. Dilemma.

OMG. Hopefully can be cooperative n get to know gender on detailed scan. PIL v anxious. Haha.
Actually, i didn't really start buying until the 7 months pregnant. Sometimes buy to early will regret cos you see something better or cuter heeee
Kiki, thks for sharing ur brand of vits. How much do u pay for your Prenaforte? Bottle of 30 tablets right?

bbshower, by right during each doc's visit, the nurse will check our weight and blood pressure and later on, a urine test for i think sugar level.

Was it the detailed scan that your sis-in-law went for at 19th week? Actually no need to rush i feel. If cannot see then wait till can see. Sometimes very hard to rush baby. Like in my Oscar scan today, baby was in wrong position. Had to take a break and go back again and then was okay.

sade, ur PIL hoping for boy?
Ya Eskimo baby, just can't wait to prepare bb stuffs. Hehe. I understand but think that taka no more bb fair for this yr. I haven started looking ar yet. But friends been telling me that taka bb fair has good deals now n asking me to go n buy. Haiz.

Ya lor, luv u r right. My hubby is the eldest son n we r married for so many yrs n now finally. They r anxious to know gender. Make me anxious too. Haha. They only hv a grand daughter now.
Luv ya I was thking shld ve taken bp but nvr take leh n somemore the nurse ask me what is my weight. Lucky I took at home but dunnoe accurate a not. Nx time rd I will ask them to take coz I thk that is the correct procedure.

As for my sis in law I m not sure isit detail scan but I only know she say very painful coz she say maybe bb is angry coz she haven eat breakfast.
sade, my PIL side also all grand-daughters so far. I think they're hoping for a grandson too. But they dun give me pressure thankfully. Anyway, not within my control too! LOL.

bbshower, maybe at TFC their protocol is diff from O&G clinic? Yeah the scans can be painful when the sonographer presses down hard!!
Hehe they also nv give me pressure but I know that PIL wan boy. Hehe. Cos FIL in his 70s. Ya agreed nt without our control.
But me feel pai seh cos so many yrs of marriage n still din lay eggs. FIL thou I don't want kids initially. It's nt that I don't want, I just leave it to fate but it's doesn't happen. Nature need a bit of helping hands at times. :-D
Yup. They r so so happy when we announced the news to them.

luv, U did ur Oscar test this morning at thomson rIght?
Sade ya we just need extra help n effort to ve bb, so no matter wat gender it really doesn't matter much so long our bb is healthy n happy, I think we will all feel very blissful n of coz to ve a smooth pregnancy journey
Ya bb shower totally agreed.
V glad to be able to enjoy this and move to next stage of life.
Eskimobb, thanks for your clarification!
Sade and eskimobb, does dr Loh tell you the bb's heartbeat rate? He didn't tell me but I assume everything should be fine right? Hee.
Hope, he also din tell me. I also assume ok.

Have to wait few days for results. For our clinic, as long the recpt din call, then it's consider ok. Will only review on the next visit.
Nowadays I can't sleep past 6am.. I feel my bed is very hard. But i never have felt this way before. I think I need more pillows..
Oh Babygalore I din hv a proper sleep for few months. Been waking up to pee at least 2-3times per night.

Ya u should buy more pillows n make yourself comfortable.

Happy problems!
I read somewhere, that you can predict the baby's gender with the hb rate. 120-140 it's a boy and 140-160 is a girl.. It's def not an accurate prediction but just for fun I guess.

Let's all keep guessing till the detailed scan..
For my gynae he told me bb heartbeat is normal but also nvr tell me the rate. I thk the nx time shld ask about what is the normal range.
Did they gv u a image to bring home? Because at kkh they gave me a copy of my scan then on the image there is name ic date,date of scan n I guess the other numbers shld be the heartbeat.
Yeah, have a scan printout but don't think it includes hb details. Think the details differ from clinic to clinic.
Actually I m not sure if that is the hb I m just assuming it since it is 164/170 67HZ. If not I also not sure what is that hehe...
Luv, like to check with u. I always feel v tired. Just thinking if u can share how to bu for 2nd trimester. Frequency n what bu stuffs.
Now I only stArted to drink pao sheng n pure black chicken essence.
sade, hahah... I can't really remember too. But i think u can start taking bird's nest, and maybe cordyceps. Chicken essence is good.
Hi sade, i've only told one fren so far. Didn't even tell my family cos didn't want additional stress.
How abt u?
I told 3 of my close friends, my boss and my mum only.
But my colleagues r able to guess it.

Din really want to share with them but those kpo ones sure gossip cos i married for so long and no results.

So sian. dont know how to react when they asked if i undergo ivf.

Do you mind letting others know abt it?

Act i do mind, cos sure point finger at me, saying that i m infertile.
sade, i wldn't really wish to disclose that i underwent ivf. Not that it's anything shameful. Just think it's a very private matter. If u dun wanna disclose, then just dun lor. We don't owe them an explanation.
Luv, thks for sharing ur views. Cos it's been bothering me n I just wanted to check if it's normal nt to disclose.
Ya I agreed Its nt shameful.
I am so sleepy.........

I told my family, 2 close frds & my boss

Ultimately, it's my life and privacy, I wldn't care what ppl say.....
"How ppl treat u is their karma, how u react is urs"
Hi Chevy. Guess a lot of sisters here will be more active during 2nd trimester. Hehe.

Thks for sharing ur views too. Got it.
Some chinese med that cannot take during pregnancy
- dangui
- ginseng
- gao li sheng
- bazhen

Bird nest and Cordyceps ok. If body is liang, then bird nest only start in trimester 2.

my mil made me ask my tcm today.
whitecolver, if it's korean ginseng (gao li shen), then it's ok cos nature is heaty. American ginseng (hua qi shen) is liang. That's what I was told

Me taking cordyceps now.
Thks whiteclover. What's abt frequency? Once a week or twice?

I know that those Chinese herbs can't be taken. I don't drink herbal soup that's sold outside cos u nv know if they put those Chinese herbs in it. some Bak ku teh may hv dang gui in it.

Oops, I think my tcm told me no gao li sheng for me 'cos I already super heaty.

My fav soup now is black chicken with red dates and black dates.
