(2013/06) June 2013

Congrats Adelyn!!

Kayliz, let us know how it goes!!

FL, 5w5d can see heartbeat already v good!!! most dont see until 7wks..so dont worry and take heart in that ok..

hubby told me this morn that he worries when i become more pregnant coz our boy insist tt i carry all the time..even at night when wake up in the middle of the night..know how to ask for me when hubby carry him...so he quite scared now n dont know how we gonna handle...hopefully as he gets abit older..he will be better...
Nothing was seen!! The bill came up to almost $300 coz I did ultrasound, vscan and blood test.. Then I have to return nxt week. My hubby already nagging la. Say why I nv listen to him. So upset and worried.
kayliz, blood test result when out? sigh..the first few appts before package is always ex..for my #1..i went every 2 wks..before i hit 12 wks..so i tink more ex than the package itself..but what to do..u 6 wks this wk?

normally by earliest 6.5 weeks can hear heartbeat..ur considered early n fast.. Mine was 0.41cm(6w1d)..next appt 31 Oct..


My gynae nvr ask mi to do blood test...my hb will nag if that's happens..cos I bring forward e appt..I just stick to e appt Tt my gynae gives..unless find something is not right..

Btw I read fr somewhere b4..after 12weeks,e risk of m/c reduce to 50%..after 5mth,m/c rate reduce to 25%..Tt is e reason I announce after 5th Mth..
Yup, last time I went gynae straight after I tested positive and end up see nothing in the v scan. Only did a urine test again and I paid 300 plus for gynae to congrats me.

Just called my gynae and made my first appointment on 2nd Nov
Hopefully can see something by then
anyone know if can take peppermmint ah..i went to buy sour plums n the nicer one was w peppermint..i bought..$10 100g!!! argh....then come back to office i realise tt pregnant like cannot take peppermint..hmmm hmmm...now dunno to eat or not!!!
Mummync: blood test result will be out tmr. He said although my LMP was 31 aug and supposed to be 6 weeks, I may be much earlier since I only tested positive 3 days ago.. So will see how lo.
Mummync is your boy very heavy? If not its actually ok to continue carrying him even during pregnancy. I was living overseas when pregnant with no.2, and that time my eldest was only about 1.5yrs old and we lived on the 3rd storey without lifts. So I still carried my older girl up and down the stairs everyday until I give birth lor. Luckily she only weighed around 10kg.
My gynae there also said if its a weight I'm already accustomed to then there's no problem carrying heavy stuff. So long as you don't have conditions like low placenta or incompetent cervix carrying your boy should be ok
kayliz, oh ok..maybe u ovulated alot later than u thot..anyway dont worry..1 wk pass v fast!! n u will get a gd test result!!!
jingwen, ahhhh ok!! yah my boy ard the same as ur girl..but he v squirmy..n like to kick out! at night coz must carry n bob him to slp..or bend over cot to pick him..so 'fight' with him..so if got big tummy then will b tougher i tink..but ya the weight is not tt bad..jus tt he plays rough..haha
Jingwen for me i get my hub to carry my son to the car park which is quitea distance then to sch..hes weighing 13kg.. I cant carry for tat long distance.. Now training him to walk more cos hes kinda lazy.. Zzz
Hi all,

I am new to this forum. Tested positive last week. Going for 1st gynae visit on 22 oct. Just had a natural early preg m/c in July so kind of anxious for this bb. But i try to take it easy as well. Went to see TCM to tiao my body after the m/c and after 1 cycle I conceive... Meanwhile, I stopped my TCM and continue with the duphaston coz my gynae told me to take them once I conceive again..Hopefully this bb will be sticky sticky... Took leave to rest at home today.
So many of your already went for 1st visit to gynae? I will only see gynae after 3 mths. Both hubby and my mom said don't need to go see gynae so fast, but actually i am abit worry if never see gynae to get assurance. Don't know what to do..........
Seem like alot here are 2nd time mummies.. I am 1st time mummy here.

I am going for my gynae appointment only next week whereby i am 6 wk 6 days.. i hope i see my bb heartbeat.
Kome, maybe ur hubby and you are more experienced.. for us, 1st time abit anxious and dont know wat to expect....

Windy, I hope to see bb heartbeat next week too coz i din get to that stage in previous one... *pray*
same as you have a mc in july so now also abit paranoid. Last mc, i tested positive at week 6 after 3 days bleeding. Starting from today i am in wk 6 so quite worry.
Sure you will be able to see the heartbeat tmr.

Find it a hard time to pass 1st trimester.
Windy and Kome, let's stay positive and hope to have a smooth sailing 9 months.. my LMP is on 23 August.. though 8 weeks but should be only 5-6 weeks coz my cycle is 44 days type... =)
I haven told our family and boss yet... coz the other time told them too early...

Kome: if u are worried, maybe can ask doctor to prescribe duphaston.. coz my gynae told mi to start taking once I know i conceive, hopefully can stablise it.
i was telling my hubby that mc is so common..u dont really know how many of us ladies suffer through it until u talk to ppl on forums..i also had 2 mcs before my #1..so im super paranoid..in fact what scares me the most is...my EDD now..is similiar to my EDD for my 1st MC..bringing back alot of memories n fear...
i trying to take it easy, whats mine will be mine. Might just take folic acid for now and will book gynea only in early December which shld be after 12 weeks already.

understand your feeling. Lets go thru it together.
Kayliz: What's the blood test for? Is that a routine test?

xp: I am also seeing dr adelina wong from TMC
She helped me conceived my #1 and as promised, it was a painless delivery.
Kome: agree ... yup yup, wat's ours will be ours... =)

mummync: I have learnt that stay positive is v important ... let's jia you!
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>#</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hosp</TD><TD>Natural/ C-Sect</TD><TD>Remarks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angelfaithho</TD><TD>03-Jun</TD><TD>#2 (16mo)</TD><TD>Dr Irene Chua</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Natural</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kome</TD><TD>12-Jun</TD><TD>#3 (6yo &amp; 3yo)</TD><TD>Dr Jen SW</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Csect</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Adelyn: hi hi...Yup Dr Adelina knows my history and I am comfortable with her... hopefully it will be good news when I see her on Monday. =)
Sigh. So many of us have this shared experience of past mc.. People dun normally talk about this so only in the forums then we know that many mummies had gone through it.

First trimester is really hard to go through, especially since the fear is always there for us..

Kome you may want to visit gynae earlier so that you don't miss out the Down's syndrome screening at 12 weeks? Although my 2nd girl has a genetic problem but it wasn't picked up at the Oscar screening
Kayliz: what is your menstrual cycle? It could be your ovulation comes at later time. Like mine, it came at 20-23 days after LMP.

mummync: Thanks for the advise. Yea, i'm going to look forward to it. Next week i'll have another appointment, and if everything is alright, my visit will be one month once. :D

By the way, have anyone of you always feel the need to go to pee? I saw the articles that this is early signs of pregnancy, but so far i dont think i'm that frequent yet.
I don't think my gynea did the down's syndrome for first 2 pregnancy. For what I remembered, he just do normal ultrasound scan and at wk 12 he will do blood test. My gynea looks very confident.
I not sure is it due to me drinking a lot of water or due to pregnancy, but I did pee quite frequent.
this thread is moving fast!!

have been feeling queasy and tired since yesterday.. and #1 was down with stomach flu.. any mummies started applying stretch mark cream?
True. I was so worried when i saw spotting on Monday night (probably i was too worried till i misinterpret the discharge colour). I cant even sleep the whole night. I even thought that i might not suitable for pregnancy..

The next day when i wake up, i decided to visit gynae for reassurance. Luckily after checking, there is no blood stain contain in the white discharge.

Anyhow, i also feel that the 1st trimester is a long journey to go through..
Talking about stretch mark cream, I find that the Weleda pregnancy oil is very good! As good as the more exp Clarins one. And about 1/4 of the price of Clarins if you order from iherb.

So far I'm quite lucky, no stretch marks on tummy after 2 full-term pregnancies.

But maybe can just apply to breasts first and tummy from 2nd trimester onwards cos boobies will be growing super fast now. I didn't do that for #1 and ended up with stretch marks on the boob cos I stupidly thought only necessary to apply on tummy.. :p so you first time mothers must learn from my mistake
I bought four bottles of bio oil.. I used it after my first to loghten stretch marks n it kinda works for me.. Althou i was using elancyl for first but stretch marks still appear..

Bio oil i so wanna strt now but recommands after first tri..
Jingwen i did ask them during the last bby fair they say can apply during first tri also but cos first tri bby is mostly not stable so they advice to apply after first tri
Envy you i got stretchmark for my 1st pregnancy, coz that time not so hardworking in applying the stretchmark cream.

Since bio oil is good, maybe i should get 1 and start applying.
I also envy.. I used elancyl during first did help abit.. I applied on tummy n hips n nv apply on butt =.= n butt full of stretch marks so ugly..
butt still ok, mine mostly at both sides of my tummy.

Maybe i should get elancyl to apply now than at 2nd trimester than get the bio oil also and use it together?
Adelyn: blood test is to see which stage of pregnancy I'm at based on the hcg level. Since the scan didn't show anything, they want to confirm from blood test whether I'm really in early preg or if blood test shows I'm 6 weeks but no sac seen, means something is wrong.

FL: I guess so. My cycle is 31 days. Based on OPK I ovulated on CD21. But only tested positive on CD45
wow, quite a number of us are with Dr Adelina Wong. and our EDD are so near too. its quite exciting. we probably may meet in her clinic someday. LOL

Kome i guess its best to stick to one brand cos scared mix chemical u not sure whether will have any harmful effect if mixed.. If u find rashes or itchiness means the product dun suit u.. I tried palmers.. N i feel so itchy.. So i stopped n change to elancyl
