(2013/08) August 2013


Active Member
Anyone else just found out they are expecting? I got a BFP last Fri, LMP 26/10 so we're about 5 weeks now, still no sac when I saw gynae on Sat, been scheduled on 13/12.

Our first baby after TTC for 2+ yrs, so we're quite clueless, abit scared, but extremely excited!

Hi jo78,
Not that I am pregnant, but was just surprised to see August 2013 thread up already!!
You are at the right place if this is your first pregnancy...
I received a lot of help, as well as precious friendship here, when I was pregnant with my first baby back in 2009...

Good luck on your wonderful journey!
Me!..just found out last week using the kit but doc still can't see the sac when I visit gynae yesterday. Said in very early stage.
This is my #2..hehe.

jo78, congrats!!
Liz, thks!

Hmm.. Not sure cos still can't detect yet so doc asked me to return after 2 wks. Hope everything fine.

How old is ur #1 now?
Hope to hear good news fr you soon!
My #01 will be 18mths in 2 weeks time...
Thanks Yeng Lin! I hope for it too... Gotta wait a few more days before I try de HPT... The suspense is killing me. At which day did you test the HPT?

How old is ur #01?
I'm not sure whether I'm pregnant now.. Period late for 2 days and this morning after toliet when I wipe there is a brown discharge on it.. I thought my period is here but till now no sign of it.. Anyone here experience this?
Liz, my #1 will be 18mths in 3 weeks time! Seems like our #1 is July bunnies. Could we be in the same fb group??
Wat is HPT? Me abit clueless on all these short terms. Haha.

There is one pregnancy kit which can detect 7 days after we ML and I tested 2 days before my period is due and it shows a double lines. I tested again using the clearblue kit and it showed pregnant so shld be ba. Ha.
Sharon.. Im 1 day late and still no sign. I tried yesterday morning and the HPT state negative. I know we have to wait at least a week but the suspense is killing me.
My discharge is little, sometimes sticky milky white... Sometimes not.

Im scared to get my hope too high...
Sharon, is ur cycle always accurate? If yes then maybe you're pregnant! Maybe do a test to find out?

For my #1 time, I tested many times. Haha.
First, I tested when I missed my period but result show negative but I just have this strong feelings that I'm pregnant so I tested again afew days later and Bingo!!
Liz... Yes yes!! Hahahaha!!!
Same username as here.
I seldom post in the group so maybe you might not recognise me.

Hope we can be in the same group again!
Yeng Lin... Now I hardly post too! Hee... More of a silent reader... Hee...

Mine is Zareel.

I may test again tomorrow if aunt flo havent come. =D
Hi mummies-to-bes,
My first post here. I just tested BFP few days ago. Based on my ovulation date, I should be 4wk 2dy today.
I'm over the moon. Congrats to all and hope we have a blessed 9months
Sharon, how? Tested?
Don't worry too much. I used to have brown discharge during my 1st tri, especially when I walk too much. After resting will be back to normal.
Hi all,
I need urgent serious help. The confinement lady that I have booked in advance had suddenly informed me that she contracted hepatits
And i am due in 1 week time!!!
Please assist if you have any contact for a confinement lady that you can recommend.
My no. Is 90225579
Sharon and Liz, baby dust to you

To others, would you like to share if you're experiencing any early preg symptoms?

For me : a little nausea and little tired all the time.
i just tested positive last thur. immediately nxt day go gynae. but gynae say too early to see anything, only can see lining thicken. My nxt gynae visit is 11/12 (Next Tue). Praying hard for good news.

My #1 is a boy and he's 11 mth old now. hehe..Hope this time round is a gal.
#2 pregnancy is abit weird. Till now still no ms yet (touchwood), only a little nausea at night. Soo different from my #1 time. I really had a hard time during the 1st tri..puking whole day and can't eat anything, even plain water also.
Catherine, congrats!!
I hope to have a boy this time round but most importantly is still baby healthy!

But have a feeling this time round still a gal and my #1 keep calling me "mei mei" suddendly. Haha
Congrats to all mummies to be!!!

I tested positive on Mon and saw the gynae on Wed. Similar to Catherine, its too early to see anything yet ... This is my #1.
Hi all mummies,

I had similar issues for my 1st pregnancy. I had menses in May 2010, only to find out from my gyne that I was actually pregnant at that point of time. Probably 1 month pregnant. The flow wasn't much though. hahaha..

My edd is 02.08.2013, but most probably gonna be 3 weeks earlier like my 1st baby. Placenta age too fast and gotta induce to prevent complication. =(
hmm... im currently only 6 weeks. but my tummy seems to show already?? my #1 didnt show until 20 weeks. headache.. wondering how to hide my tummy.

during #1 pregnancy, I puke everytime i smell coffeeshop and restaurants. it lasted throughout the whole pregnancy. hope this time round is better.

Anyone getting confinement lady? #1, i didnt get one. so not sure whether should get it for #2. cos dun know can cope with 2 or not. No maid at home.
My tummy didnt show until i was about 20 weeks for my 1st pregnancy too. Im only 6 weeks now, but tummy is bulging too. I was told that 2nd pregnancy onwards are usually like that. haha..
After 1st pregnancy, I decide to engage a confinement lady for my 2nd one no matter what. I didnt get enough rest and was really depress and tired all the time throughout the 1st month. I guess this kind of money cannot be saved.
yar lor.. the first month can go crazy with baby keep waking up every 2-3 hrs. best part is when they cant differentiate between day & nite. sleep in the day and super awake at night.

which gynae are you all going to?

My gynae is Dr Adrian woodworth. Gonna give birth at TMC.
Mine is also woodworth but wanna give birth in mount A this time round. Anyone given birth at mount a before?

By the way, anyone co-sleep with ur #1?
I'm now worried that #2 will wake #1 up with the cries and worse I only have 2 rms and one is occupy by mil.
Hey Yeng Lin, I'm from the same July 2011 fb group as you, but my #2 is due in July 2013 instead.

I'm co-sleeping with #1 also, thinking either one of them will have to be in a different room.. probably have to train #1 to sleep alone..
Hello, I am new to this forum. Just did a HPT couple of days ago, and got a BFP. Seeing my gynae next week to confirm. I should be almost 5 weeks now.
More and more happy mummies-to-be joining. What a nice sight

I'm now closing into 5 weeks. For 2nd time mummies, do you get a bump at this time? I've had a miscarriage at 13weeks just months ago. I'm not sure a miscarriage counts but does it have effect on how fast I will notice a bump this time round? I put on a dress just now and I thought there's a bump. And my appetite has not increased yet for past weeks and I had not even had my dinner just now!
Oh thanks for sharing. I feel suddenly fat at my abdomen though I'm still very early in first trime. I think my bump was only showing a bit back then at week 8-9.
Hi Joelle & AugustBee, it's my #2. I also feel the bump is more obvious, even though I m only 5 weeks.

Anyone can share if it's ok to take tea at this stage? I controlled myself during the first pregancy n didn't take any tea for the first trimester. Now, #2, I always feel sleepy and need the caffeine
In this case I don't know how long I can hide if I intend to announce to colleagues only at 2nd trime. Haa.

I believe it's ok if it's moderate though personally I have kicked the habit already once I knew I'm expecting.
Hi all.. I'm also due in aug. tested positive on 3/12. This is my #2.. Havent gone to see gynae yet though, learnt from my first pregnancy, dont go so early. Cannot see anything and scare
Myself only. Hha. Meanwhile i am taking folic and calcium supplements, and trying to remember what i did and did not
Do with #1 prefnancy. Haha.

My gynae used to be dr woo bit hwa but he doesnt do delivery at mah anymore, so had to find another one. I am suppose to see dr ben choey from scbb women's clinic. Any one heard abt him?
My tummy is bigger too! I get breathless h
When i wear my jeans and sit down! I went to malaysia over the weekend and bought maternity wear.. Haha.. Cheap cheap!

Yeng leng: woodworth doesnt do delivery at mt a now also cos he says he doesnt like the carpark and renovation..
