(2013/12) December 2013

Hey mummies, am kinda busy today. I will update the chart tmrw.

Oh my! CL ladies super ex ah! Why must be CL ladies? - My 2 cents. ask ard la, whther have local low income aunties who can do the job and hire them instead of the overpriced M'sian CLs.- I know easier said than done. But can try... Maybe put up ad on ST or chinese paper.

Haze thankful is better today.. only drops of rain ystd here. -_-" Hopefully it pours today! *fingers crossed*

Wow.. The price range is huge..guess it maybe related to the service provided. But really cannot scrimp on CL, if the confinement is not done well, I heard the mother will become haggard and look older in appearance.. Guess that is one of the reason we girls are afraid of!! Hope we really get the gd svc in return of the amt we paying for!

Anymore inputs from other mothers or MTB??
Hi Deby, hope this article help..


I hv booked my CL thr a colleague's mum who last time is a msia CL but retired to look after elderly. So she recommend me her niece..looks young about 40+..6yrs experience..she happen to b doing CL in sg now near my hse area, so i went up to her current family n they were nice to let mi in to interview her. Although she a bit plump but since this employer is 2nd x engaging her, i guess shd b still ok. Her rate quite exp at 2.5k..n she has booking since oct. 23/10 & 14/11 & mine 15/12..n another end jan..so i m praying the nov one dun delay else will hv to ask her frd for few days replacement which i dun like...cos dun even see her frd before...

Usually first child will edd on time or earlier? Any experience mum can share?
Hi all,
I just want to share about something I spot.
Isetan Serangoon NEX selling Avent breastfeeding support kit at $229.
Even Philips staff sales can't get this price. (Staff price ard $295)
Hi everyone, I'm new here

EDD: 24 Dec
OB: Dr Lisa Chin
Hospital: Gleneagles
Baby #1

Please add me to the FB group too! Thanks!
Hi faithe, it's really hard to determine of you will deliver early/late/on time. The number of times you deliver doesn't matter.

I am paying 2.5k
I guess the more experienced or popular ones will be more exp. it's really hard to find locals one and I never heard before. All Malaysians.
Any mummies here experiencing bk pain or leg pain? I had very bad pain at nite while sleeping for the past few nites...started to see a chiropractor..ask my gynae,he say is normal as our uterus expand n hip expands...but worst for pple like me hvg disc protrusion issue..he recommend physio or chiro n say panadol is useless...hv been disturbing my hubby for the past few nites due to the shooting pain...duno how to struggle thr the rest of the long journey...
OMG! I just realised I have to also start shopping for CL!
finding indian CL is 10000* harder..
sob sob.. previous time I had one lousy one from india. I got her on social visa. No choice bec ICA has CL work permit only for M'sians.

Anenatal dietary tips.. (by my Gynae- Dr. Jean Woo)

Eat Yogurt (3 to4 tubs a week)- prevent constipation
Eat dates- increase iron count
More protein intake and less carbohydrates (preferable complex carbohydrates)
I booked my CL at 2.3k. She had been taking care of all my gfs confinement since 10 years ago.

Think best to get from ppl recommendations cos it make a lot of difference if ur confinement is good or not.
Hey winny, I m currently living in KL. My hb is working here. There is a Gleneagles here. 10 mins away from KLCC. Hospital name is Gleneagles Intan. Best part, I can still use my medisave here.
Hello all I found pre-natal yoga and Pilates around city hall area, but it's quite expensive. $70 for trial lesson and slightly more then $100 per session. If we can have more people to join then maybe we can bargain for a better rate. What do you all think?
Hi wimt, that's provided if we can find enough people to form a class

Holidaygal: I have asked for the class schedule a couple of times but their reply is always if I am interested they will book a time for me. So I guess they still don't have a fixed schedule yet as city hall is their new branch.

The name of the shop is Upside Motion
Hi ladies, I did my prenatal yoga at forum shpg ctr. At como shambala. It was very affordable. Abt $25 per class. Trial is focc. Then u if are satified u can purchase 5 or 10 classes. They will give u like a card to chop for each class. So u dun getfforfeited if u dun attend classes regularly. Best part the card is transferable. My sefond card of 10 classes I didnt complete then I sold to my fellow forum mummy since she cud go. U might want to check that place out if y are keen. The instructors are really good. The teach u badic hypoborthing thru yoga and breathing techniques
I just saw the como shabhala singapore webby. Block of 10 classes is $315 (valid for 4 mths). I guess they hv increased their rates.

Hypnobirthing is a psychological thing. Tuning ur mind into submission of labour. So that the body relaxes and results in lesser pain.
Hey mummies, my girl is 15 months old and I have alot of things to clear.
convertible cot - $100 (new cost $499!!!) Need to clear for space.
Lamaze hanging mobile - $10
Lamaze soft books - $8 each. have many
Fisher price hanging mobile - $10
Just too many to list. I stay at bukit panjang. If you want to drop by and have a look feel free. All in tip top great condition.
whow.... seems like CL is very hot in dec!!!! still thinking if i shld get 1.... mil dun seem keen in cooking for me during my confinement period since I will be at my place and she is not staying over...
cljl: It is best you get CL. My personal thought: When the baby is out, their piority will always be baby (grand child) and it is impt we have enough tonics otherwise, we may become haggard.

AR & iamnewmumy: Just thinking, I wonder if the interested mummies can share 1 card of 10 sessions. Then all of us can go at the same time. Eg. 5 of us sharing, we will just pay for 2 lessons. Subsequently, those yoga lovers can continue and some can just drop out w/o worrying how to sell the card away.
Hello new mummies to be,

I have a set of Medela swing single breast pump.use only 2weeks as I have stopped breast feeding due to low supply.condition 9.5
Very new.
Bought $350,selling at $300.

Plus giveaway a box of pigeon and medala breast pads .
Interested parties,pls pm me .

wimt, ya lo.. but its the cost that Im delaying this thought lo.... expenses very high now since this is #3 and both gals are in cc...

even my past 2 expereince, my mil didn even take care, jus only bathe for them and cook for me... haiz....
wimt, that can be done. But do double check with them if their policies have changed. I attended yoga there in 2010.
Hi and congrats to all mummies-to-be

We have a FB group for mummies to buy, sell, exchange or even donate items. If you are interested, do join us at Mummy's Storeroom.

Membership is by admin approval. Do read the T&Cs before posting.
mummy_ting, think for dec babies must be fast lo.. Im delaying then I will force my hb to tell my mil that she needs to cook for me and come over to bathe for bb!!! ahahahaha....
Mummy ting

You want to contact my ex-CL. Think she is available. Charges are reasonable too.
Quiet and clean lady.
PM for her contacts.
Cljl, ya I know we need to b fast.. but I dun really feel like the idea of having a stranger in my hse n in my kitchen.. but then again, its my first bb n im nt sure if I cn cope on my own with only my mum here partially -_-lll
Cljl, I would think it's better to get cl. If u r using cloth diapers, that's a lot to clothes to wash leh. Who will do the washing?
I know when I'm on confinement, all elders said I should avoid the tap/cold water.
Even my bath is being prepared.
The older Chinese will say wash confinement clothes separately from others as it's "dirty"
My CL washed all milk bottles and sterilize for me too.
I really don't touch water unless after toilet.

Btw, any of you knows where I can get thin cotton & buttoned pj? I have been trying to find for confinement. My last time I had no choice but to wear my mother in law's.
Mummy ting, from my few friends' exp who didn't get CL they said they regret as they themselves did not get enough rest.
Their mothers did for them but in the end they can't bear to see their mother so tired. In the end they took over the taking care.
mummy_ting, oh... 1st child normally will be more gan cheong... maybe this my #3 i abit shui bian liao... hahaha...

Winny, no.. I will nvr use cloth diapers.. its so troublesome! I bought lots for my 1st, never tried to use once coz they pee n poo like nobody business within a day!

Ya. during my confinement, my mil will bathe bb, boil water for me for my bath, cook, washing bottles, washing my own dishes, I do too lo...

as for buttoned pj, if anyone bkk, u can get some there.. else, you can try those market area that sells cutie pj... somehave button in front too...
Hi cljl, that's y CL can wash the cloth diapers.
Best is u don't do la. The elders believe not good when we are old.
I try to heed their advise.

I'm trying to find pj at anywhere I go. Heehee...
Seems not popular already.
Winny, im still considering abt getting CL, cant make up my mind.. anw, my fren suggested getting cotton nursing tops fr mothercare..

Cljl, if im nt hiring CL most prob my mum will help me out like wat your mil did for u too..
winny, hahaha.... but at home i dun wash clothes lo... hehe.. all my hb do... but i still dun wanna use cloth diapers, its very very troublesome lo... wash dishes n bottles, i think I still got to do it... paiseh leh...

pj shld be able to find la... u try tpy central, has alot but designs very cartoonish....

mummy_ting, things from mothercare are ex... for me, i wun buy there.. hehe... i told my mum, heng my mum say she willing to take leave.. but but... she forget how to bathe bb and duno hw to cook.. haiz....
yeah.. To the old folks, water is like a taboo during confinement. My mum did my confinement and i remember her freaking out everytime i touch water. I could only drink longan red date tea for a whole month (but i sneaked into the kitchen in the middle of the night to "steal" water to drink), bathe in boiled water with herbs, and wash hands with cool boiled water! Was such a torture! But i think my health is now better than before thanks to her

mummy_ting: nursing tops are expensive and i don't find them very safe. still prone to exposure i feel but maybe cos im not zai enough to manage with one hand while the other is carrying baby. I would suggest getting nursing shawl instead, can wear any tops u want!
whow.... u really really very disciplined! i cant lo... when u drink red dates water for almost a month, you sip plain water, it just taste so shiok!!!! lol....

yeah.. get nursing shawl.. i had one which is cover whole body... bb inside, lift shirt and bb latch...
Cljl, I also heard tpy central got lotsa gd stuff for preggy mummies! But yet to chk it out.. as for your mum nt knowing how to cook n bathe bb, I think at least she cn b ard to help u with your #1 n #2? Food cn b settled with confinement tingkat?

Bernice, thanks for advice
do u all really let bb latch when u all r outside? Cos so far my frens who bf all feed expressed breast milk when we r outside..
One of my friend recommended a CL whom is suppose to be good but she charge $2800! So expensive. The thing is the CL is a Malaysian and she will come on social visit pass. I understand MOM need mummies to apply for work permit for foreign CL so I rather not get into the wrong side of law!

BTW I have checked with Shambala, they charge $40 for trial classes and there is no need to register for class, you simply just turn up at the time slot you intend to join. I ask if they limit the number of participants and they said no.

I have trouble looking for long sleeve n pants pj too. Saw one long pants but short sleeve pj at Mothercare and it cost a whoping $73! I rather buy those pj from pasar malam, but don't know if such pj is still available in pasar malam.
mummy_ting: hmm maybe my case is a bit special. I'm a sahm so i latched my boy all the way. He didn't take bottle at all, so skipped straight from boobs to sippy cup then straw and then cup. i would think latching on outdoors is easier than bringing all the barang for expressing milk ba...

dun mind me asking a silly qn...Why must wear long sleeves and long pants pjs? during confinement will feel very hot and cannot on aircon, so i just wore normal t-shirts and ard knee-length shorts.

mummy_ting, go check.. tpy central things not bad... neh... both #1 n #2 will be in cc...

when u latch, bb wil get hungry fast.. so its best to latch outside unless u limit your outside time to less than 3 hours...

bernice; lol.. i wun wear long sleeve n long pants... wil sweat like crazy! i also settle with t-shirt n shorts...
