(2013/08) August 2013

Catherine, I intend to send #1 to childcare when she's 18mths, let her get used to it b4 #2 is born and coz there's no one who can take care of her full day. Doubt I can cope with a newborn & active toddler on my own.

hi all,
my edd is 2aug at last scan last mon.but predictin i will deliver in jul, if condition follows as the previous 2. cos GD in late 2nd tri, thus deliver 2wks earlier for my 2 gals.

is it accurate for young children to predict? my 4yrs old wish for another meimei. then my hubby will b totally outnumbered! lol #2 is also a bunny bb like some mommies here. alrdy started her in toddler class since nov b4 i know i with #3. stil stunned as we planned to stop at 2.... but.... accidents happen... but stil a precious gift.. but wonderin how i goin to take care of 3 monkies"...... -_-"
U all told ppl around you the good news already? I only told my family members n close colleagues. Cos I don't want them to give me too much stress. Haha

Would like to intro my confinement lady who has 20 more years experience of take care baby,good cooking skills, patience and nice.

Her charges are reasonable.

Name: Auntie Xin Hua
Mobile: 90699570
Poky: you started your #2 baby for toddler class? What type of toddler class you enrolled? i got a difficult time trying to source for suitable classes for him. There's no daily playgroup.. only those 2 times a week parents accompanied class. or weekend class.

Diorly: i only told my hubby and parents. hehe.. think its abit too early to tell pple.. still thinking whether wanna disclose.
my immediate family know. relatives told by mil.. i only inform my cloest friends to keep them updated... the rest wil b guessin soon enuf.... cos tummy keep swellin much faster, even more than #2.

mine feb bunny, so we start asking #1 cc when she reach 18mths. cos got siblings pirority with special family commitment, mfs enter my #2. it full day childcare, under the toddlers class.
ur nearby got no neighbourhood providin tou tou class?

now feelin v tired n puky..juz started near 2hrs of work only leh! how to survive thru the day? super sian!
oic.. mine is a Dec bunny. gonna turn 1 yr old soon. considered infant.. so no playgroup for his age group. i ended up sending him to julia gabriels for lessons. Put him in happy train for right brain training during dec school holidays. Nxt term put him in growing up gifted to learn zoophonics. will be putting him in Childcare once i finish my maternity leave. hehe...
my throat forever like stuck with something. got a puky feeling. Yesterday evening suddenly cannot tahan and ended up puking at the grass patch. so embarrassing.
Have told both sides of families (except my dad. He can’t keep secrets so he’ll be one of the last to know). My boss. My facial therapist (since one of the treatments is not supposed to be used during pregnancy). The boss at the Chinese medical hall. And of cos my TCM sinseh! Next is my gynae :p
Hello ladies, hope you are well.
i'm new to the board and my EDD is 8 August
1 day after my birthday! :0) I told my gynae maybe bb will be born on 7 August for my birthday! he says no, hahaha cos my cake will be too matured for my bb hehehehe.. btw my doc is Dr Ben Tham, sames as Elaine and my dd same as Baby S!

I want to ask, if any mummies feeling some occassion pain at lower right pelvis? not very painful but feel pressure and a little sensitive.. yo uknow what i mean?

so happy to be here!
I have not told anyone other than my hubby and of coz you ladies here in this forum. Haven't even told my gynae yet coz I'm still waiting for my first appt to see if everything is ok.

Hubby wants me to keep mum to the whole world as we have tried for quite a while and he is quite pantang abt the baby being Xiao qi if we tell anyone before the first 3 mths. We really hope to keep this baby and deliver the baby safely.

Anyway, I managed to change my 1st appt to 28 Dec from 2 Jan. Hopefully we can detect the baby in the right place and its heart beat

These few days, I have been sleeping only a few hours...from 12am and then suddenly wake up at 4am. Can't sleep till ard 630am again then wake up to go to work. Do u ladies experience this too?
Hi sashamunna!

Welcome here and congrats too! Is this ur first kid? Coz sometimes the bb might arrive at 37-38 weeks. Anyway hope ur bb will share e same b day as u

I still experience some slight pulling cramps on both sides but no spottings. Did ur gynae prescribed u with progesterone pills to sustain ur pregnancy n prevent spotting? Mine did before I was pregnant and I'm still taking the pills thrice a day.
Hello TTCing! Thanks for the big welcome!
Actually i do agree with what you say about not telling anyone, but i have told my mum and family and 1 of my best friend, but my colleagues guessed it, but they didnt really ask me
yeah, better dont tell till 12 weeks i think. It's my first bb! very nervous hahahahaha if give birth early it works for me too! can see bb earlier hehehehehe

I did ivf, so i had some spotting during the 2nd week after i took a hpt and bfp and was given utrogestron, duphaston and prognova

as for the sleepless yes i do have that too. sleep and then wake up around 5+ 6am and cant sleep alredy... maybe bb bored hahahaha

how far are you?
Ttcing: ur bday same as my edd. Haha.

My daughter's birthday is 4th, when her edd is 7. I think number 2 will also be like the jie jie, come out earlier b4 edd, maybe same bday as jie jie.

Me me! I also cannot sleep! The morning sickness that i get is extreme tiredness! But no matter what time i sleep i always wake up at 3am!! And cannot get back to sleep till 4 plus am! Fatigue and insonmia dont go together! After one week of this, i today cannot tahan liao, take mc...

My previous gynae gave me some hormone pills when i was in my 1st tri although i wasnt bleeding or anything. This 2nd gynae didnt..
Hi sashamunna,
I juz visited Dr ben yst, My edd is your birthday 7 Aug..my mum ask me to wait till 9 Aug...Haha. >.<
Wow.. I tot I am e only one..

Ever since I tested positive.. I didn't had a undisturbed Slp.. I wake up every 2hrs worst! N is those super awake n b fresh feeling.. I refuse to open my eyes, make myself slp again..
Sashamunna: how did ur Colls guess tt u r pregnant? Is ur baby bump showing? For me, I m not showing yet so guess nobody suspected anything so far.

My morning sickness so far is also just fatigue and sleepless nights. Really hope to see my gynae next Friday n get through my trimester one soon! I'm 5w1day today, still early stages, self calculated edd online is 20 Aug but hope to deliver on early aug at 37-38 weeks. I will see gynae on my 6w3day. By then, hope to see bb n the heartbeat! Excited!!! How abt u? U shd b ard 6-7 weeks now?

BabyS: my bday is not in Aug! I think u r referring to Sashamunna? How many weeks r u now ?
hmm... i slept like pig every night. probably im too tired. i think the sleepless nights will be in last few weeks in 3rd trimester because of the huge tummy. v hard to turn and roll around.

I count down everyday, hopefully can pass 1st trimester soon.

Sashamunna: i got the same EDD as you, 8/8/2012. Actually based on LMP, my EDD supposed to be 31/7/2012. but when they measure the size of the sac, the EDD was much later. maybe i ovulate late bah...if EDD is 8/8/2012, you are also around 7 weeks?
me too! tired whole day, slpless at night, wake up easily, not countin the time to the loo.... but i also get higher temp or slight fever when tired or sometimes, for no reason. anyone hvin frequent fever also?
TTCing : cos I go IVF, n when I return look sick n wearing flats... But they didn't ask me upfront
anyway I have resigned and serving notice, so it's ok
remember to eat as much as u can... Cos now I can't eat much... I am 6w6 days today and saw hb on Monday when I go to dr tham
not very loud but can hear
hope you can hear the lovely sound too!

Catherine : wow ow so nice huh same day!
which doc r u with?
Oh.. you can see heart beat this week already? so nice.. i went 1 week plus ago. can only see a sac. When is your next visit? My next visit is on 8 Jan.

My gynae is dr Adrian woodworth from TMC.
Catherine : I m at tmc but with dr Benjamin tham
yes I resign to stay at home
but I m a part time baker, so if by 2nd trimester I feel better can start baking again
I m 36 already so want to take extra care

My next visit is 31 dec
last day of the year
Hi catherine, hows r adrian woodworth? Heard he doesnt performance basic checks like measuring weight, blood pressure etc?

Hmm im a first timer, not sure if the basic check is common.
hi ladies,

I will be having an August baby too : ) Tested positive last Fri. Saw my beanie sac when my gynae do the us yesterday.
Hope to share our pregnancy experience here and accompany one another throughout the next 9 mths : )
hi nana,
Tis is my #2. My #1 is 6 tis year. Going to P1 next year.
Congrats to you too : ) My gynae is also dr adrain woodworth. I remembered 6 years bk when I had my #1, he did all the basic checks such as us, measure weight, blood pressure and urine test to ensure no diabetic. I find him good and experience even though he does the check-up very fast coz he has alot of customers. Just tell urself fast mean bb is fine : )
Serene, i just had my #1 last yr. Dr Adrian doesnt perform all the basic check like weight, blood pressure etc. only urine test. think too many patients liao..hehee..

but he's quite professional. I had a smooth and fast delivery for my #1, except got a little bit of tear. the stitches are done quite well. Not painful one.
TTC-ing, HUGZ... just coming in to catch some bb dust and visit u.. hehehe...
Hi Catherine and Sashamunna, my Dr is also at TMC, Dr Joycelyn Wong at leve 3... hee... I have yet to book my first appt... tot its too early to see anyting.. so maybe wait for another week! hee...=)
Is yours at level 3 too??
this is my #2..My #1 is a boy, he is 2 years old now. My EDD is 14th Aug but im feeling normal... just a bit of backache due to my old injury.
Hi ..i'm happy n would like to join u mummies .. hav an eppisode of drama ..but turn out miracle..hope still for now :p ..well i'm expecting my no2 .. suppose to due in July if based on my last period .. but now my mini decide to arrive slightly late on 5th Aug : ) .. so still Yeahh i'm mum again
I feel so nauseous esp after meals... then somemore take the HUGE prenatal pills..the smell is enough to induce vomitting lor. But i only feel bloated n nauseous..no vomitting.. Taking about the prenatal pill.. how do u all deal with it? omg the smell hor... *yucks* This morning i couldnt stomach it.. i choked on the pill but luckily coughed it out. Really cannot force down leh...i *think* of the smell only already turned off.. eeeeee
diorly: I didnt take any prenatal pills other than self-bought folic acid and vit B from the pharmacy, as I am still waiting to see my gynae next week.

Did ur gynae prescribe u with the huge prenatal pills? What do they contain?

So far so good for me, no vomitting feeling but fatigue and sleepless at night. But last nite, I had a good sleep from 10:30pm to 6am
She only gave me folic acid. The prenatal supplements I have is from GNC. I thought since folic acid included so eat that one lor but I really can't stomach the smell... I have sleepless nights all time..always wake up at weird hours. Can't sleep well and backache.
hi nana...not previously is current 1 .. at 1st i got spotting then went to kkH for scan it show like a empty water bag cant see anything &amp; the dr advise go for hormone test , based on LMP i'm suppose 6weeks+ pregnant ...for the test result if u r pregnant the blood count will bcome double or tripple BUT my result show tat only increase very very little not counted as normal pregnancy .. dr said is so call like a misscarriage .. so make another appmt to see wat is Dr advise to closed the case.... but but but after 2 weeks i did another scan n saw a tiny heardbeat ..huuurray ... so my mini is come 2 weeks late .hahaha so tis is miracle to ME : )
hey babes...any of you still continue to exercise in first trimester? can you do jogging? i have been exercising all the time before pregnancy. now everyone ard me dont let me exercise. they say cannot run or jog or do any strenous exercise. i use to jog and do a lot of cardio classes like kickboxing and zumba.

i read in ang moh books all advocating exercise though very few really specify what exercise can do and whether jogging is safe.

i feel so fat now that i dont exercise and eating more! howwwww....i really wanna go jogging but also scared if its bad for baby.
Mag..thats gd! take care n i wish u a smooth preg thru out!! I oso scared my hcg is low.. will wait n observe. I opt not to take d hormone test. Did your dr prescribe anything to haf this 'miracle'?
haaah..no leh ..after seeing the hearbeat i'm in the club liao ..so only giv folic acid n some anti nausea pill ; ) .. cant wait my 2nd scan on 2 weeks later .. hope my mini got more to show (^-^)

Hi nana &amp; Mag,

Glad that your beanies are sticky n growing well ;)

I did another hcg urine test this afternoon just to check again and the double lines were quick to appear within 1 min. Waiting patiently for next Friday

As long as got double lines on hcg test, should b safe yah? Coz find the wait at kkh too long....
