(2013/08) August 2013

hahhahaa.. i think i can bluff cos i've always been on the plumb side =.+" hehehe

My oscars on this thur... quite nervous tho its my #2! :D

haha Catherine, by then you can post big big on facebook: It's a Girl / It's a Boy! lol.

melilone: your gynae also cute la. i don't mind if people wanna contribute to my baby fund. but i doubt anyone will give angbao to the ultrasound pic. hahaha
So far have bought a few A line dresses hope can cover, heee... i'm not so slim too but my tummy is pretty big for myself so not sure can hide a not.

my is next week, but by then i'm only early 11 weeks is it safe???
what should i expect to happen during oscar?
when will the results be out as well?
cos my oscar n blood test is diff date, so do i have to wait till my blood test results to be out before i know both results?
What kind of reading is good?
no experience.
Amanda: haha.. yar lor, think after knowing gender, then i post lah. unless i know earlier. hehe...

melilone: i also did at 11 weeks. it just ultra sound scan. blood test at most draw 4 tubes. result will be out within a few days.

oscar and blood test comes together. so u probably need to wait for blood test to be out then. mine was 1:20000?? which means out of 20000 babies, only 1 will have DS. so it's quite a good probability.
Catherine, i think u will be one of those who have an early aug EDD? think most of us still in our 10-12 wks, so we should be mid Aug and after.

melilone, u can check out this video as its wat they measure during the scan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U32mfBMa-o
Well, mine is this wk, so cross fingers too!

Re CNY, i think my parents would not be able to contain their excitement to reveal during CNY. haha.. by then i will be in second tri. So hopefully all goes right before then.

Re: fetal abnormality
Just to share, as some mummies are concerned about fetal abnormality.. I had terminated a pregnancy before at wk 19. Everything was fine, even Oscar. Then at detailed scan at 18 wks, discovered a few things that were not right.. child likely to be cognitively impaired and possibly lead to other impairments. So i let the baby go. Hopefully i dun get judged for this, but i had no heart to bring the child out to suffer further. Conclusion, I passed Oscar but in the end, also fail other tests..So, pregnancy for me is never sure until i pass all the major tests. So im trying to be positive but yet realistic.. not easy for us but we gotta do it!
Thanks Catherine!!!
Then i will have a super long wait cos my oscar is in Tmc and blood test at clinic, n the date to go back clinic is 1 mth after, maybe will push for earlier date, haha since have paid for the package go one more time means i gain more pic of my baby. haha.
mine changed to 1/8/2013 after the most recent oscar test.

bbreeze: actual fetal abormality is also part of my concern for not revealing during cny. in fact, i was super worried due to my unhealthy diet and having high fever on & off for a few days during 1st trimester. till now, i couldnt take vitamins cos i will puke out everything. haiz.
now in delima.. all along i tot it was my scan that failed.. now then realise it blood test... if scan, redo with detail shld b ok rite?bbut blood test leh.... n my % is higher for the other two (18 & 13) instead of ds! so far, my gynea record of amnio had no leakage b4. so i guess she v experienced enuf? she dun do cvs, so cant opt for tat to do it earlier.... the earliest i can do is 14 feb, wat a date to do it! but provided there slot for it... now i really duno if carry on with genetic scan.... since my scan is no issue... it the blood issue....
Hi P, yes my gynae also told me detail scan will show more than the Oscar scan. All the best to u and everyone of us for our aug2013 babies.

Many ppl already know abt my pregnancy. Cos 2nd pregnancy, can already see the tummy, can't hide.
poky: did you check with your gynae to seek her opinion on whether you should do genetic scan? did you tell her your concerns / worries / considerations on the date etc and what was her advice?
Bbreeze: I wish you a healthy pregnancy this time round. I cannot imagine what if it's me.
i wouldn't know what to do. I agree with you the risk and concern will be there throughout the whole pregnancy till I give birth. That's why I am a bit worried now. Waiting for my blood test although my scan was ok last fri.

I saw the baby in my scan last week. Although its only 12 weeks plus, I can see it so clearly. I have been through 2 pregnancies and have 2 healthy kids. I know each pregnancy is a risk. For no1 when they put me on laughing gas when they inject the epidural, I thought I have died because I was in a sub-concious mood! Anyway, I count myself lucky to have 2 healthy kids and now I am wondering if I'm too greedy to want a no3... Sigh..
Poky: I agree with Amanda. Why don't you talk to your gynae and tell him your concerns? maybe he can give more advices?
Poky, if scan shows ok, then shldnt need to do another scan? Agree, with the rest, check with your gynae for advices.
R u too busy at home n hv no time to go shopping? Why not do online shopping.. I do sell cute bb clothings & products from Fisher price, Lamaze, Ang bao organiser in facebook with great prices.. . Come on in to my fb n shop now.. Is always good to hv another choice to shop.. The reason i create this page as am a twin mummies and know tt saving is very impt for us especially standard living so high now..
U can pm me too if interested with the below organiser..;)
Visit www.facebook.com/precioustotcloset today...or search for Precious Tots Closet (bear icon) fr facebook to find out more.
My oscar scan is this saturday too.. 2nd pregnancy already, but still so nervous too. Haha.

Breeze: Thanks for sharing abt ur experience.. Its easy for pple to judge but its not easy to make that decision.. Imaging the quality of life they might have bcos of their disabilies etc, it might be less cruel to end the suffering.. I'm sure u made that decision with a mother's love..

I work in the disability field, so every day i am reminded to be thankful for good health and pray for good health of my children.. Some pple ask me, if i am pregnant and work in this field, will my child be affected.. As if disability is contagious..
Hi Mummies,

Would you mind sharing with me what brand of anti blemish treatment you are using now? Anyone using Clinique?

I finished mine which I bought from my derma before pregnancy and quite troublesome to go get from her. So thought of buying over counter products.

Thank you!!
hi there...
im expecting my 2nd.. i thought the 2nd will be better for me compared to the first..
My first pregnancy i experienced reflux lots of vomitting.. cldnt eat...loss 8 kg due to that..
NOw my 2nd.. is worst.. cant even smell food..reflux and vomitting as usual.. 9 kg gone..

i envy those preggy mum can eat as usual.. wow~
Hi all! Haven't been here in a while. Have 2 back to back holidays planned before I knew about my pregnancy. Plus still gotta do all the CNY prep and DS1 bday prep.

I'm in my 10th week and as per the last mth, I'm still very very tired. I'm less nauseated now but just lethargic and don't feel like doing anything.

I wonder if I am depressed or just pregnant?!

I'm a freelance performer and my job requires me to be on stage or tv. I've always been very enthu abt my job, but recently feel very sian. Always worried if I have the energy or capacity to take on the job, esp since my tummy is bulging alrdy! Although I don't feel like working, I want the income for the new baby and I'm worried I may lose my career if I lose touch for too long.

Does anyone else also not feel like working or doing stuff? Like low energy and lethargic???
Anw my husband is so excited to have #3 he just keeps announcing to the whole world. I bought super big maternity wear for CNY so even though I'm only 12 weeks then, I think nothing to hide alrdy. I didn't take OSCAR test. I just asked my gynae, other than finding out about down syndrome any other benefits? She said no, so I just decided not to do it.

As for aches and pains, it definitely has got nothing do with age. I was 23 when I had DS1 and I had all the aches and sciatica. Maybe it's got to do with size cos I'm quite big-sized esp when I get pregnant.
For those with morning sickness (and haven't found any "cure")... you can try eating some raw almonds. In some cases, it helps.

OOSITIOO - My second pregnancy was worse than my first. My current third tops it all. So every pregnancy is different - and we are also older when we were previously pregnant... plus the older ones running around... Just hang in there.... MIND OVER BODY. It does get better...
princessgx: me me.. lethargic whole day and feels so lazy. just feel like going home to sleep all day. don't feel like working. and..sometimes also here ache there ache. i'm just going 30!

Congrats all on pregnancy.

I have Brand New:
1) Lansinoh Storage Bags 50s x 2 Boxes

2) Anmum Materna Mik (Original Flavor). Plus free sample pack of Nestle MOM & Me.

Willing to exchange for vouchers, Pigeon Baby Wipes or $40 for both items.

Interest can PM me.

Thank you.
frogprincess (frog) : thanks for the idea.. but yah ive tried to munch but.. the taste of it cant really take it..

SkyMummy (skymummy) : i didnt expect to lose that much.. i feel so different when i walk ard..

cant wait for my first check up this friday..
Help! mummies, pls enlighten me, i'm having pinkish discharge and a bit of cramp on the right side of my tummy and cramping on and off everywhere(but not very painful just very mild), is there a need to go a&e? or should i just wait for my doc for this evening?
Hi Melilone : i think u should call your gynae now n if possible go down n see him as the waiting time is shorter n he/she has ur records.

i m sure it will be fine but better check it out.. take care!
melilone, agree should call gynae first. do ask for MC to rest too.

Amanda, skymummy, oositoo, frogprincess, princessgx,
Cant imagine some of u lost so much weight! oositoo it doesnt sound healthy at all, 9kg!! didnt gynae say anything?

princessgx, my work is very flexible too so i have chosen to rest more. Since I plan to "close factory" after this one, i thought no harm to rest now, then work hard later. Else i feel so burnt at the end of the day, no quality of life liao..
p (bbreeze):
I lost 3kg...very fast will gain back in later stage. don know okie anot. Gynae still don know yet. Don know bb got grow anot. Only tonite later den visit gynae.

i guess no matter how we lose weight, as long bb growing fine gynae will be ok with it bah.

By the way, p (bbreeze): so envy that ur work so flexible. Guess most of us dragging ourselve to work......sobz....
skymummy, 3kg still quite alright, but depends on ur BMI right? im on the overweight side.. haha.. so losing a few pounds wont affect me at all. In fact, im delighted at the weight loss.

i guess with 2 previous MCs, and complicated pregnancies, i just hope this pregnancy can be done and over with minimal issues, so im just taking it real slow for now. when im at work, i totally cant eat well at all, but when im able to relax at home, more food can stay inside me though its not much. Definitely i have to sacrifice money, but im pretty low maintenance. Actually i just took a year off work to unwind and try to ttc, cos age is catching up, i really worried i cant have a healthy child if i keep slogging.. i guess if i cant have a healthy child, wat's the pt of slogging so hard? so i really envy those who can pop without much difficulty!
p (bbreeze) ,
Yea! agree. smooth pregnancy~ hope after this 1st trime we all will have a smooth smooth swee swee one till we pop~
Evening sickness...

I'm getting pretty tired and sick of this nausea feeling every evening!
it happens every night before I can reach home. Do i want to eat or i want to puke? Coffee shop food smell makes me want to puke. When will it ever end?
updates> thanks for those who got worried for me. Gladly to announce that it is just fungus tat is the making me worried(but need to insert some med to remove it) a but scared

was glad that I see my gyne today cos I see my baby waving at me, so cute n sweet. haha.
melilone: haha when in doubt, see / consult your gynae! see now you have a peace of mind.
and you make me feel like just going to visit my gynae just to see my baby too. it's gonna be a long wait till 14 feb for me.

bbreeze: pls leh i gain weight in first trimester instead of losing can.. im eating so much and so frequently now. think i've gained 1-2kg and im only in my 9th week! cannot imagine my weight towards the end of my pregnancy... tsk. gluttony me. i only vomitted one day.. and have nausea once in a while. weekends appetite not so good.. weekdays at work i eat and eat and eat! last time i usually can't finish one portion of food, but now i can finish, and still need to supplement with a lot of fruits / nuts!
Amanda> yup reli glad ;-)
I will be doing my Oscar early Feb, so can see my baby again. hee..... I feel like I'm collecting the pics. haha.

I think weight gain is also a good sign that the baby id growing well. cos for me my weight have been stagnant, no loss nor gain that's why I'm more worried.
Amanda, are u the very slim type? Usually slim woman will gain more weight during pregnancy. Then after giving birth, will lose back everything. *very envy*
Did Oscar scan tdy. NT normal range. Now wait 1 wk for blood test result. So cute to see bb wave during scan. If all goes well for Oscar, my next visit will be in early march.

I received a free goodie bag from Mother & Baby mag at Gynae clinic tdy
Do ask if your Gynae has them too!
Dear mummy, I have few thing would like to let go as below,
1. Medela purela 100 nipple cream 37g -- $15
2. Avent Disposable Breast Pad (2x more absorbent) 30 day pads with free 2 night pads (2 boxes) -- $4
3. Tommee tippee 50 Disposable breast pads --$6
4. Lansinoh 25 Breast Milk Storage Bags -- $7
Pick up point at Yew Tee MRT, Somerset MRT, Woodland MRT and Choa Chu Kang MRT.
Pls sms me +65-9757 8822 if interested.
usaginoko> got the result on the spot? tot need to wait a few days?
cos my gyne told me if they dun call is gd news then just wait till appt date happily ;-)

hope that we all dun get the call from clinic.
Melilone: I only got the NT result on the spot coz the scan is done by my gynae. The full report in a week's time coz have to wait for blood test result. They will call me regardless gd or bad news.
Sqin: honestly I wished I was the slim type!but no leh I'm the big hip big thighs type..bottom heavy..and very bah bah all over. Haha. But I know what u mean.. My SIL n cousin are the v skinny type... Don't look like have given birth before.. My cousin just gave birth to her #2 and it doesn't even seem like she needed any time to lose the weight and recover!
Amanda, actually i'm only coming 29 this year... haha. but ya i'm damn tired all day long.

bbreeze, i didn't lose weight. i put on weight like nuts... 24kg/28kg in my previous 2 pregnancies. even with my bad appetite, I'm still putting on weight steadily now...
as for career, i'm juz worried it's difficult to start all over again in my industry.

ahcapp, i still get nauseated feeling all day long. whether i eat or not. and i am very sensitive to smells and even sight. now i can't stand the sight of brown rice, which i used to eat everyday. don't like seeing green vege too.

wrt to seeing gynae... yes i am very kiasu about that. like any problems i will just walk-in and insist on seeing her without appointment. i can't wait for next appointment to get an answer.
Agree that it's just pregnancy fatigue. Hate it too that these days I wake up in the middle of the night even though I may not be feeling the need to pee. Think the body is adjusting to shorter sleep cycles. Argh. Can't spare me more sleep?? I won't be getting much after late aug!
Amanda, hahha, I must hv misread, haha..good appetite is good! Keep it up!

Ahcapp, my ms also bad in evening..always at a loss for dinner, and mostly can't eat much..I also can't sleep after meals or I'll puke everything out.. Sigh..

Melilone, phew! Thank goodness u had appt. I'm actually quite scared to consult if anything..

bbreeze> yup thankfully my gyne have two clinic. hee.....
somemore my hubby not with me, will be at loss if it's any bad news. Reli glad that it's nothing major, n so happy to see my baby!!!

I think I'm addicted to see the scan. how I wish I have the machine at hm so that I can check on my baby as n when I like haha.

to mummies have Ms, sometime I reli feel that the mind can over come it.
try to stay calm then think abt baby u r eating for baby.
cos I oso used to have this, dun feel like eating n the smell of food makes me vomit but after a few times that I tell myself I can do it. I do not have this problem any more, but oso maybe I'm on the mild Ms case so try ur best to take in some food, for the sake of baby n urself.

hope we all have appetite for lunch n it stays in the tummy. ;-)
