(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

I understand that the cost at CARE is quite exp, right? But angela and teams gave good supports throughout esp for twins or triplets.
Yours is singleton or twins?

Read that Dr Tseng is charming, is he?

I went CARE for review before, and spent almost 1kplus just for vitamins and scans. in the end decide to follow Dr Loh.
sade, CARE is quite ex, yes. But getting BFP is worth it.
TFC is not cheap too!

Dr Tseng has his charming moments, hahah...

I'm having a singleton. You?
I'm not sure if Jerry does delivery. Have yet to find out. He is gentle and all. But when I had spotting and all, he just keep saying it normal. Didn't up my support or anything until I got hospitalized.

I'm currently 11 week. Edd according to IVF calculator is 14th feb. According to scan it's 12th feb.
Ya BFP is definitely worth it.

Did consider CARE but angela seems quite disappointed when i told her my low amh results which i did in kkh. But i like angela cos she told me what to eat or not to eat during my first visit. Very personal touch. Cos normally for western doc, they don't care what u should or shouldn't eat.

I'm having a singleton too.
BabyG, actually when i had a spotting scare in Week 5, Dr T also just said that it's too early to scan and if anything were to happen, we can't stop it too. Not exactly the things we wanna hear lor. Thankfully was a false alarm.
i am glad that i had chosen Dr Loh cos he suggested to me natural ivf which is seldom heard of. It's was rather a more gentle approach.
Understand that once we r in ivf At kkh we r considered private patient. But once BFP do you gals convert bk to public or still as private so to beable to choose a gynae or even stick with the same ivf doc.

Sade u mentioned cannot eat spicy food do u know the reason for it? I just had 3curry puff just now... Hope everythg is okay.
bb shower : I think just to minimize heart burn.
don't worry, it's only a guide.

I have only been eating a lot of spicy food such as tong yam soup and lots of fried chickens.

But do so only when you are comfortable with it.
Hihi! Glad to c more ladies here!

Scanned liao..... Singleton n can c hb, although I cldn't make out the tinest beat
6.2 wks old. Edd is 17/3.

Frankly I keeping hoping for twins so can close shop liao. Also due to me being lau cock-cock

One must not be greedy hor! Heheheheeee.......
hi chevy, was just wondering how r u and then read your good news. Congrats!

Me also like you initially, but twins consider high risk. So singleton is good.
Sade, no brinjal? Had been eating them cos I ever asked dr Zou if ok. Had 2 sips of root beer earlier and kopi twice or thrice wkly! Flouting all rules! *piak* myself
bbshower, think so far only Dr Sadhana doesn't do deliveries. The rest of the IVF docs do i believe.

sade, will see how it goes after my detailed scan, and decide who to stick with.

bbshower, I've also been eating spicy food. No worries. So long as it doesn't irritate ur stomach or cause heartburn shld be fine.

Chevy, congrats on seeing the hb! Aiyo, why say urself lau cock-cock? ;p How old are u if u dun mind sharing?
Luv, me alrdy 39 liao..... Running of out time cos need to "chase" after gov grant hahahahahaaaa......Thk me 1 of the oldest here.
Bbshower, u intend to change gynae? I thk dr matt lau shld b ok ba although quite few of us r under him.....
Chevy u r bk! Congrats on seeing ur bb hb. Btw I thk cannot drink kopi lar. So today after seeing dr Matthew lau everythg is good? He got gv advises? Ya mostly I will stick with him ba coz I seem to be fated with him. I get to c him even b4 ER on a sat during follicles scanning guess it's fated ba.
hehe those not to eat fruits and food are copied from past ivf mummies thread.

Just for your info only. As long food in moderation are ok.
Btw Chevy ur u/s isit adominal or viginal scan isit painful? I thk getting singleton is good too at least minimize the stress level ba.
Bbshower, kopi forbidden ah? Will try my very very best best to control
Hmmm..... He din say anything much.... Just good n congratz, rest more n to c him in 4 wks time. By then he will discuss on the necessary test to be done.

As for the scan, it's done by nurses in AMC (level 1). Cldn't c anything during abdominal scan so switch to v-scan. Feeling its almost same as follicles scan lah.... So dun worry ya.....
Sade, yepz yepz, everything in moderation. But cooling foods still big no-no! The best part...... I luv all the cooling stuffs
Luv I don't drink coffee because of gastric pain so it's okay for me. But I really like cooling food too but try to cut down for now. Must endure endure just a couple of mths to safety zone.
HiHi Luv, BB shower, Sade and Chevy!!

Sade, thanks for starting this thread!

Luv, thanks for introducing me to this thread!

My Edd based on online calculator and the one given by gynae also differs by a few days.

I am seeing Dr Paul now, and based on my last scan, it shows one sac and heartbeats.

Chevy, I am like you, a bit disappointed cos wanted twins. But I think I should learn to be contented. Am happy so long the baby is healthy.

Btw, I was advised to go for prenatal diagnostic testing. The nurse at TLC has scheduled a date for me in Sep, and gynae will only advise me in 2 weeks time what the test is all about. Has any of you done this test before?
hi joyfully, welcome here. Congrats!

What kind of prenatal diagnostic testing is it? Is it oscar test?

Ya chevy, hopefully u can forgo the coffee, it's not so good. Maybe aft first trimester, then can indulge one cup per week. Possible?
Hi ladies! So happy to see so many famillar faces here!

Sade, thanks to setting up this thread. Like what Chevy mentioned, other threads move too fast so I'm usually a silent reader. I'm also under Dr Loh.

Joyfully, how r u cycle buddy! When is your EDD?
Luv, think am not going back to Care at the moment. Very scared of jabs for now. Will go checkout the thread on Oscar test. Thanks!
My Edd is 16 Mar 2013. How abt yours?

Sade, the nurse did not elaborate. So am unsure what it is all abt? Will checkout the link provided by Luv.

Bbshower, I also don't know what happen to the other. Maybe it's like what Luv mentioned above, absorbed by our body.

Chevy, tell u a secret... I am still hoping to see another heartbeat by my next scan. Cos read in the paper a few days ago, there was this young couple who has given birth to quadralets. Her gynae discovered additional heartbeat at each scan all the way till week 9.
Hi hope welcome, I am also a silent reader but din read too much on ivf current thread. Mostly r those past threads on ivf mummies.
So u r under Dr loh too. When is your edd?

Think I should do a table cos it's started to get a bit crowded here.
Hi Sade, thanks! My EDD 14th Mar.... Just turned 7 weeks today.... Can't wait for next scan next week. I just hope and pray everything will be smooth smooth.
Speaking of the news report on the quadruplets, it says they were conceived naturally... I thought 100% natural then it'd be quite amazing. But seems like the lady prob took med like Clomid. Then not really natural mah... hmm...
Hope, hihi!!! My EDD based on online calculator is 11 mar. But the scan at gynae's clinic shows edd on 16 mar instead.

Luv, oops... No choice! My hand is still bruising from the previous jabs.;p ya, u have a point on the couple taking clomid. Luckily, her husband runs a nanny agency. So no prob in getting help to look after her babies.
Sade, if u're doing up a table, just to share a "format" adapted from another thread for your consideration.

SMH Nick - EDD - Birth Order - Boy/Girl - Hospital - Gynae - WM/SAHM
Joyfully, hahaha..... Good luck to u! Hope u can c an miracle in ur next scan! Actually the same thot did cross my mind earlier too
Ya Luv the i thk the gal in the paper took clomid. And clomid has a high chances of multiple pregnancy. So I can only say she also partially natural ba. Ya very lucky the family runs a nanny agency, if not cannot imagine the amt that they are gonna spend. I thk they r also well-to-do family ba if not they won't have gone to gleneagles n choose Christopher Chen who is the director as their gynae.
