(2013/08) August 2013

wlilian .. i did my blood test 2 wks back and yesterday we did the scan only ... after tat wait for a while before the doc analyse the result .. for me all is good except that i have a higher risk of pre-eclampsia .. which means i may develop high blood pressure at the later stage of pregnacy .. so the dr prescribe me w calcium pill n multi vit which says will help in this condition ..

thanks vinette .. probably just wild guess now cos the sonographger says the bladder part if is flat, it will probably be a girl and if it is tilted it will be a boy ... to be confirm during the detailed scan in Mar ...

hi mommies/MTBs,
sorry for MIA-ing so long...

ennovyyat, that's the same concern I had... because for my 1st pregnancy, i also heard of other mommies having false positives of abnormality...
anw, it's decided... we wont do the OSCAR.
Did the blood test, also had a scare because was tested +ve for one entry. lucky it's not a recent infection... ;x

so glad to know that i'm not alone in deciding no OSCAR for baby.
Went to my gynae today 11weeks 4days as i got some pink spotting due to the low lying placenta. Was given one week mc for bed rest. *touchwood* if any mummies got even very little spotting should head to gynae real fast. Because like my Case, he says bed rest will assist blood to clot. But if i keep on moving blood will not clot due to abrasion and will continue bleeding

gynae also did oscar and blood test. Luckily bb is very normal and active. Total bill including consultation today is $514. (Ouch!)
My next appointment is eve of CNY but I actually postponed it by another week. W14 by then, hopefully gynae can put me on package already. Each time I see him, is about $200. Maybe because there's two running around already... not too excited about seeing the one on TV.

I bought a lot of bottled juice... orange juice seems quite palatable. Now I cannot seem to take any gassy drink due to IBS.
me too! i start feelin that butterfly flutter ard 10wks also. but so slight!! gynea say it possible if u r v sensitive. else, usually it later.

my bill today $727 liao... heartpain siah!!!

did oscar scan today... bb keep lyin on the side. movin abt. but not like my previous gal. #2 was bouncin up n down. this bb only want to turn abt only... but quite fast la the scan...

my first question to her was if the heartbeat stil there or not!! now so glad finally confirm in 2nd tri, n bb stil v healthy. heartbeat was 170. =)
poky & stella> that's expensive! haha anyway in comparison i think my gynae's price is very cheap..
cos his package from first visit to week 40 is only $570. excldg oscar (~S$300) and another test, optional, about 150+. he does ultrasound during every visit. but then my colleague, who knows him personally, says that he's the kind who just wants to help people and don't care so much about the money. anyways, looking at how packed his clinic is all the time, weekdays and weekends, i think he should still be making quite a lot despite the price he charges!
Vinette: My Oscar test is also scheduled on 4 Feb… Where are you doing yours? Mine is at NUH.

Diorly: My EDD is 12 Aug, did I count my Weeks and Days correctly?
My Hubby is going on duty travel and I’m following along. He wants me to tag along to accompany him cos he keeps tempting me to join him.

Amanda: My office is quite big. Entire division is about 250 ppl and there are about 100 sitting on my level. So far I only told less than 5 ppl in office, excluding boss. My family and mother in law know too and they are already spreading the news around to relatives and friends -.-.

Wlilian: I was with a fertility gynae previously and just switch to my current gynae. Had my first visit on Tues and he found that my placenta is slightly low but he said most cases low placentas will move up during 2nd trimester. I hope mine will. He said he’s satisfied at what he is seeing and I’m cleared to travel but I’m still worried.

I will inform my boss next Mon, before he goes on leave. I am still thinking of ways to excuse myself from a 4D3N training course in Johor next month. It is a classroom course + group project (quite tough, heard from others that past groups had late nights to complete the projects). Also I want my family near me and not in Johor with strangers....

To all sick mummies: Take care and get well soon!

Check with all of you, do your gynaes perform ultrasound scans for you (from the top) or V-scans?
Amanda: Wah yours sound cheaper in comparison to poky& Stella. I paid 140 for my first visit.. Then told by clinic that my second visit would be approx 400 plus (the blood test, Oscar test, gynae check). not sure if my gynae has a package..
Milis: I'm doing my Oscar at my gynae clinic at bishan! Dr henry cheng :) who's your gynae?
My gynae does ultrasound scan on my first visit. I was alr 9wk plus when I saw him! Haha he said I ovulated one wk earlier!
Had chicken rice for lunch and struggling to keep it down. as much as im trying to keep it down, i know im goign to end up being a merlion soon!
Vinette, my Oscar is scheduled under my fertility gynae. He doesn't do deliveries for his patients so I have to change gynae. I just had my first visit to Dr Chan KH on Tues, to double confirm that I'm fit to travel :D. My first gynae only uses ultrascans on me but Dr Chan used the V-scan which is something different.
Vinette: ya I think it's the cheapest I have heard so far. I went to him 3 times already though I'm only at my 8th week and have paid about 400+. Then i asked the clinic assistant anf she said next appt can take package then just top up the remaining 100+ to make the 570. Didn't know so cheap actually when i went to him. Just that I've heard a lot of recommendations. And my SIL also went to the same gynae. Think the package includes all medicine and multivitamins etc too. Really don't know where to find haha. Without any other comparison, we think he's good and we are comfortable w him.
amanda> tat is reli cheap, i started my package at wk 7 n its at $800 excluding all tests...... sob sob. but oscar at abt $250 still thinking to do oscar or the genetic test...... will check with my gyne if he got genetic test a not haha.
so excited to see my baby on sat again!!!

milis> so far only ultrasound not v scan, i always tot v scan is only cannot see the baby via ultrasound then will proceed to v scan?
melilone: i have to wait till 14 Feb to see baby again, and it's such a long wait! but i'm sure that it will be an exciting / different Valentines' day for me and hubby, with gynae appt, ultrasound, blood test and oscar. haha.

usha and Katherine> ya.. chicken rice is too oily! do avoid if your digestion is not so good and you get bloated easily.

anyway there's bakgua in my office now and i'm soooo tempted! but i'm still having on off fever! argh..
Insomnia last night. So tired now...
Our digestive system slow down a lot so eating oily stuff makes us feel very uncomfortable. I had very oily pkt of fried beehoon for lunch just now. Tried to wash off the oil with tea but still feel so bloated.
Wk10 now but my weight no change. So diff from prev preg where I put on 3kg in 1st tri. Hope bb growing well inside....
Amanda> tat is nicce, n i believe by then you will be able to post on facebook for all to see, I'm still waiting for tat day to come. haha
Mummies who r not feeling well, hope u recover soon! Do take care, esp when near edd. I was down with sore throat & runny nose 1 wk b4 edd. GP didn't dare give me antibiotics or any stronger med. End up I was coughing badly few days b4 delivery. I was c-sect case, each cough meant pain from wound. Very miserable!
Usha/Katherine: actually i dont like taking chicken rice anymore...dont know why...seems like chicken rice turn me off...

Usaginoko: Ouch..that must have hurt... i read from online...it seems that after 2nd-3rd trimester our immune system should be very strong...shouldn't fall sick at all....but apparently that is not true
I cannot stand too oily food now...maybe it is the guilt of eating too much unhealthy food...

Oisterbaby: Did you manage to ask the nurses about Dr Chan's package? They refused to disclose the costs and told me to wait until week 15...maybe they are afraid that we will run away after hearing the costs. When is your EDD?

Melilone: my gynae did vscan on me first but couldn't see clearly cos my baby is on top (nearer to the surface of my tummy). He switched to ultrasound in the end.
Vinette: I also have the same gynae as u and Usaginoko! And I share the same EDD as usaginoko too
When is ur EDD?

Usaginoko: Did Dr Cheng deliver your #1 for u or is it another gynae at the hospital? Did u choose Mt A then? Seems like his clinic is always very packed from early morning till 2-3pm. What if we have labour pains in the morning or the night before? Sorry for asking silly questions :p
I cannot stand chicken rice too. Have not been eating it for awhile. Maybe its because i really do not like garlic now. I love curly fries though. Been eating it every week. Lost my appetite for coke to compensate.

Milis: the package not that cheap i think. Haha. Each visit now is more than 300. But he is very experience and the waiting time to see him is very long. He did not ask me to take the oscar test though. My Edd is on the 7th.
ttcing & usaginoko: yeah *high 5* i still don't know my EDD yet. he didn't tell me!! i will ask him during my next visit.
Oisterbaby: Ya, my first bill also around $300-$400 with Dr Chan. He doesn't have Oscar but has the Triple tests instead, to be done at week 15. The nurse said I can only sign the package after the tests results are out.
Yup. I only heard about the triple test and the detailed scanning. He is very proud of his ultrasound machine. Lol. He told me that he has changed it when i went to visit him after i know i am preggie.

Been seeing him for more than a year and he makes me comfortable though the bills makes me cringed. I wil ask the nurses in details during my next check up on the package
Ttcing: yes, Dr Cheng delivered my #1 at Mt A. I chose Mt A over Gleneagles coz it's nearer my place & I heard Mt A service& nurses are better.

My appt usually just b4 lunch or 1st patient after lunch so still quite ok, not too crowded. Dun worry, gynaes well trained to handle few preg giving birth at similar time. Actually it's the midwife who will take care of u until ready to push then Gynae pop in.

That time I was induced birth coz my bb dun wana come out on edd. Dr Cheng pop by a few times to check on me in btw delivering other bb from 6pm. The last check was at 1am. But labour no progress n had to do emergency csect at 4am. 8am+ he was doing his rounds in ward. Looking fresh & alert!
My package with dr wk tan is $2650. Includes consultation and scan and delivery charges. Is that expensive? I never really compared with other doctors coz I was comfortable with her.
Hi all, my first time logging into this thread. My EDD is 12Aug (based on last menses). This is my 2nd baby, elder one is now 13mths =)
Went to my gynae today 11weeks 4days as i got some pink spotting due to the low lying placenta. Was given one week mc for bed rest. *touchwood* if any mummies got even very little spotting should head to gynae real fast. Because like my Case, he says bed rest will assist blood to clot. But if i keep on moving blood will not clot due to abrasion and will continue bleeding

gynae also did oscar and blood test. Luckily bb is very normal and active. Total bill including consultation today is $514. (Ouch!)
Hi sqin welcome

Re chicken rice
That was the dish that gave me the feeling that I was pregnant! Cos I suddenly felt like drinking the soup only, u know how some chicken have traces of blood :x I totally puked when I saw the blood.. And the nausea din stop after that, that's y I tested and got bfp! Haha. But now I dun eat chicken rice anymore!! Basically dun like rice and dun like chicken. I haven't had rice for abt 2 wks?

I think gynaes will always do dating scans by looking at baby's size at various intervals so dun worry too much if the dates look a little off for now.

Re pregnancy websites
I'm a little addicted to these websites that tell us abt bb weekly growth..heheh can't stop reading tho I think I've memorized them! Somehow it's assuring, just like coming here.

This wk is bad again. Im in wk 11 going 12 but still can't eat. Then like usagi, I've insomnia at night..going crazy! Haha
Stella, take care! Bed rest means lie down unless u need to go toilet or eat ok? Other than that is no no! Gotta be disciplined and it'll be worthwhile.
u can bring ur stuff to bed to do but pref in a lie down position or very inclined. Jia you!
Take care and rest well Stella! :)
BBreeze: haha me too I'm addicted to all thee pregnancy website.. Reading these wk by wk growth update and watching the video at baby centre! Hehe
Mi cming to week 11. Everyday still feel nausea n will merlion at least 1 meal. Also start to feel crampy n backache again. I was like dragging myself to work every morning as i kept feeling tired. How i wish i can laze on my bed for whole day. ﹰ
Vinette: high 5! Btw how did our gynae determine ur edd? And how did he track that u have ovulated one week earlier? Is this ur first kid as well?

Usaginoko: wow... amazing! I wonder how did he manage to keep himself so fresh and alert for his consultations in his clinic after the night shifts 6 days a week!

P: do u know when will our edd be more accurate as baby grows bigger? My boss was asking me for my edd but I just told him the edd as per my lmp.

I m also sleeping past midnight and wake up at 4-5am almost every few nights. Then I will sleep till 8-9am to get ready for work. Interrupted sleep..... But on weekdays, I will laze in bed till 10-11am....I have been having interrupted sleep since week 6 till now
Cant go bck to sleep, up at 4 am to pee n prowling for food..

Bbreeze: re pregnancy website, i also like to read on it n in fact i downloaded 4 apps for pregnancy when in fact all the app will tell the same thing, hahaha..
Sue Ann: I'm awake now too! Just awaken by hubby who went to the loo.

Re:interrupted sleep:
I meant earlier that on weekends I will be able to sleep till 10-11am throughout the night though at times with interrupted sleep as well....

Re: pregnancy websites
Me too have downloaded 2; 1 from baby centre and the other is what to expect when you are pregnant. Very informative with useful info and baby development pics that u can track its daily or weekly development! So cute
Ttcing: our gynae hasn't told me our edd! but based on my lmp, I was suppose to be 8wk plus at my gynae visit. but he said I was 9wk plus based on baby crl then he concluded I ovulated one wk earlier and maybe that's why we got pregnant. (; yes it's my first kid!
Morning ladies..

So happy to start the 2nd trimester today. Officially week 13. Can start sharing the good news oredi. I just pray hard for appetite to get better. threw up lunch and dinner yesterday and haven eaten anything since. Im so scared of getting gastric now cause sometimes i feel the tummy making noise in hunger. Just going to have bread and ribena for bfast and see how it goes.. I lost 1.5kg when the gynae weighed me on my oscar day. Hopefully not losing more..
Morning everyone. TGIF!!!

Can I check wif ladies who are under Dr Adrian Woodworth and had done the oscar scan. The bloodtest is done at Dr Adrian clinic or the lab when we go for our oscar scan?
Morning ladies!

Congrats Usha! It's a long wait.. I can understand that haha.. I'm still waiting! 2 more weeks to go!! I have lost 3.1kg since I'm pregnant.. probably due to lost of appetite n vomiting

Any ladies can advice me if insecticide will harm baby? Yesterday morning I spray insecticide like crazy.. used 3/4 bottle of it to kill a big lizard in my bathroom. I inhaled almost 99% of it >.< my hubby scolded me for spray so much n didnt care abt baby.. I'm so worried nw
congrats usha!! :D

rachyo! i can't be of much help
but ur hubby sounds like my hubby. my mom was painting her nails and i sat beside her and he started googling on the harmfulness of the smell of nail polish and there he goes.... >.<"
Rachyo: did ur gynae say anything about ur weight loss. Everyone around me keeps saying weight loss is not good in pregnancy. sumtimes i feel stress cause its not that i don wan to eat...
Hi Usha, nice to start 2nd tri. Hope you will feel better soon. MS is worse for me in this pregnancy, but not to the extent of losing weight. Going for my Oscar scan this coming thurs.

Re EDD: I think not many ppl give birth on the EDD exactly. I delivered my elder one at 38+ wks.
Bbreeze, thank you for your advise. Honestly i think my spine is breaking. So difficult to spend time. But will definately lie down as much as i can for the bb.

I dont really have any morning sickness but as soon as i feel hungry, the nauseous feeling kicks in. So gynae advise that i eat two mouthful to stop the nauseous feeling and throw the rest of the food later. Otherwise before bb grow fat, i will grow fat first. Haha. I hope no mummy is like me. I feel hungry almost every two hours.
usha: i lost 5kg since i knew i was pregnant. my gynae told my hubby it's fine right now as the baby is taking his nutrients from the yolk sac so mommy is not really eating for two persons now. and he said this is the ONLY time i can lose weight so can go ahead to lose more. :X HAHA but i do trust his words since my two nieces were delivered by him as well and they are two lovely angels

rachyo: i just googled. "Don't panic if you realize you have been exposed to a pesticide. Any real risk comes from long-term or intense exposure. If you just treated your dog for fleas and exposed yourself to a pesticide, the risks to your baby are small." you can read more at http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/pesticides.html

Wahaha.. Vinette.. we hv the same husband type.. is this ur first baby? thanks for the info! I was feeling so worried n guilty.. all bcos of my hubby =.=

Usha: She said usually weight lost in first trimester is normal but mine is way too much.. she asked me to eat more meals n drink more water.. she aso advice me to take anti-vomit pills to stop my daily vomiting haha..
