(2013/09) September 2013

Wow.. good to hear that... But hor, if company wanna play cheat, they can come up with tonnes of "valid" reasons to pok u one.. Like taking too much MCs, work performance not as good as previously, lateness, falling asleep during meetings etc. All these are common problems when it comes to pregnancy ma..
Too bad lo, we have to be SUPERWOMAN & SUPERMUMMIES.. to take care of our own body & baby, & work & housechores... lol...

Ferendipity, yup it's better to skip the raw Lou hei dish but I must confess that I actually ate some during reunion dinner, but I skipped all the raw fish and only took the veggies. It's my favourite once-a-year dish so simply cannot resist. Haiz I'm really not disciplined enough.

Erm regarding the scan, my lady gynae was v straightforward about it and while we were chatting before the scan, she just said "at this stage baby is probably too small so I have to scan from down there and also have to check out where your spotting is coming from". So when I proceeded to be examined she actually inserted speculum to see if there's any further brown discharge (thankfully cleared up) and then straightaway did the vaginal scan. I didn't feel too uncomfortable or paiseh with my doctor cos she keeps chatting to make me feel at ease.
Glad to knowthat being a jelly is normal haha.My last pregnancy was not like that, maybe bcos I actually had some time to rest. With #1 around, really no rest after work, and no rest during off days.

I think at 11wks + MS definitely getting a bit better. I managed to eat a piece of bacon yesterday without feeling nauseous afterwards. So encouraged. So those with MS jiayou, it does get better by 12 wks. Managed to at least eat a decent amount too for 2 meals, although never enough for my mother! Those old folks still can say " When so and so was pregnant in first three months already eating 3x as much as you... Gained x kgs... Shouldn't deprive baby blah blah blah..." xin ku. But medically, first three months as long as still can keep down food and water, is good enough.

Ann, Hi five! Although going by my #1, I will most likely deliver early
Sharon, usually first pregnancy doesn't show so quickly. But do you normally get bloated during pms? Its the same thing. Could be gas, water retention or really weight gain around tummy. Unless you have twins hehehe.

My #1 only showed more obviously at 5 months. My #2 now at nearly 3 months looked like when I was 4+ months with #1. Similar weight gain.
viiv, i also ate some veggies and avoided the raw fish during lou hei. cant escape bcos i have a few bank lunches with my bosses so it will be quite rude for me to skip the dish entirely.
nice Ann! im still crawling towards wk11.. thanks for the free links! ;)

groovy, u been thru it and we hope its gone forever.. dont worry k.. be positive!

Hi Ferendipity, sometimes so funny when we try to hide the preg.. but if naturally they ask then u can just smile away .... ;P

im going to take some green bean soup later. im so heaty and sore throat.. hope it doesnt affect baby.. do u all do so.. i ate too much cny goodies i think...
Hi Mummies! Am back from gynea visit. My gynea said based on my hpt test -ve at week 4 and +ve at week 5, it might be a late ovulation. so the sac still looks small n no heartbeat yet. He said to go back n see him again next week to see if the sac grows and if heartbeat is visible. another week of anxiety for me, praying hard it's really a late ovulation this cycle thats why now dun see heartbeat.
how many weeks are you in...
i heard that some mummies only hear heartbeat at week 7 or 8... don't worry!! Stay positive and keep talking to your beanie...


Sorry, may i ask if you happen to be Jan2009 Singaporebrides? your nick seems familiar hehe

don't lose hope... stay positive..
when is your next gynae visit?
now, continue to eat healthy, folic acid, sleep early, have enough rest for your bb until the next visit. Everything will be fine !!!
Bluberi, should be late ovulation. Dun worry. I seldom ovulate late but based on my own calculation I thought I was 6.5 weeks when visit Gynae but end up dating scan shows only 6 week. Ovulated even later than I thought. It's possible, have faith!
Any idea what substitutes for muscle ache gel is safe for use in pregnancy? I sometimes get knee aches, joint pain etc and been using Muscalax, Fastum but I just googled and found out they are not safe for use during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Thanks Hui. Am still taking folic acid, obimin plus Duphaston. Hope bb will really be fine. Next gynea visit is one week later on 20Feb.

tangerinez, i sometimes ovulate later by 7-10days when taking clomid. for my #1, it was a case of late ovulation too. shall stay as positive as possible.

since you already have history of late ovulation,
this time round will most probably be late ovulation too... don't worry !! One week passes very fast..... if you have a religion, praying will help too...
All the best to you !!
Happy Valentine's day!

Jiayou Bluberi..
Next week on 23rd is my checkup as well..
Last time I drink too much water so my gynea said my bladder is too full, my tummy always moving. So can't really check the size of baby.. Doctor said it's 6 wk old. But if based on Last mens period it will be 8 weeks. I think once known it's 9 week or 11 week on 23rd I will know it's boy or girl already. If 11 week sure girl again. If 9 weeks might have a chance of boy. huhu..
Hi mummies, my MS had peaked over the long hoilday. Was stuck to bed and toilet. Vomiting after each meal and that led to gastric flu. Now going to toilet two ways. so miserable. made it to work today although i tend to have lose stools. Soiled my undies this morning. Horrible feeling. I will be seeing my gyne next fri. Now supposed to be 8th week.
Hui: I m a sep2009 rom bride, and a jan2012 bride.

Btw, by when can we know the gender of our baby ar?
I m on mc today, cos feeling terrible throughout the night. Today is v'day, and tml is my hubby's bday. He asked wat I want for v'day pressie, I say I want my baby to be healthy n stop making me puke.. Haaaaa...
Any of you experience faint feeling, light-headedness or floaty feeling? I just had that and I quickly ate a banana n some gummy bear sweets and take very long deep breaths and feel better now.

Anne Raj, I have loose stools too. Doc said could be due to hormonal changes. Anyway between constipation(more common in preggies) and loose stools, I rather have loose stools.

My body feels like it's going to shut down any moment, perhaps it's the caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Being a mummy is really tough!
Viiv: its a terrible feeling man... I have to squeeze my butt and dare no fart too... And im puking away even awhile ago, first for today... My stomach is painful cos of all the vomiting. So afraid to eat or drink cos that makes me run to the toilet. Although I had MS for my first pregnancy, this is by far the worst.
viiv, tell me abt it. i have constipation in both pregnancies. everyday i feel like going to do big business but it takes me a long long time and out come tiny hard stools. argh... it's going to get worse in the next few weeks for me. think cos of MS i dislike drinking water, thus causing the constipation.
Happy valentines day!

Wow Sharon you are very lucky to hv good news immediately after your AD. Sharon we all use the gender prediction chart based on our chinese age at the month of conceiving. Some say it works. I'm not too sure too since this is my first pregnancy. I'm hoping for a girl whereas he wants a boy.

Mummies with constipation try drinking more fruit juice it will help.

Anne raj - get well soon! Put a panty liner so it helps.

For mummies with urinary incontinence during pregnancy I recommend u the brand "Poise" they have both pad n panty liner it really helps to absorb ursine leaks. Sometimes the q in toilets are too long, can't help having some leaks.

Viiv - banana is very good during pregnancy, contains vitamin b to help fight MS and also a very good source of energy n helps relieve bowels too!
When I was pre-preg, I was prone to constipation if I didn't take enough fruits, water or very stressed. Hence I've been eating lots of fruits and I guess that helps. Also nowadays whenever I'm hungry, I try to snack on fruits or yogurt instead of biscuits or Pocky or chocolates etc.

Agree with Candy that fruit juice is good too but maybe try to avoid citrus fruit blends eg those with orange, lime, lemon, acidic fruits. Red apple and pear is fine. Don't take sugarcane and pineapple as well.

Erm I'm 8w3d with still zero MS and the lack of it worries me! I talk to baby every day to tell him/her to please grow well inside me but please don't cause me too much trouble like MS haha. Maybe the baby has really been listening!
Candy: no la, it's 1 yr later.. My AD is jan 2012, I conceived ard jan 2013 la.. Heeeeee... I also want gal gal.. But hubby say he want twins... Lol!!
He kept saying that my tummy so big is bcos inside got 2, one gal, one boy.. Zzzzz... Dreaming lo.. That day doc scan only see 1, nv tell me got 2. Then aft the visit, I excitedly say to him that the baby heartbeat very cute hor, then I ask him r u excited? He say no, disappointed. I ask y?!! He say, bcos only got 1 heartbeat... Haiz.. So tam sim!!!
Viiv: I really think that orange juice makes me feel nauseous leh.. My hubby kept buying orange carrot fruit juice for me, but every time I drank, within hrs I will throw everything out. But I heard ppl say delmonte banana cannot eat leh. So wat other fruits can eat? I bought strawberries n grapes and put them in freezer, like eating ice fruits. But then I heard other ppl say cannot eat also.. Aiyo.. Very confuse la..
Hi everyone! Just got a positive result too & I am expecting my no. 4. Will be seeing Dr Goh Shen Li, from kkh end of next month. Care to share who is your gynae? Just found out Kkh won't be offering anymore Premier packages from April 2013 onwards. Anyone delivering in Kkh in late sept or early oct?

The person who taught me NFP said female sperm runs slow but can stand longer time and wait for ovulation. As for male sperm runs fast but die faster too, that's why can only become male baby if right during ovulation or after that.

For me if 11 week preggy means it's the one before ovulation. If 9 weeks meaning my ovulation is late..

Becoz I only HS in 2 weeks differences thinking that I ovulate already and it's safe day already huhu..
Viiv - avoid watermelon too! I take pear n red apple, avocado milk shake, strawberry yogurt milkshakes etc. yummy n helps relieve bowels too. No MS is good. My baby has been growing well too. My tummy is protruding but I'm glad I can eat without MS. I think throwing up is very xinku therefore mummies hang in there! It will soon be over! Sometimes I get full easily after a few mouthful or maybe I lose appetite. I realize I can drink a lot! Be it soup, juice, milk or water. The downside is I keep gg toilet to pee. Haha

Sharon - paiseh I so blur hahaha. I read too fast I think. Don't eat del monte it is too liang. Buy "pang jio" the small banana from fruit stalls. It is good. I want twins also and was disappointed when I saw only 1 but I think twins also very difficult to handle la. Expenses also Siong I think. Frozen fruits must be shiok right? Doubt my teeth can take it haha. Try to avoid acidic fruits, they don't help with nausea n MS.

Mardhyna - welcome. Wow your #4!!! Congrats! We have updated all our particulars in the excel sheet. The link is bumped up above, it has all our gynae details there too. You can add in yours.
Hi everyone & Candy - sure, will add in my details soon. Currently contemplating to deliver in Kkh or TMC as my previous gynae, dr Ben tham has shifted to TMC. Any ideas what's the charges like for delivering in TMC?
Mardhyna, if my bb is ok, prob due in end sept/early oct. will be giving birth in kkh. how u know they are not offering Premier packages from Apr'13 onwards?
Hi bluberi, I called kkh to check on their current packages to check on the cost. The last time I gave birth was in 2008. There is so much changes now in terms of the $$$. Am still contemplating to go back to my previous gynae, at TMC but at the same time I am worried for the cost. Who is your gynae? Care to share? I will be seeing Dr Goh S l at TPS end of next month.
Mardhyna, i took the premier package for #1 in 2010. Am seeing Prof John Tee at TPS. Not cheap to see him now compared to 2010. Ytd first visit my bill was $232.17 (consultation, u/s, routine test & 1wk supply duphaston).

last time i stayed B1 ward deposit $1.3k and we got back almost $1k after medisave deduction.
hi ladies! anyone gotten package of your gynae already?

my gynae gave me his package for reference. its 900 from 3 months onwards. my gynae is CH Koh from TPY. dont sound very cheap ya??

but i think prices are around this range now right?
Bluberi, what did your "routine" tests consist of?

My first gynae bill at TMC totaled $300, breakdown as follows:
-consultation $90
-scan $60
-urine test $10
-HCG blood test $30
-antenatal blood tests $70
-Utrogestan $36
-folic acid $7.50

Thought that $300 bill is abit steep but now it seems KKH pte suite isn't that much cheaper.

routine test was the urine test lor.. $10 too. ultrasound was $50 and consulation $137+. Duphaston was around $22 for 14 tabs. i think my gynea will only schedule the neccessary antenatal blood test after we see bb heartbeat. KKH have no package, as long as u are a private patient, it's not cheap. For my #1, i spent around $1.8k included oscar and medication before giving birth.
Blueberi- I had Prof C S Tee too during my first pregnancy, 10 yrs ago. kkh private patients is now paying a lot and can be compared to private hospitals too. But, I am still comfortable with kkh facilities, no matter what especially the carpark space! Hehehe
hopefully this pregnancy goes smooth for me as I have suffered 2 miscarriages previously.
Hi mummies, Happy V day!!

can I check if you have already booked your CL? I'm just reaching 11weeks...

Do you know what is the rough pricing like? I am starting to look for 1 (am I too kiasu?) but not sure if they are over quoting.....

Thank you so much...

for folic acid, you can buy from UNITY to save money..... instead of getting from Gynae.
From Unity, Folic acid cost around $3.50 for 100 tablets


Oh so you are the different sharon haha sorry ... but your nick and her nick look the same in Jan2009 bride... hehe
Faithmummy, what is the dosage of the folic acid from Unity? Actually I still have my own folic acid (blackmores 500mcg) but the doc advised to switch to higher dosage for first tri hence gave me 5mg pills instead. Though I'm quite sure the recommended folic acid dosage is nowhere near 5mg?

Mardhyna, I'm seeing Dr Jeanette Chen.
Hi kkh mummies, sorry for mountain turtle question... What is the premium package that is ending april 2013? I am under kkh subsidised clinic but my mum keep pestering me to see a more senior doctor due to my blood pressure sighz.

I really want to save the money to give my children a better education, even though both my husband and me are earning ok pay. That means no maid, no CL, and hopefully save here and there for medical expenses. Good childcare is too expensive these days.

the folic acid that Unity sell is 5mg per tab

May i check whether the folic acid that your gynae give is yellow color small pills?

if it is, then it is the same as Unity one
Ya lo, nowadays kkh not as 'affordable' as wat we used to think. I went to prof John tee, he told me that kkh and tmc, ma, nuh, sgh is ard the same px category. Higher cost hospitals are raffles medical, mount e, gleneagles.

And kkh dun have so call packages px. You simply pay for each visits every time u go. He told me all in abt 10 sessions, if u multiply each session is 100+, then add those expensive scans n tests, roughly below 2k before delivery I think. At least that's how I calculate la..
I have no preference over hospitals, chosen John tee cos recommended by my bestie, and hubby say kkh parking is easier.
but 1st appt to see him, he was 2.5 hrs late due to last min delivery. And whole amk clinic was full of patients waiting for him.. So I kindda scared that every time the checkup is so long..
but I decided to give him another chance by scheduling next visit at kkh to see him. Lets see if the waiting time improves. But also bcos he's very popular, he usually see each patient not more than 5 mins. And he is a man of few words, so unless u got tonnes of qns to ask him, otherwise, it's like 'come in, ok, touch touch, see see, ok go out n make ur next appt'. Lol!!!!
Faithmummy, yup the folic is a tiny yellow pill. A box of 30 for $7.50, sounds like unity one?

Must we continue folic acid even after first tri?

Sharon, wow 5 mins consultation is really just "chop chop" and go! I have observed that the consultations at my clinic averages 15-20mins per patient, there is ample time to ask our questions without feeling rushed.

actually my friend's gynae also sold her $10 for 30 tabs of folic acid... then later on she found that it is exactly the same as Unity one... which is $3.50 for 100 tabs

i heard that folic acid is only for 1st trimester.... not too sure also, maybe can ask gynae....
Hi all, happy valentines day.

I also suffering from constpation.. Have not been drinking much coz keep feeling nausea. (Irregardless of wat drink or soup I take)

Bluberi, stay positive! Bb will be fine

Wow Groovy, you are good at guessing bb gender.
hope bb will be the gender you hoped for.

Sharon, my hubby also say the same as ur hubby. He wanted twins. Got a family history of twins (his mum got a twin sister) so keep asking gynae. 1st scan gynae told him only 1, he very disappointed. Yesterday went scan, when he saw only 1 bb bouncing around in tummy he upset but finds it amazing coz bb so active. Like greeting him during scan. Haha.

Anne raj, continue to jia you. Even till now wk 11, I also keep throwing up. Morning took cereal, less than a min, threw up everything. Night time always the worst, didn't eat much but will still throw up and have nausea feeling. Damn terrible. Hoping our MS clear off soon.

Hi hui, wow, didn't know unity sell folic acid so cheap. Gynae prescribe me the yellow pill. $7.50 for 30 pills. Think I will go unity buy next time. So much cheaper. Gynae says continue to take folic acid, never say when to stop. Maybe someone can check with gynae next visit.

My consultation with Dr John Yan at Gleneagles is ard 15-20 mins on 2nd visit. 1st visit around 30-45mins. My gynae didn't mentioned on package. Is $120 on my second visit (consultation , scan and medicine) 1st vist is ard $350 (consultation, scan, blood test and medicine). Lucky waiting time is ard 10-15mins, coz I chose 9am slot. 1st patient. Haha.
