(2013/06) June 2013

My angel is back

I think i jus have to bear with it with the sashimi. kinda scared after having it now.

my next appt nov 10 seems like forever.

thks to all advises given. realise i was not alone in the case of insomnia. at least i dun feel too bad. bt really hope it's temp only. quite "xin ku" if at nite, can't slp well.

looking forward to my 1st appt wi the gynae next week though.. got alot qns to ask. ha.
My angel is back: yah.. Most of time I only puke saliva and water. I guess yesterday dinner food was abit heavy, so puke dinner.

Angel: I tried not to take sashimi too.. Hee

Missy: I hope 1st trimester will go off quickly n safely n hopefully no more morning sickness.

Yesterday went to spring maternity to get belly wrap n bra extension too.
I'm just done w my Gynae appt.
Glad to see & hear bb heartbeat & growing well at 1.72cm (8 wks 1 day +/-5days) but Gynae did tummy scan today not v scan.

Angel: my next appt 10nov too . But sat parking here at gleneagles is nightmare, asking Hb to try check of can slot during wkday.

Xp: try eat more meals n small portions. Whenever I eat alot I be bloated n super unconfortable

Stretchmark cream:
Gynae said can use on 1st trimester n shd start in 1st trimester if wan be stretch mark free
My angel is back

Hmm my appt is in the morning hopefully cp not full.. Nov 10 we will be bringing our 16m son to my visit also. Wonder how will he react n whether he understands wat bby is
went to see gynae just now. gs measured at 7w 1d with yolk sac via tummy scan but still no hb yet. but gynae didnt do v scan. going back next fri to see. if still dun have , might have to d n c
Hi all, i had visited my gynae today. My hb and i both are so excited cos we are able to hear bb heartbeat sound! Currently bb is in 7w1d or 2d with the size of 1.01cm with tummy scan.

I ate that vit for my #1.. I hate it..Tt y nvr eat for #2..always wanna puke after swallowing.. I also wonder how I manage to consume 2 big bottles..


Congrats..let down a big stone in ur heart :p


I Zz like nobody biz..always not enough Zz..these few days my boy ls..wake up at 650am..so tiring..


10w is a bit too fast to see gender unless e rocket is so visible..my boy 18mth.. No interest on e ultra scan..more interested in e game vending machine outside e clinic..


have confidence in Urself n bb..try talkin to ur bb..

I puke like nobody biz too..puke after every Meal..I m thinking how to survive thru e pregnancy..ms worsen than having my boy..I must puke until stomach empty else I feel v uncomfy..sometimes puke until gastric juice

Now drinking ribena..dun stomach water..kept puking lot of water..I have 2 ulcers..I suspect I m too heaty..can't eat kiang stuff now..my mum cook porridge for mi everyday..totally can't eat rice..
Wow seems like a lot of mummy went for gynae appt today! Mine is on monday.. cant wait to see how much BB grow...

Today have craving for instant noodles... I know its very bad but today no determination. Gave in and ate half a packet.
Cheryl. Is the sac in good size? if so maybe u O later and will detect the hb later?

Have hope.. still 1 week to go.. dun lose hope.
Sac did grow normally. There no way I o later ah cos I only bd Ard the positive Opk. But I can't help being worried.
Cheryl, Hugs.. i know how u feel.. feeling worried and yet cant do anything. Just can pray for the bb heartbeat to be hear next visit.

had your spotting stop?
Today 7w.. Hopefully coming mon I can hear the heartbeat of bb. V excited.. Today have to wake up earlier nw totally like flat batt.
This morning took bread also puke.. V Sianz.. These few days the vomiting urge getting v strong.. Same thing those bubbles or gastric juice .. Omg.. Feeling terrible

Xp: Hw much is the bra extension ?
16m might not understand but no harm bringing him along, need to get him ready for new sibling too

Jiayou Jiayou ur Gynae only do tummyscan maybe position not very accurate too? At least u not spotting le continue on ur utrogestan , hope to hear gd news fr you

hehe we differ by a wk

How abt fruits? I can't drink alot water too thus trying to eat more fruits. This morning puking is worst, can feel my tummy spinning effect all the way up my throat n out, feel really terrible.

Once a while ok ba me too crave for Maggie mee but I try not to only at night wee hrs my tummy really hungry then I take coz no food to eat haha

This site give a chart for CRL measurement:
Mummies.. I tested positive on 15th oct.. I saw nth in the scans and blood test showed my HCg level is 122. About 10 days later, which is today, I suddenly saw a bit of red bleeding. Usually it's brown but nw it's red. No cramps but I was worried so I went to KKH.. The scan didn't see anything, no sac. So they asked mi to do blood test but I declined since I'm seeing my gynae nxt week.

They gave me 3 possibilities: either I'm still too early, or it could be ectopic, or I hv miscarried today. They can't determine hw many weeks I am coz nth is seen in scan. I'm so worried..
Kayliz: I experience the same as u initially .. U shd do the blood test cos they need to repeat the blood test to determine ur situation fr the HCG level.
Keep ur mind positive..
My Angel is Back - i cannot determine my bb sac size cos doc nv tell me. I ask if its normal she say yes, i ask her ok, she say ok. So i dunno anything.

Kayliz- when is your next gynae appointment? is your mense normal 28 days? if u calculate yourself, how many weeks are u now?
Windy: my mense is 30-32 days. My LMP was 31 aug but when I suspected I was preg, I tested twice a week with preg kits and only saw a very faint positive on 15 oct. digital test kit showed "1-2 weeks pregnant". Until now nothing cld be seen. Will it be a chemical preg??

I didn't do the blood test coz my nxt appt is on thurs. I'm under tmc. But I didn't go tmc juz now coz the nurse said consultation will cost me $300+ so she told me I cld try to go KKH 1st and come back to my gynae for my nxt appt.
Kayliz have u try testing with a hpt to see if it show positive? The last time I have a chemical pregnancy I also can't see sac but I started spotting 3 days after tested positive. And when I try a test strip it no longer show positive. But my blood test hcg is low only 19 so I know more or less gone. Doc ask me do a second hcg I did not make it I shed everything out like normal mense but heavier
Agree with windy. I have chemical pregnancy at aug. my hpt keep faint n faint. But no spotting. One day I feel like I going to black out I go kkh, they scan nth which I shd be Ard 4week plus . I was admitted tat nite my hcg tat nite is 41.7. 2 day later it drop to 29 n the next day I started to cramp badly n spot. And eventually bleed n shed everything out.
Kayliz, maybe you are early since your cycle is long. Will your Gynae be able to see you earlier like on Monday? Usually they can make exceptions for emergencies.
Kayliz try another hpt w conception indicator...it shld increase to at least 2-3 wks by one..since u didn't take the blood test..u can do this to give yourself peace of mind till next wk
Thanks mummies.. I don't think I got the guts to do a hpt again. I will just wait for my nxt appt. I'll schedule it earlier. Most prob I will be asked to do another blood test . Then see how. At least I hv my gynae to advise me immediate if anything's wrong rather than worrying and crying alone if I do a hpt.. Sorry but I'm really coward!

ya maybe your cycle is long thats y will take longer time...u can try using the clearblue one....

btw mummies,

what is HPT?
Happy gal: the bra extension is $4.90 for 2 at spring maternity. I dun know is it ok priced or not, juz buy 2 to try.

Cheryl: stay positive!

Kayliz: have a good bed rest. Call ur gynae asap if still bleed. They may give u hormone pills to try to stablise. Stay positive!
Good morning!

Bb woke mi up at 5am and till now i cant sleep n keep being merlion .. Think should be the 2 seedful of durian i had yesterday ... =(
Kayliz-ya I think the best is to see your gynae let him or her advise u. So maybe 1st things is to call tml morning, they will able to slot u in just need to wait abit.

My body alarm clock seem to be fix at 7am. Just automatically I will wake up even if I sleep later last night. It's Sunday and I still can't sleep late.
Windy same here... Me also woke up at 730 today.... Sign. I miss those days where I can sleep in until late morning.
I got another round of bleeding today so I went to do a HPT.. It's dark positive still but I just feel that I am not gonna make it. Still trying to stay positive and prepare myself for the worst at the same time. Thanks for all ur advices..
Kayliz hang in there.... Since its still dark positive means there is still hope! Your gynae might be able to give you hormone jab to help stabilize the pregnancy. Just go see your gynae as soon as you can!
Shan991: trying not to lose hope but not optimistic as I'm cramping and bleeding like menses.. I just couldn't stop crying.
Kayliz: I suggest u go straight kkh the 24hrs A&e to get the doc to check instead of waiting for ur gynae appt.
Kayliz: yes gal. Although pay a few hundred dollars but at least we know we try our best to keep it.
I already went KKH A&E but they can't do anything coz they saw nothing on the scans and dunno is it too early or is it i miscarried and left nothing. They only saw a tiny dot and a thick uterine lining. So they wanted to do a blood test to determine how many weeks I'm in but I'm seeing my gynae tmr morn at tmc so dun think will do blood test at KKH.
Kayliz, how are u feeling? Any better?

Congratz Esther! welcome!

Really dun feel like coming back to work after a long holiday.. feeling so tiring.. Ytd night didnt sleep well, felt the pulling sensation and woke up at 2am to have milk cos i can hear my stomach making so much noise.
HI Kayliz - How's your checkup today?

Esther: Congrats!

KIS: Yea, was so relief and excited when we see the baby. Next checkup will be next 3 weeks from last Sat.

I was diarrhoea this morning.
I guess my empty stomach has too many wind causes the diarrhoea when i'm taking milk in the morning. Luckily it's just a mild diarrhoea.



Welcome to e forum


Is everything ok at ur end? Hope u r feeling better

I m so tired..my boy woke up 3 times in e night. He has diarrhea for e past few days..now on plain porridge n isomil which dun seems to make him v full..

Seeing gynae this wed..hope first trimester faster over..3 more weeks..
