(2013/08) August 2013

Hi mummies,

I just did my first ultrasound today and it's confirmed that my no3 is healthy at 11 weeks. My due date is 7 aug or 8 aug.

Quite thrilled as my last pregnancy was not successful. Anyway, I'm geared up for no3 now!
I have scheduled my Oscar scan next Friday plus the blood test. I know these two tests can only provide a probability and not a 100% yes or no, but I would like go for it for a peace of mind on the health of my baby.

As for food, my morning sickness has improved this week so I feel more like human again. I have serious craving for salmon sashimi so I ate it just now. For no1, I was very cautious with what I ate. For no2, I found out that as long as I don't overeat on a particular food, I would be fine.
The only thing I would stay away is yam which gave me very bad enzema during my no1 pregnancy. My hands and feet itched like h%ll!

Wishing all of us a smooth journey ahead!
hmmm... having more discharge is usually normal unless it has very bad smell or it starts to itch. let your gynae knows about the condition and if they dont find it a problem, i guess we dont have to worry.
wlilian: i got it too before before i was pregnant with my #1.. I thought it was yeast infection n it will go away.. but i think some days okay, some days very itchy.. then once my hubby kena and got 'red dots' on his there. So we stopped doing it and when i wanted to see doc, the itch stops. Then soon after i realised i preggy. Maybe thats the inital sympton bah cos more discharge and causes infection. Now i drink yakult everyday.
hmm.. my gynae asked me to drink more water n said yakult will help.. but when i drink yakult i will vomit.. LOL.. i also feel the itch during early days but the itch is gone.. its only the strong smell n super yellowish discharge that worries me.. i dont hv such problems during first pregnancy.. theres lots of discharge too but not itchy nor yellowish haha
Frog princess, I read that this is your no3 too. Are you a full time working mum? This pregnancy is my no3 too. I'm quite thrilled but maybe later on will be stressed because I work full time.

Hope to be find company with both new or experienced mummies like you in the road ahead.
AhCapp: great news!

Ellen: Yes, it helps but have to choose the lesser sugar one, vitergan & yogurt also...cos sugar cultivates yeast...
The one that help to prevent and reduce yeast is lactobacillus acidophilus and it can be found in the above stuff that i mention.

But my friend was also mentioning that the reason why we have yeast infection is because immune system drop...before my pregnacy, i took GNC supplement and it was gone completely....but after pregnant i had to stop cos GNC staff mention that the women supplement i take has herbs and they are not sure if its good for pregnancy...
usaGinoko, I start to get more forgetful as I have more kids. I think it's maybe we have more responsibilities besides work.

As to short tempered, we are pregnant, we can be excused for occasional blow up. ;)
diorly: when your hubby kena, will he go and see the doc? I have been trying to get my hubby to see the doc...but its like wanting his life...everytime i mention the doc and his thing...he will get angry with me...

they say that preggy you will get horny...and because of this yeast thing....sigh...and i think my hubby is scare of doing it with me again...cos i might have discharge its not itchy but when he does it...it get itchy and he feels i lie to him like that...
Really fustrated...
yeah wlilian.. maybe can clean up straight after tat..

ah im also getting more forgetful since my first child n will blow up with the smallest thing (only at my poor hubby).. lol..
usaginoko: oh… just by visual check the gynae can tell it's yeast infection is it?

AhCapp: hi there~ maybe your baby will be a national day baby LOL~

Rachyo: i dun feel itchy… but the discharge is just a lot and there is some smell too~ but the smell is greatly reduce if i change panty liners more often…

wlilian: my hubby bans me from drinking yakult cos yakult is very high in sugar level (he is worried that i may kenna diabetics during pregnancy). the less sugar one is the more expensive one is it? anyway i have been eating yoghurt… hmmm.

On supplement… anyone getting those supplement/multivitamins etc for pregnancy?
Joelle: After the first yeast infection..he does that...totally run to the bathroom to clean it...so insulting...T.T

But then again i rather he do that...cos if he kena then we both get fustrated again...

But not only that...cos if he has it and his is not itchy..and let say i go and see the doc to get insert and cure it...most likely he will pass it back to me...

But the thing is...my Gynae actually says that everybody has yeast...just that I have alot....

By the way, have you guys done papsmear before? It is good to do it...cos before i was preggy i did it (due to yeast)...and apparently i had strep B
which is bad for baby when i go into labor...i need to eat antibotics to stop it from being active if not my baby will get affected...
Ellen: Yogurt will do fine i guess...but try to get less sugar...but then again its hard for preggy women...cos we like sweet stuff...for me...nowadays i will crave for soft drink and i will drink maybe 1 can a day... that can also cause yeast infection...

On supplements my gynea is giving me already...so not buying anywhere from outside...i am taking Ganilia & DHAxra...hoping to keep my fingers cross and get my immune system up to reduce my yeast...

Rachyo: For me its not more short temper or forgetful...but i get upset easily and want to cry =.="" Emo..
Ahcapp: I was gd tempered during #1 preg, but this round I'm like a walking time bomb, any time will explode. My poor #1 gets scolded often coz it's just 2 of us whole day.

Wlilian: I ate yogurt but it didn't really work for me. My Gynae advised me not to use panty liner. Told me wear cotton undies n change often. My sis who has recurring yeast infection soaks her undies in boiling water with dettol to kill germs. When I went out I wore disposables so tat I can change whenever discharge heavy b4 it itches.

During preg I'm not horny leh. In fact I totally no mood. Hb also dun wana do coz he feels weird to do when there's a bb inside me.

Dun worry abt strep B. Gynae will test during tri 3. If have, just put on antibiotics drip during labour. I had it for #1.

Ellen: I bgt GNC prenatal multivitamin but stopped taking after a week due to MS. The smell of the pills made me nauseous.
I also have this itchy thingy. sometimes will scratch till it bleed. gynae says this happen when our immune system drops. haiz. does drinking yakult or vitagen helps?? I went to my gynae and she gave me some medication to apply for the itch. My hubby will kanna the itch and he will ask me to apply the medication for him. He claim it will relieve the itch. how to make it go away for good?
wlilian: my gf aso v emo recently (she's in her 4wks pregnancy) she would think of lots of things n cry.. maybe its d insecurity of losing her job (same situation as mine) so she cries easily.. i think its due to our pregnancy..
wlilian: i was on antibiotic for a week before deivery because of yeast infection. Was on drip as well on the morning that i was admitted to the hospital for the infection too.
I think papsmear should be done once every year after your are sexually active.
Usaginoko: I think must be the hormones acting on us. I was quite bad (at hubby) when I was preg with no2. Haha :p I think it must tiredness, hormones, stress all at once which makes us short tempered. Don't put too much pressure in yourself and take things slow ok.
if can let your hubby take over while u go for a time-out.
Ellen: so far my no1 & no2, quite accurate.
I think it's because my gynae will always see me on my due date (if I have not go into labour yet). She will do a check, and does a little stretch at the bottom for me to get things moving. Haha and true enough, I will go into labour within hours after that. ;)

Hubby was telling me to aim for aug 8, I was like hello, this is beyond my control leh. ;)
Supplements: my gynae put me on supplements today. I think it's a mixture of folic n something else. As you can see, I'm a lazy mum. ;) I'll take whatever my gynae asked me to take and that's about it. Maybe I'll start to kick off the pregnant mummies milk powder (when I get the free samples) after I get over this morning sickness phase.
I asked my hubby he say recently he got the red spots from me again. But I not itchy lei.. he say maybe cos in the morning I never wash n do.. got yeast or what. Maybe pregnancy got more yeast.. but he say ok after a few days.

I don't know if true, I read that horny during pregnancy means boy cos men are more horny..hahaha.

I only ate folic acid that's all. The prenatal vitamins I wanna vomit too.. I tried to swallow and choked on it and I stopped. The smell is terrible. I bought prenatal vitamins from iherb but haven't eat at all cos don't feel like can stomach it..
Hi mummies/mummies2be,

Been sometime since I chat here, actually I come in later so didn't chat with most of u,

I lost my baby at 6 weeks plus.

Wish all mummies have a smooth pregnancy & delivery ahead.

Congrats to those who have passed the first trimester.
re: dry skin and itchiness
i had a very bad case of dry skin during 2nd pregnancy..it was so bad i couldnt sleep cos it got so itchy. i was then too big to even scratch and i scratched until it was scarred, the doc had to come midnite to prescribe me cream, and the nurse help me apply it.. The cream is Urea, very cheap, can get from pharmacy, it really relieved the itch. Actually now, i am starting to feel the slight itch already, very ks already start slabbing on cream everywhere.

nowadays by evening, i am so tired i have no more energy for my boy.. sometimes short fuse just shout at him too.. sigh.. poor boy!! i dun even have mood or energy to buy maternity wear.. see the shop just walk past and go home.. sigh!!!
Bbreeze, I thought urea cream shouldn't be used during pregnancy, unless no other alternatives n absolutely necessary...

Anyway I am so bothered by the pimples that's popping up everywhere on my face! Side of face, around jawline, forehead, nose, chin... Yucks! I feel like a teenager troubled by pimples again! Anyone has any solutions???
Hello Mummies!

Ahcapp, usha_rk and poky, seems like our edd is ard the same date!

So far I have no morning sickness just that my appetite is not as good as before.

Actually I have been resting at home since 6th week because I was spotting. But I feel very assured because each time a scan is done gynae always say bb's heartbeat is very strong. So I just tell myself bb is strong so I just have to be good and rest in bed.

Hopefully I can return to work soon, very bored at home....!

Amanda, my skin also turned more oily than before and more prone to pimples. So I know how u feel........
Amanda, when I was preg with no1, I have a lot of pimples on my back. I know it must be due to the hormones. This time round, I have occasional pimples on my face and neck. I'm sorry but I cannot think of any solution for our pimples too.
Morning ladies..

Chirpy: yours will scratch till bleed...that is serious wor...but its is due to pregancy or you have it before preggy?

Joelle: one week before labour you are under antibotics? Does it mean that your yeast is very jia lat? not sure leh...should we inform our gynae that we still have a bit of yeast before our labour so that they can decide the next course of action during labor?

diorly: hmm..yah i also see red spots at my hubby there..but he very senstive..dont let me touch
he say after a few days will okay..but i think he is really scare...>.<

Softpillow: sorry to hear that
dont be discourage...try again! We hope to hear good news from you again..

Amanda: I heard that cannot anyhow apply any acne cream....it seems that it will go away by itself once baby comes out...have you try to speak to your gynae about it?

Rachyo: heard that after 1st trim...emo will get better...crossing my fingers...but then again they say 3rd trim it will be back...

By the way...any of you experience more gas coming out O.O and cramping...yesterday seems that during the evening time around 4 plus my cramping start till 10 plus...today feel much better....

Tummy getting more and more obvious...>.<
my vomitin had decrease alot as compared to previously.

but i worried though... cos if stil sufferin, means bb growin well with the hormones stil on the rise... now also duno... only occassion feel of the big big sommersault then i can somewhat feel bb movin makes me relieve.

these few days lone parentin with 4.5yrs n 22mth bb. so tired... flared up at them whenever they did some slight mistake. but for the older one is more for disciplinary... the younger one to prepare her that her mummy wont b able to pat her or carry her for any longer... feel guilty towards my younger one.... only 22mths. n her mummy need her to b independent... sigh.....
Lol, i was also going to ask the same question...i tot our baby is still small to feel any movement?

Poky: how many weeks are you now?
actually with each pregnancy. able to feel it earlier. #1 was quite late in 2nd tri til i was confident it was bb movement. #2, was early 2nd tri. tis round is really v v subtle. that y, it v v occassionally that i can feel it.. but only from end of last wk that i suddenly feel it when i was lying on bed. but i think for 1st timer. most likely will think it gas or stomach indigestion? =p
i in end of 11th wk le. the movement is really subtle, not the type u will feel durin the end of pregnancy. u can feel the bb movin limbs. but for tis early, unless bb movin v big sommersault... else, hard to detect, even for experience mommy. u will get to know the difference earlier with each pregnancy de! tis the only thing i missed abt it... the feel of bb movin inside, it such a miracle n warmth feelin.. =)
wow.. tat's nice... Looking forward to feel my lil miracle too..

my ms seem to decrease greatly too.. but i am only barely 8 weeks.. occasional nausea makes me feel at ease.. haha..
wow...so excited....i'm also in my 11 weeks...but because this is my first..i dont think i would be able to recongize...sometimes tummy feels bubbly or vibration...but it could be the gas T.T

i can't wait for the day i can feel my baby and quickly ask my hubby to touch my tummy....

*I hope he cries* whahahhaha
seldom 3rd party can feel the bb moving.. if yes, bb must b very very active..

my #1, at most my hubby can feel the sharp elbow at the corner of the tummy.. cant feel the move.. bb can only recognise ur touch.. that's y they are so close to mummies most of the time.
ya lor... both my kids dun like hubby to touch them... v active. once daddy place hand on stomach, zero movement!! only occassionally hubby get to feel.. even in last tri... hahah now both gals r stil v mummy babies... lol
Reading all about the baby movement makes me so excited. Since this is my 1st baby, i don know how it feels like and i cannot wait to feel my beanie movign around. I don know if my hubby will cry but im sure going to.. hahahh..

I just feel so tired and sleepy today. i wish i had taken mc and just slept at home.. i can barely keep my eyes open now..
poky: really...i tot they say girls are much more closer to their dads ...

Joyful: sharp elbow? wont it be uncomfortable for you?

I hope so...i have been talking to him on and off...hopefully can he hear me and feel me sayang him..
very uncomfortable... u just need to softly rub on that pointed part n the bb will shift in liao..

this is most likely in 3rd tri when the tummy is really super compact liao lah...

last sun i was at KKH, saw a mummy going for induce in the afternoon.. she was clenching her fist and scolding vulgarities when the bb kip moving inside her tummy.. can tell she is really in discomfort.. felt like going over to rub her tummy for her.. haha
the prenatal vit u ordered from iherb is it under childlife? good or not ah?? i stil thinkin to order thru iherb or take those from gynea. but gynea ones super ex.... =(

ya lor... that y the phrase of daddy's gal rite?? but no leh.. both gals super sticky to me since birth.... the only time #1 was not sticky to me was i was preggy when she was less than 18mths. but after i mc, the gal stick back to me again. so far for tis pregnancy, both stick to me even more. but tat make me even more buay tahan.... how to cook n pack their stuffs?? after work alrdy tired.. stil got kiddos at ur legs cryin for u to carry when busy doin husework n daily stuffs?? older one stil can nego la... wait for mummy to finish then come n sit with her. but #2 juz follow me wherever i go. someimes i scold her till she cry liao, then only then she find daddy for comfort.. even when doin big business in toilet, also at least 1 audience at the opened door playin her toy til i done... sigh...
poky: Woah...your girls really very sticky to you...but i guess its good...then what about their daddy? Is their daddy okay with it? Or the dad don't make effort to try to be close the girls?

have you told the 2 girls about the bb?

my son 3.5yrs old quite cooperative when he is alone w me.. i told him i cant carry him anymore.. n ask him to b extra careful at my tummy area.. he will ask to kiss and listen to my tummy every nite b4 he sleep..
Joyful: wah that is so sweet...did you ask your son if he hears anything moving in your tummy? This time round u feel its a girl or boy?
these two nights, i will also "talk" to my baby, say must grow healthily, etc. my hub say i crazy cuz the organs not developed yet. LOL~ but i very happy "talking" to my baby leh
can't wait to feel it move!!

have u gals started to apply anti-stretch marks cream??

I started the itchness ard end nov which is abt 4 weeks preggy?? subsequently is on n off ..

ehh i have a silly qn .. i m in my week 11 .. n i m feeling way much better as compare to the previous few week .. appetite seems to return n not as tired as before .. everything seems so normal again ... hmmm is there something wrong or my baby is not growing???

haha, he mistaken the tummy sound as bb.. kept his excitement going..

my son has been saying is a meimei though i have a strong feeling is a boy..

i dreamt that i gav birth to a boy b4 i conceived. but i didnt hav a name for him... (since my #1, i had a boy n gal name ready) so we decided a boy name after the dream, immediately that cycle i conceived.. tat's y i strongly feel is a boy.. though all the symptoms all different from my #1.

no ms, not even nausea
acne outbreak on chest, back, arms, neck since wk 8 till i delivered.. after 1mth confinement it miracly disappeared.
i felt itch n pricky when there is a sudden change in temp..

this one nausea since wk4.. feel cold extremely..
skin considered not too bad tis round.. shall see what is the verdict by 4th mth.. i am anxious..
