(2013/08) August 2013

omg. I m hitting 10weeks tomorrow yet e ms is getting worse.. it is only during e evening.. affecting my dinner.. v v v frequent headache too.. which makes my ms worse.. 1more week to cny I hope I Wun b puking so much in ppl's hse..

BabyS: should be okay...that time i did the scan...the sonographer also press very hard and shake here and there...

diorly: Still worried..so went to my gyne and do a scan...everything is okay..^.^ Thank God...

The doctor also gave me back my baby oscar scan results...1:15++ so chances very low...

now i'm around 14 weeks..he did a scan at the private area...can't seem to find anything "standing up"...say it might be a girl...
Hi, I met my CL last nite. Did a short interview with her, guess she's quite ok. She was my fren's CL. Charges $2.3k, dunnoe ex or not, cos I asked another CL, also charges $2.3k. Can I noe how much to give in the Ang Bao when she comes?
I checked w 2 CL just now, 2.4k. One of them say that's the market rate for now.. Why so ex huh? Not even dragon year! Sob!
The CL I have hired is charging me $2.4k too. $100 more than last yr although it was the dragon year last yr when my frd hired her. This is not inclusive of the ang pows and food. My frd gave her $20 when she came and $50 when she left, on top
of the $2.3k.

Guess every yr they increase the price regardless of what year....
I'm taking the multi vits for pregnancy from Blackmores, I think same as BabyS one.. The vanilla taste quite nice...

I always heard CL rate is 2.x k... I guess is around there one la...
Sonographer: Out of curiosity, can I ask those who did your scans at other places (not at your gynae's clinics), is tis sonographer based in a clinic solely to do scans? I did my in the same clinic as my gynae but he is a much senior and older gynae there.

Btw, my blood test came back low risk. I'm relieved. But I know the journey ahead is still filled with uncertainties.
we have informed my parents and hb will informed his next. My mum cannot believe she is having another grandkid. My dad was like good good! Not sure how will my in laws react ;P

To all mummies: add oil!
)) although I myself lacking in energy most of the evenings nowadays... Hahaha
Ahcapp, I do my scans at radlink. Specialize in doing imaging scans etc.. Reason is my gynae is too busy to do such scans for us.

BabyS, I drink almost everything. Except maybe chin chow.

I talked to the CL over the phone first, telling her my edd etc. so when I met her, I tested her, see if she still rem my edd or not. Heh. Then I asked her how to separate cooking my food and food for herself and my hubby. How to do marketing etc.. She also advise me on wat herbs to prepare. Oh I asked her the gap she give herself between 2 confinements, cos I scared I may deliver early.
Good morning and Hope everyone's doing well. Woke up at 3+am and am still unable to fall back to sleep. Guess I'll need to take the day off from work today!! Am still troubled over childcare issues and couldnt stop crying for the past 2 days. Temporarily we might be settling for a maid + mil's help to watch over the maid in the day time. So will bring maid to mil's house in the day.

But that comes another set of issues to solve. I stay in a small house (2rm + study) and we don't know where to house the live in maid. We have been staying on our own and having our private space for a number of years now. We like our privacy and are not sure if we can get used to having a stranger in the house too. For that matter we will have a maid, a confinement lady and a new baby to deal with at least for the first month.

Any of you with maids and have advices for me? I'm just in general, troubled over many things n I think that's what keeping me up all night.

First time mum here so I'm just stressed up over the idea of a new baby n the changes that will follow.
Good Morning ladies..

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Into week 14 today. Had to announce the pregnancy to all my relatives at a weeding over the weekend as tummy is too obvious to hide. Though its not looking like a watermelon yet, its starting to come out round and nice so even in my traditional wear, its not hiding. =D
*touchwood* seems like MS is going away slowly but without fail i'll have one vomiting now and then. But no more nausea. One worrying thing is i get extremely frequent headache almost every 2 days and i feel really scared cause ive never had headaches like this. Is there any mummy who is having frequent headaches like me? I'll pop 2 panadol if i cannot endure the pain. IS there anyone else suffering from headache as well?
Sqin: same, my oscar scan and my detail scan will be at Radlink...

BabyS: dont think newly brew crysanthenum tea is good...packet one might be okay...i searched online and it says its harmful...then my hubby dont allow me to drink anymore...

Amanda: i think its better to relax now and dont think of so many problems...i am also facing the same problem with you..in terms of getting a maid and having her staying at the house...i am staying with my MIL and she is saying that she can't take care of the baby and clean the house at the same time...thus she is wanting us to get a maid...my concern is more on the money...and taking care of the maid daily needs... but my friends are telling me no point stressing anything...cos you stress will only cause baby to be stress....

Take things one at the time...if you decided to get a maid already then no point worrying about it..since your maid will be in your MIL in the day time..thats great...means breakfast and lunch should be easy to settle... for the evening time...its good to have a maid to clean the house and take care of the baby...since u say u have 2 rooms..so maid can stay in the other room right?

most important now...just rest and get your mood up...the more stress = higher chance of getting depression also...
Usha: Same!! after coming back from krabi, i have headache every day...still having one now...i read that headache is part of pregnacy but if i am at home, i'll just sleep...i haven take pandol yet..cause it might not be good for baby but doctor is saying its okay, hopefully the headache dont get worst - really dont want to gulp down a panadol

At least you are lucky...no more MS....after coming back from Krabi...my MS came back
dont know why....so upset...now always have the nauses feeling...and need to puke....
Leng> Do Mt A do oscar? according to my gyne no leh, so I was to go to TMC.

BabyS> I try not to drink cooling stuff, but i do eat ice cream lar, haha.
Heard from one of the Hock Hua staff last night, better not drink too much cold drinks otherwise very hard to slim down after birth.

Amanda> there still some time before the maid come in right? I feel that you should get the maid in before birth get used to her, so that will not have so much changes at one go.

I'm oso very troubled to get CL or not, somemore my new hse will most prob be coming ard the same time baby arrived!!! Not sure have time for reno.
Initially, wanted my mum to do my confinement however she fell sick this few days so not sure if she can still cope, she is 66 this yr already!!! haiz......
wlilian: Yeah i oso read up and saw headache is part of it. I had earache from enduring the headache. Worst i'll get even when im sleeping. I had no choice but to GP and with my history of migraine i have no choice but to pop panadol. Usually i'll try to put hot pad or ice pack on my forehead. If it doesn't help then i'll pop panadols. Hope this goes away soon..
Usha: okay...migraine is bad...i guess your is really the bad case of headache...
hopefully it will get better soon...

Amanda: agree with what melilone says...i am also getting my maid maybe 1-2 months before...get her to clean the house first and judge her character...if she is not good...then i can change her ASAP and not let baby take the risk...

Melilone: hmm...seems like during the month your baby come it might be a very busy month.. what about your MIL? can she help? your mum might get easily tired after taking care of baby the whole day alone..
Morning ladies!

Usha: I also had migraine for 2days previously.. It's horrible but after popping panadol (the round n white type) & had a gd slp, I felt better. Doc said migraine is part of the morning sickness
i guess it will be better in the 2nd trimester..

btw any ladies already engaged confinement lady (CL)? any recommendation? my CL has been taken so nw im desperately looking for 1
wlilian> will see how it goes for her own daughter, cos my sil oso preggy, will deliver earlier then me.
She will be getting a CL so I guess for me no chance for my Mil to take care of me bah. If her own daughter she oso dun take care then me ah i think can forget abt it lor, haha.
but of cos her daughter is rich lar so can afford CL and stuffs.

I oso dun wan my mum to help with my confinement with this kind of situation. haiz.... so now will have additional expenses for CL.

BTW the pricing quoted for 2.3k to 2.5k is just half a day or including day n night?
Have never seen a CL in action, before cos my sis all have my mum to take care.
melilone: the 2.3 - 2.5k ones are for stay in CLs. day and night.

for the maid i was thinking of bringing in maybe 2nd - 3rd week of confinement actually, so that the CL can also help to teach maid how to take care of baby? cos if i bring in any earlier, also difficult cos no one will be in my house during the day time, bring to my MIL's place do what?

moreover during confinement actually the CL will help to do some simple household chores like mopping, vacuumming, laundry etc. so if maid and CL come together then like both nothing to do? haha

my house not big, no baby actually not much to do one. :p
melilone: 2.3-2.5k is for 1 full month (usually 28 days, day and night).

usaginoko & other mums who have used a CL from an agency b4: I am just curious; how much did ur confinement agency charged u during ur #1? Was it higher than $2.5K coz understand that the agency needs to make money too.

Amanada: Dun be stressed! Agree with the rest, since u have 2 rooms, the maid can sleep in the other room with the baby at night. Or u may prefer the baby cot and baby to be with u at night for the first few months. I would prefer the baby to sleep with me at night so I can nurse or attend to the baby's cries and needs fast with hubby. The maid will need her rest at night so she can look after during the day time.

At least u will have ur MIL to watch over the maid too. I will also get my mum to watch over the maid esp during the first few mths and day time when I resume working.

Like u, I am also considering a CL and maid. Coz mum is getting old and it might be too tiring for her to look care a young infant plus cooking and other housework chores.

CL- if maid is incompetent during the first mth, at least CL can teach her and I can recuperate. Might be getting the maid in 2 weeks before the CL leaves.

BabyS: Ya, think packet ones are not as strong as those freshly brewed ones. Try not to drink more than 1 packet a day. I also drank teh and green tea yesterday and a few days ago coz nothing much to drink. But if can, I will not drink bah...just to be safe.

Usha: Wow! U r already 14 weeks
I m at my 11-12 weeks this week but I vomited last night and a few nights ago when brushing my teeth and tongue at night. Hope it will subside soon...
Amanda, I stay in a 4-room hdb with my hus and myself Iin the common room. My sis and my son in the common room and my brother in the master bedroom. The confinement lady was like wah so many ppl to take care and so small how to sleep. She say she wanna come my house n see see first.. I was like wow so ji jiao with me.. I don't mind giving her extra but since she haven't come already so calculating. Maybe will get my son to bunk in with my brother and the confinement lady can sleep in my sis room.. haiz headache when don't have own house yet.
Any recommendation for CL?
Who is living in the woodlands area?

I heard that some CL only take care of baby no chores or cooking is that true?
Mummies who getting a maid n CL, do have the maid around during the the time CL with u. A good CL will help to train ur maid.

Agency- no agency fee paid on my side last time. CL got her fees deducted by agency instead.
melilone.. me i stay in woodlands. some CL very "calculative" and only wants to take care of baby and mummy, no chores, and are very lazy. but most if not all CL will cook confinement meals for you. have to ask if will help to cook for other family members, ie hubby.

so be sure to ask what she will help you with. for mine, she said in addition to taking care of baby and me, as well as cooking and washing up, she will do light household chores, nothing high up, no window cleaning etc, she will help with laundry, basic mopping vacuuming, cook for hubby if hubby doesn't want to eat the same as what i eat.

just wondering, is it a norm for the CL to eat what she cooks for us or do they typically cook other things for themselves?
Ttcing: The agency charged me $2.3k. Levy of almost $200 excluded n we had to pay that to MOM separately. The CL told me she only gets $1.5k or $1.7k? from agency.

Re: hiring maids
My mum has changed countless maids over the years due to discipline or work issues. I've often heard of maid can't get along with the grandma n the parent is forced to change maid. Then even though grandma is there to watch over maid, sometimes maid also have to help with household chores at grandma place unless she has her own maid. So it's better to get 1 to start at least 1 mth b4 edd just to ensure everyone comfy with the maid. Coz we will pop anytime from wk37.

Just to share my bro/SIL experience:
My Bro plan his new house reno at wk 34 & setup of home at wk35 coz my SIL csect scheduled at wk 37. End up her bb out at wk35. Luckily only minor Reno. My whole family used the 4 days she was in hospital to set up the home. They set up camera in whole house coz wanted to hire maid. But during confinement my SIL changed her mind abt getting a maid coz I think she wanted more privacy + house very small, just 1 mbr & 1 small common room. She quit her job at end of maternity leave n is now a sahm for time being.
my heart really goes out to you ladies.. CL lady, getting them and paying so much really seems so stressful...

In my culture usually gals rely on our mums or mils only. worst case then get maid to come in and help..

I am staying with my parents while waiting for our new house. God's grace my mum has volunteered to take 2 weeks leave and look after me and baby. my mil stays nearby my house as well so she'll be popping in to help my mum as and when she can. We just discussed yesterday to give my mum a small money to thank her for helping me out as i oso feel bad as she doesn't get paid if she don go to work and she'll be missing out 12 days of pay during my delivery. Surely she'll reject but we just wanted to give her to help out. N oso i feel the most conformable with my mum. She took care of my sister during both her deliveries. so a little ease with her..
Amanda: my CL enjoys cooking so sometimes she cooks different dishes for my hb & herself to eat, in addition to confinement food for me. But usually she eats the confinement food only. As confinement food is heaty, she will often brew a flask of luohan guo drink to share with my hb coz he ate a lot of my food too.

My CL was very gd n didn't mind going the extra mile to do a lot of household chores for me even tho I told her no need. She even brew chicken essence for me almost every other day. It's a tedious job of 3-4hrs, making sure pot dun dry up. We gave her a big angpow at the end coz we felt sorry that the agency took so much from her.
hi all!! haven't post in a while. finally recovered from my 2weeks old flu!! being sick during pregnancy is a torture!

i have confirmed my CL already. she was my fren's CL when she gave birth in Nov. she's charging me $2.2k.

just to get ur opinions, where would u be having ur confinement?
i'm currently staying with my in-laws and there is an empty room which is just nice, can let the CL sleep inside but my hub quite against the idea cuz during day time, no one will be at home.
he wants me to do my confinement at my parents' place cuz my dad will be at home, but there is no spare room. if i do my confinement there, i will need to share my room with the CL. what would u gals do if u were in my position?
Katherine: You might wana find out what your in-laws feel about confinement arrangement. My parents r traditional in thinking. So they were unhappy that my SIL wanted to go back her mum's place for confinement even though she stays at my mum place on weekends n there are spare rooms for CL. There is even maid to help out. Coz bb is 内孙 n it's usually parents in law take care of the DIL coz marry into family Liao mah. My mum felt it's loss of face if DIL stays with her yet go back niang jia for confinement.

I feel it's ok to be at home with CL alone. If worried then get hb take few days leave each week to be home?
The same thing for me too. My hubby wants me to go back to my mum as she will be around. But there is no place for the CL as my sis does not want to let go of her room as she comes back to stay occassionlly. Ha. And I do not feel comfortable sharing room with CL. Room is too small.
My new house is ready for a while but we have not move in yet as I don't feel comfortable moving while i'm pregnant. Most probably I will be doing my confinement at my new house cos more room. But one thing is. No food market around the house. I have no idea how to do marketing.. Haiz
Amanda, actually I thk u can bring in the maid earlier, before u give birth. Cos nd time to train the maid and for her to be fimilar with ur style. I am worried that u might be too stressed out and busy that u can't handle and maid when she comes during ur confinement. And u noe some maid come and start thinking of gg home after a few days.. So u might nd a replacement. I don't have maid but heard a lot of these from frens.

Oh.. Seems like many of us have similar problem.

My house is BTO so still building, hopefully can complete before I give birth this aug. anyway I just go ahead to engage the confinement lady cos I really want a easier confinement this time. If really not ready, then I will just forgo the deposit. Then I will order confinement food instead.

We have been staying at my parents' place since our wedding. Then #1 came 2 plus yr later. Our new house not ready. I can't have CL or maid as we stay in 4rm flat with my parents and my sis. So my mum did confinement for me that time. Was horrible, I washed cups, plates, bottles etc cos I thk my mum is already very busy with the cooking and baby care. My hubby and i also took care of baby ourselves at nite. We were really tired and stressed out. So this time I want to make everyone's life easier... *fingers crossed*
sqin... hmm will discuss w hubby on maid issue. thankfully we still have time!

as for CL, maybe in your case you can get a day time CL so at least u get some rest in the day, then at night ask hubby to help out?

to have the house ready + reno by aug can be a little tight?
Yes. I am considering infantcare for this baby #3. Childcare for #2. P1 for #1, then go home. But my maid said she'd rather deal with baby #3 than deal with my stubborn #1!

I also requested for 6 mths' maternity leave (ML + Annual leave + no pay leave).... So I'd only start work in mid Jan (after settling my #1 into P1)
Anyone experience yellowish discharge? Yesterday while poo-ing surprised to see a lot of yellowish in the toilet bowl.. it looks like sticky discharge except its yellowish. Think my #1 I also experienced it but now I forgot what is it...
so far I keep having yellow discharge but checked with my gyne he say is alright nothing to worry about.
he even say pink ones oso fine, but I still see him when I dun feel right.
I also have some white and light yellow discharge, usually in the day time and it has been there since week 6-7 till now. Usually no discharge at night and when I wake up.

I read that that is the cervical mucus and it might be plugging the cervix to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. Should be fine and nothing to worry much
diorly: im going to for infant care too. This is my #1. Currently we are staying with my parents and sister. Thus we don haf additional space for a maid. There's 2 infant cares near my mum's place so im opting for infant care.
diorly > i'll most likely go for infant care too, cos both sets of our parents are not in SG, and i dun like maid (no space also)... so infant care is the only choice unless i can find a reliable nanny.

as for CL... not getting cos my mom insisted to fly over to do confinement for me, so let her do it la hahaha~ she is now "negotiating" with my brother on the arrangement, cos she is currently taking care of his kids...
Hi! Anyone did Oscar at tmc?

I did mine yesterday morning n till now still no call. When will the results will be out? So anxious :-(

chocpockie: I will be doing my Oscar at TMC also on 13 Feb. Can just check how long was the procedure n how much? sorry to digress :p
