(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Joyfully, I am 34 turning 35 nov this year.

I love soups such as watercress soup, lotus soup etc.
We have similar taste. Hehe. R u underweight?

I don't know abt the aloe Vera issue. Thou of drinking aloe Vera before too.

Lime juice might be too strong. Maybe put 1-2 slice of lemon in plain water?

Luv, thanks so much for the info!
Me too I also like strong taste food n seems like mouth becmIng very bland. But strong taste food seems to be like unhealthy food like mac, fried food etc...Like to eat chicken rice haha.
Sade, so you are 2 years my junior.

Haha, me too. Love watercress n lotus seed soup. No, I am not underweight. how about u?
I am slightly underweight. Thou u r underweight too sin u like bland food. Hehe.

Ya agreed that strong taste food is unhealthy ESP salty food.

Oh u see, luv, u have 1 kid alrdy. So me so Jia let, so many yrs no kid. It's just din happen naturally for me. But then now v excited as finally can form a complete family.
sade, u're on your way to realising ur dream now.

I was among the early ones to have kids among my frens, but those who had kids later than me went on to have their #2 and #3 before me!!! So it's really the finishing line that's more important, not the starting line.
Luv thks a lot for your encouragement. Everyone faces dif stress and pro here. Hehe. U r going to add a new member to ur family too. Cheers.

Ya watercress soup is liang, I din take for quite some time. But now occasionally I drank that.
Lotus roots soup is better. Warm type I think. I drank that more frequently.
Sade u r not jialat. I m worse off. Haha, I am married for 12 years and this is my first baby.

Luv, ya watercress is liang. I have stopped drinking it ever since I m pregnant.
Oh! If u don't mind me asking, what took u so long? Does ur relatives n friends know that u conceived thru ivf?
Sade, both DH and I initially agreed on not to have kids. I changed my mind upon seeing my cute nephew.
Just saw my dr. Very glad that oscar scan n bt results were very good. What a relief..

And how are you all today?
Hi Babygalore, morning. Good to hear that!

Joyfully oic. Ya I also thou of nt having kid but marriage life is stagnant without forming a complete family.
Congrats BabyG on the good results!

I still had some spotting today. Saw the doc again and got a jab. Looks like it's really the empty sac that's causing the bleed.
congrats babyg. my turn next week for oscar, a bit worried. ladies tend to always worry more than guys. dunno why

luv: my doc say somethimes if the body don't absorb the 2nd sac, it will discharge out..so don;t worry. yr body is clearing it awa

sade: don't drink too much fruit juice, high in sugar content
Yes Bruno. Hehe. I din drink a lot. Just one or twice per week. I am a plain water frantic. Haha.
bruno, just curious how u came to ask ur doc abt such a scenario. You don't have the same problem I hope. Yeah, that's what the doc say might happen too. The whole waterbag might even be discharged. Eeewww... Whatever it is, I just hope it doesn't affect baby. And it's just quite scary to see red every now and then.

Thanks sade. Will do.
luv: bec i had spotting earlier on week 5 or so and that time we don't know yet wether it was 1 or 2 baby. later on the scan confirm 1 so we happen to talk abt the 2nd sac. since ours was confirm put in 2 . and he explain everything to us. he is very careful and nice. during the 2nd scan he check through again to make sure it is one sac
Sade, so envious of you. I totally can't take plain water now.

As a result, I had constipation prob and dread going to toilet. Not sure if any of you encounter such prob?

Bruno, thanks for sharing your story. Think most prob will ask my doctor abt the other sac when I go for the next scan. Cos I also put in 2. But last scan only showed one sac.
Joyfully try n eat more fruits it helps. The last time when I went for scan I also ask the nurse doing the scan whr is my other embryo she mentioned she also dunnoe.
Luv, thanks for your suggestion. Not sure if I can tahan the taste of prune juice, cos lately my taste bud really went haywire. Will prob get one pack to try first.

For now, i can't even take ribena, apple and orange juice now.
Bbshower, mind sharing what are the types of fruits u have been eating?

Regarding the scan, my DH asked the gynae during my first scan if there will be another sac, but gynae told us he can only see one thru the scan. But it didn't occur to us to ask what happened to the other sac.
Trial and error, Joyfully! You'll find sthg u can swallow. I also dun like ribena, apple n orange juice now.
I was quoted S$2,600 for CL, and 2 red packets for edd in mid march next year. Is this considered expensive?
Luv, ya.. Really need to trial n error. But I guess, all these are happy problems, and I should take it positively.

It is so difficult to conceive, so I'll treasure this pregnancy and try to remain happy and positive throughout the whole pregnancy.
Wah....you ladies r alrdy looking at CL

Joyfully, yepz I agree with Luv. Kinda ex for non-peak. Is she a very experienced 1?
Joyfully, no choice sin u have ms. Read that some ppl have ms till can't drink plain water.
Maybe u belong to this group of ppl.

i also have constipation problem. Maybe i eat too much fried foods.
I eat 5 prunes after breakfast. Sometimes it's help to let go. And also organic apple with skin on. Oh and i drink yakult. I took it out of fridge and let it cool off then drink it.

I am scared that will kena piles.

My doc told me that the other embryo will be absorbed by my body.

I think they also don't know the real answers. hehe.
Btw, any of you know if we can eat food that's is cooked with wine? Like Hong zao ji? Had some yesterday & dh was angry wif me
I thot the alcohol wld have alrdy evaporated from cooking process.
Joyfully I took quite a lot fruits n have been visiting the toilet for poo poo almost twice daily. I took apple, honeydew,kiwi,soursop, durian,red plum, mango. Everyday took almost 2types of diff fruits.
Luv and Chevy, ya I also think so after I say ok with her. This CL is recommended by my sister's friend, who speaks very fondly of her as she booked her for 2 months.

Are we allowed to bargain with her? As $2600 is the price she quoted over the phone, then when I say ok lor, she immediately says "oh, you are ok huh?".. The way she sounds made me feel like I kena "tok" already. Think will call her again when she is in singapore and asked if she can lower her price. Not sure what other questions to ask her though.

I have another CL who has been doing for my family and relatives, but she is fully booked already.
I think for food cooked with alcohol, should evaporate after cooking process.

But better to avoid now.

U only eat a little and one time so still ok bah.

Joyfully, i have the same thoughts as u. it's so dif to conceive for me too and then it might be a one time experiences for me so i am going to enjoy and stay happy n positive too.

Actually i quite enjoy it now.

Let's all jia you together.
Chevy, I would think it is ok, as alcohol would already have been evaporated like what u say. Try googling and most answers say it is ok. In any case, you have already eaten, and is feeling ok now right? I think it is all about eating in moderation.

Bbshower, wow that's a whole loads of fruits that you are eating! Maybe I should try fruits diet since I can't really eat lately.
Joyfully ya try n eat fruits to get the vitamins since u can't eat much now. I took fruits as I don't take much tonic so using fruits to get the vitamIns.
wow bb shower, good to eat more fruits. Good for u, keep it up.

I only eat apples and kiwi, little oranges and now guava.

I try to eat 2 types daily but some times just can't make it. hehe.

Chevy, i have no choice but to look for CL early cos my EDD is ard CNY period. Very few CLs willing to work during that period.

Chevy, u didn't eat a lot right? Shld be okay lah. Maybe just to avoid in future to play safe lor. Dun think any harm done.

sade, dun say that it's your only chance lah. You can succeed again!
