(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Chevy because initially I was refer by polyclinic so has been a subsidized patient, only when I start ivf then becm private, so now pregnant le I ve option to choose to go bk to subsidized n attending doc will be the registra (dunnoe isit spelled like this), but today I still c Dr Matthew lau. They did mentioned that if I convert to subsidized anytime within 2nd trimester if I wan I can convert bk to private too. So I will c how it goes
save $ for now. Since early stage so many test n scanning hehe...

heee.... been working hard, not used office life after the 2 weeks break :p
was extremely tired after tested BFP. now finally gaining my energy back.
Luv, how have u been? resting well?
CelC, has bleeding scare yesterday and today. Hopefully that's the end of the saga liao and everything will go smoothly from here on.
Does everyone started seeing ur preferred Gynea already? I am at 8wks now, wonder is it too early to start seeing Gynea. My u/s at 6wks saw 1 heartbeat and 1 sac that hasnt develop yet. so far I have not done any u/s to confirm if the little one has develop or not. Very curious to know, but ivf doc did not arrange for another scan. Has anyone heard of any similar case to share?
Morning dr Jerry came to see me and said bleeding is unexplained and as it's still early, only can wait n see..
My schedule scan has changed to 10aug.
Luv, no increased of support so stick to 3x duphaston. I did request for jab n he said can go ivf clinic on thur for jab. Date changed cos yesterday scan only show yolk sac so maybe not so soon can see heartbeat lor
Ewea, my next scan also falls on the same day as you. Hope you can see your baby's hb by then.

Luv, hope everything goes smoothly for you from now on.
Hi Ewea, Babygalore n luv. How r u all today?
Hope all of u r well now.

Btw any sisters here have started to bu? Act I had been drinking homemade pure chicken essence since 1st trimester once every 2 weeks. It's help to improve my energy.
normally for 1st trimester, it's to bu mum. 2nd trimester to bu bb. 3rd trimester too heaty no need to bu, just more on coconut drinks.

Luv, any comments? since you are the only 2nd timer here.
sade: my mil started cooking tonic and bird nest for me. tonic once a week

for oscar test, must we fast the day b4?
sade, thanks, so far so good today! Hope it stays this way! Think what u said pretty much covered it.
Of course, depends on the individual's body on how much heatiness they can take too.

bruno, why do u think must fast leh?? Now preggie leh, how can fast?
bruno, you have such a doting MIL.
no need to fast for oscar test.

Must eat breakfast as will be drawing a tube of blood for the blood test.

Luv, good to hear that. Yeah 3 cheers for you. Don't think abt it anymore.
luv and sade: happy to hear no need to fast. was thinking how to tahan the hunger pain.

MIL doting cos she knows the DIL dunno how to take care of herself..so she bo pian

luv and babyg we are going to 2nd stage laio. so fast. let's jiayou together
Luv glad u r feeling well

Gals 2nd trimester is start from which week?

Btw do u gals eat durian during 1st trimester? I m wondering isit okay to eat because our body is always so hot hot hot...
Sade I also drink chicken essence w cordeycePs but is bottled one coz dunnoe how to cook n MIL is vegetarian. Only drank every 3-4days so that it's not too heaty.

Btw can we drink ribenA? Been drinking Plain water when I m outside i m so sianz of it. Any other drinks we can take?
bbshower, 2nd tri shld start from 13th week.
Ribena is fine. Why not?
Can also take Milo, Horlicks etc if u want.
Hi Bb Shower, you want me to update your details in now?

I am only still drinking hot water whenever possible. Normally i would order hot water fr restaurant and by the time i finish my food, then i can drink it warm liao.

But on and off i drink fresh fruit juice without ice.
Sade wat type of fruit juice do u take? Luv is ribena Liang?Ya u can add my details in. Edd:18/03/13 , 1, kkh,gynae no fixed so can just put kkh. Thanks gal!
I only take apple juice without ice from fruit stall.
Ok no pro I will input later.

Better to be more wary as still in 1st trimester. Now I m in 15 weeks, gotta take 1 gong cha to reward myself. It's been at least 4months that I nv drink it liao. My favorite is passionfruit juice with pearls.

Also better don't drink tea, coffee n coke during first trimester.
Can drink moderate if can't stand it. But better not.
Sade congrats on proceeding to 15weeks! Ya shld reward urself le, maybe just drink it during hot hot weather ba. But maybe just drink half a cup ba because of the coloring favoring not so Gd.
bbshower, not to my knowledge. It's blackcurrant juice essentially. Is blackcurrant liang? Not sure leh. Everything in moderation.
bbshower: can eat durian but not too much cos heaty.

luv: oscar on the 8 aug. worried and just hoping for the best.
Thks bbshower, hehe I will order it without ice n let it cool down to normal temperature hopefully n drink one whole cup. Hehe that's my plan.
Coloring is nt good but just only a cup sin so long din drink liao.

As for durians, not only it's heaty but it's also v bu. Heard that if want bb to be big then eat more durians. But I din.
i really salute your determination to avoid cold drinks and drink only warm/hot water. i can't survive without cold drinks nowadays
it helps with my ms... previously i can't even stomach plain water... only these few days then i start to drink more plain water after returning to work.
hi eskimobaby, pls don't say that. I love cold drinks when i was younger. I can drink 3 cokes per day. Aft that, i switched to pokka green tea as it's v popular when its launched. Then crazy over gong cha. haha.

But now no choice, cos everyone is saying cold drinks no good for women esp wanting to have bb. so bo bian. I cut down all cold drinks.

Only fresh fruit juice without ice only awhile.

You can also do it de. Just needs a bit of adjustments.

But then sin u have ms, so no choice for you. Its really tough to have ms, so just drink whenever u can stomach. Cos for me not much ms during first trimester. So i can still control.
<table border=1><tr><td>NO.</TD><TD>NICK</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>BIRTH no.</TD><TD>HOSPITAL</TD><TD>GYNAE</TD><TD>SEX </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Kiki_gal</TD><TD>13-1-13</TD><TD>tba</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Lim Teck Beng</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Sade</TD><TD>22-1-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Joanne Tan</TD><TD>27-1-13</TD><TD>1&amp;2</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Sadhana</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>BabyGalore</TD><TD>12-2-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Jerry Chan</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Bruno</TD><TD>14-2-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Ben Tham</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>LuvNhope</TD><TD>16-2-13</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Miracle</TD><TD>19-2-13</TD><TD>1&amp;2</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Matthew Lau</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>seabreeze</TD><TD>22-2-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr M Tan</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ain Wayne</TD><TD>6-3-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Tan HH</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Hope</TD><TD>14-3-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Joyfully</TD><TD>16-3-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Chevy</TD><TD>17-3-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Matthew Lau</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Bb Shower</TD><TD>18-3-13</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>tba </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Oh luv, dont worry too much.

Act for my first trimester, I spotted during week 8. A bit of red and then brown discharge for abt 8 days. Din wan to mention cos I m pantang. I bed rested for 5 days at home. Only got an injection during 2nd day of spotting. I think I din rested well on weekends and went out for social activities and then spotted on Tuesday. No reason found too but I think I din rest enough.

Aft that I kanna itchy vulva, n hives on whole body on week 10. I endured the itchness for 7 days.

Then I kanna cough with phelgm and flu for 5 days on week 12.

So that's y every 2 weeks I went for gynae visit.

So even thou no severe ms for me, I wasnt spare with other problems.

Now really want a smooth journey.
But I got myself into pro cos I ate lots of mac n fried chicken much more than before. Hence I kanna cough. Too heaty. But that's my unhealthy craving. So now I cut down on junk food
Sade, just realized both of us have the same presence for beverages. My fav drink used to be coke and polka green tea. And I only order passion fruit with pearls from gong cha!;p

Cut down totally on the above drinks about 2 months before ivf till now. The last 2 weeks were bad. Couldn't drink plain water, ribena and orange and apple juice. Just totally dislike the taste. So became very dehydrated. In the end, got hooked to honey with aloe vera from those medicine hall stores.

Do u all realize that our taste buds have changed ever since pregnant? Mine was bad, keep changing every 2 weeks. I get very angry deciding what I wanna eat or drink. Cos this min, fish soup can be my Fav food, but couldn't tahan the smell of fish soup in the next. Haiz...
Joyfully, i've read that aloe vera can cause contractions. Better not take so much or avoid if possible. Topical application (i.e. applying on skin) of aloe vera still okay, but not ingesting.

Yeah, our taste buds will change. Foods we hated b4 might become our fave food. Foods we loved b4 might turn us off!
Hi Luv, thanks for highlighting to me! Oh dear, will try to take just honey without aloe vera then.
hi joyfully, r u by chance same age as me?
I also like ice lemon tea by season. hehe....

Ya my taste buds change too. Sometimes i complain that the food taste funny but my hubby said nope. Just felt that some food taste bitter.

N i like to eat strong taste food. Cos i used to eat v bland. now different.
Hi sade, I am 36, turning 37yo in Oct. How about you?

Yeah.. My taste bud has changed totally. My DH used to tease me at at my diet previously, says my Fav food are meant for sick people. Mostly soupy stuff and porridge. But now, I like the strong taste food. Haha!
Hi Luv, thanks for the reassurance. Ya, now I try not to think too much about it. What's done cannot be undone.;p

How about lime juice? Is it ok to drink?

Joyfully, haven't read that lime juice will cause harm. I guess it's like orange juice, good source of Vit C? Only thing is if the citric acid will irritate ur stomach. If not, then shld be fine.
