(2013/06) June 2013

For me my ms starts at ard 7-9am.. 5-8 pm also have..

Finally hit 8 weeks.. My colleague told me tat my tummy is showing.. Any one showing already?

angel, my hubby tells me ive exploded over the last few days..he is convinced it will be v obvious to everyone soon...he say i suddenly look like a whale!!! coz i cant fit into my clothes n haf been wearing his t-shirt n shorts at hm...sobs sobs...hahahaha
dolliepollie: haiz, i hate long waiting time.. very sianz n tiring

xp: ur MS very bad? rest well

Mummync: glad tat u feeling better..
You have not got any maternity clothes and pants yet?

My husband said from the front i just look like i am fatter.
happygal, thanks!

Kome, I have maternity dresses from prev preg..but if i wear it now then im basically declaring my pregnancy? haha so mus still try to wear 'normal clothes' Apparently my husband say my face also change..like look more bloated n my hips n all have really expanded in a matter of days...haha Kome i also say..either ppl will tink pregnant or suddenly grow damn fat lor..lol
Haha.....am thinking the same way as you. Most probably pple will think i grow damn fat. :D Luckily i still got quite alot of loose tops, can help to cover my tummy
huh so fast showing ?
izzit becos nt the first child tats y the belly shows faster? my fren also like tat. #2 like balloon expand very fast.

i only wear loose dress. cos if i put those stretchable belt, i feel very discomfort.
i only feel tat my bra is tighter somehw
i make a pt to take my weight everyday.. haha
happy gal
I did a search and alot said that #2 onwards tummy will show faster as compared to #1.
You can get the bra extender if really tight. Some of my bras are tight also, i use the bra extender than feel better.
happygal, yeah coz its #2 n more liao..the body already expanded once so knows what to do liao..n everything is looser..haha so expand fast lor..w #1 i didnt really show until abt 5 mths n only in my last mth i exploded...
Mine is 6-9 like tt. Bb will wake mi up at 6.15 to go toilet. Then naseous. 7 plus before I brush teeth will vomit. Feel weak after tt. Evening time will feel naseous too.
I just back from gynae appointment. Saw the yolk sac, no heartbeat detected yet and my gynae told me its still early. I am in my 6 wk 2days next appointment in 2 weeks time. Was also given utrogestan to support this pregnancy.
hi windy.. i had the scan last week also saw the yolk sac n they assure tat its at the correct position. then 2 weeks to go scan again.
i only given folic acid which i have alot lol..

mayb i just stay put with KKH my current gynae ba. since she know my condition n familiar with the environment n stuffs
Happy gal: my friend went to one at Chong pang. Waiting time 30min. Same still need to wait. Package fee is $690. Usually while waiting I go yakun for some milo and eggs. Hahaha.
overall no matter go where is waiting time.. sianz.. my fren shared tat her colleauge was with Mt E then complication end up also ask her to go KKH..
dollie, what i know now is that we need to have everything fully cooked. i was even told by frens that no soft boil egg. even eggs also must be hard boiled.
I had ms from 4-11pm everyday since week5. I realised the iron supplements aggravates my ms. Ask my Dr and he said it occurs sometimes. So now I take the iron supplements just before I go to bed and ms is much better.
mummync : i told him, but he told me to just take 1 in the morning, he knows i will be very sick, so that explains the MC.. i can choose not to take, but is a rish..
ica: i do have iron supplement as well. My gynae ask me to stop taking it at the moment to avoid create more "wind" that causes puking.

I read articles, suggesting that to drink more waters during day time and avoid drinking water at night time, to cut down going to bathroom during nite.
i cant even snack.. i snack japanese rice crackers then start to puke.. ( sudden like the gassy is there n wan to puke.. dot...

will u gals feel chill at times arh? i will feel so lei.. jialat
Me hungry too
Eating junk food.

happy gal
Thought of asking also. Since last weeks, i feel cold very easily. The air-con temperature and setting in my office is as usual like last time, but now i feel s cold and need to use a jacket to covered.
finish liao!! still hungry le...downing water...

yes will feel cold..but then at night at home will get hot flushes...in office..i hug my hot water bottle..
At first I can sweat easily.. Always feel v warm. Dunno it's tempt change or wat , nowadays I cld feel the chill. I still thinking Izzit I'm gg to fall sick. Also pass out wind.. Blurp even Hungry.. So I'm nt alone Lolx
Hi mummies,

went to see gynae today... did the v scan and can see a teeny weeny water bag in the uterus... but no heartbeat... currently nearing 5 weeks... its normal right??? normally when will ms kick in???? anyone feels stomach easily bloated? and tired?
Bear baby, think 5 weeks still early to hear heartbeat? A least 6 weeks plus den can see...

My MS comes and goes... Wonder when it will end. I'm into 8 weeks. Really hope to feel normal soon.
bearbaby, still early..in fact nearing 5 wks very gd that u can see the sac already
when i went at 5wks..cld see anything..but i didnt do v scan...next appt in 2 wks? anyway ms depends on individual..tiredness is normal...in fact its extreme fatigue
i am in my 6 wks 2 days i cant detect heartbeat also. Gynae say its early ask me to go back in 2 weeks time. If its not normal i have to worry too..
Happy Gal,
I really not sure how many weeks, based on the digital test, I should be about 6-7 weeks. But if based on last mense, I may be about 8-9 weeks.

icic... when your ms started? cos i saw online that... sometimes having ms is consider good....

the sac very small.. abt 6.6mm.. my gynae did the ultrasound first but then cannot see anything... then i panic.. then he suggested doing the v scan then i ok... then saw the small bag.. then he ask me go back 2 weeks later... fatigue wise... ya i sometimes feel very tired.. sometimes not at all... but my "battery" basically last only a few hours after a night sleep of abt 7 hours...
actually today i only see the sac and a white dot and gynea say is a yolk. Dunno if the yolk consider small anot. Ask her if this size is normal she say yes.. still early.. but i still kinda of worried.
windy: we are abt the same time. my next appt is on 29th .. hope to hear heartbeat at least more assured tat the bb is ok.

cher: i think after tomorrow u will know the exact weeks.
My scan yesterday showed 5 week 6 days...by my next appointment 3 nov, I should be 7 weeks 4 days...think we are v close.
Mummies who saw the sac at 7-8 weeks, did u see the heartbeat? I have a fren who got preg 1-2 weeks earlier than me, but she could only see the sac today. My appt is nxt week but I'm considering to postpone it. There's like no point paying the gynae again if only sac is there..

I also keep having light brown discharge since yesterday. At one point I freaked out coz I had iced lemon tea before it all happened. But it got lighter and no cramps so I guess should be ok right?

I don't have a very flat tummy to begin with but my tummy is so bloated now, I think I look like 4 mths preg. So scared that I can't get back to shape. Also kept eating that my hubby who is also a big eater can't even beat me. -.-
kayliz your fren is earlier than you.. how many weeks is she now?

Light brown discharge is it still on going? if it get heavier i suggest you go see your gynae. They will give medication to support your pregnancy.
Hi all, managed scan my bb sac. Now 5w3d. However, dr said there is a blood clot near the sac... Which is not safe...he gave me some medicine to support.. So worrying
Hope4baby: keep positive mindset.

I think My body reject fast food.. After eating become have the Puking urge. Only thing gd is everyday could pass motion. In the past I nt everyday but once start folic acid before pregnancy, I start to everyday routine. Do ur have the same ?

Windy: im confused. My fren's LMP was 2 weeks after me but her HCG level is much higher than me. She's abt 4-5 weeks now. So far my gynae nv tell me when is my EDD. Coz based on my LMP, im 7 weeks but based on HCG blood test my level was only 122 last week showing I was only 4 weeks preg. So dunno if I shd postpone my appt.
