(2013/08) August 2013

Thanks for guiding, babyS!

Hi pink ribbon, congrats too!

I heard its better to find gynae soon to get supplement pills? Im still researching.. for nearby my area, im considering dr chen chern yi n dr adrian. My fren reco kkh for the subsidy.

Beginning to feel more tired den before.. hopefully ms don kick in so early :p

Hi mummies... seems to have quite afew no 2 mummies around. I'm 1 of them and going to see my gynea on Christmas Eve.
WTS: Duphaston 10mg tablets

6 tablets left.

Selling at $5 for all 6.
Expiriing in March 2015.

Self collect at Tiong Bahru MRT.
Clementi MRT and Jurong East MRT on weekdays only.

Pls PM if interested.

Good luck!
Nana.. Im taking folic acid.. Im planning to see gynae at 8thbweek.. So another 3 weeks more... Dun worry abt MS.. Not all will get.. All the best!!

Hi Barn: congrats!! Yup we have many experienced mummies here... Lets share our experiences tog... Have fun!
Nana, I'm see Dr Kang Wee at Mount A, female gynae.

Think all the symptoms are setting in for me at the same time, having horrible MS over the weekend, no appetite, diarrhoea, perpetually tired...

I'm in two minds whether to get a confinement lady or not. I'm staying with my in laws so there's no space but MIL is not the sort who'll pay a lot of attention to food either.
Thanks doodles, babyxi

My new place will be at Yishun. By the time we move in, baby will be abt 2yrs old. Have to think abt fixing safety window grille!

For past 2 days, I don't really have any MS. Like they are gone. Although sinseh says don't worry, I can't help being not
I'm so counting down this wed at 1st gynae visit.
Leng, hang in there! My ms also started though this time round is alot better then #1 time.

Me staying with inlaws too and there no extra room for confinement nanny but I will still go ahead to engage cos you will feel pai sei to ask ur mil to do this n that. End up you wont have a good rest. Maybe discuss with ur hb on the arrangement?

I know tea and coffee is not so good for us right now but seems like hot tea is the only drink I can take right now. Anyone kn will there be any harm to the beanie?
Augustbee, no ms is gd!! Share with us your gynae visit ya.

Leng, hope you feel better soon. How many weeks r you in? your #1? If so, mayb CL is better? Hows dr kang? Review of her is nt bad.

I've been cramping a few times daily. Is it normal? My fren said she started cramping only after 8weeks.
Nana, I hope so too. I'm 6weeks so maybe too early? But while I was at 4weeks, I had ms. Then at 5weeks the symptoms just diminishing slowly. I dont know what to think now...
AugustBee, dont worry too much. Maybe ur ms is shorter

Ur inlaw hse got install window grill? Believe before you move out, ur bb will already be moving abt.

My current hse do not have window grills and my #1 is already climbing on chair so very dangereous. Somemore we on 15th flr! But we moving out this mth end so now we just dont open the window too wide.
Nana: for me the cramping was normal during the early weeks for both pregnancies. More than my usual menses cramps. And it was the cramps that make me suspect i was pregnant. I
Had it abt week 5 and now no more liao.

But u must take note what sort of cramps k.. And if y dont feel safe, just go see a dr bah, to be on the safe side.

Mummies, any one experiencing feet swelling and super pily skin and pimples now? I now cannot walk as long liao, leg swell. But with 1stpregnancy, i only got
It abt after 2nd tri. And my complexion is usually quite
Good.. With my 1st also good but i
Am getting oily skin and pimples! (trying to psycho myself, maybe its a boy thats why.. Haha)
Hi ladies,

I'm coming to 5 weeks this Tuesday and gynae's appointment will only be on 2 Jan at my 7weeks 1day. I'm also getting occasional on-off slight cramps since past few days. Is this normal for a first pregnancy? There was no spotting, just white or watery discharge sometimes.
Hi TTC, im abt the same wk as you and havin been cramping onoff. See babyS's comments

BabyS, im oso getting pimples.. haha. :p i have giantic appetite now.. but morning usually don feel lk eating.
nana: Ok thanks
My cramps are like the AF is coming type of feeling

I have some pimples too. Appetite wise, still the same as before

Btw, nana, how many weeks r u now? U can calculate it from your LMP (Last Menstrual Date) with any online Pregancy Calculator.

Joyful: I think I can see a faint line! Congrats! Have u tried to test on another kit again?

BabyS: Oily and pimples means having a boy?

My face is oily and pimply sometimes even before I am pregnant leh. So how to tell if it is caused by the pregnancy or my own hormones? But now, my face is indeed oily and pimply too!
Babyxi, thanks. Yes my current place with my inlaws have window grilles. My new place I guess I have to do up those "invisible" ones as new place doesnt allow those conventional ones. But one thing I dont like about the invisible ones is the grilles are fixed; cant slide them open. Oh well.

TTCing, just crampy alone is ok one. It happens at early pregnancy.

Congrats joyful. I think that's an obvious BFP. No need 13DPO to come

I thought breakouts during pregnancy means a girl is coming? Like the baby girl is stealing the beauty from the mummy. LOL. All these are just myths. Wait till the scan to confirm
Btw, yes I'm one who is getting more breakouts and sebum these couple of weeks. Partly is because I find my TCM powder is making me heaty and I cant sleep well at all lately.
it really depends on the mother's body hormones.

wat i tink:

if the mum is naturally more on the male hormones, n expect a boy.. overdose of male hormones then will have some effects during the pregnancy..

if the mum is more on male hormones, expecting a girl, she shld look more radiant.. cos balance up the hormones mah...

tat is what happen to me during my #1. i was the earlier case. i had outbreak from chest to neck n arms from wk 8 onwards.. at least it left my face alone.. hahaha.. it only subside n disappear after my confinement..
That's interesting

In this case, maybe my previous pregnancy (ended in MC though) was a boy. Although I didnt have breakouts, my tummy had more hair! It's just very sparse vertical line down to my navel. So strange. Or is this normal for all pregnancy?
Hi All Mummies-to-be,

My menses was 6th day late. When I tested this morning. It show error! Meaning not pregnant?

i've been soooooo forgetful already! gees...kept forgetting where i put things! they say its pregnancy syndrome...

we've also kinda decided on the hospital n gynae...we went for the KKH tour last week. My SO very much want KKH coz he says thats the hospital with best latest eqiupment. Any emergency can be handled quickly. those in private hospital will have to send to KKH in case of emergency also.

then the baby records are all with the hospital also. so next time good for baby also.

we using the private suite. average about 10-20 dollars more per consultation but the waiting area is much more comfy and nicer. he says a few hundred more is ok...haha since we delivering in KKH, the gynae we choose KKH also...

my first gynae appt next week at week 8....exciting!
Ann, yes set on a good place and enjoy all the scanning moments to come
I'm also with KKH pte. Which gynae have you selected?

joyful, good to go after your 6.5weeks thereabout. It's the earliest time you can spot heartbeat. Some mummies prefer later. It's really about how much you can wait.
Skymummy, as the instruction sheet would have stated, "error" means the kit is not working. It doesn't give you any +ve or -ve result. You need to test with another kit then.
I was going to go with Dr Goh Shen Li. But when i tried making first appt, shes all the way booked till mid Jan loh! By then I'll be week 11, abit too late for first appt. So seeing another doctor first. Hes Dr Tan Kim Teng whos a senior consultant while Dr Goh is a consultant. I think shld be ok...

What to do/ask for first gynae visit?

I'm so confused on the kind of fish we can eat! So many conflicting information on the web.
Re: when to see gynae?
For me, I went to her at 5weeks plus because I want to check with her if it's ok to travel. By 5 weeks 4 days, I could only see a sac (ie waterbag). Cannot hear heartbeat yet but at least it eliminates the possibility of ectopic pregnancy. My next visit is at 7weeks plus. By then should be able to hear heartbeat. Otherwise it's missed abortion and have to go for d&c.
@augustbee, i didnt find the invasive test painful. The procedure took 15-20mins only. After that rest in clinic's recovery room for 30min or an hour? Then gynae will scan again make sure bb not affected then can go home. Advised total bed rest for 2-3 days. Tummy felt tight for about a week.
Regarding CL, if your budget allows, I feel it's gd to get CL. Even if she can't cook well, at least there is someone caring for your bb while u sleep. Your mum/mil also can do that but sometimes u can't ask them to do this do that. And if dun like their way of handling bb also can't say anything. My SIL & I both hired CL. We both looked good after CL left coz we had ample rest. My frd who did confinement with mil's help looked very haggard very tired, like suddenly aged by 10yrs.
Joyful joyful, oh so joyful right! Hahah... We can be august mummies again!

Skymummy: there can be many reasons for error, eg too much urine sample, etc..

Agree with ann, get clearblue.
Strong advice to get confinement lady. They looked after baby day and night, cook for all your meals, herbal soup and even light housework!
Ample rest and food and herbal soup is very impt after childbirth. I had a cl for #1 and you cannot imagine how grateful I was for that!
Just to share the dietary advice for antenatal period by my gynae during #1:

1. Oily foods
2. Spicy foods
3. Sour foods including Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes), strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi fruit as well as vitamin C tablets
4. Dairy products (Fresh, powdered milk, cheese, yoghurt), Milo, Soya, Goat, Coconut milk
5. Do not take too much Carbohydrates (rice, noodles, bread, ice-cream and biscuits)
6. Tangkwei, All types of Ginseng and red dates


When I first saw the list, I looked at my gynae and say "Like that I got nothing to eat!"
Apparently items 1-4 causes bloated stomach, making us feel like puking. Item 5 makes us put on unnecessary weight which doesn't all go to baby. Item 6 causes blood vessels to open too much or something, so will have risk of bleeding.

I switched to horlicks for breakfast. Sometimes I still drink teh-si but i limit myself to 1 cup only. So if today I can't resist and had 1 teh-si & 1 lemon tea, next day no tea. My frd had ice-cold coke everyday during preg coz of craving but limit to 1 cup per day. Her bb turned out well. So i guess everything in moderation bah...

I avoided sashimi and stingray. Other than that I think i ate all types of fish.
Wow your gynae very particular!! My gynae told me to eat everything in moderation. So I ate everything and anything. Only thing I avoided is sashimi.
@catherine, CL look after bb whole day. So I basically slept whole day, wake up breastfeed & eat only

Like littlemay, I'm glad I had a CL. I actually wanted to do on my own, order catering but an experienced mum told me to hire CL better. For a first time mum, I learnt a lot from the CL how to care for bb. My CL did light housework for me but my SIL's CL didn't. So that depends on your luck, whether your CL willing to go the extra mile or not.
Yea! Got clearblue & I got the result. Just call gynae. But he away from S'pore.

This will be my no. 2 if everything goes well.....

This few days I have watery discharge. *worried*. I dont rmb when I've my no.1 (29th month old) in the beginning I have this problem. Hope can see my gynae soon.
Oh my, congrats skymummy!

Water CM seems to be one of the symptoms of early pregnancy. So no worries.

usaginoko, thanks for your reply on the invasive test. I will ask more from my gynae this wed. I think your gynae is very specific on the food! I love kiwi and oranges. But I only eat those which are sweet. Sour ones I dont eat.
i did my lasik a few weeks ago as i didnt know i was pregnant. today when i went back for review, doc reprimand me?? say he already told me not to get pregnant, still get pregnant. My vision might be affected due to the pregnancy.

Super suay somemore, i got eye infection now. but cant take any medication cos not safe for pregnant woman. So will have to let it heal naturally, but it takes longer.
usaginoko: the list is really detailed.. my gynae anything also say can. so i didnt restrict my diet alot. but i do cut down on caffeine intake.
haha, my gynae gave me this list when I told him I feel very bloated and sick after meals. I still eat some of the "to avoid" items but in moderation but spicy stuff is a big no-no. I always wana puke after eating curry. My gynae watches my weight closely too and I kena nagged by him when I put on 3 kg during Tri 1.
My last one I craved for spicy food so much I think I went overdosed. This time, I eliminated chilli altogether, partly I dont crave it at all unlike the last. Hehe 3kg is alot for 1st trime?

Hey Catherine, don't worry about the eyesight. When I had my #1, I aso conceived him a few days after I did LASIK, and my vision is still perfect 6 years on.
