(2013/06) June 2013

absentmama, don't worry too much. Me at week 9 also nothing to show, only bloated belly from gas. morning is nearly flat one. My colleague at 4
mths still cannot tell she's pregnant.

Ya ban ban hehe .

Absent mama:
Tts soon. Don't think too much I know it's easier to say then do as I'm those with a bit diff symptom will worry too. But If me haha I'm really those kan cheong to know type, I will shift forward hehe .

Don't think so early can feel movement unless ur bb really extremely strong to create movement on ur Tum Tum coz he/she shd just be ard a inch plus big now

Tau Kau=豆干:
Can we eat this ? Coz beancurb have solidification chemical how abt this ?
Flu medicine is called CHLORPHENIRAMINE 4mg
Cough syrup I left is at my MIL house dun have the name now.
I have Trachisan lozenges too
I'm into week 10 3 days now and ms is still with me. Anyway my boss sit next to me and she has a very strong cig smell and she drink coffee... I feel do miserable and always want to puke... I already lend her my cup lid so she can cover her coffee cup but you know... Our nose is sensitive during pregnancy and it doesn't help a lot... What should I do ah? I felt miserable at work due to her smell..

I also can feel my bb heart beat..dunno whether Issit my imagination..


#1..I only started to feel his kick close to 6th Mth..starting u will feel bubbles in ur tummy..slowly u can feel their kick..

#2 normally will b easier..think by 4th Mth can feel le..


I ate almost every day during 5-6th week..when ms strikes,no choice got to give up cos bb dun like..

My angel is back

I m not sure of tau kwa..I nvr hear b4..but I ate tau pok..


I puke dinner every day..just hit week 12..dun see any sign of ms fading..
Have a bit of spotting this evening. Quite worried but luckily Gynae appt is tomorrow. Pray hard.

Btw for Lao ban tou Hua, heard the mix coffee mate to get the creamy taste. Not good to eat too much for even normal ppl so I tink for pregnant ladies also same ba....
Hi everyone. This forum and thread has been a great discovery. I'm 11weeks along and this is my first pregnancy so I'm not quite sure what to expect... So far, my biggest problem is being bloated. I've been experiencing ridiculous bloating for weeks now and was wondering if anyone has advice on what to do. Recently, it's gotten almost unbearable.
I've been burping all the time - really loud, gross, "lumpy" burps and it causes me to vomit and/or lose appetite. My diet now consist of light stuff like fruits (like papaya, apples, strawberries, oranges), toast, soups, steamed veg.. But it doesn't seem to help. I've even tried ginger tea and ginger+lemon blends.
Hello mummies, can I ask when u have spotting is it brown or red. My spotting usually brown, last night got a few drops of red. Scare me. Hope it's gonna be okay. Seeing Gynae in bit...
Good morning mummies,

My dad told me not to eat 豆花 cos the powder that they used for making it is too "liang" for our body. So try to cut down or refrain from it.

Shan991: Dont worry k.. Tell baby yourself n baby that everything gonna be alright. Update us after seeing gynae.

Anyway, just to ask is it normal not to feel anything in 1st trimester? Cos i having been feeling anything except some spotting at times.
Am starting to get worried but keep telling myself that everything is fine.

Am going finally going to see gynae tomorrow. Cant wait for tomorrow to come.
Feeling so sick, was about to go out to work.. I run to toilet and puke out water even I didn't have anything. Tot MS is better now. .haiz
Chevelle, some ppl are really blessed with no ms symptoms. Let us pray for the best for our BB. Hope your Gynae visit turn out well too.
I read from many sources that green tea is a no-no.

My lucky colleague said both her pregnancies have no symptoms except block nose. Different people react differently bah. Dun worry.
Shan991, I certainly hope so... Just have to keep my fingers crossed.

As the day gets nearer, my stomach will start getting lots of butterflies.
May: welcome! we are seeing the same gynae! my EDD is 16 June 2013 very near u too!

I just received a call from my cousin she is expecting her #2 one too! she is about 6 weeks at most differ from me. It make me feel so happy i dunno why..
Fl and Chloe, for you first babies your muscles still tight and unstretched normally won't show until mid-2nd trimester de.. My first pregnancy I only looked preggy at 7 months!!!

This time round is 3rd baby already.. So by rights should be showing earlier like the other 2nd and 3rd time mummies here. But I'm trying not to worry, v busy at work so the week is passing quickly and will see gynae soon on sat
absentmama, maybe this time round ur baby well hidden..anyway whether showing or not..does not equate the growth of baby mah...coz baby is only a mere 2-3cm now..its really how our body is putting on the weight..or piling on the 'fats' so dont worry so much..when my mum had my siblings..she looked 5 mths preg at full term...so its really every pregnancy is diff..dont worry k..
Absent mama,

I think it depends on ur body n family genes..

My #1 tummy was shown in week 12..I see my frez 7th Mth look like my 4-5mth tummy..

Dun worry..tummy will show very fast after 2nd tri.. Small tummy is better..
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Feeling terrible today and very sienz at work.
So happy to find this forum. Can't wait for 6pm!

Windy: Nice! I will be seeing her again next Fri, 30 Nov for OSCAR

Oceanbaby: Hehe my husband is hoping the baby will come out one day later than the EDD because it will coincide with his bday. I am also feeling bloated. Lots of gas/wind and I can't seem to burp them out. Warm soups and warm water do ease the gassy feeling abit
May: My two cousins are hoping for the same thing! Their birthdays are 12 and 13 June and they wanna make it a three-in-one party with their niece/nephew. Haha. Hopefully we both get our preferred date! ;)

Oh, I can't stand the taste of plain water! Haha. This morning, my helper made fresh ginger drink for me.. She boiled slices of old ginger, red dates and brown sugar. It helped a little.
Kis and mummync, yah I hope you're both right, tummy nothing to do with baby's growth.

It's true some ppl don't look very pregnant even in late pregnancy. There's this Ang moh forum on my baby bump app and the pregnant women like to post photos of their bumps. Cos they also do hardcore workouts throughout pregnancy some of them look only 3 months pregnant at full term! Tummy almost completely flat. Find that scary
Oceanbaby - I read somewhere that ginger is not recommended to take during first trimester as it promotes bleeding. But dunno true or not lah
We are all poor mummies.. so many things cannot eat n drink etc.. i think moderate for all should be fine.. dun over eat or drink anything i guess is no problem.

Really want to think.. there is like 101 things cannot do and cannot eat. Very cham leh..
Absentmama: I got a bit worried and looked it up online. Most sites briefly said it's ok but there was one that specifically stated that quantity not more than 1 gram a day can be used throughout pregnancy. Another site said fresh ginger root is ok but not tea or tincture from dried ginger (according to TCM). Looks like you're partially right. We should probably not buy off-shelve ginger tea bags but make our own instead. And drink in moderation. Here are the sites I looked up:


Hi ladies, saw Gynae.. BB is fine at 5.3cm. Spotting due to blood clot near placenta. Dr say prob due to over exert myself or carry heavy things. Dr gave hormones pills to help with bleeding. Oscar scan is low risk but blood test result must wait fora week. Finally I feel more an xin.
Glad to know that! Currently you are in which week? Just be careful and not to carry heavy things. Have some bedrest to heal it.

Yea! I'm going to have oscar test next week. Really cant wait the time flies.
Thanks all mummies for the well wishes.
Now week 12... Dr gave 2 days medical leave so that I can rest at home.

All mummies good luck for Oscar test coming up!
gd am all mummies. hope all r feeling well n ok. jia you..yea.

just wanna seek your opinions- issit ok for us to do rebonding? hmmn maybe in our 2nd trimester? my hair is gg haywire n i m so sianz of tying it every x. thot wi rebonding..it make tings easier. bt heard tat it no gd to do any chemical trtment. hai. dilemma.
Missy, I dunno if rebonding equal to dye hair but my gynae 1st appointment she already tell me from now on no more dye hair. I guess the chemical is harmful. So rebonding should be also not advisable.
I m in 10 weeks plus now... Ms on & off. Some days have n some days dun...Think if I eat spicy or non-soupy food, ms is worse. But I do feel more tired n need to zzz at 10 plus everyone.. If not ms also come.
same here, xp. 10weeks+..ms on- off. still hav occasional gagging feeling. bt worst for me is the gastric pain. seen 2x gp le. suspect it the fish oil n calcium pills causing it. so stop it till i next see gynae.

oso feel v tired n lethagic every day. so far i hav nt been wking for a full 5 days. take mc, take 0.5 days here n there. hai
me too.. ms on and off.. have not been cleaning up my place and when i go home, feel very uneasy~

seems like a lot of mummies going for oscar liao.. hope my turn will come soon..
when i had my #1...i rebonded and dyed my hair when i hit 12 wks...haha..so up to individual i suppose..i chose the non-ammonia kind..more expensive but i felt more an xin...i jus rebonded my hair the wk i found out i was preggers..actually a few days before i found out..now my hair in horrid state coz of the hormones i tink..sianzzzz...
My colleague told me that everyone will do a detail scan which is able to check if the bb is healthy or not... So OSCAR test is not necessary and redundant. True ?
the detailed scan and OSCAR look out for diff things..the oscar mainly measures for chromosomnal deficiencies and also for down syndrome etc..whereas the detailed scan will check the organs, the heart valves, the limbs..chk for all fingers n toes (make sure all there n not webbed)...i tink scan for the brain also if im not wrong..so totally diff..detailed scan is done at 20wks..

I'm a rebonding freak, I need to rebond my hair every 6months. Now I can't. Have to tahan for over a year , cos I'm suppose to rebond in dec if I follow the 6 months time frame. Better be safe then sorry. No rebonding!!
