(2013/08) August 2013

Rachyo: ya, most importantly, dont let yourself dehydrate!

Stella: i am already like "eating for 2" now even though my baby doesn't need it yet. but i'm always so hungry! i have to eat something every 2-3 hours.. except at night. i try not to eat or drink anything after dinner.

Rachyo & Vinette: wah your hubbies all so kan chiong. my hubby is so chill.. i'm the one who's panicky so he often has to calm me down. haha.

rachyo & amanda: it's our first baby so maybe that's why he's so uptight. he was so kan chiong to the extent that he will google before we eat and as long as there's ONE review that says it's bad for baby and i'm not allowed to have that. so i was so glad after my first gynae visit.. i'm allowed to have hot tea! make me feel less nauseous :D
TGIF mummies! Weekend is here, and we'll be done with first trimester (& ms I hope!) soon!

Stella, it's horrid to be on bed rest. I think my brain degenerated when I did 2 months of it cos can't do anything much. But then, thinking abt bb, got no choice. I've had friends who were stuck in hospital for 2 mths due to complication too, their case worse..can't even move freely cos nurse will scold.

Rachyo, anti vomit pills is vit b6? I did take but it din help..in fact seems worse so I stopped.
hi usha .. congrats! finally in tri 2 ...

i oso have been losing quite abit of weight .. till this morning .. i lost abt 5.6 kg liao .. i told my gynae abt this n she says i have enough reserve .. LOL .. most effective kind of weight lost ..
amanda: haha.. actually he only kan chiong in for this insecticide case.. he is like bo chap kind for tis pregnancy cos its our 2nd.. his focus is on his first bao bei haha..

vinette: first one usually super kan chiong de.. hehe.. tell him to maintain the same standard for 2nd baby onwards hor :p

hi p! hmm.. not sure wat's the name of it cos i dnt eat it keke.. i didnt take it cos i scare if it doesnt work i hv to pay a higher price for the super expensive but effective pills which will cost hundreds.. hehe
you ladies make me so envious! i'm only at my week 8 (according to LMP) and week 9 according to ultrasound. and it seems like such a long journey already!

qn: first trimester ends at week 12 or week 14? i get confused cos some say 12 some say 14.

vinette: mine also first baby.. but i guess my hubby probably feels that since im so kanchiong already, he probably needs to play the other role to give the calming effect and provide "stability". if both also super kanchiong then i think it probably can get quite chaotic! haha.

bbreeze: my anti vomit pills = metoclopramide and veragel. but i also nvr take cos my nausea's not so bad.
TGIF! Counting down to tri 2

Had another sleepless night. Thot can have a gd morn nap with #1 but I can't get to sleep
Feel like a zombie now.

Seems like many of u lost weight due to ms? Tri 2 soon. Hope your ms clears n your appetite comes back soon.

Now that we r nearing tri 2, anyone planning a trip or staycation to pamper yourself b4 bb arrives?
i also take metoclopramide for anti-vomit. But since it causes drowsiness i take it at night before dinner and it helps me sleep the nite through. Even if i have to wakeup to the toilet, i can still doze off after that..
Vinette: Dr Cheng also didn't tell me my edd. He only say wk8+. Then I went to ask his nurse who checked calendar n gave me a edd. But I rmbr after detail scan at wk20 my edd changed.
Stella: i'm like you..once my tummy is empty, i will feel like puking and need to put food into my mouth..if not i will start puking..

Vinette/ Rachyo/ amanda: I think for first time dads, they are more gan chiong...my husband also the same...not sure quickly go online and check....

Usaginoko: I am going krabi next week...a full 5 days...hopefully i can take the thai food
Last month tried to eat thai meal...end up everything vomit...
usaginoko: yea me too cannot slp at nite.. usually when i fell aslp i will wake up at a certain timing until its time to go to work.. so tired! my appetite still remains bad.. didnt eat dinner n had v v little for breakfast n lunch. hmm.. im not planning for any trip cos i wanna save some $ as i planned to be SAHM soon

wlilian: yeah.. its their usual style.. but its sweet ya.. nw my hubby just bo chap bo chap haha..
Every night 3+ - 4am = my wee wee time. Hate it actually but at least I am quite used to the routine already and can fall right back to sleep.
rachyo, amanda &amp; wlilian: yeah i must make sure he practises consistency for the second baby. but so far so good, he said he gonna take half day for all the gynae visits. haha oh enjoy your holiday wlilian!!! my hubby said NOOOO travel for next ten month! ask me to REN REN REN >.<"

usaginoko: i see! i can't wait for 4 feb!! excited ^.^

i'm feeling better today. i think it's because TGIF. can't wait for the weekend then i can laze at home whole day. hehe
Amanda: Last time same like you...will wake up at 3+ to 4am..to wee wee..but now...i still wake up..but i force myself back to sleep (read that some other mummies do that)...then wake up at 5 plus to 6plus to pee...

vinette: I tell my hubby that i only want 1..whahaha...i say alot of thing cannot do..and he doesnt want to "touch" me...he wants to go and drink with his friends leaving me at home...then i say..see how you treat me lor....then he start telling me...my this baby will be lonely without another sibiling etc....tell him see how he treats me...:p

Hmm...i have to go because booked before i know i have a baby and this is suppose to be our honeymoon...anyway after this trip..i doubt we can travel for another 1 year...cos baby come out le..have to take care of him/her...then breastfeeding...cannot leave the baby without milk...so...need to milk this trip....then come back kuai kuai be good mummy...
Same here! I tend to wake up at about 4 am to pee..but I notice that I only have this problem on weekdays... I can sleep thru out until 8-9am on weekends...
wlilian: OMG I said the same thing too. To be honest, i was feeling soooooo miserable that i told him 1 is enough. He googled and showed me article on how every pregnancy is different and i might have no MS for second one. .... hahaha wanna con me..

yeah enjoy your trip! safe to travel right? just be careful!
For my #1, i dun have any MS at all.. But for this, everytime i brush teeth i will tend to wanna vomit.. n sometimes after eat too full also will..I ate one bowl of porridge..then after sometime i feel like something stuck in throat wanna vomit(n tat means no more buffet!)

I m better, my MS not so jia lat..as in the 'smell' thing not so sensitve now. I just ate one piece of durian! yummy!!!!!!

wlilian: ENJOY ur holidays! I think for 3yrs we never travel for our #1..
Am thinking of Korea during 2nd trime... *calculate budget first!*
wlilian: once there was a rainy saturday. it was such a nice weather to sleep and i couldn't wake up to pee though my bladder was full. then guess what, i dreamt that i was peeing in the toilet.. then i peed a little in my shorts! arghh.. I immediately jumped out of my bed lor. so embarrassing. but luckily my shorts were just a bit damp and nothing got on to the bed etc. nonetheless, because of that episode, i made sure that i wake up and pee when i need to. don't dare to hold it in! plus scared later get UTI if keep holding my pee in.

diorly: ya i get the gag feeling everytime i brush my teeth. don't like it one bit!
Wlilian: Enjoy your trip!
Do take care too...

When I wake up at night n can't get back to sleep, my hb suffers. Coz I'll kick him for snoring! ;p
I think i have an auto alarm set. I will wake up at 3am every morning to pee. Spend an hour after that finding a good position to sleep and praying hard that my hubby stops snoring because i cannot sleep when its noisy. I tried to pinch his nose and in the morning he is so upset that i disrupted his sleep that he keeps scolding me. The nose patch for snoring only works for the first few hours. Sobs. It has been like this for the past few weeks and Im really tired. I keep having weird dreams too.

Just saw the gynae this morning and he says that the baby's fingers are still webbed. I read online later that they are supposed to be separated at week 11 and im now in week 12. Now im worrying again.
oisterbaby dont worry cos the development of baby is different..

yawn! its my cat nap time but i cant slp as im working.. Zzzzz
im baking CNY pineapple tarts for friends n family..hehe.. hard work but worth the efforts!
End of the day, my back sprain only..hahahah.. but i still enjoy baking la
i'm so unproductive at work. cos always hungry / sleepy / burping / yawning. plus my flu and fever still comes and goes. bleah. feels like a fat lazy bum.

Oister: don't worry so much from what you read online! babies all develop differently so chill! if gynae say no problem, then means no problem! trust the experts!
Hi ladies... back to work for 3 days liao, now then got time to come here... haha...

anyone that is seeing a gynae in the west? i still haven't chosen a gynae and would like to find someone in the west... less traveling leh. any recommendation?

Rachyo > next time dun use insectide on lizard... cos lizard is not inside so insectide is completely useless.. ask you hubby to chase it off la :p

BabyS > can help to add me to the fb group please? my e-mail is [email protected]. Thanks!

going for check-up tonite... dunno what to expect hahaha
Haha Ellen.. my fren aso said so when i told her i took 20mins to use up 3/4 of the spray.. she laughed n said its useless cos it cant kill.. but in the end the lizard is dead when i came home.. i think bcos i sprayed too much on its eyes n mouth haha.. he inhaled too much until he turned dark like kenna poisoned to death.. im so happy its over nw.. haha but looking at its death, i feel tat i might be poisoned too hahahaha
Anyone has a gynae to recommend in the East? I am seeing Dr Loke now but I feel that he doesnt talk much and being a first time mum, I am not so comfortable. He doesnt talk, I don't know what to ask, so in the end the session is very fast but I come out still blur.
diorly: yah...i was also thinking of durians actually...but dont dare to try them...
You should go for your hoilday...Korea is fun!
I love pinapple tarts...but this chinese new year like no craving for it leh...hopefully when go relative visiting...it will be back...

Amanda: OMG...that must be very embrassing sia...>.< you are scaring me....if i pee in bed..i think my husband will kill me...T.T

Usaginoko: Wah....your hubby very poor thing hor... if i do that i think he will rather sleep at the living room...>.< i dont want to sleep alone...

Oisterbaby: Lol...my hubby also snore...but i use a pillow to cover my face/ear when i was young...he got a shock during the first time we sleep together....he was so scare i died.....then he had to peak under the pillow and found that i was breathing....so funny...

How can you see if your baby hands are webbed? how many weeks are you already? I tot only detailed scan then can count fingers?

Zhaqqie: You can try TMC Katong - Geraldine Tan? I was previously with her but her appointment needs to be booked 1-2 weeks in advance that why i change to another gynae (due to my hubby was so gan chiong to confirm my pregnancy)....but she is quite a nice lady and friendly....if you dont mind you can try an appointment with her..see if you like her..
Thanks thanks. Guess I must not think and worry myself over it. Been thinking of bak gua. The other i bought some and its like overcooked. Each bite is so damn bitter. Feel so cheated lo. Then hubby gets to finish it. He says till he so wei da. Help me finish. KNS lo.

Wlilian: im in week 12. The gynae was scanning, measuring the neck size and showing me the different body parts. Then when he show me the hand. He just say cannot see the fingers still web together.

Usually when my hubby snores i just turn and face against him and it will be better. But now im trapped cos i can only lie straight and sleep as laying on either sides makes my stomach hurt. So no choice. Sometimes i will go back to my mum's to stay but the walk to the toilet is damn far. Haha..
wlilian: you bet it was damn embarrassing! then i told my husband about it and he gave me a very amused look.

anyway my husband also snores from time to time but i got so used to it. i rather he snores beside me than sleep alone. but sadly these few days he's on reservice so i'm all alone at home. :'(

Rachyo: i'm surprised you can tahan the smell of the insecticide! i always feel that i will poison myself first before killing the cockroach. and will need to air my house for at least 1 hour before the smell disperses and i feel that it's less suffocating.

diorly: i've been craving durians for many weeks now! but always so full after dinner so didn't go and buy.

Oister: i've had quite a few pieces of bakgua already from the office! vendor sent 2 boxes over a few days ago.. but not so satifying cos the pieces are sooo thick and the marinate is not even! some parts are sweet and some parts salty.. sigh. but can make do lah.
haha amanda.. i'm aso surprised i can tahan the smell.. i guess i'm too engrossed in wanting to kill it before it goes to my bedroom hahaha.. nw i kept hving the insecticide taste in my mouth.. omg!!!!
Wlilian: hehe, my hb quite pitiful hor...sometimes he will escape to my girl's room but occasionally she will be awaken by his snores n he end up have to pacify her, make her sleep back. Sometimes I escape to my girl's room but a bit troublesome if I have to pee at night. As he has to work late or overnight on some days, I'm quite used to sleeping alone.

Woohoo! He just bgt bakgwa home! 500g for 2 of us
Yummy yummy....
Oh dear I just sneezed and the when I wiped my bottom after toileting, there's this blob of mucus that is thick jelly like and yellowish...Is that the mucus plug?! *worried*
Wah. Bak gua talks makes me drool. Think i will force my hubby to queue at lim chee yuan for me.. Mei Zhen Xiang is the chao ta one that i bought. Will boycott for the time being.

Am craving for ice-cream waffle with lotsa toppings and thinking of salmon sashimi but my gynae says dun eat too much fish. High mercury. There goes my sashimi dream..
P: i think its find..cos last time i had constipation and i squeeze and squeeze then after a few hours i go pee pee..also got this mucus thingy...doc say its okay. I read online..it will form back by itself..

hmmm...yesterday keep vomitting what i eat..breakfast and dinner...T.T tummy hurts...but not very pain...
Wlilian, ok ok thank goodness for ur assurance. Haven't slept well whole night as trying to monitor..now so scared when I sneeze which is like very common as my nose is very sensitive nowadays..

Ur tummy pain due to vomit or build up of gastric juices?
morning mummies n mtb!!!!
hope everyone is feeling better
just after appt with my gyne, saw my lil benie kicking haha so funny, my hubby super shocked. keep saying hope tat it's a boy or it's too violent for a gal.
Oscar> have booked the appt in 5 Feb anyone having it in the same date? apparently I can only do it in tmc.
P: not sure...but i vomitted very hard yesterday..now after breakfast felt better...eating super rings...whahaha

melilone: you guys want boy or girl??

Oisterbaby: hmm..bua kua..sounds nice...maybe should go to market and buy

Hmm...during my early pregnancy around 4-5weeks...i dream my dead father-in-law &amp; my grandfather...just very weird...cos both cases..they are already in their death bed and i was relieving it over again...so scary... Then not only that....i dreamt of a huge crocodile at a busstop...that also scared me...
Good morning
it's weekend again!

Yesterday went check up and gynae said the water level in my womb is low and this is not good.. Gave me one more week of HL to rest.. Kinda demoralized cos after resting 2 weeks, my spotting and discharge is so much better and I thought things are better now
last check up gynae said everything was very good...

Wlilian: I asked my hubby this morning, he said his gut feel is a boy cos I like to eat fried potatoes now.... Hahaha what a strange logic...
Ellen: What theory is that?? eat fried potato = boy.... Lol....your hubby wants a boy right..hehe
Stay positive..some of the mummies were saying that it might be better after 2nd trimester...

melilone: same...i tot it was a boy also..but after the oscar scan..abit unsure...need to wait for the next doc appointment and hopefully will know the gender...
Haha William your dream sounds ok already..mine...funny I had a very vivid dream last night of alien invasion n that me n family trying to run away!! How bizarre... Some more I woke up a few times to pee n the dream continued... Best lor.

Anyway I realized that I eat a lot during weekdays n when weekends come, no appetite n just want to sleep..
Amanda, we r in the opp end, I eat normal during weekdays, but weekend every 2/3 hours feel hungry liaoz. haha but my weight did not increase at all, maybe is baby absorb it, cos it grow almost double in two Weeks!!!

Wlilian not sure its just gut feeling so far, but my gyne dun seem to tell me much always tell me one thing only, "see very cute baby and this is the heartbeat." that's all.
sigh.. low morale.... oscar result is not good.... goin for amino to confirm.. but need to wait another 1mth to do the test. another 3wks for results... torturin wait.....
Haha I went to sleep after my last post and just woke up! Now cooking spaghetti to eat.. Hungry ler. Didn't eat much during breakfast cos got bland taste in mouth.

Poky: be positive..anyway the Oscar also not say 100% accurate..

Poky: maybe can consider doing cvs now to confirm instead of waiting 1 mth later to do amino? Cvs results out in about a wk. I did that for #1 during wk12-13. Stay positive!
