(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

I thk those shivers is due to hormones changes in our body. And it's really scarry. Luv I ask my hubby to hug me but he was slping like a pig... Slp So soundly make me so envy n angry at the same time haha. I thk we need to ve a good nutrients in order to cut down on the shivers n cold sweat at night.

Thankfully spotting has stopped alil. Don't know if I can get discharged. Scan showed baby all fine and well. Still don't know why I spot and bleed every now and than.

Ewea, u warded too? Tk care.. Our babies just want us to slack on the bed and do nothing.
bbshower, haha... i din even ask. I just grabbed his arm and pulled it over! ;p

BabyG, hope u can be discharged soon. Glad that baby is well.
BabyG glad u r well ya guess ur baby wan you to lead a queen life hee, just leave the chores to ur hubby or families ya. 1st trimester is very crucial dun over-stretched urself k. Take care!
Babygalore good to hear that. Take things easy for next few days.

Thks bb shower for the link. Ya it's e hormones at work. Hehe. My hubby also ignore me when I call out to him. I just switch off air con when I was shivering. N then become too hot n sweat. N he can still sleeps even w/o air con.

I hv sore breasts sin bfp. But now in 2nd trimester not sore anymore. But nipples are standing sin bfp. And the areola darken. I miss my pink color. Read that areola will remain this color even aft given birth.
Babygalore, ya I'm In kkh now..realli hope spotting stops n can discharge. Cant sleep well here, last night was assigned to single bedroom cos no beds available n I can't sleep the whole night lor.
Not sure if can discharge on a Sunday..
Hope you are discharged now n home sweet home
BabyG - glad that your spotting had stopped and scan is ok. Just rest well and don't walk too much for the next few days.

Ewea - Don't worry too much and rest well now. Will you be going for scan?
Hi I am 7 weeks, but MS strike on wed, no appetite, now having gastric pain, can I take actal?
Btw currently, I m taking 4 duphaston n 4 prognova in a day as I has spotting previously. Currently, no spotting, hopefully it wouldn't come back. I m wondering it is be is of the support pills that cause me to have MS.
Btw we need to take such pills throughout the 1st trimester ?
Thanks chevy n Joanne. Past 2 days scan only can see a sac, am schedule to scan on 2 aug for heartbeat.

Twinstars, I have ask a few doctors if I can increase to 4x duphaston but all say no to me.. May I know what's prognova?
Ewea- mine is medicated fet. So I took prognova to build the womb lining. Initially is just 2 tablets a day, after spotting for 4 days, I went to dr loh, he ask me to increase to 4 tablets prognova n 4 duphaston. He gave me a jab of proluton, I continued to have red spotting for another day, then it slows down to very little red or brown spotting, then wed I have red spotting again went for another jab of proluton, then that evening stop spotting till now.
Twinstars - u have to continue with the medication for the 1st tri till doc say stop. They could be part of the reason for ms As they increase the progesterone level but no choice. Think positively - having ms means your bb is healthy :p
Finally doc came And told me that i can be discharged. Going to do the scan for down's on Monday. I'm scared.. Is blood test also required?

Ewea, I requested for b1 ward.. It's a 4 bedder but I'm the only patient in this room.. Sooo it's like a super big room for myself.. Can be alil scary sleeping all alone.
Babygalore, ur doc see you so early! Haha I'm In B2+ but only 4 patients here..had a good night sleep but I during 2ww till now always wake up 5+am even when I'm at home. Ya I'm not used to sleep alone hehe..like so empty
Your spotting stop? How many jab doc give you?
Ya the ward doc came and woke me up at 6.30.. So far they only gave me 1 jab.. At o&g on fri. I want them to give me another jab before I get discharged. Not sure if they will. Must ask the dr I think..
baby g & ewea : rest well

luv: switch when i tested positive. my hubby only like ben tham. so no choice
Ewea, oic, I also dont know if can take Dr zou medicine or not.
Maybe give her a call and ask her.

Babygalore good that can discharge today. Did u walked a lot for the past few days or r u leading a hectic schedule for the past few days before spotting? Sometimes nt enough rest can trigger spotting.
Btw for Oscar test, there will be blood test. Just only a tube of blood drawn.
Hihi sistas.. I am new to tis forum.. glad to join all of you here..
My Edd is 22/02/13, 1st, tmc, M tan..

Jia yous to all of us here..
Babygalore, did you get another jab?
I also wanted another jab but yesterday n this morning doc both say 1 week once only zzz...

Thanks Bruno.

Sade, maybe after discharged then continue
I'm back home.

Ewea, I couldn't get another jab. But Dr Jerry Chan came and saw me. He said he would give me another jab on thurs when I see him. Looked through my report and said everything seems normal and good.

Sade, I never go anywhere. Have been home bound and didn't do anything other than slack infront of the tv. So I really don't know what triggered the bleeding. I really hope it doesn't come back.
Babygalore oic. Sometimes there are no reasons for spotting. Hopefully this e last time. Don't worry too much sin doc had already scan and all is well.

I know it's v scary to go through spotting. Jia you. Going to 2nd trimester soon.
Any ladies done the first trimester screening in kk? Tats the down's test right? How long would the scan be ah?
Ladies, my turn to have a scare this morning. Had some brown discharge yesterday which i tot was normal side effects of Crinone insert. But had fresh bleeding that stained pantyliner this morning. Went for emergency scan. Thankfully baby okay. Tho still can't help but worry. Doc also ordered a BT for me to check infection and blood count, and increased my Utro dosage. Wonder where the blood came from...
Really hope this'll be the first and last episode!
Luv, hope u r feeling ok by now! Rest more okie.... Try not to thk too much (always easier said than done)...... Do something that can make ur self relax n be happy
Luv, hope your spotting will stop soon. Thankfully, the baby is ok. Did your gynae explains what causes the bleeding. Please take care and bedrest more k?
Thanks Chevy and Joyfully. Will try to bedrest more today.

Doc said cld be the aspirin that really thins the blood and sometimes even a sneeze could break a blood vessel! *faintz* He ordered the BT to check for infection too cos he says there have been rising cases of placental infection. But can be treated if caught early. Hopefully it's really just a blood vessel that broke and nothing serious. Well, in short, donno the exact reason for the bleeding and that's frustrating.
Oh no, luv, do bed rest more. maybe you are over tired, cos saw your post yesterday that you are tired and can't sleep well.

Really hope that its a one time episode. It's really v common. Jia you. Going to be 2nd trimester soon.

Think if spot, still have to continue your support for another 2 weeks or so.

You using crinone? I only use the crinone during 2 ww. After that, it's utrogestan.
Luv has the bleeding stop? When will u know the BT result? I think u shld try n drink more water just in case it's infection as least can clear off the virus. For now u better bed rest more ya. Hope ur bleeding has stop. Hugz. Ur baby is gonna be very strong jiayou jiayou!
bbshower, thks. Still some light red when i wipe. But seems to be getting lesser. Hope it'll stop completely soon.

BabyG n ewea, has ur spotting stopped?
The nurse said the clinic will call me today or let me know when i go for next visit. Maybe i'll call later n check if they dun call me.
luv: rest well. my gynea ask me to stop using insert cos sometimes the inert cos our tissue inside too be sensitive. so i am on oral medication only. talk to yr baby.all will be fine
Luv, hope it will stop soon. By the way I'm taking the baby aspirin too. The nurse told me to stop taking of I ever see any spotting. You may want to ask the gynae.
Luv btw u r still using inserts ah? Seems like u all using quite a lot of supports. Because I only taking utrogestan 2tablets daily n folic acid that's all. Maybe after my scanning tmr doc will gv more supports. But actually I dun even feel like eating the pills very sianz ve to take pill. N also I not taking any tcm.only once every 3days will take chicken essence with cordeceps.
bruno, my doc says best to continue with Crinone still, cos the benefits are still there.

Hope, doc also asked me to continue taking aspirin cos he thinks benefits outweigh risks.

bbshower, if u're doing well so far then u prob dun need extra support. Cos if up the dosage, u need to maintain the dosage at that level and it'll be harder to wean off later. That's why most docs dun ask u to up dosage unless necessary.

ewea, hope ur brown spotting goes away soon. Did ur doc say why there was bleeding?
Oic. But I prefer utrogestan cos the discharge is nt as gross as crinone. Easier to insert too. N also crinone has to be stored in fridge.

Different gynae give different supports. So don't worry if your support is only one type. As long there isn't any pro then it's ok.

bbshower, thanks for checking it out.
I'm taking baby aspirin, so the dosage is very low and shld be safe. By right it helps to thin the blood and promote blood flow to the uterus.
