(2013/08) August 2013

Wow usaginoko. Your appetite so good! :)

I still wake up to pee 2x a night.. dunno why can't sleep well at night.

Just now went eyebrows threading, feel so much nicer.. like more well groomed. Haha

wow seems like most of you ar sahm or not working.... so envy!!!

me now at office...... *sleepy mode*

I only wake up to pee at abt 4 plus or 6 plus luckily just once, I try not to drink too much water in the night I feel that it helps. cos I used to wake up twice a night n cannot take it keep going to gp take mc cos overslept. haha
melilone: same here.. yawning away in office..

I also dont drink so much of water after 7pm. so i oni wakeup once arnd 4 plus to go toilet.
Haha, also duno y my appetite suddenly so gd tdy.. But now I still feel so full!

I usually dun drink anything after dinner so duno y I keep going to pee at night. Tri 1 only already keep running to toilet. By tri 3 maybe I should just sleep in toilet bah....

Melilone: u envy me i envy u! Sahm no MC no AL no income. Wana oversleep or total bedrest also cannot. But I can take naps, subj to #1's "approval"

1-2hrs countdown to knock off work for u! Tdy me OT coz hubby working late. Sianz to the max.....
Oya that is the sad part, but can sleep and rest if #1 be good wor.

At office no way, no chance at all..... some more my dept very small so alot of things to do sianz.........
Hi Sue-Ann,
My EDD is 20 Aug, 1 day later than yours! However, my gynae said that I am just at 9w3d as of today. I will be gg for my OSCAR scan on 7 Feb at week 11. Looking fwd to the scan to see bb's development

Hi usaginoko: My appetite is also good at times, can finish 2 main courses within a span of 1 hour! But depends on what type of food also. Felt bloated and full at night but come morning, it is back to normal.
What is the blood test for? I tot it was part of oscar. Haha. First timer. I m going on 5th feb which will be my week 13. Cant wait to see bb again. Guess many mummies think alike here.
Hi TTC! Oh, u r now at 9w3d.. Me at 10w3, niway trying to reschedule my oscar scan to earlier date.. U r seeing gynae at which hosp?
Sue Ann: funny that we r one week apart but yet Edd is one day apart ... I think I need to cfm my Edd again. Is ur Edd shown on the ultrasound scan or based on ur lmp?

My gynae's clinic is at Bishan and he delivers at either mt A or Gleneagles. I m thinking of mt A. How abt u?

Vine and Stella: yeah.... I'm also excited to see my baby via ultrasound scan again... less than 2 weeks to go
my next scan cum Oscar is on 7 Feb.
Hi, can add me to Fb group? [email protected]

I'm officially in my last week of trimester 1! And I'm seeing my gynae next week! So exciting! Hope to see baby move and hear heart beat!

I'm also having diarhoea. Whatever I eat comes out downstairs. Stomach goes churning after I see.

I'm also getting a lot of discharge this week leh. Like yeast infection. Darm worried and uncomfortable. But gynae visit only next week. Anyone got that? Anything to help?
I hv a question..does having spotting in first tri means I'm gonna hv a more difficult pregnancy? I'm just so worried how to survive thru nx 30+ wks...

I think I'm scaring myself..l went to google abt bb heart beat...there is no way we know that the heart beat has stopped...?

This pregnancy is really quite different fr my first...n somehow I feel like a first time mum again..v worried n apprehensive....
Ttc n sueann, the edd is based on the LMP. It's fixed. The edd on the scan is an estimate based on the size detected in the scan..it varies..as the growth rate of baby chanes thru out the 40wks.
Gd morning mummies.
My last two days of leave. Decided to go bank to change new notes. Hope I won't throw up at the bank. Sigh. Dragging myself to go...
Morning mummies, anyone already announced your pregnancy before 1st trimester is up? I'm currently 11 weeks and 3 days...and my colleague just came and asked me if I'm pregnant cos the whole office is gossiping about it.

I'm going to fly to HK next week... after clearing with my gynae. He said I'm safe to fly and gave me Duphaston cos my placenta is low. Is anyone also with low placenta detected?
Good morning mummies..

i informed my immediate boss and HR Manager when i was in week 6 because of my severe morning sickness. Lucky for me im still with my company and my boss was very ok about it.

i've had my 2nd pkt of ribena since mornign. hoping to keep nausea away. Just had mee hoon for bfast. hopefully it will be nausea and vomitign free day for me.. =D How is everyone else keeping?
Hi milis, looks like I have the same edd as you. .

U going for holiday? So shiok wor...

My nauseous only come about after I eaten. Before that smell everything also good to eat..hahaha
milis: i work in a small office and everyone knows already when i was in my 7th week and discuss it openly w me cos so many mothers here. they suspected when i was on 7 day HL. other than that, my family and my in laws know. plus my aunt cos my mum slipped her tongue, and a friend of mine cos i was asking her about her confinement lady. haha.

diorly: today not good. i can feel my fever coming back. forgot to bring my medicine from yesterday. so just popped one normal panadol to try and keep the temperature down.
milis: how come you already know you have low placenta? My doc only tell me i will be able to know when i am 4-5 months....

i think most important for mothers is rest. Yesterday slept at 10:30pm..today feel much better already...
Good Morning Mummies & MTB,
Yap for me my whole dept should know liaoz, but they oso know pantang so did not talk abt it just let me rest as many as possible n dun let me carry heavy things. but i did ask gyne before they say as long as not over 10 kg ok, but i still carry my niece once in a while, she is 13kg. haha.

I figured that when i eat my pills with milo, makes it all better!!! Yippee so happy to not have that stuck feeling, haha.

Amanda> do take care if cannot take mc bah.
Vinette> so early yong tua fu already? power!
I am 11 weeks now and am wondering if its possible to feel baby now.

With my daughter i was only able to feel her butterfly flutters
At week 16.. But i keep feeling these light butterfly flutters since yesterday at the lower tummy/ near belly button!

Do u think its possible?
i'm currently 13 weeks 4 days. decided to inform my boss yesterday after he completed my performance appraisal for last yr. hehehe... He say i just went for maternity leave last yr, this yr go again??
BabyS: I think its possible...i read that those mothers who are expecting their 2nd/3rd child can feel their baby much more earlier...
Catherine: i think alot of bosses r like that. My daughter is already 3 and when i told my boss, she said "again??" as if i have alot of children and i went on ML last year also. Hha.

Wlilian: yeah i heard abt that too, but was wondering 11 weeks,so early ah? But if it is, good lah.. Means baby active.. Hahah.
Coco69: thx for ur reply
So should I follow my lmp, I should be 10weeks plus by now. Maybe my baby is growing slower or smaller size so gynae measured and said only 9weeks plus.

Think light spotting is normal as long as not red in colour? Try to rest and sit more and dun exercise or walk too much. Or ask ur gynae for some an tai Yao to stabilize pregnancy.

Milis: I just announced my 10 week+ pregnancy to my boss and team mates yesterday after a struggle. End up my boss is more supportive than I tot! He asked me if I want to take 3mths and pro rate the one mth of ML or 4mths straight and I asked can I take all 4 mths ML. Surprisingly he agreed! Generally my boss and team are happy and excited for me

I think if ur pregnancy is more or less stabilised and u feel safe, then tell ur immediate boss first, so that he or she can arrange a cover for u or something.

Low placenta means safe pregnancy? I m also clueless abt this.

Usha: I drank ribena during weekends too. Seem to have helped a little. I did not vomit so far but keeps having the funny taste bud and choking feeling in my throat the whole day since early Jan. I wonder if it is indigestion or heartburn instead.
melilone: i was already on pm MC yesterday. sigh. i think partly cos i didn't really want to take the medication given la. cos scared. the company GP gave me Zyrtec-D for my runny nose. but i checked and it doesnt seem very safe for baby.. so i just took the other medicine, Biogenics (which is essentially paracetamol) to keep fever down.

my hubby not happy that i didn't want to take medicine. cos he saw me so sick yesterday but then he couldn't stay with me and gotta leave for reservice.
i'm also on MC today. having a very bad cold. told the GP abt my pregnancy and he said the meds he gave is ok.. he gave me Chlorpheniramine for my running nose. i googled too.. seems ok for the baby.

damn sian to be sick lor!!
ttcing: low placenta i heard is dangerous..that why usually if i am not wrong i heard those low placenta mummies have to do bed rest...
Amanda, the usual small yellow anti histamine is safe.

My friend who is a pharmacist says zytec is safe for pregnant women but some drs might be more
i was v sick recently.. so i went to TCM to get tonics to recuperate my body. now slowly getting better. hehe.. i think TCM is better & less harmful compared to western medication.

probably you can try.
Amanda> did u tell ur gp u r pregnant? It is very important to tell them, so that they can give u baby safe meds. n if you r still not confident in them just give a call to ur gyne n as if this med is ok for you to take. Thats what i did very irritating, but its the best interest of the baby n urself.
sometime have no choice but gotta take meds to make sure that u will be stong n healthy.

I was given some meds for cold too, n googled but i was unsure then i call the gyne clinic n ask them.
Low lying placenta - If I remember correctly, it does not make the pregnancy itself difficult or dangerous. There are different types. Total placenta previa, or partial, etc. It just makes the natural delivery more risky - the placenta could block the delivery of the baby. So in worst cases, do a C-section; in some other cases (like my SIL), normal delivery without complication. It's pretty common, nothing to be overly worried about - because now we know in advance!
ya, low placenta is not safe. But it will move upwards as the pregnancy advances. If i recall correctly, the sonographer did mentioned that my placenta was low after the detail scan. At Week 34, my gynae sent me for another scan to confirm if the placenta has moved upwards.. it did. So it was a close shave for me.
If i am not wrong, for low placenta, there is a risk for natural delivery, you may have to go for c sec. You can google about it. Anyway if the gynae is not anxious, you dont have to be anxious.. coz the baby is so small now and there is still lots of time for the womb to expand and placenta to move up.
JTS: i have low placenta too for my #01. Was told not to walk too much and carry heavy stuff. Pls go to hosp immed if any bleeding. My placenta only moved up during the 3rd trimester. Do not get too stressed out about this. Usually it will move up as the tummy gets bigger. Just don't overwork your body.
oh, my office (boss and colleagues) knew i was pregnant when i was wk6.. coz i had spotting in office and i stained the office chair..
Cant hide the embarrassment, and furthermore, i was on hospitalisation leave for few weeks.. so the word kinda spread...
BabyS: i read Zyrtec is fine but Zyrtec-D w the Decongestant is not. so i rather err on the side of caution. haha.

melilone: ya i did tell him! cos he was like commenting that its been a while and he thought i would have walked in w a baby.. then i told him ya im preggy already. haha.

anyway today no runny nose *yet* -cross fingers- so i think the panadol will do lah. i can't wait to knock off! zzz dont want to take too much MC already la. paiseh. first month of new year only then keep taking MC. heh.
Millis: My gynae say my placenta is low too. But there is a 98% chance of it shifting. He also says not to worry if i start bleeding cos i will be more prone to that.

All in all.. Should be fine. If the placenta does not shift in the later stage then most prob i will have to have a C-sect. But he also mentions I have to have a c-sect no matter what cos i did a surgery last year to remove my fibroids.

It should shift again. So dun worry.
Btw. Anyone also having cramps around the pelvic area? Have been cramping for a few days now. Is it due to the uterus enlarging.
I read somewhere that we should not sit cross legged so that blood circulation will be better. Is that true??
went for my Oscar scan yesterday and the result is 1:6000+ .. I am glad that my baby is growing well despite me not eating .. saw the little hands moving ard as if he/she is trying to say hi to us .. the sonographer predict the beanie is gonna be a princess but has to be confirm again when she grows bigger .. we are over cloud nine!

gonna tell my boss later .. hope she is in a good mood ...
chirpy: how come you get your test results so fast?? T.T I also want...where did you go and do your oscar scan?

oisterbaby: I did had my cramps last week but these week better already....I think if its not very painful it should be fine?
i got my oscar test at 11 weeks also and result was v good. i went to gynae at 13 weeks to check. still cant see gender leh. my nxt appointment will be at 17 weeks. hope can see by then.
weather is bad recently, one min heavy rain one min so hot!! do take care everyone.

im on leave to rest cos been having problem keeping the food in properly.. realised my digestion sys is so slow nowadays, after a meal (if i can eat, that is), i can feel the food stuck inside and awaiting to come out, but lying inclined for an hour really helps..actually my intake nowadays so small so am trying to let it all stay in. im abt 12 wks, but no weight gain. which is fine cos im big size, but if this continues, it'll be worrying!

Looks like everyone has told someone! i havent told colleagues yet but i think they mostly know. so for now is only family members know.
Ttc- yup, the date is shown on my scan n
Is also confirmed by my dr..

Coco- oic, no wonder the very 1st time i visit
my dr, i thought i was in my week6 but my dr corrected my saying that im already in my week7+.. thks for sharing!

Melilone: yeah da bao Yong tau fu soup to work but couldn't even finish half of it.
Bbreeze: Me too! i only told family members and two close friends but my friends are getting suspicious about it. Would prefer to wait for my next appt then announce..
Chirpy: congrats!! So happy your bb is growing well :) would be nice if I can know my bb gender too! Hehe
