(2013/06) June 2013

Mummies who are having #2 or #3, may i ask, other than the older one/s being sticky and clingy, are there other weird stuff happening?

my #1 who is currently 5yo, claims that his mei mei (in my tummy) plays with him at night. Haiz. he is not sleeping well and he is causing me to lose sleep too.


My boy slow weight gain..10kg coming 18mth..still bearable to carry him..

I used bio oil..also a lot of stretch mark..now make mi thinking whether to use cos damage is done..
Buba, my #1 and #2 both suddenly more sticky too, and they want me to carry them all the time now; if carry both at the same time its almost half my weight liao...
. But no choice leh
Buba, does urs boy slp w u or in the same room? My baby also not slping well recently..keep waking up but he is too young to tell us such things la..maybe ur older kid want urs attention so say this kinda thing?
Kis, try the Weleda oil? I find it as good as Clarins but much more affordable. Have used both for my pregnancies and no stretch marks at all on tummy where I applied them. But neglected bust and backside so have stretch marks there lah, which is how I know the oil really works.
I tried palmers for my 1st pregnancy, same as you got rashes and itch. 2nd pregnancy use elancyl, but not hardworking.

Mine also already damage but wanted to use the stretchmark cream now hopefully not to add more 'lines' to my tummy :D
Kome there are several shipping options for iherb. if you opt for the free-shipping it takes around 2-3 weeks. Others come in around 1wk and cost 6-8usd bah.
If you like can use my coupon code kuc013 to get 10usd off the first order.
Order 4 bottles at 1 time is much cheaper and free shipping, but i scare will be alot. How many bottles you brought?
Btw stuff at vitacost.com are priced lower than iherb but the selection is lesser.. Although i do not know whether they carry weleda products. If you want I also have a email link for 10usd off first order at vitacost too.

Can see I'm addicted to online shopping hor? I even buy some grocery stuff like Himalayan salt etc from iherb, haha... As well as all my organic skincare, shampoo, baby shower gel etc
I haven't ordered for this pregnancy yet... Cos still afraid of m/c...
I think I used at least 3-4 bottles for the last pregnancy bah... But then also cos my hubby give me whole body massage with the oil it goes very fast. If you only use on problem areas don't need as much. Can always order other stuff! Very easy to hit the max shipping weight or min order de, hee
I love online shopping also, but normally for local only. Vitacost do have weleda products also and is cheaper by $2 or $3.
same. I afraid of mc also, therefore thought maybe get the oil at 2nd trimester than maybe now get the elancyl to use first. Coz my tummy already showing, must start to use.
Mummies i think best to buy one bottle to try out first.. Cos u might not noe if ur allergic to it.. Maybe can accumulate with other mummies for saving shipping cost

My frez pass mi Clairns n use..my whole tummy very itchy..return back to her...

Mayb I can try weleda oil..ask my hb buy...he is in states now...
I had some clarins stretchmark cream at home... Bought sometime back cos have stretch marks even before I was pregnant...*weight gain* Some impulsive buying... Now can put them into gd use... Lol
Kis and Angel, yah good point should try just one bottle first in case it's not suitable; can always order more later on if nec.

Kome if you don't mind giving me your email I can send you the vitacost discount link tonight after I get home from office?

I order all sorts of nonsense from these 2 sites when living overseas cos they had the cheapest shipping... Now back in Sg everything can just buy in the shops :p
Mummies jus an update i jus ended my check up n bby measuring exactly the same as the number of weeks calculated from lmp.. Heard n saw the heart too!! Gg for the down syndrome scan on nov 10.. Maybe after the down sydrome scan the next appt i can see gender!!
Hubby super excited n apprehensive abt tomorrow's appt n keep asking me how I feel...I said I don't expect much coz don't wanna b disappointed, knowing tt prob too early to see anything..he asked me to take another cleablue tonight haha he knows tt likely to still show 2-3wks but he said..just take! Nvm...damn funny..
maybe tonite u test will be 3+ liao haaa. gd luck to tml appt. i oso hope my tml appt can see alot thing. my spotting still got loh... like light brown discharge.. tmi
Cheryl...nothing is tmi here haha that's y we r here..yes hope we both have a gd appt tmr...lol..I tell myself..expect 2-3 wks haha...asking for too much la..lol
Congrats angel!

Mummync: mi too... I bought those online test kits coz they are cheaper...bought them in August n tested like 15 midstreams kit since ttc after the m/c.... Finally last 3 kits lines turned darker n darker over the week. This morning, finally I tested using clear blue digital showing 3 weeks + ... V happy. Each clear blue digital $20+... Exp... Haha
Xp, ya I got a whole bag of those strips kind haha maybe like i pee in cup then can 'reuse' lol..ya i got 2 more clearblue ..buy online haha cheaper..
Congrats Angel.

Is the clearblue test kit accurate? Coz when I use that to test when I was just 4 wks but it comes out 3+ which is 5wks pregnant.
Kome, accurate is relative haha but in urs case it shows tt urs hcg is high ..or at least higher than the average of what 4wks mums will haf..if u Google hcg levels for each wks..u will see that they r quite a big range n also overlap...but I guess this shows u tt u r in a gd position..n also this is why they don't haf results after 3+ coz the variance will b too wide
Thanks all mummies!!

Kome its accurate buy base on ur hcg level.. If ur hcg is rising normally.. Sometimes it might differ from ur calculation due to late ovulation..
Thanks mummync n Angel. Coz when I use those normal test kit with double lines, it was quite faint. When I tested with clearblue after my menses due on the 5 day, shock to see 3+.
some test kit will have abit faint line one. i try biotest one 1 the day b4 i get my 3+. the biotest 1 very very dark. it even come up b4 the control line
i can understand. cos i am oso paranoid. i dun rem i am so paranoid when i have #1. i only test 1 time with #1. i think after tat M/C, i kinda scare.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mumm-to-be,

I am a July 2012 mummy, I have create a group is for mummies group buy, the price is lower then u can find in sg. Any one interested can request to join. Can even request for the things u interested and i will see if i can get it in the lower price. Group name: Sg Mummies Group buy</font>

Finally I decided to visit the gynae on 23rd Oct... I guess nothing will be seen cos by then I am only abt 5 weeks...
Hi everyone. I finally got a bpf after 9 months of trying.. Do I need to see the gynae to confirm my pregnancy or just arrange to scan? Ps ask so noob qns since this is my first child.
Bearbaby sometimes its good to go to gynae early even if its too early see anything.. If can see sac u at least will noe its not etopic.. If not gynae can roughly ask u about ur history n background n see whether u have anything to look out.. U can also ask wuestions tat r bothering u.. Like if ur paranoid about certain stuff..

Hi congrats preciouslove!! When was ur lmp? From there u can roughly gauge how far r u.. Usually ppl will book after 6weeks.. But some choose earlier cos too paranoid about certain things eg like me :X u might wanna start on folic acids which can be purchase at watsons or guardian thru the pharmacist.
I came hm n rushing to take care of my kid that I forgot to teat n went to pee so was contemplating to test later tonight or tmr morn coz of stronger first pee ya haha..but temptation got the better of me...n lo n behold..I got a 3+!!!!!!!
Cheryl, haha dunno issit too tired...not much energy to b excited..haha jus praying hard no disappointment tmr ..I alrdy no expectation lol
Do you have cramps like menses on and off? I think im
Ard 6wks.. I get worried when I have that on and off.. Izzit normal?
Hi Angel, my lmp start on 9 Sep. Then I went to those online website to calculate, it shows 5 weeks. I started eating 5mg of folic acid since mon. Is it enough?
