(2013/06) June 2013

Vivi & Angel, ohh didnt know they still doing reno.. okay prob will postponed the visits.

Tink boys very obvious can see early... Haha..

Today is a happy day, first it's dong zi, can go home to eat tang yuan after work. Second, it's my last day of work before clearing leave for the year!!!!! Shioks.

Enjoy yourselves everyone!

Hiya All! Im new to this forum. Lots to read n learn from all mums and mums-to-be here. Here's my details:
EDD: 28th Jun
Gynae: Dr Yvonne Soong
Hospital: TMC
Baby #1
Location: West

Happy dongzhi and enjoy e upcoming Xmas holidays ya!
Hi windy,

You can add my baby gender to the list - boy!

Doc said its 90% confirmed its boy, if later got any change then I'll update u all heh.
Ya my EDD also end Jun but i have a long wait to confirm the gender... Although i believed mine is going to be a girl :) But still hope for some confirmation soon...
Cvs is Chorionic Villus Sampling which takes the sample near placenta. Can do ealrlier than amniocentesis .
Ya nothing matter as important as baby is healthy
ling: yeah I got to know gender yesterday during checkup. Heard that for boy will know earlier cos can see something sticking out haha. I'm at 13 weeks now
gymie, wow, u are 13 weeks and u know the gender already? Guess boys are easier to spot.

my-angel-is-back, actually no leh, i don't really want to puke anymore. I think I have enough of the puking.....

actually, i have an appointment next monday but decided to postpone it till the following week. by then, will be 16weeks. Not sure if can know gender by then. I totally have no inclination if its going be a boy or girl. Many was telling me that i am expecting a girl cos of the bad morning sickness. For us, we just wanted a 3rd child and gender doesn't really makes a difference.

Vivi, regarding the article, I just take it with a pinch of salt cos I firmly believe in nature and nurture.

Regarding which hospital to deliver - actually I was quite certain that I will opt for TMC but it seems like alot of negative reviews? I remember that my past delivery was quite ok.... but things may have changed.
Lilac? I like your comments about nature and nurture... By the way, what prompt you to have a 3rd? This is my number 2, and i was thinking regardless of boy or girl, i will prob stop at 2 - cant imagine how I can manage if I have 3 kids...
Joanne, I am also having no.3 and I was the one who after having puked for the whole 9 months and a horrendous delivery with the first kid announced to everyone I am stopping at one.

Don't worry, by the time your second kid reaches 1 yr birthday either your hubby or you will start thinking how nice to have one more baby.. And there you go.
Joanne it's actually not that bad, really. Can be done.

I was on my own overseas when we had no.2 and somehow my hubby and I still managed to cope without help from extended family or maids or confinement nannies.. Although of course 90% of the time I felt like going crazy cos my girls are only 21 mths apart.

What's the age gap for yours? My oldest just turned 3 and she's finally used to the idea of having mei mei around!! (After 15 months!!!!) So life a little easier these days
Hi All,

Am at my 15 weeks and did something silly today. Feel very worried. Searching for answers on the web and stumbled across this forum. Hope to get some advice and comments here.

Went to Sushi Tei for lunch this afternoon and ate 4 pieces of sushi coated with raw fish roe. Was careful to order only cooked stuff but forgot about the fish roe. Only after I finished the 4th piece, then it struck me. Am feeling very worried now. Will my baby be affected?

If there is impact on my baby, will I feel anything? How will I know?

Thanks in advance for any comments or sharing.
Justcactus, I'm taking 2 iron tablets a day so will b easy to get constipation. I've been taking yogurt everyday n that helps me.

Summer, I tink e reason y we shldnt take raw food is that there is a higher risk of bacteria present in raw food if not handled properly. I know in my previous mummy forum, some mummies do eat sashimi during pregnancy n r fine. But still, best not to take raw food. As for how to know any impact to baby, I'm not sure. U may wan to call up your gynae to check?
Joanne - I think the adjustment period is quite hard for the kid when they are not quite 2 yrs old so be prepared for the sibling jealousy.. But it does slowly get better especially if you have ppl around to focus on the baby so that you can pay more attention to no.1

I didn't have help so I often caught my older girl hitting the sister when she thought I'm not looking, ie when I'm cooking in the kitchen. So I separated them by telling the eldest to follow me around the house.

They will wait until you have just started feeding the baby to tell you they also want milk/change diaper/watch tv etc
I went for 13 week scan today but gynae said that he cannot see anything. I suspect it's girl, cuz most cases boy can see something at that time.

Summer, try not to worry so much, my gynae said that it's ok to eat anything as long as in moderation, and i do believe him. I believe the risk is very low if the food is prepared well.
Lilac: yah I was surprised to know baby's gender so early at wk13! In fact I tot might be a girl cos at wk10 my gynae said based on the 'shape' of that part seems like a girl haha. So I was kinda expecting a gal and kept brainstorming for baby gals' names with hubby. Then yest was told by gynae that he saw something sticking out! Anyway, think the intensity of MS has nothing to do with gender. When my aunt was pregnant with my 2 cousin brothers, she vomitted thoughout both pregnancies, even at the moment she was about to deliver! For my mum, she didn't vomit a single bit for both her pregnancies (1 boy and 1 gal). So I think it's just an urban legend that those with bad MS should be having baby girls
Joanne, my hubby and I have always wanted many children. I wanted 3 and he wanted 4! I think 3 is just nice =) My 1st and 2nd are about 2 years apart. It was quite tough initially but its alright now. Age gap between 2nd and 3rd will be 4 years apart which I think is quite nice. Cos at least the 2nd one (4 yrs old) is quite independent now. This will definitely be our last pregnancy =)
Thx. Yalor tts wat I told Hb also

Thx for the update.

Joanne/ Yveyve/chloegal:
Yalor all boys now haha, later our boys not enough girlfrd leh :p gd that both ladies getting princesses

Haha cute cute as usual none for our family cpz I don't know how to make :p



Tts gd! Sigh for me yest n today neaseousness back again n vomitted again this am.

Wah so means u had ur #2 when ur #1 is 15 mths & now #3 when ur #2 is 15 mths, all 3 at 15 mths gap? 15 mths after my #1 I'm still recovering fr the tailbone pain lor can't even run yet

Not for me n hope no constipation. I been eating at least either apple, honeydew or guava

taken le it's ok just avoid next time . My Gynae also advised avoid all raw food

r u sahm too? Aiyo I really praying I don't need be a sahm if not I be mad facing the wall n only the baby n doing household chores everyday & noone else to talk to n go out with coz all my Frds r generally ftwm I'm the only ptwm now
Thanks very much for the comments, dear ladies.

I guess no use crying over spilled milk. Fortunately, I only ate very little.

Will have to stop worrying excessively. Appreciate the support!

Hope all will have a smooth pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby!
I have constipation since I knew I was preggie. I
Only get to move my bowels like 3 days .... But after that blood scare I tried to eat fruits like pears and papaya...

If you don't mind prune juice taste you can take it or else try eating probiotics

Speaking of half boiled eggs I eat that too when I have a craving

Yesterday I thought I was feeling better I vomited last night
Summer if you dont feel stomach upset most likely will be fine.. Cos if kena bacteria from raw food sure will feel unwell.

I'm having bad cough, went to GP to get medicine but she say pregnant can only take very mild ones. Aiyo, dont really help. Wish I can stop coughing before xmas. Any mummies with remedies for cough??
my-angel-is-back, I am a PTWM too =) Decided to go part-time so that I can care for my boys. One thing good is they are attending kindergarten for 3 hours daily so I can quickly do my work. Ever since I found out about this pregnancy, have been trying to take it easy. Engaged a part-time helper to clean the house cos' I can't do heavy cleaning stuff. Am still cooking for the boys.... can be quite difficult sometimes cos' the smell from the cooking makes me puke too. Sigh.... but have to hang in there.

Shan991, sorry to hear about your cough. I was coughing and having runny nose 1mth ago. It was such a horrible feeling. Was coughing till I puke kind... and plus I was already puking due to MS. Actually for cough and flu, I would usually just drink lots of water, vit C and wait it out. Cough and flu takes 5-7 days to get better. I don't usually take medications unless it is extremely serious. I try to cope by sucking on strepsil occasionally.

Vivi, sorry to hear about your vomiting again. I guess it will take a while before MS is totally gone. I didn't puke yesterday but felt very tired, queasy and dizzy. Not sure why. I just hope I won't black out when I am outside.
rise n shine all mommies!

summer- yes. moderation of those is fine cos sometimes i also take 1/2 boiled eggs. as long as we dun feel uncomfy after tat shld b ok.

joanne & vivi - b4 preggy, i was alr having constipation n now i got worsen esp when i din get enough fluid + all the multi vits. but so far, fish oil works for mi. i always need to go loo the next day after fish oil intake.

shan991- im also having flu and cough till i hurt my back due to intense coughing (old injury fr the back) yest just went to see doc cos i couldnt take it too xin ku. doc gave mi some preggy safe med hope i ll recover soon.

just to chk if anyone feel uncomfy after taking multi vits? my MS got worsen after taking them so i only take them b4 bed.

lets hope we can say bye bye to MS and resume our normal appetite soon!

m going for a gathering this evening, i hope i dun get MS attack, pls let mi enjoy the party.
vivi, just as I was telling you how i didn't puke yesterday, I puked again. Gosh.... must be the roti prata i ate for breakfast. That seems to be the trigger.
Lilac - hope u e better now. Think roti prata is the culprit I also feel v bad after enjoying it in morning ended up whole at lying in bed. Till now I still dare not touch it. V likely is the curry. I also had bad experience with curry puffs. Do take care k
Lol for me nowadays if the food that I ate doesnt agree with the little one in the tummy out it goes.... then next time I try avoiding

I just had sardine curry puff for tea and the irnoic thing is spicy stuff I have to keep away but when craving comes I can eat it....
6 tablets left.
Hi MYBs sorry to interrupt:

WTS: Duphaston 10mg tablets Selling at $5 for all 6.

Expiriing in March 2015.

Self collect at Tiong Bahru MRT.
Clementi MRT and Jurong East MRT on weekdays only.

May your pregnancy be smoothsailing!
Justcactus :
All pills only 1 a day. U need intro more fluid n dietary fibre to ur diet

Tts gd! At least ur Parttime is work fr home. Mine very far away thus no choice now have to put #1 cc then I pick him 3/4 days to coach him.

My Gynae nvr give multi-vit she only give calcium, iron n fish oil pills.
My angel is back - cos my multi bit contains all the necessary
Can check if anyone has engaged CL? Wondering if whats the rates like and if it includes groceries and also help do hse chores. Can mommies share ur experience?
Joanne - try not to over exert though we past 3 mths not long. I dare not even carry my 4yo in case I strain myself. If ur cramp is not acute and does not happen often think shld b fine. Maybe u wana monitor and consult ur Gynae if not comfortable
Joanne, my gynae told me its ok to continue with weights that you are already used to, ie carrying your first child around.

What's not ok is suddenly lifting a heavy weight that your body is not expecting.

If no more cramps after a while should be ok lah. I carried my oldest up and down 3 flights of stairs everyday when I was preggy with no.1 and she was still too young to climb stairs on her own
Joanne, I have stopped carrying my 2nd born (3 yrs old) ever since I found out about the pregnancy. But then again, he is quite independent so I don't have to carry him much. It can be rather difficult not to carry a 16mth old cos still young. The thing is to exercise caution. I still feel some cramps here and there especially at night and after a meal. Gynae says I will continue to experience some pulling of muscles by the side cos' baby is growing.

I also experience some cramps here and there. now having backaches liao cos my no1 keeps asking me to carry and becomes v sticky to me.

I have constipation problems too!!
