(2013/06) June 2013

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KIS> wah your BB so good and cooperative ah...hehe..can start to source for hand-me-down clothes or buy some new clothes for BB liao...
my MS still here too. I thought I was getting better since yesterday... but just as I took in my last bite of rice for dinner, I merlioned out everything. Thankfully husband went out for supper and bought me hokkien mee else with an empty stomach, think the nausea would be quite bad. This morning woke up feeling not right. Had breakfast and puked after 2 hrs. Just had lunch. Hopefully the food will stay there. I am entering 12wks next Monday. I know every pregnancy is different but this pregnancy really drains my energy. One thing I am thankful is that despite the daily puking, baby is growing very well. At 11wks, the baby is 4.4cm. Right on target.
Ya KIS, at first also consider 1mth but after that I will be alone with Bb coz we staying our own so hub say 2mth better at least 2nd mth I can start to learn n rest well during 1st mth. Anyway we very kaisu already set aside the money Liao.
i guess there's not much remedy for the MS...
mine pretty bad, merlion for every intake and my intake had reduce to 25% before pregnancy. worrying for myself and bb not getting enough.
So fast already know the gender. My gynae told me the earliest to know gender is in wk 14 onwards. Is it a necessary to do the detailed scan?
Kome> ya lor...mummy KIS is really lucky....

for me my gynae booked the detailed scan on 22 Jan (my wk21D1)... they call it mid-pregnancy scan...
girl girl
I not too sure if my gynae want me to do or not. Wait till end of this mth for my appointment than see if he got mention abt it.
Hihi.. Im new to this Forum. For those whose gynae is Dr Kang Wei at mt A, for the 12th week scan for FTS (First Trimester Scan), Will she normally reveal the gender of the baby? Or she wun even try? And feedback?
Girl girl

Hand mi down fr my boy..we hope to see gender later..hopefully will b a girl


I think it's good to do detailed scanning..they need to calculator e no of finger n toe, facial features,organ n double confirm gender
Rosellecz good to hear that...

This week keep feeling sometime pressing against my bladder or insides. Dunno isit the BB growing and not enuff space in my body. haha.. Its a weird feeling...
shan991> ya i felt the same as well. Sigh like tummy very heavy like that. I look like a koala bear when i looked into the mirror yesterday evening....
mummy_relle > You also have sinus problem too? Are you taking antihistamine and using the nose spray? My ENT doc say it's safe to use but reduce my day and night dosage to night only. I am still doubtful so not using but elevating my pillow when I sleep...
Joanne Au: She didn't tell us about my baby's gender but I am not sure if it is because of my baby's position. Hubby and I tried to see but we couldn't either. So got to wait till our next appt end Dec.
wy_june : yeah.. i have sinus problem, and i went to see TCM previously.. it did not come back and i was perfectly fine till recently...
was wondering if i could go back TCM again.. and at the same time, see them for constipation problem..
Joanne: just did my Oscar test.. my bb active.. at 1 point just refuse to move n fall asleep. But I ask her about gender she say too early to see , can try next visit when I am 16 weeks. So far the scan looks good. Just hope blood test turn out well.
Thanks Windy and May for the feedback. Looks like she is not the type who is ok to try seeing... One of my fren's gynae told her the gender with 80% confidence during Oscar hahhaa.. so am curious if she can do it too.. I better dun carry my hopes at all then.

Windy> ya...actually it is quite a wonder that BB is very active inside...i thought they everyday only sleep and grow

i guess the gender have to wait till ard 16-20 weeks ba...doctor say ard 5 mths shd be accurate provided BB cooperative...
My next visit is on the 29 Dec, by than will be at wk16. Hopefully can know the gender by than. By January 2013 think alot of your will know the gender and start doing all the shopping soon already.
mummy_relle > I see.. Let me know if u do consult TCM. I am really wondering if they can help on constipation problem. Mine is quite bad despite eating lots of fruits and vegetables everyday. I only started taking chinese bu yao now coz I am preg. If not, I refuse to go and take as I am afraid of those taste and smell. Thanks!
wy_june> morning to you
it is friday...
oh dear..sounds quite bad... hmm try drinking more water, and more fruit juice? Or eating more honeydew etc..??
Girl^Girl > I eat a lot of vege and fruits already.
My lunch / dinner definately have green vege. If my mum cook, both of us can finish 1 packet of the NTUC shanghai qing vege too! Post meal also have fruits (either red apple / guava / kiwi / papaya / rock melon / cherries) coz I either pack from home or buy from office canteen. In the end, still the same...

Can't imagine if I start on iron tablets. I think it's gonna be even more terrible.
wy_june> hmmm... sounds quite bad leh...confirmed your fibre intake is good...u want to check with your gynae on this?? Not sure what advise can he/she provide...???

ya that is why everyday in office i drink water like mad (i boiled tap water into my akira flask)..everyday can drink like 1.8-2L...
Wy June
Can try prune juice ? Or Yakut or vitagen?

Last pregnancy when I was in second trimester my stools were hard till I bled I was so scared!
oh ya...doctor say can drink yakult coz it contains probiotics aka good bacteria for intestines. but i tink one day only 1 bottle lar. cannot drink too much...

vivi> oh no! then how? doctor got say anything like piles or wat???
Girl^Girl > Ya lor.. Gonna call my gynae later to ask and also move my appt forward as I just realized my folic acid is finishing up before the appt. This also gives me a reason to see bb few days earlier !

Vivi > I bleed a bit and find it a pain to go toilet! Thanks for your suggestion! Think will go get Yakult / Vitagen to try out but only thing is I don't like if it's not cold. I know I am fussy haha!
wy_june> kekeke...folic acid can buy from guardian... but hor it is good to call up your gynae and of course consult him/her on any issues that u have. Yeah!! Can see BB as well
*high 5*

i tink when we take out Yakult from fridge, we leave it ard 5-10 mins...then we take sips slowly...so that our tums can get used to it...
Oh i've been seeing people give info update to Windy. So Windy, do you consolidate for June 2013 mtb? I can be included? (though am not sure the purpose of it haha).

EDD: 30 Jun
Gynae: Dr Kang Wee from Mt A
Baby # 2
Location: West
Hi mummies, i am new here. hoping to join in the group. my EDD is 13 Jun and this is my #2. my #1 is a 18mth boy. just did my OSCAR last week and it seems that it is going to be a boy as well. Leg open big big, stick standing high high.... Maybe he is trying to tell us "mummy, daddy, stop thinking i am a girl just cos i have totally different symptoms from gor gor. SEE MY BIRD BIRD..." LOL
Girl girl
Ya scary was bleeding and somemore my last pregnancy I got spotting the entire first trimester so when I saw blood I cried ! Luckily no piles but if the condition persist there might be piles so I ate fruits every meal .... And force myself to drink prune juice... My hubby everyday will ask me did I

This pregnancy when I just discovered I am preggie I straight away constipation... So I ate fruits. My Gynae also prescribed probiotics for me to chew...
Hi Pillow! Wa good leh, you know so early during Oscar the gender of the bb. I wanted to know early so i can do shopping too!! Too bad, my doctor is not that kind that will tell the gender during the Oscar test.

pillow> wahaha!! wah your BB so cooperative...my BB was basically dancing inside for a good 1.5 hours +_+|||.... and refused to tell me what gender....

vivi> i see i see...good that your gynae prescribed probiotics chew tablets...
