(2013/06) June 2013

happy gal EDD is just estimated date mah... so sometimes change a little when Dr check the size of the BB. My first visit Dr told me sac a bit small so might be 5th june but in my 9 week visit he say actually match my LMP - become EDD 1st june. But usually difference is like a few days?

rosecellez, same!!!! hahaha...no wonder..can bring thumbdrive ya?
and he will take many diff angles n shots n save it for u..
when is ur nxt appt?
Rosecellez & mummync, am Seeing dr Benjamin tham too! So can just pass him thumb drive and he will save the photo for you??
rosellecz, haha yes i also always forget..even for my #1 also ...lol..mine is 2 Nov 230pm

KL84, when is ur nxt appt? yups jus pass to the nurse and she will do it for you
Good morning all mummies..

went for checkup yesterday and gynae says that the size of sac n the fetus is like a little rice grain.. Still cant hear heartbeat yet cos only @ 5 weeks. Gave me a jab and hormone pills to support the pregnancy due to my mc history.

Hopefully can hear heartbeat in 2 weeks time..

Kayliz, take care n have a mini confinement to bu your body back... Went through this so i know how you feel.. Hope to hear good news from you soon.
Adelyn: I'm down with bad cough for the past 1week. Cough badly, at night wake up to cough also. In the end I went see GP coz I scare affect bb. They give me a med safe for pregnant to drink. But take ages to recover. Lucky yest scan Bb nothing wrong. GP say unless my cough is 70km/h impact if not Bb is safe -_-
Mummync, my appt will be nx tue 10.30am.

Chevelle, my tmc doc taught me say boil the chicken essence (using real chocken) to drink may help to increase the hcg. U can google online to see how to cook.
Morning. Now feel giddy also don't know why. Ytd MS is the worse of all. Feel so giddy and everything around me like so blur today.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shan991</TD><TD>01/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angel Ho</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erica Tan</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sf8</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KIS</TD><TD>04/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>nlimm</TD><TD>06/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummy_relle</TD><TD>08/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Estherlss</TD><TD>08/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zaraa</TD><TD>09/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kome</TD><TD>12/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>FL</TD><TD>13/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen Luo</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KL84</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>rosellecz</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>missy</TD><TD>15/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Windy</TD><TD>16/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xp</TD><TD>18/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummync</TD><TD>19/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chevelle</TD><TD>27/06/2013</td></tr></table>
Gd am mummies..just done wi my 1st gynae visit. Bb at 7week3days. Amazing to hear the heartbeat. At least put my heart at ease. Next visit is a mth later.. So long!
To do Oscar test n natal blood test.

Estheriss- yes.. M planning to stock bb cord blood. Got to discuss wi hubby n find out more details. Heard it quite ex? N there r 2 cord blood bank in sg?
rosellecz and kl84, jus realised both of u have same EDD too!! omg ahahh r u both natural or c-sect?

hahah i had a crazy dream last night that i was having multiples!!! omg!!! tink more like nightmare hahaha
Mummync, ya, benjamin will be very busy if we were to give both on the same day! Haha!
I am trying for natural if possible...
Also having nightmare almost every night... Is it normal???
Mummync, I think I'll go for natural. Unless unforeseeable circumstances then c-sect bah. Ur #1? And #2?

Talk about dreams, I have been having weird dreams lately too. Almost everyday with a dream since found out preggy.
estherlss : we are sharing the same EDD

kome ; you are not alone.. i am feeling giddy too and vomitting subsequently..
So many mummies seeing Dr Ben Tham... My first was delivered by him back when he was still at kkh. Then after he moved to TMC we went there 2-3x to see him but my hubby hated the lack of facilities at TMC.. I had a D&amp;C done at TMC under Dr Tham and super underwhelmed by the nurses and the wards... So alrhough we love Dr Tham for this no.3 we are back at kk private suite. Esp since my second girl is born with a genetic condition so we're afraid of complications this time.

But I think dr tham remembers me still as the mummy who moved to Switzerland
cos I called his clinic for an emergency appt and his nurse didn't want to slot me in until she told him that I'm his former patient who went overseas, and then he made time to see me. Even the nurse sounded very surprised when she called to say dr remembers me!
rosellecz, my #1 was emergency c-sect so will be going with c-sect for #2 as well..

absentmama, yeah dr tham is a really genuine n kind dr
jasmine: Ya, it seems to take forever to recover even after finishing the whole bottle of Prospan (the safe cough mixture for preggers). Haa, 70km/h that means coughing non-stop

By the way, any mummies here without any pregnancy symptoms at all like no cramps, no morning sickness and appetite still very good??

I wonder if this also differs according to gender of baby haa. I went to google and ask around, it seems like having boy not so XIN KU and having girls, will vomit alot and morning sickness quite bad. Mummies with #1 or #2, is that true??
When I was having my #1, my appetite still very good and MS only lasted 2-3 weeks and its very mild. No other symptoms except quite bad cramping til 12 weeks, exactly when 1st trimester ends.
KL84, thanks for the info.. will goggle to see how to cook it.

Kome, thanks for updating the table. Woah... theres so many ppl with due date on 14th June...

I m feeling hungry now... counting down to lunch time... :p
I will be going for c-sect also, most probably will be early June. #1 &amp; #2 were by c-sect so this time round just chose c-sect.

My #1 and #2 are boys, that time really no MS and appetite still quite ok. Really enjoy my pregnancy during that time. Only spotting for my #2
I already start munching biscuits lor.

Do up the table for easy reference to see whose edd is near to each other.
adelyn, not sure abt the gender bit..but when i was preggers with my boy..i was jus abit queasy maybe in the evenings..but can still eat..n never puke..well if my current one..i also never puke..but the quesiness is really bad these few days..it will last through the day frm the time i wake till go to bed..n im hungry but i really cant imagine eating anything..feel so sian tt i jus wanna space out n not work..coz battling the queasiness is arghh..my hubby tinks we are having a girl..haha so maybe there might be some truths to it?
mummync, yup is my #1 so abit gan cheong.. hee

chevelle, my tmc doc also say it will be good to remove the chicken skins, fats, head, neck, backside and wings cos this area usually got injection.. try cook, is quite yummy actually.. haha
Kome, I have already finish munching my biscuits yesterday. Must replenish new stocks today.

KL84, I will try this weekend.. Hopefully it will taste nice.

FL, Please take care and hope to hear good news from you.

Am feeling so sleepy now... Had roti prata for lunch and feeling kind of indigestion.. Craving for a can of cold coke.. but can't
I am eating all the unhealthy food only.

Have a bowl of 1 ramen about 1hr ago and now hungry again.

Do update us and take care
Hi mummies
Baby is good still growing and able to hear heartbeat. But its not stable as there is thin layer of blood surrounding the sac. It could be slightly being tear apart from uterus. I just got the hormone jab and duphaston to prevent from bleeding. One wk MC to have lots of bed rest.

Though im worried but at least my baby has grown 0.3cm in 3 days, and gosh, my weight has also gone up 1kg.

Im glad that my baby is trying his/her best to stay with me. Now its my turn to get enough rest to stay with my baby.
Same here, was just complaining of indigestion by munching on cashews n macadiama nuts now.. :p

Please lie down n have lots of bed rest.. It takes 2 hands to clap.. So you and baby must work hard together k..
Hi mummies
Thanks for the advise and encouragement. Am already at my bed for resting now. Thank god u gals are my moral support. I wont feel bored even though i need to be on bed almost 24hrs
jia you, all the mother-to-be!
FL: have a gd rest.. Jiayou!

I envy ur that still got appetite for tidbits.. I used to like to munch all these nw I only can stick w plain stuffs.. Last weekend I can't help to take a piece of crab part ( the gong) Lolx.. Jus awake fr nap.. Dunno wat to eat for dinner..
FL: Jia you!

Kome: mi too.. Today is a hungry day. Went to a seminar and keep having small bites during breaks.. Now seminar finish buy a mos burger to eat...

ya me too.. tugging feeling, just went for US from another gynae (2nd opinion) cos got some worries... but the gynae assured me its ok... I guess its because the gynae use too much force???

I actually felt increased pulling pain, plus sudden shoulder tip pain and diarrhea then these are symptons of ectopic preg... so i went to gynae lor... then he took a scan and confirm its inthe right place....
Yes. We share the same date

Take care and have a good rest

My #1 cord blood buy from cordlife and get the 10yrs package $4150. Thinking no. 2 should I go for stemcord.
Hi Mummies, feeling my MS seems to be slightly better today. Hope it's a sign that it will be going off soon! Cant wait to have good appetite and eat a lotzzzz!
