(2013/08) August 2013

Zhaqqie. Process quite fast. Scan abt 10mins if bb is cooperative. Blood test oso fast. Ultimately depends on the queue that day. Fee is abt $320 for scan plus bloodtest.

hi chocpokie, i did Oscar scan yesterday pm : ) TMC will not call you to tell you the result. The result will be sent back to ur gynae within these 2 days. Yesterday scan was smooth as bb was quite coorperative. I was quite kaisu as i kept asking the sonographer to tell me the thickness of the bb neck fluid after the scan. The measurement was within the safe range. The sonographer was telling me still need to combine the reading with the bloodtest result. But at least i can put half of my heart down.
chocpockie and all others at TMC. did you sign up for the First born incentive / subsequent born incentive? i think there's some discounts for scans, courses etc etc etc.
Oh no, I'm craving for instant noodles. Just had a pkt of instant Mee Pok dry, still feel like eating some more....

Check with u all ah, when exactly is it pass the pantang period to announce pregnancy? After wk12 or when we start tri 2 at wk14?
Thanks diorly! I wanted to ask for CL recommendation in my #1 group but once I ask, it's like announcing to the 80+ mums I'm pregnant
Serene, same as u, the sonographer told me the neck measurement n other parts are normal. But need to combine the blood test result n see. Seems like going to be a few days wait. :-(
Haha..some says its 14 weeks, but if ur tummy is not showing and u can hide ok lah...For me its already showing so cannot hide.

SOme popular CL r fully booked already
Just now during lunch I had some cold fresh pineapple. Very ripe and sweet. It's just so refreshing and yummy!! A colleague totally avoid 90% of fruits... dunno how she manages that. To me, fruits are such precious gifts. It is also very bowel friendly :)

Those suffering from constipation/ piles, should try to take some fruits like dragon fruit, pineapple, kiwi, papaya... it really helps. The other thing I find very helpful is the Hakka Thunder Tea rice! So much greens and veggie... a very healthy meal!

For painful piles, I was told that if possible to "push it in". Best done with some cream or lubrication. It's supposed to be much less painful if you manage to push it in.
I was thinking 1st 3 mths cannot announce then now I'm exactly 3 mths Thot can say Liao. Then I see some sites say 2nd tri is at wk14. Confusing....

My tummy shows after meals but I wear loose tops or doll dresses so still can hide

Hmm, hope this round I can get gd CL via agency too.

how i wish i can be like u so healthy......sob,
been a very bad mum. Tea, ice-cube keeping my hydrate. eating very little.

i was told no pineapple n papaya!

chocpockie: yea. haven try. wanna try! hahaha.
i haven found any drink that suits me except hot tea.
why no papaya? i think only us chinese have such strict rules... The ang mohs eat everything, salads r a must in their meal and fruits.. they also have healthy babies.
wlilian!! AUG 2012 is last yr! hahaha. u are as blur as i was!

fruits.. hmm im really taking a liking for mandarin oranges now. haha
Yah..now then i realize its 2012...

Oh yah talking about bonus..those who are worried about money...at least gov is giving us $6K now...not one shot but at least can help to cover abit of CL or maid fee?
just went for the Oscar this morning, my sonographer said its two working days for them to get the blood test results n report then will sent it to the gyne.

was oso told that for my range is about 700plus but my baby reading is at 3000plus so most prob will be safe, of cos she oso say the same thing need to combine the blood test.

baby sleep thru the scan so very easy for every measurement just the head she cannot measure so she ask me to lay down on my tummy, then finally got a brief moment to measure. haha.

it's way too early I oso dun feel like waking up!!! n my baby thinks the same haha.
diorly and skymummy... cos genetically asian babies get jaundice more easily.. angmohs dont get. maybe that's why?!
If papaya cannot eat, can you eat carrot? For the food to have an effect on our skin colouring, it takes much more than a serving - it is like how some babies are "orange" - because their parents say carrot is good and feed them carrots as MEAL everyday! Having a serving of papaya everday is most unlikely to have any side effects.
actually i also don't really care but so far i havent taken papaya. not so much cos of the color but i think i remember reading somewhere that it's got something to do w the enzymes or something. some similar properties to pineapple i think? don't remember. anyways these days papayas dont really suit my tastebuds! and i've always been afraid of the acidity of pineapple, it cuts my tongue! haha
Melilone, how to lie on tummy to do scan? Heheh I was trying to imagine.. But I think I can't lie on tummy anymore cos it's too big.. Look like 4mths size Liao..my colleague is 7-8mths but smaller than me! Or at least she wear baggy , but even then it doesn't look that huge! Sigh..
hi all...i'm going week 14! feeling slightly better now. less tired and less nausea.

how many have started preparing for the baby? well...theres only 6 months left! gees thats very fast man!

this is my first born...we havent prepare for anything yet! also duno what to do first...

aiyoh!!! headache!
Ann..i'm into my 10th week.

what i have done are the below:

1. think and arrange for childcare, we are settling for a maid so will need to think of maid's sleeping arrangements, items to buy, how to reorg my house, who will supervise the maid, and when to start looking for maid etc.
2. confirm CL
3. budgeting - items to buy, medical expenses and other misc expenditure etc. check out price when possible. start a "baby fund".
4. next week when i go TMC i will check on prenatal classes.

that's quite a lot on my hands already. haha.
but conclusion, having a baby is an expensive biz.. esp for first born cos a lot of things to buy! can try to source from friends or relatives for hand me downs also, like additional cot / strollers etc.

baby bonus not enough! lol.
Hey Mummies, maybe no need to buy baby stuff so soon. Can wait for baby fairs etc. there shd be some in the coming mths. And along the way, u will have frens, relatives, colleagues to pass u stuffs.. So if u dun mind hands-me-downs then u will save quite a bit on these. And usually baby outgrow these things very fast one.
bbreeze haha, no lar I just lie down on my tummy for a while n just let her scan lor.

just done with my medi n pedi. so happy.....

hui saw it before but figured tat too much of a trouble, so I just reduce the use of all the stuffs.
Dear mummies,
Apologies for intrusion for sale of items. Have u bought these? I've below to sell off aft my 2nd child, all items in as good as new condition. PM for details.

D.O.M. Benedictine (Tonic/alcohol) $30
DA FENG CAO (Confinement shower herbal teabags,indiv.sealed, RRP #3.50/pkt of 2teabags) .15 pkts orig.price $52.50,SALE: $35 bundle.
AMEDA DUAL LACTALINE Breastpump(Bought Dec'12, used a few times only)
Pumpin'Pal shields 3 sizes, wash bag
Medela Storage bottles
Medela soft shields pair
Medela Single Electric Pump
TMC Nipple cream (new!)
Bak Fong Pills (balance 7 in a box of 10)
Calcium & iron tablets fr gynae.
Klorane dry shampoo - spray type
Ginger creams (for tummy/ legs)
Abdominal elastic binder (for slimming)
NB Clothes (Blue) in giftbox x 2
BPA-free Baby milk bottles (cartoon) BNIB
Maclaren Triumph stroller (Pink) used once.
Binder long cloths for Postnatal Massage use (FOC)
Mothercare disposable panties (new-4pc only M size) FOC
Whole bag of pregnancy dresses/pants/blouses (Australia,US brands, M size)---good esp for 3rd tri.

Above very useful for new mums. Items as good as new as just bought 1+mth ago,mainly fr.Robinsons! Letting go cheaper & early so other mums can benefit too! Smokefree,petfree home. Sole user.

PM for more details.

Cash & Carry at seller's location (west)
Why cannot eat papaya? When i was preg wif 1, everyday i eat papaya n guava to aid constipation. Every bb come out will have jaundice.

Next wed i will be gg for oscar scan. I took blood test on the 10 week so that on the day of oscar scan, the result will be out.
Regarding baby fair, muz go for bigger one like motherhood fair, parenthood fair, taka fair... If u see baby expo fair, it is relatively small n things r not cheap.

I wanna go baby fair signup for stemcord.
Re papaya and jaundice, i disnt take papaya (just cos i dont really like), i didnt have any jaundice myself when i was born, but my girl still had jaudice when she was born..

So it really depends on the individual..
on papayas, this is what i found online (ang moh website):

"Fully ripe papayas do not present a problem for pregnant women and are actually a healthy source of vitamins A and B, potassium and beta-carotene. It is however, the unripe papaya that poses a threat. Unripe papayas contain pepsins in their latex that may induce contractions and lead to miscarriage, according to a British Journal of Nutrition report. Instead of worrying whether papayas are ripe enough to eat, pregnant women may want to eliminate the risk and avoid papaya all together.
Like what BabyS said, it's really depends on individual. And one thing to bear in mind is that Asians and Westerners body conditions are different, that's the reason why Asians need confinement while ang mohs don't, and some of the things that ang mohs have no problem with will have problems for Asians.

if you know some common terms of TCM, those with body type that is "heaty" or "warm" type, taking those "cooling" food will have less or even no effect. But if your body type is the "cooling" or "cold" type, things like pineapple, dragonfruits etc will be big no no although everyone knows they are nutritious.

so it boils down to... know your own body well! so you can judge and decide what is ok for yourself. Also is to consume everything in moderation.. not too much of anything.
Good morning, I'm finally feeling the CNy mood coming, though I haven't prepared anything for CNy! Not even for my #1!

I am getting a little bit better only, when at work still can't eat. But if resting at home, my mood is super good, can eat more. I still have MS but I can puke my stuff out more easily now so feel shiok after that, not too healthy I know. But if dun puke, it stays inside and feels horrid. After puking still can eat so I guess not that bad! I've got a little more mood and energy to walk about.

And I can eat fruits now! This is something to cheer for, cos I couldn't eat any veg or fruit in first tri, and I felt so dehydrated and unhealthy!

I think most of us are getting better, happy 2nd tri! Pardon my enthusiastic post, I m so happy I can finally have good mood, I thoughts was going to be grumpy and bloated til delivery...haha
diorly: Doc just guess the gender of the baby. I'm at week 14.

Ann: most likely will prepare for the baby stuff around may to June..cos expo will have sales and this would be the best time to stock up all the neccassary stuff....

p: yeah i was reading and ppl keep saying 2nd trimester is the best....dont know if 14 week is considered 2nd trimester anot....but praying hard that my nauses feeling will quickly go away....

Other then that...recently got cramps here and there....hoepfully it will get better...

Not sure if any of you engery level get back to normal already anot? Mine still lousy...if i dont sleep by 10 plus...i will be very tired.... T.T
Good Mornin mummies..

Just like p (bbreeze) im in high spirits too. Week 14 feels good with no more nausea and vomiting and occasional hunger though still find a lot of food not appetizing. Every time i feel extremely hungry, there will be a weird movement inside tummy. Mum was saying maybe the baby bouncing cause hungry too. IF it is, then that's really cute.

The headaches are still worst with coming on every alternate day. I feel a lot of strain on my shoulders and neck. Thinking of going massage in a few weeks time, probable checking if safe with my gynae on the 16th. Maybe the neck strain is contributing to the headache. I'm not sure.

Overall, im feeling very happy. Able to walk more and not keep lying down. Sleep is good too except for the frequent visit to the toilet like every 2 hours. But i fall asleep immediately. I'm able to drink a whole mug of milk everyday without feeling nausea. That is really good news cause i was so scared the baby wouldn be getting enuf calcium. Even plain water im able to drink 8-10 glasses a day with no problem. Totally cut down on sweet & carbonated drink. With a strong family history of disabetics, e last thing i need to get it when im pregnant. Haven started preparing for the arrival of baby as yet. Will oni do so from june onwards.. =)
i just went my oscar scan on mon.. so happy to see baby bouncing around! hope blood test turns out fine :D my doc said we will know baby gender next month! that'll be around 16 wk +! can't wait :D
wlilian: Ur doc guessed girl rite? hmm..some say at this stage wk 12-14 quite accurate liao. If never see penis, shld be girl. But do u tink the penis will come out later?
diorly: not sure...they say usually week 12-14 still got "nub" but my baby like totally dont have nub O.O

Cannot be grow so fast right? doc just scan and see see...he just say never see anything "standing up"

i guess boy or girl i also love...God know which gender is best for me....
wlilian: a few friends told me they feel tired throughout the entire pregnancy... so i supposed it's not just a 1st trimester thing...

diorly: i remembered reading that around week 10 or 11, genitals have already been developed, so if the position is right and if the scan is clear, there is a chance to see it... but of course still a bit small la so hard to tell clearly... my gynae said the "something" in the middle could be the cord so hard to say... LOL
Ellen: Nooo...>.< i dont want to be tired for the whole preggy....can't do much..everytime reach home...feel like sleeping already...

Hi all,

finally am full force back to work and managed to survive the whole day. Though on and off I will transfer calls into the room where my cubicle is lol.

The CL I booked charges $2.3k but after telling her she dont need to do any washing as there is a helper in the house. She is only willing to lower to $2.2k. Hopefully she is kind enough to help cook for hubby and No. 1

For drinks, I took everything lol except for chin chow. I even took "Tai ju" chrysanthemum buds to nurse my flu recently.

For papaya, I was told that it can help ease nausea but I have yet to try. The folic acid my gynea gave me contains vit B as well. To help in relieveing nausea. But on bad days when puking badly, I will skip that as well.

Talk about CNY lol ! I have not even prepare or buy anything. This year is a record =p
