(2013/09) September 2013

Bearie maybe he really talk a lot with you hehe!

I also always wake up to pee in the middle of the night. Oh dear it's monday again! I still haven't broke the news to my bosses yet, sure sleepy in office tmr!
Hi good morning all! Wow, I didn't know there is long consultation fee. Hope my gynae doesn't have. So far my longest consultation was my first visit abt 30-45mins.

In the beginning weeks (5-7wks) I woke up twice to pee. Now only once ard (4-5am) and after that sleepless too. Hate going back to work too. Haha..

I also nv tell anyone, but went to like a page in new age pregnancy in Facebook and got discovered by my colleagues. They came asking if I'm preggy and I didn't say no and they all reply congrats and I just replied thanks! So it got leaked out before me telling them. Haha!
@Joyce, Dr Lawrence Ang was my first gynae. He's good but he's too busy. On my day of delivery, I was waiting for him to deliver 3 ladies before my turn! Waited so long for him.. so I decided to change gynae this pregnancy. Dr Ang's stitching is really good - no pain at all!
Ya lo candy, Jin Loh so! Hahaha!!

This morning I also woke up to pee. After that cannot go back to sleep. So sleepy now!!

Nowadays i don't wake up to pee liao leh. I think im not drinking enough water! Water makes me wanna puke! But I will wake up very often throughout the night.. won't sleep through.

Its a new week!! Lets countdown to our MS over! :D
morning all!

viiv, dont take MAC lozenges, my GP said not safe for pregnancy so she gave me SP Troches lozenges. best is to let your GP knows your pregnant and she will prescribe for u. dont self medicate esp we are in first tri.

i slept at 8pm/9pm and woke up to urine at 12-2am. only once too.. then the ms makes me uncomfortable before i can really get to sleep..

i used to love chicken wings.. now when i see chicken parts i will want to vomit and cant eat..
how sad.

welcome Joyce!

btw.. how many of us going to see gynae on 23 Feb?
MAC lozenges can take ba. cos thats what my GP prescribe me when i told him i was preggy.

hehe. we are no doctors, so viiv pls go see doc soon!

my next appt in on the 20th!! hope to see bb and listen to his/her heartbeat (my last scan was only a sac)

after that visit, i fell terribly sick for 2 weeks. cough and cough whole night for 2 weeks. really hope bb is not affected. my friends all say i slim down le. really makes me paranoid. so looking forward to wed's appointment.
Thx Anastasia... Tks for the advice!
The pain got really bad so I went to a doc and did some test and it was confirmed UTI.
now on medications...
Hi all, I'm back from clinic and my sore throat is better now already. Doctor prescribed me with MAC and Difflam for sore throat, Abrilar (ivy leaf) cough mixture, and normal Panadol. Also I asked for a muscle rub that's pregnancy-safe and was given Flanil which contains methyl salicylate and menthol.

To Joyce and Bearie, my EDD is just 1 day after yours, 23 sept. Going for my second check this Thursday, can't wait!
twentyseven - I used to be a meat lover too! Nowadays I am a carbohydrate eater! Never used to eat potatos and rice, nowadays I prefer that over any meat.

Bearie - i have been putting on weight never lose any weight at all. Keep eating and eating. Wow 20th is this Wednesday!! You must be very excited! I will only be seeing him in March when I turn 12th weeks, my last check was 8 weeks

Claud - get well soon! Yup take more cranberry juice it helps!
Sharon, i share the same 'wherr' sound... i tend to start whenever i feel hungry and the gastric juice are threathening to come out. damn feeling. hope to pass this phrase soon. i cant sleep well at night too... either i feel my tummy tight or my little boy hugging me from the back, enough i put a pillow in between us.
by the way, are u ladies still feeling very sore in the breast? or already not so bad liao?

cos mine has gotten better. not as sore and pain as compared to when i first realise im preggy.
bearie - agree! before i tested positive, i have tender swollen breast. Although now still swollen because growing bigger, i dont feel pain anymore. Just nipples very sensitive
me! having checkup on 23rd as well. It will be either 9 weeks or 11 weeks.

bearie, mine already not so bad now. u can imagine I still latch (breastfeed my #2) with my sore nipple. So painful..

I really think I can tahan so many pains now hahahha..
Hi Ferendipity, me going for my 2nd checkup tom too. I am only recommended to do the triple blood test (for any abnormalities) on 5 Mar. I am just praying tom the nuchal scan gives me a good result as a form of assurance.

Btw does any of you use a part time cleaner? Can recommend me someone who lives in north area preferably? I intend to engage her on regular basis before and after baby is born. Thank you.
12 weeks + already... Feeling better since past few days, so hope it keeps up!! Eating more and more... Hope won't put on too much weight. Today got DS scan at hospital. Wish me luck! Decided just to do scan instead of the full screening package. Only $80 at kkh :)
Feeling so excited when I saw everyone updating about their doc's appointment. Mine will be end of next month. Can't wait too.

Bearie/candy - I still have sensitive nipples till now.
bearie same here.. now not sore just nipples are sensitive! also, i lost 1.5kg. the weight i gained during 2nd visit. so now back to sq1. i was worrying becos every morning definitely vomit gastric juice. and evening comes 2nd time and i lost appetite for dinner.

groovy! ouch u still bf w sore nipples? noble mummy!

ferendipity.. nice to hear that hope we are can smooth smooth pass oscar! mine now 10th week i think. thing is, i do not know if im 9/10 week i hope to be clearer on sat!

Minnie what is nuchal scan?
do u all have a good malay massage auntie? my sister engaged the Auntie who did for zoe tay cost her 80 per session =$800 for 10 sessions. so hard to get, always change appt and have to pay full upfront so she no choice got to stick with her and she dont seem that good for that price.

so if i need to get, when do we start to book and any recommendations?
Hi Not superwoman, I finally decided to switch from KKH to pte gynae le.

Cos I feel KKH not flexible with their appt. Only restricted to weekdays and office hours
ya i also wanna look for malay massage lady.

but if under special circumstances have to c-section, then not suitable to do that massage immediately after give birth leh.
Talking about Malay massage lady: Im also looking for one, the previous auntie not so good. still have flabby tummy from 1st pregnancy. This time, I really want back to lose more weight than my pre pregnant weight and look toned and sporty. Of cos massage is not the only factor, need to exercise and BF full time. Its a restart and hope to do it proper this time.

Second time mummies; How do you guys keep up and increase the milk flow? Do you express every two hours even though baby may drink every 3 hours? How do I built on the milk stock? I want to BF full time for this baby. For my first, i lacked motivation, was tired, had sore nipples, emotional breakdown and etc. Pls advise.Thanks.
Tangerinz, Wah our bb training us from so young! I think I totally will get used to it by the time baby is out! Lol.

Ur #1 still wakes up so often? U must train him to slp thru.. Otherwise when #2 comes how? Is he feeding at night? My #1 sleeps thru at 1 yr only, quite slow but my #2 is e best! Sleeps thru at 6 weeks, in fact I dream feed him when he sleeps at night else he will miss his night feed. Pray #3 will be as easy as My #2!

Ann.. Hugz.. Same I can fall asleep but will auto wake up at 2 am n abt 4 am, really gd training for night feeding! Keke.

I am into wk 11 now, can feel ms symptoms getting better. Next wk going Oscar at tmc. Dunno can see gender or not .. Keeping fingers crossed!
I am still contemplating whether t get CL or not..

By the way here are a list of the CL which I gathered from the forum. I copy down for my reference and sharing with all of you.

60179136118 / 93730180 - recommended by teresa & serene
* good in cooking and accomodative to mummies' preference. Good in taking care of baby

82423413 - recommended by Jamie

60126905201 - recommended by Jenny Khoo
*speaks chinese & hokkien, cannot speak english. Good in cooking and taking care of baby. Price quoted is fair and market rate.

98801042 - recommended by Denise
* 9-7pm $1800-$2000 (28 days)
Day & night $2200-$2400 (28 days)

Auntie Nancy - 93401123 / +60167445775
*experienced, patient and nice

Auntie Zhu - 98476976
*delicious dishes, good in herbal tonic soups

Auntie Xin Hua - 90699570
2 years of experience

Aunty Fong - 83864182 / 60167430588 recommended by Shujun
*good and hygienic

Auntie Li Pheng - 98972375

Auntie Lee - 85223097

84814368 - recommended by Yvonne
$2100 Cook for mother & baby, stays in jurong
Look for massage lady now? Not too early? I think I only looked for mine a few mths b4 I was due. I had 2 different massage for my #2. I tried origins jamu massage, there a website, it's actually quite gd. I liked it. I also tried another massage lady called madam Ida, she's very popular in smh. She helps u massage ur breasts n get milk out too. Let me try to find her no. Overall, I lost quite a bit if wt in 1st mth.
Sharing my malay massage lady contact with you :
Marz 93378822 / [email protected]

She does prenatal & post natal for my sisters, I had massage done by her before, she brought the portable bed to my house and did for me in my room.
viiv: glad you're feeling better... i was sick (still recovering) since CNY eve with the same symptoms and doc prescribed Chloramine for runny nose and Dequa for lozenges (doesn't help). Thanks for sharing your list of meds too.

not_superwoman: what is DS scan? Not heard of this before?

ferendipity: I'm doing my oscar test this week today... do they just take blood (tube) and an ultrascan? Not sure what happens during an oscar scan... Am going alone so abit scared....
Yes candy, I think our gynae refer to it as the Down syndrome test. It's 350 to do blood test and ultrasound and will be done at hospital.

If u jus wanna do blood test it is done at clinic for 80. But the pick-up rate is not as good.
Hello I am a 3rd time mummy! Finally read thru all the threads. #3 came as a surprise to us! I am abt 8wks now and edd is end Sep. Haven seen Gynae yet cos usually nothing much to see now so wait till ard wk 10-12 ba haha! This pregnancy is the worst compared to previous two cos of ms. My previous ones totally no ms, except tiredness. This one has nausea and loss of appetite, though not the worst from wad I read here.
Anne Raj (a_r): i breastfed my girl for almost a year. then fell really ill n supply dropped so i stopped. what i did: latch for every feed, after feed, pump for extra 10minutes to stimulate further. after my supply was stable (aft about 2 weeks), i continued latching my baby. when i went back to work, i pumped every 2.5h-3h for 20min each time. must wake up to pump as well! remember, demand = supply!
qiqi: thanks for the info. at what time interval does your daughter ask for milk? My boy was asking every hour, until I had sore nipple, had to supplement with Formula and that became a habit thereafter. So I couldnt cont for more than 3 months. You pump for 20 min, do you use electric or manual pump? Im sorry im asking so many questions, cos this time i want it work right.So concerned. My Boy falls ill almost verey mth previously and always felt that i did not do enough for him.
Anne, she drank every 3hourly. Usually babies ask hourly when they did not have enough. i refused to supplement.. sometimes when there's growth spurt, i had to latch her every hour. once you supplement, you'll slack in pumping, unless you keep up with pumping at every feed. i used medela freestyle cos the pumping is more efficient.
qiqi: Thanks for the encourgement. I will do it right this time. And ensure i can do it at least for a year.
anne, i couldn't have done it without the support of fellow moms too. most of the moms in the group for my first kid breastfed for at least a year. many of them are still breastfeeding!
we'll all be in this together!
qiqi,yes we have will be in this together.thank you so much. Have we met? Are you staying in Punggol?
hi ladies

just went for my first checkup today at supposedly 9 weeks. Unfortunately it seems that it stopped growing. can only see a yolk sac and no heartbeat. So will be doing a d&c on Friday. Though it was not a planned pregnancy, the news still came as a blow.

wishing all of you a smooth delivery! Gambate!

sorry to hear that emmie. take care and rest well.

im actually also very worried how is baby progressing. hope everything goes well for everyone.
