(2013/12) December 2013

Iamnewmummy, almost all those non-agency CL r malaysians. Even agency ones also mostly malaysians. Im nt sure abt the social visit pass part, but if so many mummies r using malaysian CLs it shdnt b too troublesome to get their social visit pass I guess? Ya $2800 seems a bit more than mkt rate.. but does it depend on when u gonna deliver? Cos my fren most likely delivering late dec to early jan, so quite likely her confinement will hit cny, n yday she told me her CL charged her $3500 -_-lll
Btw, u looking for long sleeved pants n top pj for use in hosp or at hme? Wont it b too hot if u wear it at hme?

Bernice, nice to b a sahm
I wish I could do that too.. latching in public feels challenging too.. sometimes I noticed pple staring even though the mummies use a nursing shawl..

Cljl, ya been wanting to chk out tpy, but cos there's so many shops there n I dunno where to look for wat, so tot I might need more time to comb the area, haven't found such time to do it yet.. n ya, my frens who breastfeed usu keep their outside time to less than 3hrs, cos anything more than that they'll feel engorgement liao..

Bernice, I wear short sleeve tops and some 3/4 and some long pants but it's freaking hot already. Sometimes when I'm in my room my on my fan quietly but ppl say don't blow it directly at you. Shiok!
And at night I switched on air con awhile then off it. Double shiok!

For my first baby, I don't latch when I'm outside. I gave her fm. It's totally fine. I will pump when I'm home or let my baby latch if she was hungry.
Everyone is happy. No fuss no waiting time. Baby grows up well and so far fell sick only once.
mummy_ting, tpy has alot of stores selling pj.... but then nicer designs only a few stores.... if you went before, stores that sells are near those Pink beauty, beaute spring..

oh.. when im out, i will try to express 1st then out with bb, will latch.. but bb sometimes dun coordinate to latch coz its hot under the cover...
Cljl, ya I know where's Pink Beauty n Beaute Spring, will go chkit out one of the wkends bah.. thanx!

Btw, taka bb fair coming up soon, am thinking to get stroller n car seat during then. Any other items that I shd look out for or buy during the fair?
Long time no come in here...how's all the mummies doing? I am hvg severe headache, backache n leg pain..most likely due to my disc bulge issue. By the way, recently i experience slight pain n uncomfortable at abdominal area, sometimes centre..left or right..is it normal? I m in wk17, can i experience fetal movement?
Hello mummies, been sometime since I came into this thread.

Iamnewmummy, $2800 for CL is expensive. I'm paying $2400 and already heartache over it but bo bian because I'm closing shop after this so hope to do a proper confinement this time.

Any mummies know if we can take sugar cane juice? Suddenly craving for it.

Lastly, can someone add me to the FB, please? My email is shmilychia@yahoo[dot]com. Thank you!
Talking about clothing during confinement, I used to wear T-shirts and shorts as the confinement months were the hot season.

Now that the confinement period will be in end Dec/early Jan, I recently bought a 3/4 pants from Uniqlo. Nice looking with soft and light material like pyjamas kind. Good thing is that its inexpensive. Can wear afte confinement too.
mummy_ting, milk bottles, steriliser u can check it out too.. but since ours in dec, still can wait for yr end sales... breastpump better to get when u abt to deliver...

faithe, mine has slight stitch pain too.. tmr going gyane.. must remember to ask... fetal movement is like small kicks at the bottom.. like butterfly flying...

darbebe, drink once its fine la... i have been taking gassy drink almost everyday.. oops....
Hi mummies!

HOw are you all doing?- I have been busy hunting for a CL too. Thankfully I found one. Dunno how good she is but with all good faith I am taking her. Hope by God's grace it goes well. I can get this type of help back in sgp too.

I feel tiny flutters too. My bums are cramping too much too.. arghhh!!

TC all.
Darbebe, I think sugarcane juice shd b ok bah. I've been drinking it since 1st trimester whenever I need a drink with my meals. Cos I cut on my coffee intake, cant take tea either, too much coke n soft drinks also no gd.. but I still succumbed to 1-2 cokes each day for a few wks last mth, end up gynae say I put on too much wt too fast
so im switching to more sugarcane juice n fruit juices, hope the calories more worth it bah..

Cljl, ok will chk those out too. But didnt plan to buy yet cos nt really big ticket items so I dun think will have much price diff during fairs? Yr end sales will start b4 we give birth ma? Cos my edd 1st wk of dec.. breast pump im planning to buy fr local blogshop so mayb buy in oct or nov bah.. I still cant imagine how butterfly flying feels like
im into wk18 liao but still cant feel anything..
mummy_ting, now is time to compare prices... lol... pram, car seat, depends on the brand you wants... maxi cosi, quinny, pre-prego, maclaren etc, my opinion is best to go baby hyperstore at ubi area... dun buy CAPELLA! its lousy!

expo fair also coming up rite? I think motherhood fair is sometime in sep?

breastpump depends on what brand you want lo... mine is e lower end but it lasted me through my #1 for 14 mths...

e feel I also duno hw to explain to you.. lol... Im close to 18 wks too if im not wrong..
Hey mummies!

Any more updates to the chart? I only I have one name so far... From this week I am sure many will be gg for 20 weeks detailed scan so if you wanna add your baby gender tot he chart, let me know.
Cljl, mummy_ting...Shiok! I had sugar cane juice after dinner. I too had cold drinks and fruit juices very frequently. Nowadays like very limited drinks for me, if not soya milk then it's Rubens else fruit juices.

I seemed to feel fetal movements now. Sometimes it's at the bottom sometimes at the side. Not sure if I over think, I got a very hard 'kick' last week when I was talking to colleague while standing. The impact was so hard that I jerked and caused a sudden shock to my colleague. Haha...
Hi all, i went for dietician class at kk n dietician told us not to take too much fruit juice or sugarcan, cos the sugar content is high compare to eating one fruits. So best is plain warm water. I am not sure that pain i experience is it bb kicking...yes, it seems to move around. By the way, where is the hyperstore in ubi?
Darbebe, hahahaha..... once in a while its ok la... 1st tri, i had lotsa fruit juice/ribena coz i hate that plain water taste.. now so much better... can regain back at least 1 litre a day.. still not so bad... soya milk i think also take in moderation hor...

by now, 18 wks should feel liao.. mine not so prominent coz of my thick layer of fats! hahaha.

faithe, hyperstore is at :

69 Kaki Bukit Avenue 1 Shun Li Industrial Park Singapore 417947

another one beside it is Baby Kingdom...
Thanks Faithe for sharing. Will cut down on fruit juices. Find that drinks are so limited for us now.

Cljl, don't say - I have thick layer of fats too. boo hoo
Cljl, I cancelled out all the ang moh brands of stroller liao cos I find them too bulky n heavy. Am considering between carpella n combi leh. My fren using carpella looks nt too bad leh.. y u find it lousy leh? Is there another motherhood fair coming up? Im nt sure.. breastpump im gonna get medela freestyle..

Faithe, depends on how u look at it. At least its sugar fr fruits n u r getting vitamins along with it, as compared to other soft drinks which might have even higher sugar content. The shortfall is fibre is missing as compared to taking whole fruit. If u take note of how much fruits they put into per cup of juice, its actually abt 1 portion nia, meaning like 1 apple or 1 orange kind. Well, b4 pregnancy I alwaz opt for whole fruits over juice, but nw cos of lack of drink choices I'll go for fruit juices.
Hi mummy ting, I have for maclaren and a combi.

I would say a sturdy stroller is good for infants as it's safer but it's not really possible to handle it alone (especially a woman)
Unless you drive maybe.

When my girl turns 1 I started using combi even alone. 1 hand handling and it's light and easy. My maclaren is in my store room now.

Hope this helps.
morning all!!!

mummy_ting, hahaha... duno leh.. i find the capella wheels manouver very lousy after a while.. then u take combi ba.. its lighter n i think easier to keep.. not sure when fair will come up but i think shld be nearer to last qtr of the year.
Winny n Cljl, thanx for the advice! Ya I drive but we dun really wanna buy more than 1 stroller, so we r looking at something sturdy enough for infant n nt too heavy, so that we cn cont using until bb becomes toddler..
Mummy_ting,i think once a while ok.but not daily..thats wat the dietician says. Cos pregnancy easily get GD, so by then 6-7mths, many mummies not controlled glucose intake might get it. I was told. I myself was a diabetic before pregnancy, so i totally avoid fruit juice. Only milk & plain water...it was really v hard to control but for the sake of bb..no choice.waiting to see gynae now...hope bb growing well n fine...praying..
Mummy ting, no problem. Sharing experience.
I personally do not like to use stroller. Troublesome.
Thus I bought a baby carrier. No doubt tiring but it's so convenient.
Dollsy, think jamu massage is gd for regaining your figure n helping the womb return to its original size n position.

Winny, ya I think if u going out on your own, carrier will b easier than stroller if u dun drive. Most likely I'll b getting both..
Iamnewmummy, I think we still entitled to it. I've few frens who gave birth ard sept n oct past few yrs, n all of them have it. But some of them r expected to clear it b4 calendar yr ends, meaning u've to log in n clear childcare leave b4 u finish clearing your maternity leave.. but best is to dbl chk with your company HR, apparently different companies have different ways of executing it.
hi mummies! can i join this thread? hehe EDD according to gynae was originally 31/12/2013, then move a day to 1/1/2014 so thought i'd just join this thread as well
For my first child, my delivery is in oct and I'm not entitled as baby has not been born. And by the time ML ends it's next year already.
I think I juz felt something too! But its v high up, like juz below my rib cage there, so im nt v sure whether its correct!
same thing here! I also felt something near my rib cage, but I am not sure...

BTW my friend says one need to be very determined if decide to breastfeed. Any mummies here to give tips and prep us mentally?
Iamnewmummy, I asked my fren n she say that shd b it!
I also felt it a few more times when my hubby talking to bb! So cool!

Talking abt breastfeeding, I personally think depends on how u see it bah. I've a fren who was v determined n insistent abt it, n cos 1st few wks milk production was low it added unneccesary stress on top of her determination to have a natural delivery (she needed emergency c-sec due to unforeseen circumstances), both contributed to her slipping into post natal blues.. so I keep telling myself I'll persever n try my best, but if really cannot bb will still grow well on formula, juz like most of us in my generation did..
morning all....

Im a very determined bf mummy! I bf #1 till she was 13 mths, #2 till 16 mths when she wean off by herself....

What makes me so determined was becoz it can help me lose wt really fast! I lost all my wt and back to pre-preg wt within 2-3 mths...

milk flow was slow for #1, only came after 6-7 days and she doesnt like to latch, so i will have to full-time express.... this is very very tiring! in order to keep my flow coming, I will have to be very very hardworking by pumping by 3 hrs; even at nite, I wake up...

for my #2, milk flow was earlier, abt 4th day... latching was abit of a problem too but i manage to conquered it by forcing her to latch and latch and i refuse to give her bottle... there after, she got no choice but to latch... but with latching, i also express out... hence, my flow and supply was very very good! the max supply i can produce a day was about 1.5litres....

mummies who doesnt want to keep on latching, maybe u can intro bottle at nite... its becoz of me that #2 refuse bottle.. so partly also my fault....

so jiayou all mummies!
I think I felt another kick!? This time is at lower abdominal area. So amazing =p

cljl, very pei fu you to be so determined. I read other blogs where the mummies experience blister at their nipple etc. Did you experience this and how did you overcome it? How did you know if you were latching on correctly? I wonder if I am mentally strong to go through all these...
I got a milk blister..was painful and i dont know what to do abt it..read from internet need to use needle and poke..but i scare dont dare.. in the end i am quite lucky.. somehow my #1 manage to suck hard enough until the blister burst on its own..hengz har.. else i also dont know what to do..haa
iamnewmummy, yes.. definetly will have blisters one... latching was a prob for me in e beginning stage coz my nipples are inverted.. so i will have to pull for bb to latch easily.. quite a struggle for me coz she keep on crying.. but i very determined... i sustained! ahahaha...
each time after latching, i apply nipple cream and use my bm to apply on it too.. then when bb need to latch again, i will ren the pain lo..

if latch is not correct, bb will fuss and cry.. best to ask lactation consultant on your latch and carrying method.. coz bb prefer only 1 side.. so for about 6 mths, she prefers only 1 side.. eg, if im out, i will only latch her on 1 side..

yes.. i do have milk blister too... as usual, i ren the pain, burst out, apply my bm and nipple cream...

I used the whole tube of medela nipple cream for the past 4-5 mths i think... thereafter, all quite smooth..
clijl..how u burst out?? use needle har?? i dont dare to burst..i ask hubby to burst..he also scare.. this time rd hopfully i dont kena again.. my colleague's bb is a born latcher.. very envy her..she dont even need nipple cream lor.. from day 1 her bb can latch well liao..
wow I really admire your perserverance. I wonder if I am able to tahan for so long...

Is it better to just express out to feed baby?
Iamnewmummy, yay for u! Last nite I also felt some more popping when my hubby keep calling out for bb b4 he started reading bedtime stories to her.. haha..indeed amazing..

Cljl, ya u super onz! Almost all my frens pushed to meet the minimum recommendation of breastfeeding for 6mths nia.. r u a working mum?
poseidon_gal, hahaha... i squeeze using my nails!bit teeth to squeeze out.. cannot leave that thing there.. bad for bb.. if bb latch n bite on it, lagi jialat....

depends on individual de on the latching.. sometimes bb cleverer n also depends on your posture and nipples!

my #1 refused to latch no matter how i try.. #2 i force her! had blisters but as time pass, each day gets better.. but its really really very very tiring!

iamnewmummy, hahaha... i wan to latch is becoz its so much easier when going out.. i dun have to lug all my pump, bottle, hot water etc.... very very heavy! when im out alone with #1 i took milkbag with bottles, cups,cooler, hot water, pump... plus the pram, her clothes and etc... each time i bring her out, im carrying like 7kg bag, n pushing 10kg.. very tiring...

if you wanna express, also can but u will have to bring alot of barang barang out.. latch is still easier.. just bring nursing cover, pampers and bb clothes...

but... if you are latching outside... must test test at home 1st.. coz somtimes, bb will fuss!

wah really pei fu you. I need to remind myself to relax otherwise will end up with post-natal blues. ya I think easier to latch on when outside but provided I manage to learn the correct latching on method.

mummy_ting, your baby recognise you n your husbad's voice! My baby still doesn't react when we talk, the kicks are felt were random.

Has anyone went for the 5 month detailed scan? What is it for?
