(2013/08) August 2013

Poky: I understand what you mean about "sticky" and audience for business! Happens to me so often. Even shower wanna know what I am doing inside - as if I can run away! When I was expecting #2, I was maidless and have to cook after work. My #1 would start screaming the moment we get home - because it means I have to "abandon" her and start cooking. So we eat out half the time (although super tiring), and I tried to involve her in the kitchen (although means more mess to cleaning up!). However, I make sure that bedtime is by 8pm. So that I can clean up, rest, keep my sanity!

Poky & AhCapp... what are your current childcare plans, and what are your future childcare plans? My 2 kids goes to full day nursery, so it is my maid's honeymoon time. Come August, she will go home for home leave (Hari Raya). Come November, her contract expires - and I am expecting her to quit - because nowadays maids - 3 storey house can, 3 children no can do.

Am planning to send #3 to infantcare. Higher chance of maid staying, or getting a new maid. But MIL and DH will object because then MIL have no excuse to come to my house and play all day long. If don't send, difficulties getting maid, and MIL really, just play and no help. Claims she doesn't even know how to wash milk bottle! Never cooked a meal for any of my children... just come over and chant "Nai Nai, nai nai" from birth till now... I am thinking, at least if I keep the maid, I will have someone at home to take care of my girl after P1 next year, do housework, and get dinner ready.

Oh... and I spoke too soon about MS yesterday... it came back with a vengence. Also experiencing headaches very often, most likely from insomia, most likely from worries such as childcare arrangements!

Katherine: yes i have apply stretch mark cream...but not very constant...very lazy...
The brand i am using is Elancy

Chirpy:i see...same i guess my yeast came back around 4 week preggy...that was when i realize somthing might be wrong..so i took pregnancy test...cos i know yeast can be cause by preggy

hmm...for me i do get tired and my morning sickness is reduce till only evening time...but i think its normal...cos they say by week 11-13...we are transition to 2nd trimester and we will feel very good....

it is not crazy at all.. bb developed hearing as early as wk 7 loh..

the bb can really hear... when i was preg w #1, i was listening to mozart womb music to sleep.. when he is born he get soothen when he hear the music..

the moment he was born, he was crying so loudly, when the dad talk to him, tell him is okie is daddy here, he immediately stop crying.. tat moment my hubby was like PRECIOUS... but now still keep scolding him lah.. haha..
Oh, for those often feeling cold, especially cold feet - try a warm foot soak or footbath. Can add in lemongrass or ginger if you like it. Do this every night before bedtime. TCM says this is good for blood circulation = maintaining warmth in the body. Be careful of slippery floor!

For eczema, itchiness, rashes and pimples - can try something simple and natural like pure aloe vera gel/extract.
wlilian: is that brand good? maybe will visit KKH pharmacy the next time i go back for blood test to see what they hv there!

joyful: really?? i will talk more and listen to more music! can i listen to more kpop and look at kpop idols' photos? LOL =x

frogprincess: my feet often feel very cold! but my legs n arms are very warm
Hi mummies,

any comments for Palmers anti stretch mark cream? I bought a tube but have not tried it as I heard of ladies who are allergic to it...
Bubbly29: yah i heard palmers got bad feedback from some mothers..saying rashes and itchy...

Katherine: Hmm..at this point i think its okay...cos i both a set...it has prevent stretch mark and reduce stretch mark...if i remember i got it for 60 plus...but as mention i very lazy so i dont put often but i just mix the 2 cream and apply...it smells nice..

the reason why is because my cousin friend recommended it..saying its a good brand....so i use it...but i am on the plum side so that why i already has stretch marks here and there...so to me just try to reduce and prevent more from coming out...

frog: thanks for the sharing...for me...my body gets heated up automatically...and i will feel cold...so usually i will hide myself under the comforter...my friend was telling me not to bath in hot water...but i will bath in warm water still....too cold...i cannot take it...

i dont tink u wan to on kpop loudly in sep after the confinement in order to soothe the lil one in the MIDDLE of the night..

somehow lookin something or someone more often does get the effect.. during my preg, i only see my hubby.. was staying w my in laws back then, apart from meals, going toilet n going out, i dont step out of the room.. i face only my hubby day n night.. turn out, #1 really look like daddy alot alot.. since day 1 everyone say so till now...

look at beautiful things, feel happy (bb will b very cheerful next time, serious..)
chirpy (chirpychirpy): I am in ur shoes. except for extreme tiredness, i don't have any more nausea and vomitting. Sometimes i also worry if my baby is safe.. hahahh so silly me..
wlilian: ok! thanks! i will go take a look.. already not skinny to start with, so i must prevent all these!! :p

joyful: ya hor.. later my baby will only slp under noisy environment. ok! shld start listening to soothing music and look at pretty things! most impt, happy mindset!!
hahaha .. sometimes we are just so silly ...

out of curiosity, have you all break the news to your friends and colleagues already??? I am still thinking when will be a good time to tell my boss and how should i start ....
Wah u ladies r so active here I was wondering why the fb group so quiet... I've been trying hard to fight my nausea and the anti nausea pill is making me super drowsy. And managing my one yr old who keeps waking up for the past two nights ain't a joke for me
so nauseous!!!!

Frog princess who's ur gynae? Sounds like what my gynae would say too.

Joyful u doing better this week?

thankfully the bleeding reduce loads! was bleeding quite badly on mon n tue.. i am still going to office this week.. manage to tahan, n ytd turned out so much better.. hopefully by next tue my appt, it can truly stop..

any food can help to reduce ur nausea?
i mostly feel nauseous after meals.. so like during evening time feel more nauseaous n appetite not so good. But in the morning im okie.. We have been eating out everyday since im feeling nauseous to cooking smell. But morning usually okay cos havent consume anything so i decided to cook 'lunch' every morning..

Usually ppl see me is feel that i put on weight hahahaha.. grr.. im always on the round shape lah. So when they ask me when trying for #2 i say ' "sui yuan" (let fate decide)
von: did your gynae prescribe you vit b6? That helps reduce nausea really well. I got it prescribed by the emergency doctor when i had to be admitted for dehydration from severe MS. it helped me immediately when i started on it next morning. it'll reduce nausea all the way till 7ish in the evening before it starts again. So i just had to take the anti-nausea drowsy meds only at night..

jOyFuL: I realised milk and dairy products including yogurt and yakult worsen my MS. I tried not drinking milk everyday and with the help of the Vit B6, i was able to keep my nausea away. When we visited the gynae for the first time, i mentioned about milk causing nausea and vomitting, he agreed for some women milk contributes to MS and he assured its ok to avoid milk for the first trimester and start on it when MS has subsided. He still prescribed calcium tabs to be taken from week 13 onwards.
wlilian: Oh no.... then how? I bought Palmers a few days ago!

Chirpy: I only told my in laws and parents and my immediate boss... the rest will know in time to come. haha
So far I think most of my colleagues already know, becos of one photo, which really shown my tummy, it so happens to be only my tummy gets bigger only. which i feel tat its good. haha.

So when they ask i just nod, then ask how they know, still will not say it haha not sure if its ok, but i oso dun feel good lying to them so no choice lor.

Pimples> Is the tea tree oil from body shop ok to use?
Shampoo & Body Wash> Is there a need to change the shampoo or body wash to something mild or can just be normal?

How do we know what to avoid?
Is there any recommended brands for all the body care or hair care?
For stretch mark cream when should we start to apply, any brand to recommend?
melilone: I am not too sure about the tea tree oil... I didn't use any acne cream/gel for my pimples at all. Jsut in case they have any chemicals that are no good for the developing baby. My husband read that teratogens can harm the baby and they can be found in facial products as well. He started asking me if my facial products are preg safe. haha I just use it as per normal for now.
Bubbly29: Hmm...i dont know if palmers is bad for you anot...maybe like what all new products...you can try to apply a small area of your hand and leave it on...if there is rashes then maybe you have to sell it away or give it away? If hand is okay, then apply a small part at your side tummy? if everything is okay..then maybe palmers could be the correct product for you

Hmm..with regards to stretch marks..i feel that one of the reason why got stretch marks is because our skin might be dryer due to stretching of our tummy...so now i change my shower gel to moistuzing one....i think it helps better...for example..if you use firming shower gel and your tummy is expanding definately will have stretch marks right? hehe..this is my logic..

Nausea...actually the funny thing is that i only get it when i am hungry in the evening and my bus ride is 1 hour plus...(work place at alexandra and home is at bedok)... other then that its on and off...

But for me...i would suggest eating fruits!! (apple, pear, mango, ripe papaya) it really helps me and its good for baby! The other one is sour plum...but i cannot take too much...cos acid reflex...

Hmm....i told most of my close friends and family already...haven tell my boss yet...will be waiting till next week when i am 12 week le..(3 months) then i tell my boss..
wenditan: lol...not really crave but if i see salmon i'll drool...really want to have a bite at it.. but definately not a good idea..
I've been craving for CNY yusheng too! But duno the veg washed well or not, whether its been pre-prepared for long time. So even if I dig out the raw fish, I dun dare to eat the veg.

I dun crave for sashimi. But I crave for sushi, or rather, just the sushi rice! Love the vinegar rice taste.

I also crave for fresh sugar cane drink. But ever since my ex-colleague told me his wife had m/c after drinking, I dun dare to drink.

Now I'm so hungry but have to wait for #1 to wake up then can go buy lunch. Craving for rice balls at NEX but so far....
usaginoko: I have been drinking sugar cane every weekend...drank it last night...someone told me sugarcane is good for the baby...but dont drink too much....

Lol...i crave for the sashimi...true...maybe really cannot eat yusheng this year...
i forgot where i read it from but it says that we shld avoid raw vege? sigh, if that's true, i'll be v sad! cannot eat yu sheng.. can only eat the yu sheng crackers
Maybe i'll just reward myself after Oscar and indulge a little! I told my hb to only reveal the news after cny. If not, all the relatives will tell u those superstitious stuffs (i do believe to a certain extend but, constant nagging can be very scary!)
Does anybody have the same phobia as me?
Chirpy: Mayb in moderation? but i heard to avoid brussel sprouts.
I guess my ex-co wife was suay n drank contaminated sugarcane bah, coz some hawkers just leave it in the open overnight, duno got rat or wat insects walk on it. I quite kiasi so shall avoid it ;)

Raw veg is ok if u wash it thoroughly. But during this busy festive season I doubt the kitchen helpers got time to wash super clean lor.
i sure hope we can still eat yu sheng. eat in moderation? :p

usaginoko: usually i only eat yu sheng made by my aunt! so i guess that's safe to eat!

wenditan: i'm also not intending to tell until after CNY. anyway my 12 week will be during CNY that week. so will only tell after that. but i have a strong feeling that my mum will tell all of them before that -.-
Amanda, what I do is to do a clay mask twice a week to help manage the oiliness and prevent clogging of pores.

For you ladies who are experiencing slight itch can try aloe gel. Helps to soothe it. Can get from Watsons or Guardian. I also have a bit of itch on my leg. Gynae says some will get pregnancy rash.

I have filled up my particulars in the form already. Who can help confirm that it has been received?

Sigh...feeling sleepy and tired....wish that i am back home now...so i can sleep ZzzzZZZz

usaginoko: that serious...maybe i should also stop drinking sugar cane
Maybe drink those packet drink...

Stop drinking coffee and tea totally...i tried drinking tea last week but baby make me puke it out >.<
Wlilian: I guess if the hawker selling it seems hygienic n stores the sugarcane well, still can drink bah. But if dun wana take any risk, then avoid for time being. Who knows after a while u crave other drinks Liao ;)

My bb rejected tea for past few wks but now little snakey seem to accept tea. Enjoying my iced lemon tea now

And guess wat's my lunch tdy? Muesli with milk, plus potato chips! Yummy salty Pringles
Mummies who had gd milk supply during your #1/2, did u drink milk powder meant for preg/lactating mums during preg? My SIL n 2 other mums in my #1 group drank it during preg n had gd supply w/in 1-2 days of delivery. Just wondering if there's any correlation btw drinking milk powder n breastmilk supply...
I struggled with ss n CL told me to drink milk powder mixed with oats to increase. Took me 1mth+ to build up ss, but never had excess to store beyond 1 day.
Salmon sashimi craving: no kidding. I wolfed down a tray of raw salmon belly from Isetan supermarket yesterday in hubby car. It was so delicious n fresh that I finished the tray within a short period of time. Hubby was like wah, u just finished $16.90 within such a short time! Wahahaha

I intended to go eat again tonight.
will look for fresh ones! I crave and love salmon sashimi. Must be my no3's taste buds! ;)))) no1 was wanton mee.
my lunch today ebi rice burger n nuggets from mos burger! xian...

AhCapp: waaaaaaaahhhh..i read ur post with saliva all over my keyboard! hahahahah

Btw the pineapple tarts, maybe u all wanna check with the aunties selling.. SOME pineapple tarts they use uncooked/unripe pineapple to make one. So dont overeat on that unless its cooked. My son loves it cos its alittle sourish..lol. i tell him dont waste money mommy can bake what!
Usaginoko: this would be my humble opinion...

I pushed myself a lot to produce a lot of milk. I ate some unknown vegetable to boost up my supply. I eat oats. I drunk lots of soup. I pumped so much that I had a whole freezer filled with frozen milk. BUT, dear no1 didn't like thawed milk! Omg!

So for no2, I take things easily. I provide just enough. I was too lazy to overproduce like no1. When demand fr no2 increase, I top up with formula milk. ;P

I think in summary for me, I feel that some people just have so much that they use it to feed their other kids. People like me struggling with supply. So I guess it could be related to genes. ;)

This is my theory... Hehe
Diorly: as long as I eat in moderation, should be ok... Hehehe ;) don't be too hard on ourselves. As I get bigger, I'll need more motivation (comfort food) n shopping to make things easier. ;)

Now is the time to be the queen at home ;P n boss our hubby around... ie ask him to drive us around to eat food which we crave for... Shhhhhhhh ;)
Ahcapp: WAH u so brave...eat raw salmon T.T If i dare to put 1 piece of salmon sashimi in my mouth...my husband will kill me... T.T

So can we eat pinappple tarts anot?! I really love pinapple tarts >.< but then alot of ppl say cannot eat pinapple....i dont even dare to eat hawaian pizza lor...
During #1, I drank a few tins of prenatal milk but struggled with supply. During #2 I told myself, take it easy, if you think you can, you can!! I just drink a small bowl of soup, or a cup of Milo half an hour before expressing/feeding. I had enough to fully BM #2, plus store one extra pack a day after the first month... even that, I ran out of storage space. So, really... no point pushing our bodies to produce too much.

Sashimi... I am craving for that, too! Can't wait till Sunday - maid off day = Japanese restaurant for lunch :-D Yay!

Pineapple tarts - must be made of cooked pineapples... cooked for a few hours! Pineapple in pizza, can be eaten, those few miserable pieces.
Ahcapp.. wow so yummy lor. My young colleague also ate sashimi and drink red wine during her pregnancy..her baby come out also healthy and chubby.

Think sashimi fresh ok la else Japanese women have nothing to eat. Hahaha

Pineapple cooked is ok to eat.

I refilled the form again cos my details are not updated in the last table provided... Hope it gets thru this time..

I think as long as the sashimi is fresh, it should be safe to eat? I didn't stop eating sashimi, only reduced to once a week. My hubby read somewhere that Jap women eat sashimi as per norm...Just like what diorly said, they will have nothing to eat if cannot take sashimi
