(2013/08) August 2013

Till now I still try to avoid the reserve seat cos my tummy is totally not obvious and still very low. I usually take the train to marina bay from raffles place just so I get a seat back north. There was once I sat down then this guy came n sat in the reserved seat beside me. I was having fever n tired so I slept. Next moment when I woke up I saw a very pregnant woman standing in front of me and got a shock. Haha. I had to elbow the sleeping guy beside me on the reserved seat to ask him to give up his seat. Told him I couldn't do so cos I'm also pregnant and was having fever. He was embarrassed and stood up immediately. But the pregnant woman was kind of rude and didn't say thanks to me nor to him and continued watching her drama on her iPad!!!!

That day got another pregnant lady purposely stood in front of me and stared at me.. Then the lady sitting next to me was staring at me too... I was thinking why dun the lady next to me just give up her seat to the pregnant lady and stop staring at me... Sigh...
Oh btw can add me to the fb group too? Thank
[email protected]
Hmm..keep touching your tummy and arch your back alittle when you sit down..haha it should drop a lot of hints to others
nowdays its really difficult to get seat. Even when i am carrying my 19mths daughter n holding my 3 n a half yrs old boy, people will just either stare at me or pretend to be asleep.
Hi mommies!!

I'm currently in my 10th week of pregnancy now, expecting #2. My edd is end aug 2013.

Nowadays, it is really difficult to get a seat on the train. So I'll usually find a spot and hold on tight there.
Re: yellow discharge

I did a v swap test with gynae few days ago, she thinks it ok but result shown its infection that's why got yellow discharge. I also got this during #1 but now going to take antibiotics.
I'm also having a lot of discharge its so uncomfortable...doc said its bacterial infection also but a common one so nothin to be worried abt. Still...it's so annoying n irritating!
Mine also no smell and gynae thinks its ok too but results show moderate candida. Its like fungus and also light growth of strep B.. actually I don't feel a thing at all just concerned about the yellow discharge. Went to take antibiotics orally and insert one.

As long as discharge is thin n milky its normal. Other color not so..
Diorly: me too did the swap test and result shows there is fungus infection, so doc prescribed some medicine to be inserted down there... I supposed it's not serious just very irritating...
Ellen: Oic.. ya for me its moderate. So insert medicine down there. Strep B is mild but still gotta take antibiotics. Just for info, Common vaginal infections in Pregnancy are usually -
vaginal candidiasis (moniliasis or thrush) - Group B streptococcal infection (GBS) this is a type of bacteria usually found in the vaginal and rectum in about 30%-40%. This is harmless until u are going into labor (vaginal birth) and intravenous antibiotics is needed. - Gardnerella Infection (bacteria vaginosis) usually harmless.
Hiyoh I did a swap in my last visit. They called me to go down to get the medicine to insert to clear the bacterial but a week now I still don't have time to go down.

Darm jialat today I noticed I bleed after I pooed. I'm quite sure it's not from my varginal. It's fresh red blood. But after cleaning ok already. Just now I went toilet again bled. I suspect it's pile. Googled its quite common. Aiyoh I'm darm disastrous!! So Pekcek so many problems

Anyone also got piles or bleeding after poo?
Having insomia!! Maybe still angry with my hb for not helping to change the bedsheets and so gan chiong to post on his facebook cNY greeting. Its like 12.30am and I still have to change the bedsheet by myself. He doesn't even bother... What the f right.
Then just now had steamboat dinner at in laws house, dunno is is it eat not too well cooked or too much vegetables or maybe its the cold green tea that gives me a stomachache. And I LS already still abit pain and He doesn't care.. still give me a black face for rushing him. Really pissed off until now that I feel like screaming.
I went to mt a for my antenatal classes 3yrs ago. Quite good.

But i think most antenatal classes will only let u sign up when u r ard 6 or 7 months..
Happy new year to everyone... Into my 14th week already and has been throwing up every night for the last 3 nights (and this morning, too!) Why, oh why....
happy new year!!! For Antenatal class, i would suggest Wong Boi Boi's class from TMC. but must book v early cos her class is always v packed and fully booked.
Happy New Year everyone!

Zhaqqie: Hmm..my friends are all telling me that Antenatal class doesn't have any use....so dont think i am going....

Diorly: how you feeling already? Better? LS stopped?

Hows everybody MS? I am now in my wk 15, as of last week 4-5 days my MS seems to gone...hopefully its really gone...just keep my fingers crossed....but still quite exhausted...
Antenatal Class: I recommend every first time parent to attend. I cannot exactly pinpoint what were the most crucial "lessons learnt" but I am a great believer that the "Learning Experience" itself is often the most valuable part. For example, back then (till now!), attending the same class with my husband was a new experience.

Having him listen to the things said by the facilitator/instructor is far better than me trying to convince him why I need a foot massage or why I need that extra helping or that cup of milo in the middle of the night. In addition, learning babycare together meant we were united in our knowledge and approach of how we would want to manage our baby - extremely useful when the MIL tries to interfere! I always remember fondly how our baby's first bath was in our master room's bathroom sink! Because she was slightly premature and so tiny and everyone else refused to let her have a bath! (but of course, we already saw how the nurse just dunked her into the sink for bath while at the nursery!)
Good morning mummies! hope everyone's had a good CNY! i'm nursing a very phlegmy sorethroat now after all the food.

regarding antenatal class, i will go check out at TMC tomorrow together w my OSCAR scan. heard from my friend that the class by Mrs Wong Boi Boi is popular and very good. reason why i wanted to sign up is also for my hubby to feel and be more involved in the pregnancy process, and of cos the childcare part which will come in later. no excuses for him to not know! :p
In fact, i attended antenatal class and i dun find it useful. In class, everything is theory. It's totally different when you are handling a real baby. Different baby have different personalities and you cannot apply the same theory throughout.
Hello Mummies.. Happy Lunar New to all of you.. =D

Is anyone having heartburn? Im having it so badly. Decreased appetite. Everytime i feel my tummy so full even though i don eat. I just eat very very small meals 3 times a day. Im so scared ofgetting gastric. Looking forward to my appt this sat. Will be 16 weeks exactly then..
If u r a first time parent, then antenatal classes r useful. And sometimes, men need to hear things from a 3rd party (other than us) to understand..

Got my oscar blood test results back, 1:4800 so is low
Risk.. Yeah! Thank God..
Happy, Prosperous New Year to all !

Yay finally reached my 12 weeks !!

I have been coughing quite badly for the past two weeks. Wondering if I should ask for antibiotics from gynea or from the GP below my block.. Coughing my lungs out every single minute, at night even cough till I puked =S

Re: Antenatal Class
Gotta agree that it quite theory base and prob not "useful" when it comes to handling a real baby. But agree with BabyS that for 1st time parents, it will be quite informative for the first time daddies especially.

I'm gonna dig out my tmc handbook and baby training notes soon !
Want to share the most amazing thing happened today!! haha went for my OSCAR and saw my baby moving his hands n stretching legs n bouncing around!!! AMAZING!!
Usha, I was about to post on heartburn too.. Actually I'm not realy sure what it is, but it's like gas stuck at the chest area which prevents the food from going down. And yes, if I eat a normal meal, it'll feel stuck at throat and I have no choice but to throw it out. I've become such a pro at puking...so yes decreased appetite and countinued puking. But this puking is much better than MS kind of puking.. At least I can eat a bit..with Ms around previously, I dun even feel like seeing food..
Happy snake year to all
This will be our year, the year where our little darlings will be born this August

Zhaqqie: I can related to your excitement too coz during my Oscar scan, we saw my baby's legs kicking like he/she was swimming and boucing around too
Such an amazing sight !!

Looking forward to my 16th week scan next month for more developments and excitement
The antenatal classes does teach some good stuff.. And will be good to have our partners there because our brains during pregnancy no good, cannot remember things one. Hee.. At least the husbands can remember.

But the part abt breathing during labour, cannot remember man.. I think there was a "hee hee hoo"..
p (bbreeze): thats what exactly i feel. Like gas is stuck between the throat and stomache. I don even eat much nowadays cause the gas in the tummy keeps it so full.. luckily im not vomitting. I look forward to my appt on saturday to get some answers.

Anyway happy valentines day to all mummies..
happy valentines day !!!

Some of us will be the last valentines day for two!!! ah!!!!!

Wonders how is it like to have three for valentines day. hee.......
Happy valentines day to all.
i am into 14th wk this sun. Feeling more energetic but i still feel like vomiting n its worse if i am too hungry.
Next check on the 5 mar at tmc. still hv 3 wks to go. Looking fwd to it. As i might be able to know baby gender that day as i i got to know baby gender same time for my both kids. Very excited!
melilone, it's an interesting thought how 3 or 4 would celebrate v day? i think it was pretty stressful for me to cope with #1 and so we didnt really celebrate except go for simple meal. this year, he is 6, so he could understand a bit. he and daddy conspired to buy me a gift, so sweet hor? after this bb is born, i think no time to celebrate again liao.

anyone starting to feel flutters in the tummy? im abt 14 wks too and think i can sense some movement already.. esp when im eating..such a fuzzy feeling..
im coming to 17 weeks liao & going for gynae checkup again tonite. hehe... so exciting. hopefully can see gender tonite. or else got to wait again for the detailed scan on 8 march.

i dun feel anything in the tummy.. even for #1, i can only feel some kicks start from 18-19 weeks onwards.
Good morning! went for my OSCAR yesterday and indeed it was very amazing watching the little one bouncing and turning around inside. baby wasn't too cooperative so the sonographer had to spend a lot of time trying to coax baby to move to the right position.. haha! but also meant we had more time to look at the little one moving about. initial scan results look ok. can see nasal bone, neck thickness about 1.2mm, which the sonographer said was quite small.

Gynae said i will be able to know bb's gender by my next appt on 11 Mar.
can't wait! and am doing my FA scan on 10 Apr (just checked, it's about 3-4 days away from Week 20 though, should be ok right?)

Sigh anyone else been falling sick a lot since being preggy? i'm like sick every month! i had cough a few days ago which developed into sorethroat and phelgm, and now its cough + sorethroat + yellow phelgm + runny nose!!
Hi Mummies.. Happy Lunar New Year!! I am counting down the days to seeing my little one again.. But it seems very long away. Another 3 more weeks to go. I have make an appointment for my detailed scan with TMC in another 5 weeks. Hopefully all is fine and I can start shopping.

As a first time mum, I'm really confused and have really zero idea on the items that I have to prepare. Anyone can help on this? Like any website or anything?

Avuvia: i have been coughing for almost a month. My gynae prescribe some antibotics for me but i decided not to take them. Ha. Dun drink any cold drinks. I think it helps alot. I manage to abstain from cold drinks yest and i stop coughing so much today. Haha. Will be fine.

Oister baby: There are alot of websites on baby preparation which you can refer. For first baby, i bought almost everything, ended up quite a no of items never used. kena scolded by my hubby.

Things like steriliser, bottle warmer, baby cot i didnt use at all. cos i find sterilising & warming up milk using hot water is faster. haha.. my boy prefer to co sleep with us, so baby cot became useless.

There's a mother & baby fair on 22-24 feb. you can go and have a look. Im gonna buy goon diapers for this 2nd baby. just to share.. buying the right diapers is v important. so far, my boy's shit always leak out when using huggies and i ended up cleaning shitty clothes every few days. Diapers like mamy poko/ goon/ merries/ pampers can hold better. First 1-2 months, baby shit alot. so better buy good ones.
