(2013/08) August 2013

littledevil: very sorry to hear that… please take good care of yourself!

usaginoko: i agree with you… if go Japan now, I will be very sad cos can see all the yummy sashimi but cannot eat!

Rachyo: i didn't know stat board has this 2 yr contract thing.. maybe all my friends in stat boards are old birds liao that's why. LOL… anyway, your bosses really dun seem very considerate… hope that you will get a fair treatment after going through MOM etc~

frogprincess: thanks for the very detail description! i guess it makes sense to invest in the pump later… cos i also know of many cases that the mothers can't breast feed after all…

melilone: i'm first time mum too and i have lots of questions… dunno how to start asking also LOL

btw, seems like most of you here already decided on your gynae… i just went to the NUH clinic for my bleeding condition so they just randomly assigned a gynae to me~ i still have time to consider and change rite~

also i did the v-scan at 8 week, when should the next routine check/scan be?


According to the list provided by my gynae, there's:
1. Routine blood tests
2. urine tests
3. liquor assessments / amniocentesis test
5. Swab test for GBS
6. Cardiotocography (CTG) Test
7. Detailed / Fetal Anomaly Scan

I have no idea what does what though haha.
My Oscar scan is 300, FA scan is 130 I think.
Rachyo: good luck on your meeting w the MD! And karma indeed that so many are pregnant at the same time as you within the dept! Lol.

I feel somewhat fortunate in my company that my bosses and colleagues are very supportive n understanding about pregnancy. Perhaps cos most are mums. In fact they were nagging at me to have kids earlier on!
Ellen: Haha usually ppl in statboard will stay v long (not referring to new employment :p)

Amanda: Haha yup it's really karma for him.. Lol! I'm happy for u! U hv a great team n colleagues around u! Ease ur pregnancy life in working environment
remember to get more tips on how to handle babies keke.. Must get prepared ya hehe
Ya my colleague w a 1.5 yo kid dishes out baby advices (on what to prepare and look out for) to me everyday!

Anyways I chanced upon this sg site: kulily.com, selling baby stuffs. Prices seem quite good. Anyone has any idea about them?? Their physical shop is located at choa chu Kang. Maybe someone staying around there can help to check out and let us know? :p
To the new mommies... if you have any question, you are most welcomed to fire away. There are quite a number of us expecting #2 or #3 .... and I am sure at least one of us can dish out our advice, or share our experience.

Re colleagues that dishes out free advice.... This is why I loathe to tell my current colleagues. They are the most kiasu, kiasi lot of mommies (or non mommies!!) and my other pregnant colleague goes with things like... No cold drinks, no fruits, no cheese of any kind, no tea and coffee of any kind, no salads, no sushi, no no no, everything is no. Made me kept my opinion to myself all this time... but if they find out I'm pregnant, I am sure they will NO-NO me! But my gynae only said, no smoking, no drinking, no unauthorised herbs. And as I always tell my mom... since I pay the guy so awfully much, I should listen to him, right??

As for what tests during pregnancy, etc... My sense is that a good doctor should prescribe and advice based on the risk profile and need-based. So I will see how goes....
Amanda: kulily is a home based biz... They don't have a physical shop. But you are right, the prices seem ok.

I have a question. Anyone here with pimple outbreak? Any solution? I have a few pimples on my face today! Sob sob...
Amanda: my gynae so far didn't mention any test to me, and somehow my friends around me none of them are doing OSCAR….

it's good that your colleagues are understanding~ my colleagues are all men (me and our admin assistants are the only 2 female species in the whole department). I have yet to find out their reaction… cos i haven't been to office ever since i realized i'm pregnant… hahahaha

Rachyo: what comes around goes around… like you said, karma! and even if you eventually don't get to stay at your job, something much better might be just there waiting for you~ jiayou~

frogprincess: i'm also scared to too many advices… some pole like more kancheong than me leh, like forcing me to accept their advices and i feel a bit stressed… LOL… btw my gynae said explicitly no sashimi no raw food no tea no coffee, but she said salad is okie provided it's thoroughly washed… so now i stopped eating salad from outside cos i dunno how clean they are…

Bubbly: me! me! i dun just get a few pimples! i get really bad outbreaks all over the sides of the face and the chin~ typical of hormone-induced acne… sob sob sob.....
Bubbly and Ellen: me too, pimples on forehead, chin, nose, cheek! Argh..disfigured, face and body. Haha..

Anyway those tests my gynae didn't say need to do.. He just say he will tell the couples when time comes then can decide want or not. It's all FYI only. Some are already included in his package,

Frog princess: ya la they don't let me drink even decaf coffee! Anyway I only drink once a week decaf coffee now at home.. Haha. Doc's instructions were no raw food, coffee / tea limit to once per day, no alcohol and no smoking. Others all can.
Ellen, my gynae is like this... I used to ask him, during # 1 and #2... He always ask me back.
Coffee/Tea: How much do you take? 1 cup? 2 cups. Does it make you happy if you drink. Then drink.
Sashimi: Can eat. Tell hubs to bring you to a nice Japanese restaurant - not the cheapo type. One plate of sashimi min is $20. How many plates you want to eat? One, enough? Happy? Then eat.
Durian: Can eat until I say to stop. But dun eat all those cheap durian, ah... must be the expensive type. Wanna eat must eat the best one.
Pepsi, Coke, etc - Who says must drink water? If you cannot take water then take Ice cream, pepsi, coke, root beer... anything that makes you and your tummy happy. Hydration is more important.
Fruits - very important. Must eat. For those that your mother says cannot eat (water melon, pineapple, etc)... take 1 serving a day. If the next day still happy, can take summore.
Salad - big leaves are quite safe. Be careful of the tiny ones!
Cheese - cheap cheese only. Those from Delis one can pass to him (soft cheese)

My ko-kor rolls his eyes everytime I quote my doctor's advice!! My mom gave up!
Thanks Ellen! All of us must jiayou!

Bubbly: I dont hv pimple outbreak but i hv super duper dry skin.. haha.. my fren ever told me this "if u hv oily skin/pimple prone skin during pregnancy means u hv a baby gal.. if u hv dry skin means its a boy" not sure if its true but my during my first pregnancy i hv oily skin n it happened tat my #1 is a gal.. coincident maybe? haha
Relieved to know that I am not the only with pimple outbreak. Heard that drinking lots of fluid helps the condition!

Frog princess: Your gynae is so funny!!!
Rachyo: Really?
My mom also suspected that I am having a girl cos I like sweet drinks. Ladies who like salty food have boys... Well... We shall see...
Bubbly29: Lol...then i must be mixed...I like soft drinks....but i also like salty food.... O.O

No Pimple outbreaks for me...realise yesterday my nose area abit dry tho...but it could be because i am lazy to apply my moisturer daily...

I was looking through the details...and then i realise...Oscar scan & detail scan seems to be quite similiar....seems like details scan can also tell downsymdrome....

Not sure if going to the oscar scan is the right decision? My oscan scan will cost around 450bucks
frogprincess & Bubbly : My gynae also said the same thing. Anything except raw food is ok as long as consumed in moderation. So i do drink Teh O or coffee once or twice a week. the only thing i don dare eat is pineapples and papaya which are my favourite fruits.

Luckily i don have any pimple outbreaks but i feel the small baby hair growth on my face is getting more nowadays. I use to go full face threading like once in 6 weeks but nowadays i go once in 3 weeks.

I also have tons of interest to put on makeup every morning cause i love the way my face is glowing. Even my boss was telling i have a glow on my face nowadays. I just cannot wait to step into the 2nd trimester..
Frog princess> Super like your gyne advise. My gyne only tell me everything oso ok just in moderation, but abt announcing the news he seems pantang abt it, keep telling me to wait till 3 mths then announce.
but both side family all knows and my boss oso knows le, she very good at guessing. luckily she is ok with it, still help me to switch my jobs to more desk bound type.

Amanda> Thank you for the info!!!

Rachyo> Really? but till now I think my skin seems like my norm just that a lot of pimples on the chin (super huge ones no head some more dunnoe how to deal with it.....)

Bubbly29> my sis says that mine will be gal cos i sleep a lot, she herself have 2 gals.

Seems like a lot of prediction for gal. Gal power!!! haha
Rachyo, I also super dry skin. Especially at my chin area n the side corners of my mouth. So bad initially that it was blotchy n cracked. Then after I diligently applied rice bran oil, it is much better now. Maybe things will get better as we move towards 2nd tri.

For me, 1st pregnancy, skin very clear n pretty, I was pregnant with my gal then. 2nd pregnancy, pimple skin, looked so ugly, I was pregnant wif my boy then. This round, no pimples but dry skin, so totally clueless. Haha!

Craving for barley with ginkgo nuts n Beancurd skin, so I m cooking myself a pot now. ;-)
Oh yes, my colleague told me that if the mom is glowing, she is having a girl and if her skin looks dull, she is having a boy. But how to determine? haha
On raw food: I do know of cases which pple miscarriage at 30+ weeks due to listeriosis... So I feel very uneasy about it~ other pple dun have problem doesn't mean I'll have no problem, so I'll just hold and avoid it until August~ I love sashimi really~

On pimple: I think half half leh... Some with pimple outbreak have boys and some have gals... Quite random haha~

Oh I noticed quite a number of pregnant ladies have very red noses...
Lol....was actually counting the no. of months before the arrival of the baby...then i realise that within another 5 months...

Then it started to strike me...thats fast! Another 1-3 weeks...most of us will past through the first trimester...
During #1 I craved for sweet stuff, looked radiant n it's a girl! Now I dun have sweet/salty craving n I look very haggard. Wonder if it's a boy this round? Both preg I have bad eczema outbreak

Wlilian: I feel whether to do Oscar or not, to take only detailed scan at wk20, depends on your plans on what to do if *touch wood* bb has DS. If u intend to keep bb no matter what happens, then can skip Oscar. If u feel its better not to let DS bb come into this world, do note it's more traumatic to terminate preg at wk20 rather than at wk12-13.
Haha yup.. not sure if its true..

Chocpockie: Maybe its twins! :D btw dont drink too much barley.. elderly say its too "liang".. hmm.. not sure if its true but we just hv to watch our diet.. not eating too much on certain food :p
Usaginoko: Yah i guess so...i think its going to be a tough decision for any parents to decide to keep the baby anot... i hope non of us have to make such choices....
Yea just another 5 or 6 months... I feel very overwhelmed now leh, like there are a lot of things that I still dunno but only have less than half a year to find out...

Usaginoko: how is your eczema like? Do you get that when you're not pregnant? I had rashes and very itchy fingers the other day and doctor said it looks like eczema, but I dun get this last time.... Hmmmm...

Rachyo: yea barley is "cooling". It's one of those things I'd avoid during period cos I get very bad cramp...
Rachyo, noted. It's my 1st time drinking during this pregnancy. Anyway my grandma said if boil till the barley "open up", it won't be too cooling. :)
BOY/GIRL: Actually, what I have been told is opposite! Girl makes you ugly, boy makes you pretty. But I am not a subscriber... because I had a friend whom has had 3 girls and she was always glowing and pretty! And then I have another friend with 3 boys whom is always glowing and pretty, too! So... not reliable. Anyway, time will tell. As for me, I feel horrible - colleagues say I am pale, some others say I am glowing... but my special intelligences are pretty adamant that it's a mei-mei! :-D

One thing to note is that our skin may react very differently to new and existing skincare products. So, our usual facial cream and body lotion or even shower foam might be a culprit. It may be prudent to do a trial if you get new products like lotion /cream - use the same one for a few days and see if there's any reaction. I used to itch and had rashes from Palmer's cocoa butter!
During #1, i have radiant skin, no cravings and its a boy. hahahaha so it doesnt work for me lah.. I had gut feeling its a boy then.

I keep asking my #1 and he keep saying #2 is mei mei..(i ask him almost everyday hahahahaha!!) hmm..but i think its a boy again lah.
Ellen: I've eczema b4 preg. Itchy red patch on feet or back of neck. It usually stops after a week or so, then it becomes brown dry flaky patch. But during preg, the same spot almost never recover. Itch n itch, put cream only temporary relief. Now my feet, knee cap & fold at the elbow is itchy, more than a week already

During #1 even my vagina itch with yucky discharge due to hormone imbalance causing bacteria overgrowth. It stopped once i delivered bb. Praying hard it doesn't happen this round.
Usha: Dont worry to much....stay postive...just treat it as you are able to see baby again

diorly: I know what you mean....this week i am also quite emo and get easily depressed....just want to cry and cry...but try to think of baby and positive stuff...they say that baby will feel what you are feeling and then when they come out..they will become like that...

Lol...my friend was telling me she was working in the bank chasing after debtors...so she was angry everyday...end up when her baby comes out...and now already 2 years old...very short temper....
My #1 is learning to talk now. Everyday "papa/mama/nehneh/mum mum" n recently she started saying "didi didi" (No one taught her that). My parents r amused n says prob boy this round since #1 says so!
Actually altho I say gender not impt, I feel so pressurized to have boy this round coz my FIL is dying for a grandSON. When he found out #1 is girl, he immed told my hb dun be disappointed try again (my hb is neutral on gender). Then 2 mths after I popped in Dec 2011, FIL told us to try for dragon SON. This round I told hb we will lie to them say dun want to know gender till pop. And that's also why till now in-laws duno abt my preg.
hmm. for my #1 n #2, my usual "puberty" pimples on face n back acually clear up n leave behind a rather clean face even after the pregnancy. tis round, some poppin out, bit more on the eczema. used to b only at left foot. now both arms n left hand also start to itch. =(

frogprincess, i like ur gynea attitude!!! lol mine told me not to eat sashimi... i was thinkin to go resturant to playsafe.. at least must pass standard cleanliness check rite? but gynea also dun advise. sian....

frogprincess, for me, it the nipples size that cause the prb. all except avent, r too small. must buy additional funnel part. but add on, the suction not as good.. keep drippin at the attachment, so messy n mafan!!! so i can only use avent. avent duo n maunual. manual is v v good in clearin ducts! but cos too tirin... so i only use it to clear clogs. else it duo or single pump for me!! =p

now in 11th wk.... 5moredays, n i reach 12wks liao!!! yipee!!! hope "whole day" sickness will b totally gone!!!!
Chocpokie: Yeah they said chinese barley is better hehe

usaginoko: yeah i understand hw u feel.. dnt disclose first cos ur FIL will affect ur pregnancy mood.. I also feel gender is not important.. most important is baby's health! :D

poky: tats great! i hope to be in 12wks soon.. the waiting is killing me. my "whole day" sickness is another killer. initally i vomit in d morning.. then change to noon (straight after lunch) then ytd it started in the nite.. totally lost my appetite during dinner. so sian loh..
Hi Mummies..

Everyday i feel the bitterness in my throat, no matter what i eat and drink will worsten it. everyday cannot walk fast and walk long...wanted to lie down,,,but lie down too long my waist getting pain ,,,I really dun know what shall i do the best? Tomorrow I am going back to work,,,so worried that I can't tahan that 8 hours and the journey in shaking bus....
feel like I am going in labour soon..hahah

any mummies felt the same?
poky (poky): We are around the same time. I turn 12 weeks on sunday.. Cannot wait too.. =D Are u having any morning sickness?
Hi anna!

I also hv bitterness in throat, cant walk long cos will feel super tired n also cant lie down too long cos my breast hurts.. lol..

initally i aso thugh i cannot tahan 8hrs work but i managed to survived with alot of yawnings here n there.. lol.. i would usually walk less n stick my butt on my seat if possible :p
Hello all, been busy these few days. Hope all are doing great!

Ms seems better but I still dun like to eat, and the outbreak is still ongoing..

Looks like th discussion here is going on to breast milk and gender.. Haha.. Everyone is more assured to plan a bit further now..
hello gals~ saw heartbeat ydae at week 7! =D

btw did all of u go thru the down syndrome test?
whats to be done and will we get to know the result on the spot?

was too happy and excited ydae till forgot to ask gynae haha
Anna, I oso feel bitter in my throat n tongue. Air I breathe in oso bitter which in the end make me nauseous. So I suck sweet to make me feel better.
Wah... today, I feel so well and healthy... I wonder if my baby's doing okay! Such is the dilemna of a pregnant woman, right? So sick, feel so horrible (but doc will tell you, it means baby is thriving).... Suddenly feel so good, wonder if baby is doing well. :p
Hi mummies,

my gyne provided me with a list of food i should avoid. those half boiled egg like those Ya Kun sells and liver should be avoided too.

frogprincess: my gyne told me to avoid using Palmer's cocoa butter becoz many mummies had rashes after using it.

Has any mummies here tried using Clarins's tonic oil to prevent stetch marks? I want to try that but the price is so steep. hahaha
Usha.. me too! I guess thats related to our hormones changes..

Any ladies experience heavy discharged (very yellowish)?
usaginoko: oh dear this must be very uncomfortable… my sis got eczema too, sometimes the itch is so bad that she can't sleep… btw, on the discharge due to hormone imbalance, how did you find out? did your gynae do some test? I got a lot of discharge too…

wlilian: my hubby also said i must stay happy and patient else baby will come out to be grumpy and short-tempered… hahahaha

anna: i dun feel bitterness but i also can't walk fast now (i used to walk VERY fast), and must sit down/lie down all the time…

frogprincess: should be okie ba~ maybe it's just a sign that 1st trimester is ending soon~ ;)

Rachyo: me me…. getting very heavy recently and it's very yellowish… when i asked my gynae she seems like no big deal like that….
yah talking about discharge...i have terrible yeast infection before i was preggy...so when i got preggy...it seems to come back...the first time it came back it was itchy..so i went to see the doc and get insert (Gynae say its safe). Then after a week, i realise that i still get it again >.< then i put the insert again. Then this week (lapse maybe 2 weeks) i realise got whitish/ yellowish discharge but no longer itchy le....

Not sure whether is it yeast or is it normal...but now i just to drink yakult...can't be putting insert all the time...

my hubby also now scare of "doing" it...cos he will kena and get itchy...

Joelle: During #1 i used clairns stretch mark cream but became lazy to apply after some time. Fortunately no marks after delivery.

Ellen: Ya, sometimes ezcema itch is so bad i couldnt sleep. I had yeast infection. Told Gynae abt the itch &amp; smelly yellow discharge then he checked. Didn't do any tests. Researched online n found out it's due to hormonal changes.
