(2013/06) June 2013

Bear Baby, my MS started around 4 weeks....

Kayliz, i went at 7w2d and saw the bb heartbeat. But dr advise not to listen now. Until after first trimester. She say just see if the heart rate is normal can already...

my gynae told me if no bleeding as in fresh blood.. should be ok... the dried or brownish blood might be the remaining from your previous menses...


you did ultrasound? or v scan? dont worry too much first...


ok... i dunno to be happy or not happy... now 5 weeks... i practically dont feel anything escept for the fact that the preg kit is positive... i keep testing to see is it a bluff... -_-
Then my aunty who went with me to the gynae today asked him if need to avoid any food... he told me no need just eat as per normal...
Kayliz, is your mense on a normal 28 days? Some ppl are longer so they O later etc. it may varies, the best is for gynae to advise u. Dun worry too much, I know how u feel, I can't see bb heartbeat today but gynae tell me it's early so I just have to be positive and pray hard bb grow we'll and can see heartbeat in 2 weeks time.
I feel more comfort after ur Gynae say it still early to detect heartbeat. I m hoping to see the heartbeat this sat or next mon. At tw wasn't very good. The food dun really suit me leh. Maybe becos it with tour. I either feel very nauseous and become no appetite when saw the food. Haix.

Good news is I din really see brown spotting this few days
Bear baby, I have frens who no MS thtoughout the 9 mths. Very blessed. but some starts from 6 weeks so you still early. Just monitor first...
Windy: my cycle is usually 30-31 days. I Ovulated on CD21. I used opk to test at that time.

Let's hope we can all see the heartbeat in our nxt appt, and have a healthy bb!

Bearbaby: I feel exactly like u, except for seeing a +ve kit I dun feel preg. It's more like PMS rather than preg. My boobs hurt though. But then again, when I had #1, I nv had any MS. I enjoyed every sec of my pregnancy because bb was so kind to me. The only diff was having a tummy in front.

ya... but i do feel abit heavier at the bottom abdomen... so become i can only sleep on my back... sideways can feel the pulling... and ya... my boobs hurt initially... but gradually it becomes full full kind of feel... LOL... thats good... this is my 1st... so very worrying.. abit only i anyhow think liao...
Bearbaby: I feel u cos this is also my no.1 .. But no matter wat must keep ur mind positive ok.. Hugs.. Everything will b fine.. Keep telling urself this.
Kome: I jus recalled that i have nt replied u.. Jus checked the bill for the scan:
It was abt $120+ ,after gst for the detailed scan, $53.50 for preliminary scan, ard $37+ for HCG blood test n see my gynae was a followup rate of $63+ ( price after gst)
gd am all mummies. m experiencing v bad nauseaness now. always had the feeling of throwing up but nothing cum out. v xin ku.

m only seeing gynae next werk ( by then i shld b ard 7 weeks le). meanwhile..is it alrite to take those anti-vomit n nausea medi prescribed by doc? i told him i m preggy though. but i scared anyhow take medi..no gd for bb.

but the nausea is killing me.
Hi kcmum, what's the medi name? Mine is primperan (metoclopramide) tablets prescribe by gynae. I took it before meals. If urs is same should b ok since it's prescribe by gynae.

Will b busy these few days..first time order fm fr fm supplier become scam..made police report..a thread is created n many mummies are conned too..
Hi morning mummies, feel like a Merlion.. Think will become a morning routine.. Maybe 2 weeks later I will check w gynae if I can dun take hormone pills or reduce intake... These days, I can feel my mummy v Wei da after going through wat she has gone through.
rosellecz- i din take the medi frm gynae. it frm those normal gp. will go hme chk the medi name. thks gal.

kis- u take care..ya. hope the amt is nt much.

xp- indeed..all mummies r really v noble.
kayliz, ur doc will only advise edd after they have scanned n measured which is the more accurate gauge..so maybe jus go for ur appt..even if only can see sac at least can get some measurement n put ur mind to rest abt the no. of wks...

i eat already queasiness..but i v hungry n keep eating..thank gdness npo puking..even w my #1 also dont haf..jus alot of gagging when i take my meds coz pills to big..with #1 my gyane eventually told me to take kiddy gummy vitamins haha coz i cldnt stomach the normal ones..

my dr gave me vit b6 to help w the nausea..apparently it eases ms...
Cheryl, you went on tour? i tot u went on your own. Ya tour food not nice de.. everyday about the same.. when i am not preggie i also feel sick of the food.

I am feeling even more tired n sleepy today dunno is it becose of the utrogestan given by the doctor.

happy gal
Thanks. Much cheaper than seeing a private gynae. Not too sure if hb wanna go with me or not.

This morning woke up got abit worry coz i don't feel so hungry nor have MS. Just now after finishing my breakfast now feel bloated and start to feel queasiness.
bearbaby: yeah..

im gg HK mid dec.. by then im week 14. shd be able to travel right? my hubby yet to announce to my in laws.. so kind of got a feeling my MIL might disuade us to go for the trip.. dot !
of cos my hubby pattern he sure make noise at her.. haha
kome, we always overthink right? hahah..

happygal, ok to travel as long as no major issues..let ur dr know..with my #1..i also travel long haul during my first tri...n this yr..we are also bringing my #1 for holiday in dec..haha as long ur hb knows how to make noise back at mil then ok lor..hahah n dont get influenced by her..jus enjoy urself..for pple having #1, i will always tell them go enjoy ur last few couple holiday before baby comes along..n go play a babymoon for ur 25th odd wk..
happy gal,

I just travelled to BKK last week... jsut returned 2 days ago... lol.. so should be ok so long as u be careful... cos i traelled when i am week 4... so my godma actually "threatened" e not to go bla bla... end up... i not happy then they sense it and then I can go liao~ LOL.... same here.. i have yet to announce to my in laws.. cos even my gynae says dun tell in laws first....
happy gal
14 weeks already in 2nd trimester should not have any problem. We have not announce to my in laws yet also. Hb said wait till after 1st trimester than told them.
kome, haha yes what conflicted creatures we are...

my hb told my ILs liao..actually wat worries me is that we are having a big party for my #1 birthday soon..n at the rate im expanding i tink will be quite obvious at the party to relatives n friends..but i dont wanna say yet..so how??!! n i prob hafta tell my family by then..scared my dad blurt out something during the party in his excitement also..even if he dont..i tink pple can see for themselves?
Ytd my friend told me my tummy is so obvious even my son friend's daddy asked if i am pregnant. (>.<)||
I told my in laws ytd, cant really hide from her cos i am still staying with my in laws. And i know if she knew that she is the last to know.. she will be very upset and i think i will have more problems.

But after telling i also headache, cos i got a chemical pregnancy 3 month back , she keep mentioning i do this n that i nv eat well etc that causes it. Now i must really take care la.. blah blah blah.... on n on n on..

I know she is concern n meant no harm just feel so sick of bringing up what happen 3 months back. I am also kinda worried cos i havent see the bb heartbeat.. Now i can only pray that everything goes well....
Quite sad when people keep bringing up those unhappy things. She mean well also. Just don't let her affect your mood.
Kome, ya i understand it too.. so i just take it easy.. now i just wish my bb is growing well inside me and i can see bb heartbeat in 2 weeks time.

I know if i dun stay with in laws i wont say out so early.. just that i see her everyday i cant hide too long.. and she cooked for me.. i dun want she come suspecting i preggie and dun tell her.. She get kind over emo and over reacted easily.

Ytd after my told her.. my HB notice her smiling to the TV for no reason.. I think she gave me the most pressure for a pregnancy.. haha
windy, understand it is very pressurizing..take it easy...old pple r like tt..n u dont really haf a choice but to tell her..tink positive n dont be affected by wat she says..

bearbaby..6w..party will be when im 7+wks...but like Kome, it is getting obvious liao..coz its not our first..
i only tell my family.. i let my hubby do the announcement to his side.. if he dun wan to say first then i have some peaceful moment first.. haha..

my main concern is tat if they know abt my condition, first thing sure gg to like tell me nt to go oversea le... even my mum nw sorta worry n tell me tat better dun go.. dot right? they been hearing too much stories like come back fr trip nt gd etc.. but diff individual have diff experience ma.. i know their concern too.. but i think we are big enough to takecare of ourself too.. ofc this trip is a very leisure one.
mummync - ya lo.. old ppl is like this..so just have to take it n live with it.

happy gal - my gynae ask me dun travel..at least for the time being.. maybe dun to my past record i not sure... she say its better not for me to travel. And ytd MIL knows about it.. she also ask me not to travel. guess i will be grounded until i gave birth.


Happy gal
I feel still can go.. Otherwise next time wan go also diff... So long as u relax, take it easy and dun take unnecessary risks..
yeah esp if dr certify u fit for travel then no issues..i was travelling for work quite often also during #1...its a matter of taking care n going slow..for hols..will haf hb to take care..go short haul n go for relaxing beach holidays lor..n if really scared then dont go in 1st tri..n in 3rd tri...anyway 2nd tri is the best coz likley no more MS...n still dont feel like a big king kong haha
Since your gynae told you not to go, think is better for you not to travel. I still think if really you wanna have a short trip, think cruise will be fine bah....
ya lo. i think as long nt 1st trimester shd be nt so risky ma.. if i dun make use this period to travel, then when?
i din even go for my honeymoon after wedding lo.. i jus finished my part time degree this yr May lo.
Happy gal,

I think e choice whether to travel depends on ur own..my neighbor advise mi not to go Florida to look for my hb..my gynae also advise to postpone..I dun want to have regret n decided to cancel my trip..

I used to work for e airline n one of my passenger told mi Tt she suspect herself miscarry..told mi to get her a seat in e aft zone..away fr her hb..she is pino..hb Ang mo..dun want her hb to Noe abt her miscarriage..

Managed to find a seat for her..end of e flight..e whole seat is soiled with blood..Mayb bcos of this incident which make mi think twice to travel..

$1280.40..my share is 480.40.. Sian..


Just one ear in n one ear out when ur in law commented..I fought for very long..finally my in law is not staying with us despite my hb is only child..I can't click with my mil..

I always see her..I Tu her to e max..super hl..claims eng very good wanna teach my boy..short tongue n tons of mispronunciation..
So far long John silver is e only food I nvr puke..I puke after every meal..now 8w2d..lost 2.5kg.. Worse than my #1..Tt y my sis guess it's a girl..my tummy is also showing..

Bad example of mi..dun learn..haha..

U still staying with them..dun make ur life difficult..I m semi break free..only see her weekly or fortnightly..

My mil very daring to see that when I gave birth..I will teach him(my boy) eng..u all teach mandarin...

Some of her wrong pronunciation (joke of e day)

1) dun clamp.. It's dun climb
2) peg.. It's pig
3) robut..it's robot
4) cooking star.. It's cooking style
5) what is his star? It's horoscope
6) Longen riching falling down.. It's London bridge is falling down..
7) always love to use actual fact.. It's actually or in fact

Short tongue
1) ear p.. Ear piece
2) kueh lapee.. Kueh la pis..

Despite mi Tu her so many times,still make mistake..

I have not told our family members yet. My inlaws in aust now.. Returning in dec. we will tell our family after 3 months. My inlaws din know abt the July m/c only my family knows.. Think safer to say after 3 months for my case.

KIS: u are good. I vomit in morning n evening already cannot tahan. Urs every meal...
