(2013/06) June 2013

kayliz, hows ur check up this morning? watever the result..pls update us..so that we can be here for u...be strong ok...everything will be fine..

i've been feeling queasy the past 2 days..cldnt stomache my big vitamins after the gagging incident on fri so guess ill hafta go get those kids gummy pills tt my gynae asked me to take in my first pregnancy...super jialat..n i got impt meetings today...hope i make it thru....

Windy: i do have puking as well every meal i took but nothing comes out, and my tummy gets the wind very easily. I've increased 1kg within 3 weeks. :I

When is the end of 1st trimester?
Hopes everything is fine for you

Welcome Esther

My weight increase by 1.5kg, but my mom said i am thinner all the weight goes to water bag. Starting of 13 weeks is the end of 1st trimester.
Hi mummies,

sianz.. down with flu... and quite serious... now my whole nose is red ... and whole night cannot sleep... and no appetite.... any ways to alleviate the flu symptoms?
oh dear.....must be feeling terrible. Got MS already jialat and now down with flu. Have you seem gynae to get medicine?
Tomolo going to see gynae... and to add on... eat everything feel like vomitting..
I am hungry but no appetite at all.
so sick and tired to eat now......but if don't eat will feel like puking
Kome: i envy you cos basically you didnt gain weight at your own body. I tried my 3/4 pants and i feel my thigh there starts getting tight.

Anyway, has anyone of you tried Manuka Honey before?
I jus eat bread also puke. But those kind of acidic bubbles..
Nw also keep sneezing.. v Sianz.. Nw preparing to go kkh for the review..
ya..ive been feeling queasy all morning n also tummyache..dunno issit eat wrong thing over the wkend..got a long impt presentation n meeting soon..dunno how to tahan..had something soupy for lunch but still feel like crap...
take care girls.. i am overcoming my MS now.. trying my best.. so far, eating small frequest meals helps.. i only have half of whatever i eat and snack in between.. so far it works for me.. but i stay away from strong smelling food, cause it really irritates my tummy...

now i am addicted to ice cold soft drinks!!! i drink up to 3 cans a day and i am finding it hard to kick the habit.. argh..

just had lunch, half a plate of spaghetti and bought some bread sticks for snack from Swiss Bake..

while dealing with all these bad MS last week, my girl was badly neglected. =( seeing her so lonely really makes my heart ache..

lets jia you together!! we will make it past the 1st tri soon..
mummy_relle: Gonna take care your usage for soft drinks o.. if take too many will lead to diabetic..

I have a friend who has dignosed diabetic during pregnancy and after 8 months since her delivery, her suger level is unable to drop back to normal level.
My back also ache. cannot sit long on chair. Aaaa.......hope i do not need to work and just lay down on the bed.

My #1 is the happiest in the family. Coz basically i am too tired to teach him his spelling and coach him his HW. He has been playing practically over the long weekend lor.
Hiyoooo everyone.

Kome/ mummy relle/Mummymc :
Din see u all online last wkend, long wkend holiday?

Try tell urself that ms means our body has enough progesterone for our babies. If no ms, I will think this n that. This am sama vomit big time. Just had my Muslim lunch ( curry mutton, spicy fish n veggie) hope these can be in my stomach long enough, whole wkend I can't eat much only crave for spicy stuffs but not sure if too much spicy stuffs r ok?

Mummy relle:
Know how u feel, I neglecting my #1 also. Trying to make time for him whenever I'm not naeseous.

Try go clear bOwel n see if better?

Sama ! Mine the pain at tailbone is back yest!!! Ahh but today gone hope pls don't come back.

Happy gal/ Bearbaby:
I'm down w flu last wed to sat too. Try take more vit c. I take my daily vit c tablet in am n drink orange juice in afternoon coz I don't wan take any med

Hope u r better now. With Gynae aldy?

I gained wt too very weird appetite bad but still gain weight

Gynae appt interval :
Hey generally urs how many wks interval for ur Gynae appt ? Mine been arrange at 2wks intervals I'm thinking if to prolong it. Each visit a scan plus a few mins chat cost $140 b4 add any med $.

Any of ur Gynae told u abt this aldy ?

Consultation package:
Anyone of u got this aldy? Mine the nurse told me only start fr wk 16 then can use package
My Angel is back
I can only online during work. At home very difficult.

Gynae appt interval :
Normally at 1st trimester, will be every 2 weeks. But since i know that only after week 7 than can hear heartbeat, i drag till wk 10 than see my gynae. Also because of the price.....hehe

Consultation package:
My package also only starts at wk 16 and my gynae is bad lor. Once package started he don't give me any scan photo.
FL : yeah.. i fear that also.. but the craving is so strong.. shall make it a point to control myself.. maybe coke light will help.. lolz~

kome : my #1 suffers actually.. cause i have no time to bring her out to the playground, library, macdonalds etc.. she is cooped up at home with me all the time..

myangelisback : was down with really bad MS since last week and slept most of the time.. din step out of my house.. but i am trying to overcome and am feeling better.. packed lotsa snacks for work today.. as though am going for a picnic.. lolz..
Hi Mummies,

Nice to meet all of you...
I am new here, 28yr old, having my first bb..
edd on 14 jun 2013...
Hi mummies, i went gynae visit just now.. 9 weeks 2 days. BB 2.07cm and its amazing to hear the BB heartbeat. Can already make out BB hands and legs. Even my hubby who dont like kids say its cute to see...

My angel is back - My gynae also suggest oscar scan today, for me i dont really want to do cos im in low risk group (0.1% to 0.2% risk).. but hubby wants to know for sure. I dont like the anxiety of waiting for test results. So we are arguing. Still cannot decide for now. How about you?
Seems all mummies are having some probs with ms. Guess we'll all have to encourage one another to try and eat when we can, and rest well too. I guess there is nothing much to worry about vomiting, as I have friends who lost 5kg n another who lost 6kg during their first trimester but both managed to deliver healthy bouncy babies

myangelisback: Yea, my gynae already scheduled me for OSCAR in week 12. Im now approaching week9. He advised that although Im still young, he sends almost all his patients to NUH for OSCAR just to be sure.
mummyrelle, im also addicted to cold drinks now... but recently i switch to ribena and i dilute myself so not that sweet and usually can drink 1 whole water bottle by myself.
shan991: ME TOO! I've been drinking ribena everytime the nausea hits! Makes me feel a whole lot better.

Funny how Ribena used to be my hangover cure after a night out and now its become my ms cure
Welcome Karen..


Try to kick off e bad habits..too much caffeine

My angel is back

I signed my package on week 6 after seeing sac n hear hb..
I m going for Oscar..my hb n I felt Tt it is a need..if really got prob..we will terminate e pregnancy..my #1 was super low risk


Y ur gynae dun give pic? I kept all pic n result..done a scarp book for my #1..I even Do a photo book for his first bday..

I have not been bringing my #1 out for quite sometimes.. Puke until half died... I lost almost 3kg..if this continue,I guess I might lost 5kg at e end of first trimester..

I love cold drink as well..drink room temp water..all puke out..
KIS, I totally stop caffeine drink.. i am those coffee everyday b4 preggie..

Karen, Congratz & welcome! we had a very close EDD and this is my 1st too.

I am feeling so tired.. and every monday is such a busy day at work.. really no energy.
Karen: Congrats! Welcome to the e forum. My EDD is almost the same as urs! difference by 1 day. :D

Sienz.. I'm so tiring and sleepy right now.. so wish that my cube has a bed for me to sleep on it.
Hi FL,

me too very tired. feel very bloated all times also.. woke up 5am, vomit bubbles and water last night.... Shagz...
Haha.....i am thinking he wanna save the paper money. Did ask him for it before but he told me want the photo to show which part of BB? Think he means the BB will be too big to fit into that small paper.

Hello and Welcome Karen

We all have abt the same EDD. Mine is 12 June

haha, yeah, i check through hp app my edd is 12 jun. but the gynea est say is 14 jun. I took 14 jun becos is my BD too.. so finger crossed bb can zhun zhun come out tat day..
ica, yes ribena is a life saver. Ha!

KIS, can i ask you for your scrap book, you just paste the scans inside? Will the colour fade after a while?
I doing up the scrapebook for both my sons also but too bad, i got only abt 2 ultrasound scan photos for my collection only. Think this time round might only have 1 photo since i going for check up only at wk 10.
I just done a quick table for our EDD. Have quick search at the archive but now headache cannot look thru the archive already. I should have left out alot of your EDD. Let me know and i can add in so that we can have glance on our due dates.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angel Ho</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erica Tan</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen Luo</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KL84</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kome</TD><TD>12/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummync</TD><TD>19/06/2013</td></tr></table>
I just went check coz this morning got some brown discharge. Saw Bb heartbeat. Felt relieved coz the last time saw the sac only.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angel Ho</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erica Tan</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zaraa</TD><TD>09/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kome</TD><TD>12/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen Luo</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KL84</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Windy</TD><TD>16/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummync</TD><TD>19/06/2013</td></tr></table>
Having brown discharge without any cramps will be affecting the pregnancy? Coz i actually have brown discharge think abt 2 weeks ago and last abt few days. My discharge are dried one and just little bit.
I just added into the list.

Nick EDD
Angel Ho 03/06/2013
Erica Tan 03/06/2013
Kome 12/06/2013
FL 13/6/2013
Karen Luo 14/06/2013
KL84 14/06/2013
Windy 16/6/2013
mummync 19/06/2013
ok, FL.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angel Ho</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erica Tan</TD><TD>03/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zaraa</TD><TD>09/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kome</TD><TD>12/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>FL</TD><TD>13/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen Luo</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KL84</TD><TD>14/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Windy</TD><TD>16/06/2013 </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummync</TD><TD>19/06/2013</td></tr></table>
Kis 4jun 2013..


My first gynae just take a pic n give mi..I also dunno Where.. My pic r still in good color..no fade off..I write e comment made by gynae..put our weight on Tt page..I have many pic..I was in aus e first 4 Mth..dun have sac pic..e first pic is 12 week doing Oscar..
Hello Ladies,

Justed tested +ve last Monday. Based on LMP, EDD should be on 27 June. Am going to visit gynae tonight, hopefully everything goes well.. Am worried too cos mc in April this year.

And this time, I dont have much pregnancy symptons too.. no morning sickness and stuffs.. so am quite worried.
don worry too much. everything will be fine.
My ms only started in week 6 to 7. before that no symptoms at all.
Kome, your spotting only a few days and no more liao.. its most likely old blood left over shed off thats all.. so no need to worried.. so long it stop n nv get heavier..
KL84, thanks for your reassurance. Am hoping to hear something nice from the gynae later.. Am excited, worried and happy at the same time.

I don't rem my #1 then package starts so late. No scan photo? But have or no scan ? If have scan u request for the photo? Mine for #1 I have all the way till delivery.
Could you help me update: nlimm - 6th June


I will go for it for sure , I prefer to know things ahead n plan ahead

Welcome. Don't worry too much maybe u still early shd be wk4? My ms started wk5.
hi mummies..feeling v awful at wk nw.. feel like asking for permission to go off wk earlier.

tml is my 1st visit to gynae. finally! waited v long le. ha.

fl- same! i oso feel suan at my back. put pillow to support oso no use. btw..i got take manuka honey b4 preggy. stop once i found preggy..heard tat taking honey direct is no-no at 1st trimester? but wonder if mix in plain water to drink ok or not? nw to me, drinking plain water is a chaos.

hmmn..based on online..my edd shld b 15june2013. bt perhaps after tml gynae visit..may change again..
nevertheless..thank u kome for updating the edd.
