(2013/05) May 2013

2Ks : thanks for adding. oh ya? hmm in that case then think i better get one.

no i didn't engage any CL. decided to do the minimum. my mum will be helping, but definitely not 'full service' like having a CL. Mainly on the cooking/food part since she cooks everyday. But the rest, i gonna handle it.

btw for mummies with swollen hands or carpal tunnel that is affecting your slp, sleep with your upper body elevated with extra pillows. i tried and it works. Now the frequency of my arm cramping in the middle of the night has reduced. I read online that swollen hands/arm cramping in the middle of the night is caused by redistribution of water in your body to your hands when you lie down. Those with this prob, maybe you wanna give it a try.
Xuan, yup the clinic will book for you. Just let them know the room type you want can le. On the day of delivery, your hubby will be needed there to fill up the admin details for you at the hospital delivery counter. The white white thing at the nipples is normal. Your body is preparing for breastfeeding
Last time for #1 pregnancy i also had. Now as this is my #2, sometimes will have a bit of colostrum come out. You can gently clean off the white substance during shower. But the nipples quite tender and sensitive now.

Babymaine, please take care!

vicvic, jiayou dear! You're brave and strong! All the mummies here will support you k!
Hi ladies...

Was in a morning meeting... TGIF...

vicvic: the latest news say that single mums will be entitled to childcare leave as well. Guess that's part of the good news.

i'm having indigestion. Wasnt able to eat dinner last night cos it was so bad....

Am trying to have "easily digestable" stuff like porridge and soupy stuff...
Debbie: but weird leh. One side got the white white one side don't have. Maybe side no milk!!! =O LOL!! Tmr going for appointment!! so excited to see this little fellow again!
Babymaine, do take care. rest more, dun overexert yourself. I am very scare of contractions too, have been trying to rest as much as i can.

that day i was watching the delivery video at my pre-natal class and when the baby delivered that moment, i cried. It was so emotionally. My colleagues shared that mummy sure cry when see their baby. I am staying positive and tell myself not to be scare hahah. Let's jia you! :D
Xuan, haha you know, for my #1, my left side a lot of milk but right side normal supply only. The boobs produce different amounts of milk for some people. Good for you. After tomorrow's appointment, you might be seeing Poon once in 2 weeks instead of 3 weeks le. Mine just changed to 2 weeks interval.
I feel like drinking bubble tea!!!!! Maybe should go drink this weekend! Just called up SCBB to tell them I want to donate cord blood.

U can see my photo on the main page. The one standing with black translucent flying cloth. I oso got take with couple T-shirt one. My package was 2 year back one. Think ard $200 plus with 15 edited soft copies (full resolution returned), session take abt 1 hr.

For us already not easy, for you it won’t be any better and you will need more support. Glad the govt decide to provide some support.

Taking of sick child while preg is not easy. Try to rest as much as u can. Pls take care.

I was too tired to cry after delivery… And was suffering side effects of epidural that time. I shivered badly for 2 hours after delivery.
Min: that day I saw FB got people post the baby delivered out. Waaa! I immediately shed!! =X I was too touched! The tears keep dropping down. I can feel the happiness eh! I think I will cried also when I delivered plus it's my #1 I bet u will too!

Debbie: wow! really! 2weeks!? OMG!! so excited!! weehehehe! tmr week 30...This fellow getting fat la I thing. my CB getting sng sng~~ LOL! u this time got do Strep B test? How they do the test ah? i damn curious...ur contractions better now? oh ya, u told Dr Poon about donating your blood cord already??

Griny: I'm donating mine too!! Are u taking Maternity shoot this time round? what's ur name on FB? LOL! I already lost track of our nick n FB nick :p
Hi mummies, i would like to sell a preloved quinny zapp xtra (brown) and maxi cosi cabriofix car seat (blue). Pls pm me if you are keen, thanks
My nipple is not white residue, is those brown left over from my last breastfeeding. But I cleared it, when grow back still brown, funny.. Anyone encounter?
Vicvic - jiayou!! Am sure everyone here and your family are behind you! It will all be worth it when you see/hold your daarling.

Min, Xuan - I watched delivery of babies on Nat Geo...when I see the baby out and the loud crying, I also teared. Think its especially emotional and touching for mommies. Hope I will feel the same happiness when I finally see my bb.
I saw that video someone posted in fb, that was the first time I teared when watching. I think I too emo that time of watching.
Xuan, Sleepyskies -Yah , i think i will tear too. now talk about baby, i automatically will smile le. I think as the days draw nearer, i am more and more anticipating. Although motherhood is going to be a very different experience, it will be tough and means i have to give up my usual lifestyle, i am looking forward. that day my hubby says no more er ren shi jie le.. i say i never thought of that. I am looking forward to san ren shi jie kekee.

yipee.. it is almost to the end of friday! i can't wait for weekend to rest.
baby haven't pop, than can't wait for bb to come out. come out liao, than miss the times in the stomach..hehe. i think i will super miss the kicks and movement. must enjoy the final 2 months!
it is still important to ve er ren shi jie after having a child. maybe like once a month or wat. n very important to ve mi time as well. or else might ve depression easily...

bt then again easier say than done..
Xuan - my edd is 23 May! So will get to see alot of May babies first before I pop!

Min - I read what you wrote and I feel so touched. So sweet that you are already looking forward to san ren shi jie. I am the one who keeps telling my hb our lives are going to be so different after the bb comes out...no more er ren shi jie, no more lazing in bed and doing nothing, no more waking up late on wkends, no more quiet nights, no more spontaneous overseas trips etc..its my hb who tells me not to worry and we can still have our private alone time.

Sometimes I cant wait for bb's arrival..just want to spend every waking minute looking at her lil face. Then sometimes, I wish can rewind abit and let me enjoy the pregnancy for awhile longer..give me some time to 'prepare'. My hb always say '9mths not enough to prepare?' haha I dont know lehs...9mths seemed to pass by in a flash. While we go for anental classes, buy stuff for bb...I still feel v.unprepared. Any mommies feeling the same way? Hope its just the usual 1st time mommy anxieties that will go away...

Yup, its almost knock-off time!! I love wkends! haahha hope all mommies have a good wkend, rest & recharge!
haha, i so long never really go on a date with hubby liao. everytime we go out without my #1, i will feel very uneasy one. will keep thinking what he is doing, is he behaving......
u r rite, its easier say than done. maybe when they r much bigger, then can have dating time
Xuan, strep B test is just a swap across the vagina. No pain de. Oh this time round so caught up with work and my #1, totally forgot to contact SCBB. I donated my first one's cord blood. This one dunno if still want donate. Maybe I will call SCBB soon. You just let Poon know, he will help you collect the blood during the delivery. And since its for SCBB, he will collect the cord blood without any doctor charge. That was what happen for my #1.
Sleepyskies, I have the same feeling. 2 months left. Though sometimes I feel a bit pain when baby kicks, I think I will miss the period of pregnancy when I carry him to work and feel baby moving while I working.
Mommies Who bought their baby cot n mattress at taka fair Which part of the place u all buy?? I ask the mattress is either those $200+ one or the fibreflux one. DOno use what husk make one, I Don like. What other mattress did u all get??
Xuan: i bought the vermont one at taka fair. I not too sure what is the mattress..i just buy coz everything included and the price is okie, can convert to junior bed
debbie: but we still must call SCBB ourselves to tell them we donating ?? What will they ask from us?

JC: which store is it near ah? the sell strollers behind behind uh?
Griny: Wow, I know what you mean. I also not gonna induced unless BB is gonna be overdue as I am suppose to give birth on sat. Hope we can get the hospital we want.
Xuan: I did checkout the mattress selling in kiddy palace . The cheapest I can find is 30 plus. There ware better firm ones that is 50-60 plus depending in the sizes of mattress.
hi mummies....haf Mia for quite a while.
Busy at work. But I m so happy that I got my promotion

Marriage cert
Think if u wan to use ur hub medisave, u need to show the cert.

Cloth diaper
I m using the traditional one. Bought three packs, but din know I need to use special powder.

Milk bottles
When can we start to wash them? Feel like doing it now
Xuan: from the fountain ebtrace walk steaight down. Rigjt side is those stroller. Near to the aden swaddle there
Xuan - my cot is from BabayOne (if not wrong) and the mattress I chose is the 4" foam antibacterial with holes kind. Next level up is the latex liaos and I think the diff is $100.

Meiliew - I think motherhood is something totally new and exciting for us so maybe that's why we feel that way. I think I'll miss being pregnant...haha. Being pregnant with #2 will feel diff coz that time will have another clingy toddler liaos...not as peaceful. Haha

Vi - congrats on our promotion at work! Your hard work has paid off!
I just got to know my performance ranking recently and was quite disappointed..I was promoted 2yrs ago and it's normal for ranking to drop in the following year but mine 2yrs liaos the ranking still the same...never revert to 'normal'. Worse this year gg on 4mths ML, ranking no chance to improve liaos..Felt quite upset but am trying my best to control emotions coz I don't want to upset bb..just keep telling myself bb is most impt now. Sigh..the woes of working moms.
Vi, congrats. Usually it's not easy to get promotion during pregnancy. Sigh.
I also done my performance review already. Ranking not bad but feel disappointed have no promotion even though they said they recognize the contribution n effort I have done in the past years. Sad.
Congrats to you!

Yes we need to call SCBB, they will do a phone interview and will need to meet up with them to sign some documents. For maternity photoshoot, I not doing it this time. Once is gd enough for me. If u interested with the photos I can share a few in the FB gp. My name is Edxx. (Sorry, only give u the 1st 2 alphabets, not comfortable in puttinng my name in public forum). U go to the group should be able to figure out which is me.
It oso hope to return there again. But after some discussion with hubby, decided on TMC... Dun want to make things so confusing and I really dun want to plan a delivery date for my bb.

Mummies who been to TMC b4, the chances of upgrade from 4 bedder to 2 bedder is high is it?
When you delivery again? =)

About work, I have one colleague being deny bonus because of ML so she quit after came back. Think my this year performance bonus is gone. Sad... The unfairness at work is still so obvious.

You all have a facebook group? Can I join too? =) But I look quite young in photo.
Hello MTBs!
I just given birth in Jan and due to condition, unable to breastfeed. Find it a waste for a few items that I dont use and would like to let go:

My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow (used only once)$65, Retail $81.40
Lansinoh Milkbags (60pcs/box) $20 per box, $55 for 3 boxes, Retail $19 (50pcs/box)
Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads comes with a breast pad pouch (72/box x 2box) $33 Retail $37.80
Medela Membranes (6pcs) $8, Retail $15
Medela Membranes and Valves set (2 Valves, 6 membranes – Preloved, used only 1 membrane) $15, Retail $30.50
Philips Avent Niplette (Used only once or twice) $50 Retail $79

Pls PM me if interested.
Mommies where can I buy baby safe mattress? R they good?

Griny: I added u on FB. View your profile but nvr see the maternity shoots eh. Dono if I added the right person? Lol
Yes u added the correct person. I only have 1 maternity shoot in my profile. I post later in the group ok.

Not too sure by when must let them know. I only let them know yesterday and they phone interviewed. Some general question abt me and my husband, pregnancy history and health history. I hav not meet them yet, they asked me to bring the detailed scan results and all my test result, and they will further ask some family health history abt my and hubby's families' health history.

My edd is 9 May
I saw baby safe mattress at kiddy palace. Can try taka fair. Think have baby safe products as I saw baby safe mattress cover.
griny: uh. erm. My doctor never give me my detailed scan results and all other results. mmm, I will asked doctor about it tomorrow.

Debbie: you donated our cord blood once right? Did you get the relative documents from Dr Poon??

Eva: I went on Friday for the taka fair. But I asked most of the store but I don't see baby safe mattress
Maybe I will pop by at kiddy palace. have member card, 10% discount better than nothing.
Xuan, Have to call SCBB and sign documents if you want to donate. Yup for #1, i asked dr poon for a copy of the detailed scan results for SCBB to see. How are you now? still pain?
mummies..we can start coconut drink now ? Once a week enough right coz i scare the sugar level too high
Debbie: okay. I will probably call SCBB this week n arrange. I'm feeling better now. Tmr gotta go back for review. He said he will give me bed rest that day but not sure. See wat he say tmr.

JC: I don't know wanna drink now a not. With my early contractions I scare eh.
Jc: fyi prior to donate cord blood u will need to b drawns 3 tubes of blood during labour.

Xuan: the teleconversation with scbb is quite short only. They will send a representative to meet up with u to sign documents

Coconut drink:
I heard is baby girl, can start drink coconut drink from wk 32. But if baby boy, better not. too liang. Later baby come out faster. Like my SIL, drank at wk 33, following week come out le. Just drink the week before delivery can le.

FB group,
Anyway I read along the thread that you ladies created a FB group. Is it small small world or something? =) Can't seem to find it on FB.
