(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

oic. ya heard that utrogestan taken orally can cause drowsiness. So you must have been having good sleep bah?

<table border=1><tr><td>NO.</TD><TD>NICK</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>BIRTH no.</TD><TD>HOSPITAL</TD><TD>GYNAE</TD><TD>SEX </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Kiki_gal</TD><TD>13-1-13</TD><TD>tba</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Lim Teck Beng</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Sade</TD><TD>22-1-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Joanne Tan</TD><TD>27-1-13</TD><TD>1&amp;2</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Sadhana</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>BabyGalore</TD><TD>12-2-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Jerry Chan</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Bruno</TD><TD>14-2-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Ben Tham</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>LuvNhope</TD><TD>16-2-13</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Miracle</TD><TD>19-2-13</TD><TD>1&amp;2</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Matthew Lau</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>seabreeze</TD><TD>22-2-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr M Tan</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ain Wayne</TD><TD>6-3-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Tan HH</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Hope</TD><TD>14-3-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Joyfully</TD><TD>16-3-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Chevy</TD><TD>17-3-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Matthew Lau</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Luv - glad that your bb is ok... When I had spotting last time, I was told to stop the aspirin as it may be the reason... Bed rest more and don't walk too much these few days.

BabyG - I had my Oscar test last Mon. Duration about 1 hour as mine is twins. Reaches KK at 750 am and left around 10 plus as doc need to explain the report to us after scan...
Hi ladies who are spotting, I tried the following recommended by dr Zou and both helped with bed rest:-

1. Double boiled Pao Shen with wolf berries, can also add in dang shen
2. Lotus root with glutinous rice
Proluton jabs are important too, please ask for it, if they dont give, go to another hospital/clinic, ask your GP whether they can help. I was on it for thrice a week for 11weeks, then reduced to twice and now once.

Also had Duphaston thrice a day for 12 weeks.
jamp jamp, so ur doc said must continue the proluton jab, cannot take just one time, is it? I did ask for jab but doc said then must continue to take every day. Might be even more stressful.
Luv, not everyday lah, i'm from NUH, the nurses told me max is thrice a week. My dr was not in when I was bleeding, I was the one who asked whether can increase the no. of jabs to 3x a week.
But you're right, Luv, can be quite stressful to travel to &amp; fro for the jab. Perhaps you can call the GPs near your home to see whether they can help you.
Cannot do the jab ourselves right, jampjamp?

Will monitor and hopefully with increased oral dosage can stop the bleeding completely. If not, will really have to resort to jabs.

My BT results came back normal. No infection thankfully. But then still no explanation for the bleeding. Haiz...
Kiki, i wondered that too. Doc said bleeding's not from the pregnancy tho, so unlikely bleeding from uterus. Will clarify again with doc. Aiyo, looks like i still have so many unanswered questions... Today the sac looks much smaller and squashed to one side by baby.
Luv, I dont think we can administer this jab on our own.

More than 1 gynae told me 1st tri bleeding is unexplainable. We just have to be very careful. Also to avoid trans-vg scan as I find that it worsens the bleeding, which is confirmed by my gynae.

Also to pray very hard.
Sade, my scan went well. Baby was jumping and moving during the scan. So funny. Scan report looks good. Now waiting for blood test results. Hope all goes well.

Luv and ewae has your bleeding stopped? Tk care
jampjamp, that's frustrating isn't it to not know why... My bleeding seems to have stopped. I pray that it doesn't return and that everything will be good during my OSCAR scan this Sat!

Btw, i presume u're preggie now. How far along are u?
BabyG, good to know that ur OSCAR went well!

My bleeding seems to have stopped. Pls stay that way!!!

Did doc tell u why u bled previously or did they find the source of the bleed? It's the unknown that's so scary.
Babygalore so cute right? At least u can be more assured now.

Luv, it's common to spot even thou it's nt normal. Pls continue to bed rest for another 1-2 days.

Sometimes there's no reason to spot. Don't worry too much. As long it's a one time episode then don't fret over it.
sade, i only hope it is a one-time harmless episode. Haiz... Tot was gonna cross into 2nd tri without surprises. Now can only hope can cross into 2nd tri successfully!
Doc sent me for scan today, did both tummy n v scan..&amp; my bleeding as usual after v scan become more lor
Baby not form yet so cannot detect heartbeat.
Actually can discharge this afternoon but I request to stay till tmr to monitor my bleeding just incase I need a jab.
Doc told me there's some research recently that too much progesterone, if it's a boy he will be more feminine..so i told nurse to hold my jab first as aldy took jab last mon, thur n fri le..now only can wait n see.
The ward doc said she check dr Jerry, and I will stick to my scan &amp; appt w doc on 2aug..
Now I have phobia to scans..
Thanks sade! Keeping my fingers crossed!

ewea, u're still bleeding? Do bed rest more! Can understand how u feel.
I read abt the possible side effect of high levels of prog, but not sure if it's proven fact or still controversial. It's indeed a dilemma... whether to jab or not. Jab can help save preg, but may cause side effect to baby. Dun jab, worry abt preg stability too. Tough...
Sade, today is 5.5weeks.

Luv, ya after scan at noon till now..but not red like when I just admitted, now is reddish dark brown. Just vomitted my supper(Milo n cracker) feeling horrible now.

Anyone has lost of appetite? These 2 days feel hungry but when see food just don't feel like eating but force myself to eat atleast half of it. Not sure is it cos of staying in hospital cos previously had always been eating lots n well.
ewea, that's prob ur morning sickness kicking in. That's a good sign that shows baby's growing well!

As for me, my MS has somewhat subsided, so that's also worrying tho i hope it's just the normal lessening of MS.
I thought morning sickness happens when wake up in the morning hahaha..
Don't worry cos you are stepping into 2nd tri right?
Ewea, I had the same prob as you. Feels hungry but can't seem to eat much. Usually can't finish my portion. The only food which can help to improve my appetite is Boon Tong Kee chicken rice. Maybe it's the chilli with ginger which makes the food more appetizing. Very funny, cos it's usu not my kind of food before pregnancy.
Spotting plus cramping is alarming.

Ewea, week 5.5, have to Take care and talk to bb to stick to u. Good to have morning sickness which happen all day for some. It shows that bb is growing well.
Joyfully, good that u have found a food which baby likes haha

Still have some bleeding but will discharged today.
ewea, yeah, like eskimo says, morning sickness can happen any time of the day! It's such a misnomer to call it morning sickness!

Thanks Chevy and Joyfully! This early morning found another patch of red on my liner again, almost freaked out again! Luckily this time round the amt seems less and stopped more quickly.

Went down to doc's clinic again. Couldn't find the source of bleeding. No polyps seen either. So cld be that the bleeding's caused by the empty sac shrinking. Really donno for sure. In any case, i'm stopping my inserts for now in case it's the insert that's causing the bleeding. But that means I have to take 6 utro pills a day!! *faintz*

But so long as baby will be okay, i'll do it.
sade and kikigal, mind sharing the multivits and supplements (including the brand) that ur doc gave u in 2nd tri? Thanks!
luv: pls take care. could be the empty sac clearing away.

went for my checkup today, baby was dancing and moving abt. MS still bad eventhough i am now 12 weeks.
Hi I just done with my scanning at KKH saw 1baby n saw the heartbeat le, the nurse said I got alot of gas haha which is true coz I kept farting at home hee... Edd will be 18/03/13 n m converting bk to subsidized clinic coz alot of price diff! But if service at subsidized clinic is no Gd then I convert bk to private.
bruno, thanks! Whatever the reason, just hope baby's not affected!

bbshower, if u are a subsidised patient, u dun get to see the doc of ur choice. Likewise for delivery. How did the nurse know u have a lot of gas??
Luv my multi vitamins is PRENATAL. Fish oil is PROLACTA.

Ya it's better to stop the crinone sin u r spotting. Oh no 6 utrogestan, then u must be v sleepy.

Jia you to all sisters. Bed rest, think positively and have smooth journey ahead.
Luv I also dunnoe how the nurse know I forgot to ask too, maybe becoz abit diff to detect coz she keep asking me to rise up my bottom hee. Lucky I nvr fart during the scan hee.
Ya understand that I won't get to c my doc anyway after some thgt, the doc usually also don't say much de, and we can save so much y not. Like just now for the same medication previously I need to pay $90plus but today I only pay $8!
sade, thks for sharing the brands of ur supplements.
Yeah lor, wonder how to survive work when i go back?! No choice lah... Tough it out.

bbshower, wow, that's really a lota difference! So long as u're comfortable with the arrangement.
U really get to save a lot!
Luv I would ve to c after converting to subsidize how much diff is the treatment btw how r u feeling le ur spotting stop le mah?
Bbshower, how do u convert to being a subsidised patient? For your check up, any doc on duty will attend to u?
