(2013/05) May 2013

Accidentally read other threads and realized that alot of sellingand promoting and request to add into fb group. Group even full and got to create another one I think.

Am glad that our thread still very alive!!!
Karen Peh: I'm at week 33 going 34 now. Will start drinking at a later part cos I keep having pre-term labor. I scare too liang for me. My mom asked me drink probably when I hit week 35 or later a bit.

SIAN!!! My bed rest is over!!! Facing reality tomorrow!! =( Sob* thou it's TGIF! Gotta do handover already~~sian 1/2!
Karen: yup yup! I agreed with you! I've already done all the necessary with SCBB. Met up with the representative to sign all the documents already. Don't waste it!! You can save a life mommies! =)
Wow the thread is moving so fast tdy!!
Yes 2ks n rejoice, I will post more often cos I m really keen to join FB grp.

My details:
Name: hippo16
Edd: 5 may. C-sec: 2 may
Guyanese: dr kek
Hospital: mt E
Nsew: central
Baby name: Brendan
Gender: boy
Baby #: 2
Hi 2ks, I thought must bikini wax for C sec as the incision is at the pubic bone line which has hair? Pls correct me if I am wrong hehe.

Hi Azel, yup it's the same advice on weight and due date my doctor gave me. At week30, Twin A is 1.6 and Twin B is 1.55. Trying to fatten them up further by drinking maternal milk every night and durians. M also telling the girls they cannot come our earlier before the C sec date on Week 37+3. Will be great if they listen!

Hi Ladies doing C sec, where do you buy the binder? I heard TMC pharmacy sell but I m from KKH...can just get from Guardian?
Miracle bing, I m in my 36 wk. ur bb will probably grow faster than mine when reach 36.

Azel, don worry abt how much u eat. As long as u enjoy it...
I m having exceptional big appetite for this 2nd bb... I will have prob getting rid of the fats after delivery...

Talking abt the paternity leave, that's also one of the reasons why we decided to deliver on 2 may cos co still follow 1 may strictly... Hai

I washed all the clothes n cloths for bb.. More or less packed the room. Clean up the cot n air the mattress
, pillow n bf pillow... Will tidy up the pl again after next week to get ready for the arrival of bb!!!

Waiting for the arrival of bb clothes from spree n wall stickers for decor .. Hee

Decided to take leave the week aft next to rest at home, n spend more time wif my girl..not sure Gynae will give me mc instead but I still prefer to stay at home.. Not to stress myself before delivery.
Oh btw even though this is my 2nd child, I have nv experience contraction as I went c-sec on 38 weeks.. Any advice how to tell I m having contraction?

It's not when u feel ur stomach very tense right? I tot that's when bb is stretching hard...
Shirley hihi! Long time no see....
Yes already 37 weeks n getting closer... N you?
Almost all prepared.... My hubby has already washed all the clothes, bedsheets, fixed car seat etc :p
Btw ladies, I was worried past few days cos baby reduced movement... Finally today I called my gynae n he told me to go for a ctg scan... So I was in d labor ward for 1.5 hrs monitoring the bb. Baby seems fine but initially seems "sleepy"... My gynae wants me to go back again tomorrow... So as not to take any risk..
Hippo : a contraction feels like when your stomach hardens into a ball.... Hope it helps...

Re pelvic pain : I get it a lot these days cos the baby's head is very low now n any movements he makes creates pain at the pelvic area...

Cleaning of clothes: my hubby n I are very kiasu... We cleaned n packed everything since we were at 34 weeks hehe.... We even deep vacuumed our bed n couch....
Karen: I had very bad piles a month ago or so... I went to GP n doctor gave me suppositories... However, I read that these cannot be administered for more than 7 days. So after 7 days I did not do much after that n I kind of got better with time. I still have the problem but it's better now. Don't worry, it's very normal n common but I know it's yucky.... Take care...
Hello all mummies n mummies to b! So long never come in n say hi already n the thread so fast n suddenly, going to pop v soon...sigh.... Been v busy wi my no 1 n now racing against time to quickly get my work done n do a proper handover....

Anyone can 'advice' me the fb group? Could like to join. Me more active in fb than smh actually...

Talk abt BH, it has been v frequent these days n v discomfort. My tummy no 2 is bigger than no 1 time..
My whole body is swollen too, see liao damn sian..Seriously, cant wait to 'ord' but then on the other hand, ord means even more busy esp with no 1 is clinging to me...

Dreambig, shd b fine. Dun worry. Think is bb at this stage is bigger n so will move lesser ba.
Managed to found the FB group... Have jus submit request in n hope got approval soon....hehe.

By the way, anyone wi no 1 n jus sent them to cc? I jus did in fact. V heartpain to see her cry when carried by teacher to class...i am keeping cross she will get used to it as times goes along. Know tt its a transition period now but going through it quite heartbreaking kind..
Karen, my no 1 is 21 months. She born in july 2011...3 months?! Wa, tts long. Nw we r putting her half day only though i am paying full day rate. I think i am going to hav her in half day for at least 4 months ( when i return bk to workforce) then let her stay full day.. She is a fussy eater n has been refusing food in sch . This is her 2nd wk currently n teacher jus feedback to me tt she now starts to eat half of it. Its a improvement but i hope will improve more as time goes on. My mil is jealous for this 2 days cos my girl normally will eat her porridge at home after her sch. but she seldom wants after eating sthg from sch. i told her is good tt she ccepting the food in sch cos she needs to adapt to them mah! then she went on grumbling those food nt good la, bla bla bla.
Wah this thread is so alive! Welcome new comers!

Yeah, I'm the mummy who popped suddenly on 6 Arp, at week 36. hehe. Is the same as my #1 who was borned at 36weeks. I think is my body..cannot carry beyond that. Bb was abit unbderweight at 2.45kg when borned but she is able to be discharged with me after my 2 nights in hosp.

Next time will all share the birth story ok! ?

Miracle_bing and Azel: Thank you for the well-wishes!

Bbkk: Thanks for updating the table, but my bb's name is Kaelyn Ng..hehehe
Good Morn Mummies!
Wah at night also very active thread.. cant catch up :p

Pelvic Pain: My BB head also haven very low but I already in pain, cant imagine when it engaged...

Hippo: U r 36 weeks? very fast you can see ur BB le..
BTW, U r gg for natural or c-section?

C-Section Waist Band: Where to get this? Must tie immediately after the surgery? Actually for what purpose?
Miracle: the waist band is to prevent movement and less pain during CSec. I got it from my doctor at $50. But we can purchase from guardians. The doctor will tie after surgery for me. Which he recommend.

I'm in 37 weeks Liao looking forward for the opt next sat. Btw, do you gals put on a lot weight? Me put on 14kg so far. A lot water retention. Baby weight last week 2.7kg. Tml gg for last check up.

2ks : I have join the FB. Waiting for approval.
Mummies I need some advice:

My mum in law asked me what's the std of frequency for washing hair after giving birth during confinement. Then I was puzzled not sure what to advice.. She suggested that first 7 days I don't bathe at all... Then followed by two times a week.... The moment I heard I felt like crying.... Is this the standard ur confinement ladies will set for u all? Cos my case mum in law will be doing my confinement. Can anyone give me some advice? Thankssss!
Think is under individual. Some wash everyday..some no wash throughout..some weekly/bi-weekly. Just need to blow it dry. I bought a really cheap hairdryer at giant..19 bucks philip brand
Jill, i can feel for u! cos my mil did confinement for me during my no 1 time.
but I insisted on bathing and washing hair. I will get to shower at least twice a week cos I did the massage mah. didn't shower will be v unhygienic plus handling baby le.
of course, I will try to max twice bathe a week and nt every day...

if 1st week u dun bathe, then wipe body should be okay also de.
Ook thanks Yaya.. so i think i will stick to 7 days no bath. Twice a week bathe and how about the dry shampoo? Can use only when i bathe? hehee i got this Klorane shampoo from my gf who did her confinement in Jan after her delivery. She passed me because she cannot finish using it.
Hi mummies, good morning. The thread is so active and moving fast till i have to backtrack the posts.

2Ks, pls send my congrats to XiaXue. I hope some ppl can be more considerate on the commnet they made to Xiaxue or bb, I believe that during this period of time, she needs more concerns, care n support from everyone. Even if the mummy colours her hair after birth is her own liking. She has persevere and be patient till childbirth. I hope they can be more understanding for her. XiaXue, stay strong. Ignore what others said as we cant control their mouth. As long as you are happy n know what is best for u n bb is ok.

I dont go waxing as I dont like the after effect waxing as the hair grows again n so tickish. I would trim abit on my own b4 delivery. then on the actual delivery, the nurse will trim more if hair blocking the passage.

Hopsital bag:
I have packed earlier already as if really dilate (like my seoncd child, son) about 4cm...the pain might gradually be stronger n painful. So during these time interval before delivery, I can still bath, drink coconut drink then go hospital for delivering.

Coconut drink:
I dare not drink first as scared might pop early as wanted to wait till 36 weeks for full term. I do have BH but dont advise to rest n relax so bb dont come out early.

bb stuff:
herbs ready, clothes washed but cot, bedsheet n binders not yet. probably get it done by this week.

I realised when I expecting girls, i would have short hair, boy, have long hair so this time round I cut it short above shoulder. Somemore the weather is so hot n afraid during confinement would be worse.

Hi Bbkk, here is mine.

Name: gkkang(Katie)
Edd: 30 May 2013
Gynae: Dr Poon King Fu
Hospital: Mt A
NSEW: North (Kovan)
Baby name: Felise
Baby #: 3
Gender: F
Hi Sha23, I put back the 5kg I lost the first trimester and 1.6kg on top of that - total 6.6kg
Thanks Hippo and Sha26 for sharing on the binder - will get from Guardian...wonder if it is free size hehe
This morning I am going to hand wash the towels, mittens and rest of rompers. The sun is finally a toasty hot this morning!
hi little baby surf
either the green or small coconut is ok. but not coconut drink. I dunno if its effective but its shiok as its cold and the weather is sooooo hot!

hi Katie
im with dr Poon too. my edd 5 May.

Dear All
how can I join the fb group?
im also thinking of a venue for my baby shower. don't want to have buffet at home cos too messy. any one has a venue to recommend? not too exp about $15 per pax.
Washing hair
Seems like it's up to individual. For some mummies they really tahan the whole confinement period. Some just wash as usual.
I''d alternate btw dry shampoo and washing.
Good morning mummies!

Yaya, we are in the same boat! BH has been v frequent and discomfort these days. My tummy is also bigger than #1. My feet and fingers swollen, backache, gastric juice keeps coming up...
I also sent my girl to cc around 19wks pregnancy...for the first week, she cried a lot and very reluctant to go cc...parents are required to company her for 3 days (half day) and should let go then...it's very heartbreaking...as I was afraid I couldn't 'tahan', i asked nanny to bring her to cc in second week....after 2 wks, she stopped crying. 2 mths later, she is able to interact with peers...now very happy to go to school
Washing hair- agree with some mummies, it really depends on your comfort level. For me, I washed in the fifth day and then twice a week later on...

Keep yourself comfortable and in good mood is very important during confinement as many mummies experienced postnatal blue around that period....

Ganbateh mummies
littlebabysmurf,types of coconuts, glass jelly also drink now!
weather is too hot and I felt very shiok after drinking the cold cold ones..hahaha
I love babies, you send ur girl so early ah.. so she is now 2 yrs old plus liao? tdy my girl didn't go sch cos she is feverish and her flu has not recover since she started sch (got from the sch)... very clingly today and not good mood. so decide not to let her go lor...

I hope that day to see her happy interact with her peers soon. cos now feedback from teacher is she very 'dao' hahaha

now I am crossing finger that I only give birth in 1st May onwards!!! if not my hubby dun have paternity leave...
right now I am enduring loh.. my pelvis there aching. getting up from seat or from bed also a problem too.. haiz..... endure endure!
My mil ask me wash n bath everyday, as more hygenice. She brought a lot the bathing herbs for me. Now she ask my hubby buy white wine for after shower use to prevent wind. And get some beer for baby to wipe the body to prevent bumps. I also not sure just follow her old myth method. And gg to buy pail for washing separate my clothing + baby with family member clothing.
Yaya...in fact, she's 3+yrs liao lor...i kinda regretted not to send her to cc earlier...but judging from her 'performance' now, still okay lah. Be patient, you will see yr girl copes with the new environment soon for sure, jia you

Wah you really can 'ren', my gynae also didn't encourage me to hold until May as he said it's too risky for me due to low placenta. I got a jab to promote bb's lung development last week juz in case....

Sha23, your mil is very open-minded and helpful leh! Can you share more on the white wine and beer tricks? I am very interested in getting them as I prefer bathing everyday too...thanks in advance
Good morning mummies, the thread move so fast than ytd.

Suddenly I realized I hasn't wash a lot of the clothes. And I am like going week 37. Then today my baby gave me a scare. He is not as active as ytd and caused me to keep pat him to wake up. Then end up realized he might be sleeping and he is shaking his butt a few times after pat.

Welcome Karen! Can I email you my contact no? I am more active in FB group these days but I also quite active on whatsapp.

Anyway what with the beer wipe baby? Wow, never heard before.
Sha23, adhesion barrier is used to prevent adhesions after c-sec. Because adhesion that form after surgery in pelvic area could lead to complications like pelvic pain, bowel obstruction , even infertility.
Anyway, I am feeling so excited yet anxious for baby arrival. And I been eating and eating as confinement will be quite restricted.

I posted the Fish Manhattan Apr deals coupon on the FB group and now, they have individual coupons that is clearer. So for any mummies that wanna have so last min eating feast, this is it:


Go under the album: Great Deals in Apr.

I think I gonna go this week to one of the outlet at JE which near my area to eat. =)
Karen I drop you email too.

The white wine is to put in the herb water to shower body. One bottle per shower. I might shower everyday but wash hair a few days once ba. As for the beer mil say is to wipe the baby body to prevent small bumps on baby body. But my Sister in law say not good as the baby will absorb alcohol which doctor say not recommended. So I might not use it if my mil forget. Hehe... Just buy what she need. She also buy tian ma Chinese herb to boil soup to cure the wind on head.

The problem with my company is we are not allowed to bring in mobile phones to workplace. Everything have to be surrendered at the guard house. So I cannot view thru phone too. My only hope with my office pc oso cannot bcos of my company’s firewall.

Yes, my maid will help to take care when I am back at work. But will arrange her to go over my grandma’s place during working hours and will pick them after that. So she won’t be alone with bb.

It depends on gynae’s preference. Some prefer to be shaved. Normally the nurses will help u to shave.

Washing hair:
I managed to tahan not washing hair in my previous confinement. Whenever I feel like washing hair, my CL will ask is it itchy? Can tahan? Surprisingly my scapy was not itchy throughout and my hair was not very oily. I brush my hair with baby powder everyday.
