(2013/06) June 2013

May i know where can i get cheap and good nursing bra ? shop online via Qoo10 market only buy 2 pcs abt 15+/pc with nice simple design.
hi Tricia, you can buy from http://www.mummysecret.com.sg/dispcat.asp?pcat=177

i bought the basic nursing bra and it is very comfy. if u stay in the north and would prefer to try before buying, u can go to their showroom

btw, how many nursing bras should we be getting? i've already got 5 so far, 3 opens from the top and 2 opens from the side...wonder if i need to get more or am I too KS..hehe
Hi Chewie

I add on another carter order also. Transfered based on 25% off as well.
Pls confirm when payment receive. thanks.
Thanks all!

Kome - I was 26 wks when admitted n had to be given 2 steriod jabs for baby lungs in case. Im now 27.5 wks n tmr going back for review. Hope things have not gotten worse

Tricia - im on meds coz if not the contractions wont stop n ill keep funnelling/ dilating. Only gd sideis my cervical length still normal length (4cm) as of 26wks..hope no change to tt..my hl is extended at each review..I can walk n stand but minimal coz I feel pelvic pressure if too long n meds side effects can b bad..ao got gd n bad days...
Is it too early to get nursing bras? Will our sizes change further as we approach our EDD? I understand that after baby's born, and milk comes in breast sizes will change.
26 weeks is really still early. Must really have more rest and minimize any long distance walking.

Feel my whole body pain. When i stand up after siting for about 20 to 30 mins, my back and front lower part of my tummy feels so pain.

When i sleep side way, i feel uncomfortable yet i cannot sleep on my back which i feel slightly better. Every night cannot sleep very well.

Anyone has the same problem as me?
Kome, me too. I prefer sleeping on my back than my side. But I heard that it is better to sleep on my left so I force myself to. But the truth is, I will always wake up in the middle of the night lying on my back again.

Do you use a body pillow? I sleep better with that
Hi Qayn and Kome,

Me too. My gynae asked me to sleep on my left and i always wake up lying on my back again.

I bought the Theraline pillow, not bad but abit costly. I was also told by my gynae to place a small pillow under my tummy and sleep on my left. Perhaps you can try
Morning mummies!

Yesterday night, my dear husband commented that I put on 'a little' bit of weight. This morning, commented that I snored last night. *fumes*

Last lap of our pregnancy and he makes me feel like a whale...
morning mummies!

Qayn: oh dear...maybe u shld talk to him abt being a little more sensitive? pregnancy is not an easy feat and hubbies shld be more understanding..

mabelths, I think he thought he was being sensitive already because he was smiling and saying it.... really *roll eyes*...

hapieger, I felt like the PSI level is really high today because I had a bit of difficulty breathing but NEA website says otherwise.
I read that it's better to sleep on the left. But the thing is, sometimes at night, I'll just automatically flip to my right instead. Is it ok to sleep on the right? Kept wanting to ask my gynae but keeps forgetting. Pregnancy brain.... Sigh.
My gynae said either to the left or to the right. He didnt say that on the left is better though i read it online it was so.
Qayn: ah ok...i guess then u have to take it in a positive light that he is concerned abt u then
sometimes i have to 'complain' to my hubby abt swollen legs and all..coz he's so busy at work he doesnt even notice changes in me, like how i am really tired/my feet are swollen etc..just during ytd's scan he commented 'u've gotten much bigger!'

hapieger: do try to increase water intake and eat lotsa fruits! i've been taking ALOT of fruits recently (esp strawberries & kiwi) and i think it helps
my gynae said it was good too, just avoid sweet fruits like grapes

lilac/PL: sleeping on either side is fine, i've asked before. sleeping on the back will put strain on the spine due to weight, but if u sleep best that way, can also place a pillow at the back spine curvature to reduce the impact. what is most impt is that we feel fresher after waking up from a sleep
I try to sleep at the sides also but either I end up sleeping on my back or I cannot really sleep well. Laying on my back can feel some pressing down but i feel more relieve at my back.

Now i request to work for half day only than going home to have more rest. Don't wish to be my #1 got blood pressure and have to go for emergency c-sect.

Mommies having a baby girl,
I still don't really feel vigorous kick by bb and most of the days I don't even feel her kick. Is it normal? Kinda worry
i cant sleep well too.. maybe cos there's #1 and i need to check on her in the middle of the night.. just cant seems to relax myself.. feel very tense up recently..

kome, im having a bb gal too.. same as u.. the lil one inside me seldom kicks/move ard.. quite peaceful.. so dont worry too much.. (=
Liliac don't worry, went for my prenatal classes. The speaker says its better for blood circulation if we sleep on the left. But of we wake up on the right it does not matter. Just flip back to left and go to sleep again.
Thanks. Coz my 2 boys really kick vigorous daily and everytime can see their punch moving around my tummy so thought that this should be normal.
Anyone went to Mrs Wong Boh Boi's class last night? She mentioned how we sometimes roll onto our backs when we're sound asleep.. She says it'll help if we raise our pillow (or double pillow for height) so that the weight of the belly doesn't press on the diaphragm, which also causes snoring. Sleeping on left side is best.
Kome: i think shld be ok, i'm having a bb girl too and certain days her movements are very mild. I checked with my gynae ytd and she said from 30wks onwards, we shld minimally feel our babies move 10x a day. But these movements can be very mild so sometimes if we are too focused on work we may miss them. She told me unless i dont feel anything or the movements suddenly decrease then have to call up asap. So i dont think we need to worry too much. Even a small nudge is considered 1 movement..hehe..10 a day shld be quite easy to reach.

hapieger: i think shld be ok, maybe u can ask your gynae next time u go? i seldom take these 2 fruits so didnt ask her...she said as long as not super sweet fruits (which in particular she mentioned grapes), shld be ok
I can't sleep on my back if sleep Liao will be dizzy.
Regarding the movements, I had started to start counting movements from week 28. 10 movements in the morning and night withnin an hr. Check if the intervals too long from the norm. 10 movements should not be more than 2 hrs.
Hi estarfran! Where were you sitting? We arrived quite early so got a nice corner at the back. Yah very crowded indeed. Feel the class quite useful, learned some interesting stuff. We came back and did more arm massage haha
birdbird, we reached around 7. i sat outside the toilet. lol..

ya, happy that some of our current practices are in line with what was taught yest. i like the stretching exercises but now can't remember much liao. last night tried the technique taught to get up from sitting on the floor, v good! easier to get up! :D
Ooh, were you wearing white too? I was and we were sitting at the corner were they later stack the mats.

Yah this morning I got out of bed with the technique much better. It's true what she described, I used to wave my arms and shout for my hubby to pull me up! Haha

I read that squatting is no good as it softens the cervix or something... Problem is I squat a lot, instead of bending down. Sometimes while brushing my pets I squat also... Must change the habit.
bird bird: I was there too! Were you sitting next to me (in white)? I was just sitting at the corner where they stack the mats! If it's you, you very flexible leh!! I can't do half of the exercises!
Dont worry there is a vast difference with #1 and #2. I have 2 girls and #1 was very active moving a lot and vigourously. Can see the tummy movement very big but it seems that #2 is more mild and gentle.

As long as there is like 10 movements be it small or big should be fine.
mabelths & Vivi
Thanks. Never really count the number of times baby kicking coz i felt mild kicking normally in the middle of the night when i cannot sleep.
Fefe! Yes I was wearing a white tank top. Were you in a grey cardigan on my left? Or we're you sitting next to my husband who's in blue polo t? Heehee so qiao! Am looking forward to the next class
As long as you find the baby is kicking and not out of sudden quiet should be no cause of alarm...

On some days like today my baby also not very active but on some days she seems to be more active !
<font color="119911">Hi all, the bottles and PP flanges have arrived! But no one was home yesterday so I have to pick up from post office on Sat. I have messaged all who ordered via the site to arrange. If you have not received an email from me, pls PM/ email me.</font>

I also don't count movements. My gynae never asked me to. One of my gf did it last time and she got so paranoid &amp; cried when she didn't feel anything for a while. She went to her gynae and got scolded by him cos he said sometimes the baby is kicking some part that you can't feel. Showed her on the ultrasound the baby was kicking but she can't feel. And proceeded to give her a big bill for the visit. But her gynae is very extreme one lah.
Mummies, for those who are having 2nd child, how long did u all wait before u travelled overseas when u just had ur first child?

My anniversary is coming up in Sep and the husband seems quite keen to travel overseas, but without baby. By then the baby is 3 mths old, not sure if I will even bear to leave him behind... On the other hand I don't want to make him feel it's all baby and no him anymore...

Qayn - not quite the same situation but we moved overseas when my eldest was 6 months old. And of course kept travelling ard. Then when my #2 born we resumed travelling when she's 6 weeks.

I think you can go ahead and plan your holiday, but as for whether to bring baby along can decide nearer the date after he/she is born because your feelings and ideas will likely have changed by then. An extra baby on a flight or hotel room doesn't cost more money anyway.

Other considerations for bringing baby when you travel would be whether you're breastfeeding. If yes, then its easier all round to have him/her with you if latching. and if bb doesn't go with you you'll need to pump and find some way to bring breastmilk back. Need to arrange for dry ice etc, quite troublesome.

There are ppl who choose to pump and throw away. Hth!

That said, I have never travelled without my kids.. Can't imagine it
