(2013/08) August 2013

hey all :p

edd 12-Aug

my #1 is boy also in August..so hoping for a gal!

my appetite has been huge and have cravings for strong flavour food and sweet things. Been putting on weight faster than the bb growth..lol.

Just for fun... Anybody tried the baking soda test for gender prediction? Add 1 tsp of baking soda to your urine..mix together.. if i sizzle n fizzle, its a boy and if its still, its a gal.
I read the forum like quite accurate

Ha! Never heard before. Do you happen to know why that test turn out that way? What's the reason for the difference in the chemical reaction?
Btw, I did play with the lunar gender predictor and it says it's a boy. So I will dig for baking powder later to try that further
Ya I tried. Haha.

Augustbee, its baking soda...not powder.

U can google for more info. Very popular with the ang moh mtbs..

The Chinese prediction is correct with my #1. Lunar month of conceiving and western age.
Haha! Thanks for clarifying diorly. If I go buy the powder then I probably have to give to my colleague who bakes. If I buy the baking soda, at least I know I can still use it for other household cleaning purposes. lol.
i went to google and not v accurate. some got it correct, some got it wrong,

Even for chinese prediction, my #1 supposed to be a gal, but i ended up with a boy.
I just tried the baking soda test. It's a girl! My sinseh and lunar calendar gender predictor say it's a boy. So I guess I have 50% chance either way.
Hi Mummies, are you experiencing backache?? My back hurts a lot now (i think bcos i have back injury last time). And i feel like gg for TCM or massage.. can we massgae now? I heard its unsafe... =(
How do u calculate ur lunar age? My bday in december leh. Dunno how to calculate. Haha

Augustbee: imagine u buy baling powder and pass
On to ur colleague and they ask why did u buy it and u reply "to mix with my urine." ahhahaah
I dont get backache when preggie... and I do think massage is not advisable during pregnancy. Maybe you can try cold packs?

Ur Chinese bday not over when u conceive her right.. then u plus 1 to ur English age. B4 bday u r 31, so plus 1, Chinese age 32.

U shld have conceive in mid Nov, according to calendar it is Chinese 十月。
I get severe backaches as one of the preggie symptons

Anybody taking pre-natal supplements? Just feeling very nauseous when comes to taking these supplements... For my #1, throughout my whole pregnancy it was a breeze. No MS either. But for this one, i do get nauseous feeling now and then, but not jialat one.. cos i dont vomit. So its not MS also.. Just very turned off by some smells esp after meals.. eg. leather! Will get very nauseous one!
I am taking prenatal vits which KKH prescribes. Did you take straight after meals? For me, I also get nausea feeling if I dont diligently pop those pills right after meal.

Haaa... leather? So strange. My last one my sense of smell also heightened a lot. I especially got very irritated when my husband ate fried flat fish. To me, it was like the smelliest thing back then. I refused to go near him when he ate that. But during normal days, I like fried flat fish. :p
What is fried flat fish? I dont like KFC smell also.. I used to love KFC breast chicken but now i eat like tasteless and im turned off by KFC smell also.. hahaha.. dunno leh dun like chicken now. :p Infact i find many things quite tasteless...tastebud lovessss strong flavours food!
It's usually used as a garnish to bring out flavor of soups. It's cut into flat small pieces and fried till fragrant and crispy. The smell is almost like fried cuttlefish.

My last pregnancy my nausea was quite bad and I also only craved for very flavorful food (spicy/sour). Think tom yam and meesiam. And I was turned off totally by pastries when before that, I loved my cakes. This round it's the opposite (because my nausea feeling is gone at this point). I'm very interested in cakes and cookies and I don't crave for chilli no more.
During my 1st pregnancy, i developed a dislike for hei bee.. I still dont like it now. Was ok with it b4 pregnancy.
Hee... My last pregnancy, i cant stand the smell of DKNY apple perfume.. I will feel nauseous whenever i smell tt... My colleague has to change her perfume bcos of tt... =P and i have special craving after every meal.. And tts fruits!!i ate tons of fruits after every meal.. Wont be satisfied w/o them.. But on usual days, i dun touch fruits at all...
My gynae told me, one can of tuna per week is ok, no more than that. Kraft cheese is ok cos its paesturized..
Can we actually eat salad? I feel this round I crave for healthier food. I read somewhere if we have to eat that, we should make our own and not buy from outside. Therefore I also dont dare to eat Subway.
Ok thanks..

I think salad homemade one better. My friend 4 mths preggie always buy salad from outside one...she cravings for salad.
Anyone stay in Sengkang and take mrt to work? Every morning & evening, i cant stand the super strong smell at sengkang mrt due to the old chang kee/ Mr Bean & cafe lobby. The whole area is full of smell and it spread to 2nd floor as well.

I keep having backache too. hmm.. think will go for pre natal massage after reaching 2nd trimester. now cant do. hehe.. i specially switch my #1 to attend enrichment class in novena instead of tampines because the pre natal massage place is in novena. hahaha...
simple setup in a room.. cozy..

i did the pre natal at babies bellies too.. w my hubby ard 8th mth of pregnancy.. v commercial back then..
i checked the compassvale massage via iphone. price quite reasonable. but didnt put address leh. nearest LRT: compassvale? but where in compassvale huh? hmm.. i stay at compassvale lane, but my nearest LRT is ranggung and kangkar
To Reach Us :
Bus services: 27, 82, 83, 86, 88, 89, 136, 161, 965

MRT station: Seng Kang
LRT station: Compassvale

if i didnt rmb wrongly, it is around 298 near the expressway.

any adverse behaviour from ur #1 (in sch or at home) after u r preg?

my son start to bite his friends in sch since last week.. in the past, he will tell his friends canot fight, canot snatch, must love ur friends... very opposite behaviour.. cham...~
My #1 become especially sticky to me after I got pregnant. Want me to carry her, play with her all the time. This morning, she woke up at 4 plus and climbed out of her own bed and went to the door and keep banging " mommy mommy where are you?" then after that want to sleep with us. She has been sleeping on her own in her own room since 10mths old.
My daughter has been praying for a didi for a long time. Since she saw the ultrasound at my gynae's on saturday, she has been sayanging my tummy, patting it, waving and saying "hi didi!" kissing my tummy.. She understands when i say cannot hit my tummy or i cannot carry her (she's 16kg!) hoping the sisterly love continues all the way..

But must i really avoid carrying her? In the mornings, i have to carry her from her bed to the pram and off we
Go on our morning commute.. Sometimes my husband not ard i got no chance but to carry..
Hi ladies, I suppose I should report here too. Expecting #3 - according to special intelligence it is a mei mei. Anyway, I am having severe heartburn and morning sickness. Just had my lunch but finding it challenging to keep it in! Hmm... Oh, extreme fatigue as well. Slept at 8pm last night and have been feeling sleepy since 11am! How, oh, how do I last till full term?
Hi frogprincess! haha my "special intelligence" also say its a mei mei.. but my friend's daughter told me its a didi.. lol.. I think quite accurate if u ask a small child to guess for u.

My colleagues all suspected my preggie. cos i walk like a penguin...boo hoo hoo. tummy too fatty to keep in lah
#1 is 5, #2 is 2... #1 guessed the gender as well as the actual day that the #2 decided to come out. #2 so far guessed correctly that there is a mei mei in my tummy. Oh, but I do feel so terribly lousy <vomit><gag><gag> How I wish I could go home and hide under the blankets.
My #1 is coming to 1 yr old in a few days time. hehe... My hubby every few days will ask me whether is #2 going to be a gal? he wants a gal. Stressssssss.... hahaha...
My #1 who is 5 has been misbehaving a lot in school lately.... Until the teacher asked my mum if I am expecting... Apparently the teacher said she saw many cases like dat...
Yes lately my #1 has opp behaviour. My mum look after him. She loves to look after him as he is so far so gd a easy kid to take care. But lately, once i reach home after work, he is very sticky to me, want this want that, WANT MEANS WANT! But my mum say whole day he behave very well. ARGH. Don't is terrible two stage or me.
Catherine, your #1 also Dec bunny? My #1 just turned 1 yr old few days ago. All the while she's sticky to me coz I'm SAHM, everyday it's just 2 of us till daddy's home in evenings. Previously at night she wants to sleep on daddy's chest b4 transfer to cot. Ever since I'm preg, she wants to lie on me, wants me to pat pat her to sleep. Self feed milk also half way stop wants me to feed her.
cham lah..

this is only the beginning leh.. but he is normal behaving when he is w mi.. just in sch, tcher complains.. the tcher spoke to me for a good 10mins.. she was hoping i can give a reason for his behaviour.. how would i know... aiyo...
Yup... #1 is a bunny born in 20 Dec. hehe..he super sociable and allows anyone to carry. but recently, he just want me to carry. Even papa also dun want. When i want to go toilet, he will quickly crawl over and bang the toilet door. if door nv open, he will fuss.

daytime, my mum take care of him alone. He's v cooperative leh. no such problem. he will only do all funny things when im around to get my attention
usaginoko: so are you going to send #1 to childcare once #2 is born? im sending him to childcare once i complete my maternity leave
Hi mummies,
i hope to join this thread soon!
i have been experiencing symptoms for the past 3 days: Swollen and sore breasts, flu, tiredness, dizzy, slight change in taste.
but i tested negative :-(
My period is only due this friday though
