(2013/09) September 2013

happy CNY all mummies!

i salute those who are suffering from bad MS... jia you ok. i am only suffering from mild MS and already feel super crappy. wish there is no need to work and someone else can help me take care of my #1 so i can sleep whole day.

keep a positive mind everyone!!

Tangerinez, i agree... i wish someone can take care of my #1 too... Im so tired and keep gagging on and off.... So far two my colleagues asked if i have good news...they say im showing already.
Hi Anne raj, so how did you answer your colleagues? Today my gynae told me that while we should hold off announcing the pregnancy until the first trimester is over, but if we are posed the question on whether or not we're pregnant, we should answer "yes" !
Viiv: yes i had to, didnt want to decline. There are other colleagues who mentioned that i looked like put on so much weight, i played along and agreed that i have.These colleagues are from other department. My own department no one noticed yet...probably, they think im eating alot ts days, cos i eat something every 2 hours. If not nausea starts and would be gagging.

Is there a reason why gynae asked to say yes?
Tangerinez, one of my Dr always looking at my tummy and i felt uncomfy, so he was one of the first to ask, so i had to tell, hehehe!!!
sometimes its amazing how the men get it first. with my #1, another male colleague guessed it when i was less than 5 weeks! he is a father of 3 and he said see my face so tired he knew.
anne there is a superstitous belief that if pple ask whether you are pregnant and you say no, your baby will feel unwanted and result in miscarriage.

so if no one ask, dun say. if someone ask just admit. hahaha
oh ok... i understand. i also feel the same... so i admit.... hehe!!! anyway pple bound to know soon too....
Thanks Minnie.

My night sickness was so bad till I keep throwing up. Can't eat and everything I eat ended in the toilet bowl. Don't know how I going to survive tomorrow's reunion lunch and dinner.

Even a short car ride made me vomit. Haiz.. My MS is getting worst instead of improving. My anti nausea pill doesn't work at all.

Jia you to all suffering from MS. Really hope to kiss goodbye to MS.

Happy CNY to all!
Hi, anyone here taking maternal milk powder? Or are you all just drinking normal milk eg. Fresh milk? I was given samples by the clinic and I've since tried the Enfamum chocolate and vanilla flavours, and surprisingly they tasted not bad! Guess I will try the rest of the samples from other brands and then buy the one that I like most.
Hi Ann,

same same. I feel you sister. last night I was just waiting for me to vomit so that i can feel better and get to sleep. And the anti vomitting pill is the most useless... it makes me feel weird cos like something is stopping me from vomitting and eventually when I vomit, the pill is super bitter!!

In my 9th week now, praying hard it goes away by 12th! Omg...still got 3 weeks more. As this is my #2.. i am abit more "experienced" now to deal with the nausea, but actually.. its the same and noone can prepare you for this. It just plain sucks~!

Hope this dont dampen CNY for all of us.. jiayou !!!
Viiv I bought but haven't tried yet. I bought the vanilla cos that's the only one I saw at NTUC.

Do let me know where to get samples too, I would love to try other brands n flavours!
Hi Candy, the samples were given to me at my gynae's clinic, in sachets that are portioned for single use, rather convenient. Maybe you can ask at your next visit to see if they have any?
Hi mummies, Happy CNY!

Had a car accident ytd, went kkh to scan to make sure all is ok. Bb is supposed to be 6wks 6days but the gynea on duty only found a sac n yolk during u/s, no heartbeat yet. She said prob bb is still too small to detect heartbeat, told me to scan again next wed again during my first appt with my gynea Dr. Tee. So worried i will hear bad news next week. Dunno y, but i keep thinking for the worse.
Hi CNY to all.

Thanks ardente! Hope all will have a good CNY and forget about the MS. Dun let MS dampen our spirits.

The CNY's myth didn't work for me. Had my reunion lunch and dinner. In laws and parents keep asking me to eat, but I really can't. The food I ate all ended the place I hate most again. argh!! Finally wk 11. Looking forward to trimester 2 soon.

Hi bluberi, please don't think too much. All will be fine. Wk 6 is still too early, so can't see much. When I did my scan ok wk 7, I can't see much too. Heartbeat was so faint that my gynae enlarge many times. I didn't see bb heartbeat. Lets look forward to our next gynae visit. Mine is on wed too.
Happy new year! Chinese new year and pregnant in 1st trimester really tough leh... Ah well, the CNY myth worked for me. No MS yesterday for 1st time (i am 11 weeks) since week 7 but omg, it returned today. Not funny chasing my #1 around other people's house while feeling like carsick. Ate so little lunch and no dinner, and no mood to eat new year goodies. The oil in it just makes the feeling worse. And my #1 keep pestering me and not the daddy grrrr...... Its one of those days I wished my hubby was the hands on kind!
Hi blu berri I met with a car accident on Thursday morning on my way to work, immediately went to my gynae clinic to scan baby. From last check at 4mm at 6 weeks to 2cm at 8 weeks now. Don't worry baby will be fine. Usually vaginal scope can see better than abdomen ultrasound scan. But not all gynae will do vaginal scans. You will be able to see baby at your next scan. Think positive Okies!

Happy CNY to all Sept mummies! Hope everyone is coping well!
Any mummies got lobang to get milk samples please share ok? I'd love to try other flavours so that I can buy more variety to drink. Thank you
I sign up with dumex.com.sg.
Received milk sample, a bag organizer to store milk bottles and some info and vouchers. Think not bad. You all can sign up too.

MS still didn't get better. Tdy start having headaches too. Give me good excuse not to go hse visiting, just stay hm rest.

Lets wishing all a good snake year ahead and we will have healthy snake babies.
Hi Ada, welcome to the sep thread. Congrats to you for having bb#2. It's CNY and the thread has been quiet. Its my bb #1 and I look forward to having more experience mummies sharing with us.
Hello, I'm 8w1d today and very thankfully no morning sickness n nausea at all yet! Just fatigue and headaches from trying to stop all caffeine intake at the advice of gynae. Do the rest of you avoid coffee/tea totally? My doc says I can have at most 1 cup per week. But my headaches n sleepiness is so bad I wonder how I'm going to function at work tmr if I skip my morning coffee. I even took a Panadol just now!

Started my progesterone on Friday and my brown discharge has since stopped totally (touch wood). Try to rest more yesterday and today and so looking forward to my next checkup on 21 Feb next Thursday!

Still feeling mild stomach cramps intermittently though, anyone experience that too?

So far, I've already tried milk samples from Enfamum and Frisogold but I find both a tad too sweet. Maybe becos I'm used to taking non-sweet drinks, my usual coffee n soya bean drinks etc are all without added sugar.

Hoping for the next 5 weeks to pass quickly as I've booked a short trip to Bangkok in week 13!
Gong Xi Fa Chai to everyone and hoping MS will go away and for all our buns to be growing well in the oven.
Btw I almost believed in the CNY myth because my stomach did not act up on CNY eve n first day. I told my bun that I want to be discreet cause I did not want my in laws to know. They are not the most caring people and my MIL is not someone I would want to hear any advice or comments fro
. She gets on my nerves all the time. I was grateful to have enjoyed my reunion dinner. Sadly today the vomitting has begun. 10th week and counting! I sure hope I won't end up like my sis vommit till 5th month. :_(

Viv, my gynae did not stop me from drinking coffee but recommended me decaf. If baby is stable one cup (200mg of caffeine max) a day is ok. I was an avid coffee drinker (one a day) but somehow now I don't crave for coffee. I crave for Ice lemon tea instead, but I limit myself to twice a week.
Sorry if I am asking a silly question, but I wonder if pregnancy can make you very FLABBY? I am not talking about fat... But like whole body going soft. No muscles, arms, tummy and bum becoming Jelly. I have not gained any weight, lost a bit, still almost (forced to be) as active as ever. But I notice how I have become a jelly, and I feel soooo tired. HELP! I wonder if it is because I have not managed to eat much meat and milk products due to MS
Hi dear mummies, as I mentioned, this is my 1st pregnancy, but at week 9, my tummy seems extremely big!!!
Looks like 4-5 mths pregnant. Is this normal? My weight gain only 1.5kg or so... Though I have ms, but I try to control hard not to puke out, or if I really puke out, in 20 mins I will eat again.
I very worried that the 'swelling' of tummy is unusual. Anybody have same pattern as me?
My b4 pregnant weight is 49, height is 156cm.
Now weight is ard 50.5 like that.. But tummy is incredibly huge until cny visiting also cannot bluff ppl. Haiz, I very worried leh..
Hi viiv, I do experience tummy cramp, but after rest it is fine. Just rest more. If still worried do seek gynae advice. I think coffe limit to 1 cup a day. If you do take other drink with caffeine - soft drinks or tea, then better dun take any coffee that day.

Hi Minnie, wow that was gd.. At least you managed to have a gd reunion dinner.. Me hardly eat..
tdy seems slightly better more appetite for food. Right after food bloated again.. Haha..

Hi not superwoman, I think it is normal to feel jelly. I have been feeling jelly and don't even wanna move. My hubby says I'm like a statue sitting on sofa watching tv and playing on iPad. Haha. I too didn't eat much meat or drink milk. Think you didnt eat much plus all the MS makes you feel weak. being tired or restless is common. it should be fine.

Hi Sharon, think you should consult your gynae. I have not gain any weight. My weight remain the same before I become preggy. Have a bump on my tummy, hope nobody notice. Still thinking of letting my boss know after cny which is 24th feb (2nd trimester)
CNY eve myth: it worked! but only for the day itself. hahaha. i guess it's better than nothing as I could realy enjoy my daddy's simple cooking. MS yesterday was horrible even though i did not vomit. must be the cheese nachos that I had. ended up with only 3 mouthfuls of mee sua for dinner and milo for supper.

not superwoman: it's normal to feel jelly. that's why i try to take chicken essence to give the body a bit of boost. i remember when i was having #1, around week 7, i tried to run after a bus. just 3 steps and i stopped because my legs felt they were going to give way.

sharon: the swelling of tummy is due to bloatedness. it's normal but perhaps not to the extend of 4 or 5 months pregnant. try giving the top of your tummy a light tap, you should hear a very hollow sound indicating a lot of air inside. i don't think it's a cause of concern esp when you are not feeling any discomfort. pregnancy does the funniest thing to us.
Happy CNY to all! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

My MS did lessened little on eve and first day but it sure came back with a vengeance after! Was actually puking out a few times. And last night I had a bit of cramps.

Regarding caffeine intake :
My gynae says to reduce... Max 2 cups of tea a day cos I'm a tea drinker. But subconsciously will reduce my own intake like I will probably drink half a cup in the morning and either another half or replace with something else in the afternoon.

Talking abt lethargy, I was so tired on the first day that I dozed off at my inlaws place after lunch for almost 2 hours! Lucky no one came visiting. Lol.

Bluberi, hope your visit today goes well. One personal reason why I rather wait til at least week 7/8 before gynae check is cos the sac might be too small and will need to do vaginal scan which is no fun.
Thanks ladies.. very excited yet feel very scared abt gynea visit later. i hope i'm wrong abt the bad feeling coz my #1 is very looking forward to #2. everyday she will touch my tummy and sayang #2.
Bluberi, sometimes it happens that the baby may actually be conceived later than what we think based on calculations, hence not visible during your earlier visit. All the best!

To the other mummies, so based on your past experience, when will the gynae start doing the scan via the abdomen rather than via the vaginal probe? Erm this is my first pregnancy so I'm asking around. For my first check, I was estimated to be 6-7 weeks and the gynae just straightaway did the scan vaginally. Wonder which method it will be for my next check at 9weeks but I did read online that scanning vaginally gives a clearer picture?
viiv, with both my #1 and #2, i've never done a vaginal scan. gynae says lucky me cos i'm skinny. still able to measure and detect heartbeat at week 6.

however, when i'm not pregnant and doc wanted to check if my ovaries were fine, had to do vaginal scan (otherwise blocked by intestines).

vaginal scan is surely clearer during early pregnancy. but if can avoid is the best cos super uncomfortable!

i think week 9 can use tummy scan already? cos the shape of baby already formed.
hi mummies, Happy CNY and huat huat to all of us!

I have been experiencing vomiting of my gastric juice both morning and before dinner. And most i heard didnt take fish oil at all during 1st trimester, im only 8w and gynae ask me to start on fish oil pills.. anyone same as me?

anyway i feel so bad now.. my family pungtung so when colleagues and relatives asked if im pregnant, i said no.. opps.

oh ya. anyone knows if we can take decaffeinated ice tea?
Bluberi, i also had my bb heartbeat scan during 7th week plus.. so please stay happy! good for baby and yourself!

tangerinez, yes! super uncomfortable with vaginal scan and i asked if i can do abdomen for next scan.. gynae just asked me to store more urine to see clearer..

viiv, my first scan was vaginal then abdomen becos my buttock was squeezing so tight and he cant see anything.. then he tried abdomen scan and can see clearer.. haha.. intially he cant find the sac and asked if im preg. i was OMG. but lucky he saw the tiny sac afterwards.
Happy CNY to all mummies here!

BluBeri, don't worry, I'm sure junior will be fine. Sometimes 6 wk is too early to detect heartbeat..

Viiv, i can't take sweet stuff too, so i find Anmum ok for me. It worked with my no.1 but now with no. 2, i'm having MS that I never encounter with no. 1, so during this time, I can't take milk. Will try again after 1st tri, hopefully the MS goes away after 1st tri. don't feel well almost the whole day and bloated during mealtimes and naseuous too. =(

For those 1st time mummies, other than the free milk samples from the links posted by other mummies, you can also register yourself at the nestle baby club.
when your baby turns 6 mths, they will send you a goodie bag. (1 small tin of milk powder, you can choose NANPro or NANHA), rice and brown rice cereal sample, puree sample.
my no.1 is on NAN coz I find NAN more bitter than the other brands (i find the rest too sweet).

check it out:
Thanks for all the replies. Erm my week7 checkup was actually the second time I did vaginal scan, the first time was during my annual checkup last year when I also did Pap smear etc and the doc did the scan to make sure the reproductive system is all-clear for TTC. I find the scan quite bearable if we just relax.

Think whichever way the doctor chooses doesn't matter, as long as we get the reassurance that the little one is doing fine inside!

To twentyseven, think decaffinated coffee/tea is fine! I'm gg to get some fr supermarket to satisfy my daily craving haha.
Thanks Yvonne.. i was about to ask for free samples websites lol.

thanks viiv. good news then! yes i used to drink alot of tea and kopi O.

btw, are you all back to work.. im back to work but the day seemed slow esp im nauseous and cant think well now. hope all of our ms will go off asap..
Happy Chinese New Year!

I was down with cough again. Got it from my elder daughter..

Since I give birth for my #2 in June last year, every month I always down with flu for 1 week. Maybe because I did not take a good care of myself during my #2 confinement as I have piles but still no one helps me to take care.

I am now thinking maybe this #3 is a chance to fully recover. Starting to have a positive thinking..

Btw, mummies, don't forget to eat veggies, and don't sit in the toilet for long. Becoz pregnancy will put on pressure and you might have piles after..

I get blue black piles during pregnancy for my #1.. And I thought I have already managed to prevent it during pregnancy for #2, but in the end got it after give birth!! And it started on the 4th day after give birth.
. It's much more suffering since need to take care of baby, breastfeed etc compare to during pregnancy.
Some more need to delay my post natal massage by 1 week, causing me to not be able to get rid of my tummy. huhuhu..

Once it gets blue black total suffering, it's always painful, sit pain, sleep pain, walk pain.
Hi to all.. Welcome back. The forum is getting lively today.

Just seen my gynae today, so happy to see my bb growing up well. Super active bb. Bouncing around when gynae doing the scan. Both my scans are done on tummy. Finally heard my bb heartbeat today. beating very fast at 140. I think must depend what equipment your gynae has and their preference.

Hi bluberi, hope everything is good for you and do update us after ur gynae visit.

Thanks Yvonne for the link, was trying to find more samples to try before buying any. Gynae says can start drinking powder milk.

Hi twentyseven, my gynae only gave me fish oil today (wk11 now). He says bb need DHA in trimester 2. Think your gynae prep you in adv.
I'm still at home nua-ing. My hubby says I'm a statue. Buttock getting bigger coz I always sit. Haha. Going back to work next mon.

Hi groovy, gynae can't do anything abt ur piles? Cream to apply to relieve pain?

Hope all our MS will be gone when we move to our trimester 2. Wow.. Seems like not superwoman and me have the same edd
Ann, once it gets blue black, those cream are not helping much...
Blue black means like bruise. And u can imagine all our movements (that involves legs) actually will keep touching those bruise.. It's like u have open wound but u keep touching it. Huhuhu..

Usually it took 3-4 days for those bruise to be in a more managable pain - or maybe to get used to the pain
And took 1 week to change color into non blue black..

The last confinement, I cry already but still my mom & hubby left me to handle baby alone in the afternoon. My mom goes shopping everyday until night during that piles period and she caught flu can't handle baby. My hubby only come back in the evening.

I have a maid but afraid if she can't handle newborn, so I just let her handle my #1.
So in the end I took care of my newborn baby with the piles. I total breastfeed, and I only master sitting position that time so I sit with the piles + baby on top of me. Suffered so much that time

I don't have any confinement lady since during my #1 I also take care of baby myself but last time hubby works from home so he can at least help me change diaper.

I use traditional cloth diaper, only 1 cloth, so if pee/poo straight away need to change. Some more if the clothes also wet I need to change also. It is endless change of diaper for me, with my piles, after that need to wash hand before breastfeeding.

Very suffering that time.. On my 4th day give birth already walking to the nearest clinic for the piles and I WALK there ALONE. About 10-15 minutes walk.

That's why I really blame my last confinement for my health problem now.. So right now really positive thinking hopefully it won't happen again and I can really take care and fully recover so I won't catch flu all the time anymore..
Hi tangerinez, ya I fully understand, been through that stage. At wk 11 I still throw up. Now appetite is regaining. Hope MS will be gone soon.

I'm going for my NT scan and blood test next week at NUH for Down syndrome test then visit gynae for review on 27th feb.. Hope everything gonna be fine..
hi gals, happy CNY!!! i hope everyone had a good time feasting and catching up with relatives and friends.

my MS is getting better (although i didn't really get the full package of MS). initially i only felt nausea (no vomitting) and loss of appetite. but recently i feel less nausea and my appetite is getting better. i guess bcos i'm going into my wk 11th soon and also because i'm taking lesser pills now as i finished some of them.

i'm also less tired now i think. maybe bcos this holiday is a good break for me. rested at home most of the time. alot of colleagues already guessing that i'm pregnant although my tummy is still very flat. reason because i looked very tired and they offered me snacks and i didnt take them so they suspect that i'm pregnant. hahaha..

tmr i'm going for a dept lunch. i think all of them can confirm their suspicion when i say i cannot eat the lou hei. hahaha...
When i 1st did the scan, it was on the tummy. But that time was only 5 weeks, so Doc say can only see the sac but nothing else.
So ask me to go back see again in few weeks time. Then 2nd time i went (7 weeks 5 days) doc cant see anything from tummy scan, so insert the thing into vagina (super uncomfortable & paisay), immediately can see clearly & see the heartbeat too.
Now i m in week 9, hopefully can alr see baby clearly thru tummy scan & no need that to insert that thing into vagina.

Today i also start work alr, but time passes sooooo slowly.. haiz..
Hopefully MS faster go away soon.. My big big boss coming to SG next week, and my boss alr "hint" me that i cannot siam in anyway for dinner gatherings... Super sian.. Imagine aft whole day work, still gotta entertain till late night like 10+. Simply hate that lo.. very tiring leh..
Feel like taking MCs on the days he cum.. LOL.. But later i tio pok then no more 4 mths maternity leave.. Haiz...
