(2013/08) August 2013

Diorly: according to Tcm, it is not advisable to eat crabs which r considered as cold food in the 1st trimester.

hi catherine, thanks for updating me on Dr Adrian prenatal check-up procedure. Yup i continue to choose him as my gynae again as i find him veri professional and skillful stitches. so u go to his cck or sengkang clinic? For my 1st one, i stayed at cck so went to his cck clinic. now stay at hougang therefore go to his sengkang clinic.
Mag, it's really a miracle. Happy for you.

Before I had #1, I had a missed abortion, meaning it was an empty water bag. My previous gynae told me to take progesterone pills and jab, it was painful and doesn't work in the end, and had to do a d&c.
There's nothing we can do to prevent such things. I'm seeing my gynae today, hopefully I can hear the heartbeat.
Serene: i go to his sengkang clinic cos i stay in sengkang. hehehe... so probably might see you there if you happen to go for appointment. hehe...

i usually go for tue night slot, right after work. hehe...
Mag : hee i pm you but you never reply me..

Now i know your "miracle" story liao. Congrats!
But your blood test is +ve or -ve?? I dont reali mean what u mean by come 2 weeks late??
Actually based on LMP, it's not accurate at all. some woman ovulate late. i think what mag means is by right based on LMP, baby is 6 weeks in fact, at that time, it was probably 4 - 5 weeks. so can only see empty waterbag. so 2 weeks later go and check, got HB liao..
i'm having "motion" sickness. if i walk around, i feel more nauseous.. but if i sit or lie down to rest, i feel slightly better. plus the sensitive smell, i vomit every evening on my way home.

feel most nauseous in afternoon/ evening & my hubby can make jokes about it. Say baby is made in Australia, so follow Australian time. Instead of morning sickness, i will have afternoon sickness. Faintz...
I feel as sick as a dog since 2am this morning. Having diarrhoea and headache since then till now. Is this considered as morning sickness too?
Skymummy....swimming is the best and most recommended exercise for preggys...swimming and walking best...every doctor will recommend. its good to exercise when you're pregnant...u'll have an easier time in labour...and kids are smarter wor.

i only duno if its safe to run/jog...still nobody can tell me...gonna ask my gynae in first appointment.
swimming & walking is good. hehee.. i walk too much during my 1st and 2nd trimester until i almost got a pre term labour at 32 weeks. ended up bed rest and rely on medication till baby was full term at 37 weeks (dilation 5cm). but i got a pretty short delivery. hehe...

walking will aid you in smoother & faster delivery. but dun walk too much.
Catherine: yup, I m on leave today. Dunno if it's normal to experience whole day diarrhoea in 1st trimester? I didn't eat anything bad yesterday; just lotus root soup with pork ribs and hor fun style bee hoon. Today I just had chicken porridgeand an apple.
Hola.. Today just tested with positive, shd be conceiving 2 weeks now. This is my second bb. Shd i stop breastfeeding now? My gynae will be retired in aug. U gals went to see gynae alr?

There is another nana here
hi all, congrats to all! i just got my bfp, but there's a long wait til mid jan to see the gynae. It's my #2 and the feeling is kind of surreal cos #1 is alr 5..

Having terrible MS through the day and simply no appetite.. anyone has any remedy..
Hi catherine, i will choose either fri nite or sat afternoon. Coz cant knock off too early on weekday. Also headache coz my son has enrichment class on sat afternoon. When is ur next checkup? Mine will b on 4th jan. Think shld b able to see heartbeat by then.. My son told mi he wanna to go wif mi for e next check up so tat he can see his didi or meimei in e screen. He is so excited abt my pregnancy. I get him to promise mi not to tell anyone until i allow him to do so.. Up till now he still keep his promise. Keke...
hi serene, our #1s are about the same age, i wanted to have #2 earlier, but due to work commitments and that i have phobia due to 2 MCs, stalled until now.. haha..so glad u will be seeing #2 soon, i've still gotta wait til mid jan!!

i've told #1 about it too and he didn't seem more happy than worried! he's wondering if the didi or meimei will start snatching his things! will be bringing him for the check up too, hopefully his didi or meimei will be able to show up in the scan to greet him...

for now, still stuggling with MS which seems to be severe during all meal times such that my meal time for whole day is really off..when its time to eat, i dun feel like.. when its not, i can still manage to eat a little..If i recall, my previous pregnancies were also like that all the way through until im nearly in 3rd trimester, so i got nothing to say! just have to bite the bullet and get it through.
Hi all, am 5w1d now. Went to see Dr Adrian Woodworth yest. Did abdominal u/s but only saw that the lining has thicken. Am scheduled to see him again on 4th Jan. Hopefully by then can see something. Worried that it maybe an etopic preg. Keeping fingers crossed.
Hey Melissa, dont worry, its probably too early to see the sac. My #1 also, we went at week 5 plus, with ab u/s and vaginal u/s can only see lining thickening but no sac. By next appt at week 8, we could see baby and heart beat. So dont worry, i'm sure u'll get to see ur little one soon!

I am having alot of cravings and the cravings r super strong lor. TO the point my stomach growls and churns and i feel like i havent eaten and am super hungry, even if i only had a meal 2hrs ago! I remember lots of craving with my #1, but not as strong as now.. Anyone else experiencing the same?
BabyS, same like me! I eat n eat n eat and have strong cravings.. always hungry for food.. i so scare n worried i will become a super fatty. I used to have strong cravings for strong flavours things like nasi lemak, curry etc but now my appetite change again to more vegetables n min meat.. Hate KFC smell now..lol.. I think ever since my MS (nausea) kicks in recently, my appetite went bk to normal. when i eat too full i will feel very nauseous n wanna vomit. Strangely i love chocolates now.

Now i have a problem with eating big pills like those prenatal vitmins.. i m looking at amazon to buy those vitamins gummies instead. hehe..
6 tablets left.
Hi MYBs sorry to interrupt:

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Diory: i now find myself craving for strong flavoured food.. Esp kfc! But i usually only allow myself one kfc meal a month..

But even if i get all my cravings satisfed, afteri eat i a bit regret.. Cos i feel so full and bloated.. And guilty that i was being a glutton!

Must control must control.. Cannot put on too much weight. Already fat b4 pregnancy, cannot get fatter! I aim to put on 10kg or less for this pregnancy, just like my 1st time..
Hi melissa, dun worry. Its jus tat u r in veri early stage of pregnancy. Mayb 4weekplus tats y cant see sac yet. It happened to mi too. Based on my last af date, i shld b around 6week last sat when i visited dr adrain. But he also couldnt see anything when he did v-us. He did a hcg bloodtest for mi. When i went bk to see him 3days later, my hcg bloodtest level show that i m only 4weeks plus into my pregnancy. He did a us n there my beanie sac appear on e screen tis time
i ovulated veri late tis time tats y suppose to be week 6 end up only week 4 plus last sat.
So dun worry too much.
Hi Serene, thanks for your assurance. Dr Adrian did v-u/s for you? He didn't do it for me. Didn't do a hcg blood test for me either. Hmmmm.... Wonder why?
Having hard time catching up the posts ;p

Melissa, mine is at the other end of Yishun, nearer to Sembawang. Are we neighbors soon?
good morning mummies, i think many are not working? Wish you all happy shopping/resting on xmas eve.

looks like many are seeing Dr Adrian? actually i'm very near to his clinic at sk, but prefer female gynae. can't wait for my first check in mid jan.. i secretly hope i dun need to do v u/s, terribly scared of that as i got spotting twice after doing that previously. i'll prob request for abdominal u/s..

once everyone is more confirmed on their dates, we can start a list going
bbreeze, I also didnt know the v-u/s could cause spotting until I had it since last wed after my first gynae visit. I searched the net and got to know it can cause that. After the brown spotting for few days, I had bleeding (light to medium. Not heavy at all) until this morning (now light spotting). I'm worried I just had an MC

Hi dear neighbor, Melissa! So adora green will be completed in 2015 too?
A risk of v u/s is bleeding. Vaginal examination which will e done nearer delivery date may cause spotting too.
hi augustbee, i definitely didn't know it too! until i had it for both my previous pregnancies.. then now i learn not to have it done, so i dun mind having a later first visit to gynae. I dun think it happens for everyone, but i think im not used to it so i got stressed and it might have resulted in the spotting too..after i mentioned to gynae, i was prescribed duphaston. The spotting was somewhat like urs, took a few days to clear. When i read online, many say its normal, but i dun think i wanna take the risk again..

For the gynaes i went to, before 12 wks, they will do v u/s as they claim can see better since foetus still small.

When's ur next check up?
p & AugustBee: I did v-scan a few times before before I was pregnant but did not encounter any spotting so far (touch wood). I suppose it is better to do ur first visit at least 6-7 weeks if u want to use the abd-scan instead?
I think it depends on the machine also. My 1st gynae, his machine very old one, for 1st few visits must use v u/s then can see. With my 2nd gynae, abd u/s can see liao but v u/s cannot see as clearly.
Actually my first visit was 6wk+2. Doc couldnt see much inside my gestational sac so he did ask for my permission to do v-scan. He asked "you want to do it now or would you like to come back another time?". Now I know why he asked. I mean my last pregnancy I did have a v-scan but I didnt have bleeding after that. So I said yes lor.
Merry Xmas to all too! Happy eating and partying!

(on a positive note, the MS has gotten better! so indeed i can indulge in the holiday season feasting now! thank goodness!)
Hi mummies, mummies-to-be,
Merry christmas n happy new year to you n ur family

Hi melissa, tat time i was 46days since last af which mean 6 weeksplus into pregnancy. When dr adrian cant see anything when he did abominal us, He asked whether i wanted to do v-us. He also cant see anything tats y he did hcg bloodtest for me to see how many weeks i m in. I guess he also worry might b etopic pregnancy. But luckily results show tat i was in 4 week plus n when he did adominal us, he could see my sac
i ovulated almost 10days late.
I guess he didnt do hcg bloodtest for u bcoz based on ur last af date, u r still veri early stage of pregnancy. For mine becos my last af date was 30oct which was 46days during my 1st visit.
Hello serene, same here! i dono how many weeks i am in.. cuz the last scan din show anything.. i might haf ovulated late too cuz my cycle is long. I don haf ms.. feel q normal except for the daily slight cramps.. so everything is still a question mark. Wad other symptoms do u haf?
I have some brown discharge just now... Im so worried... Is it a sign of miscarriage?? I dun have tt in the previous pregnancy..
Hi Serene, thanks for the clarification. When I saw him it was only 35 days since last af so I guess dr Adrain feels that it's still early bah. Anyway will be seeing him again in 2 weeks time hopefully by then can see something already.
Serene, I had that too! Got quite worried about baby's development coz the symptoms seem to disappear, but then the morning sickness set in soon after.

Nana, I think you had asked me abt Dr Kang at Mt. Alvernia. Went for my 2nd appt last week, find her warm and approachable, was very patient when I asked her load of qns on what I needed to look out for when I travel in first trimester.
