(2013/05) May 2013

Will ask my CL to try cooking that ginger juice with DOM. I oso cannot believe I took so much rice wine, esp I dun really take alcohol. I think you can dun need to buy so much this time round. There is another food that I can’t believe I consumed so much, which is ginger! Taken 3 big bags (those red plastic bags) of ginger.

For me, I think during work hours forum thread is still better. I can’t bring in hp to work so if access to FB need to go thru web secretly and take time to load. My office is very open, forum not so obvious. At home or outside FB is easier,I access to them more frequently bcos of the app.
Hello ladies

Re: Dreams
I just dreamt I was eating cupcakes! Muahahaha I must have been hungry.

Re: Baby movement
Yup... gentle kicks throughout the day.

fool4love: Gosh. Your colleague sounds like a total pain!
Rejoy/rabbit&snake: my #2 is oct 2011 also leh but at tat time was bz handling my #1 so din really engage myself a lot in the forum compare to this time round.

Ange: so time to bake cupcake?? Hahaha.

2ks: I also wanna try ur method Dom+ginger juice. Coz same my CL double boil the Dom was is sweet until I can't swallow then she changed coz in laws place got this hard liquor cordon blue and this tastes super bitter.

Wanna as any mummies started red date tea??
Esther: I can't bake! And this pregnancy I don't like things too sweet. And I recall in the dream it was so yummy cos it's not those sickeningly sweet cupcakes. See, so vivid. Terrible right. Hahahaha

Re: Red dates tea

I drink about 1 cup a week when I go back to mom's. I double boil birds nest once a week too. And double boil chicken essence once a week as well.
Griny: I think chicken essence is heaty.. my hubby drank it n he said he can feel the heatiness wor.. Oh! We can drink? I'm tempted to drink liao.. Hee!

Fool4love: ur copycat colleague really bo liao.. this kind of things also can copy??

Re: dom
Can we take dom now? Like adding into porridge or noodle soup? I like the sweet taste..
I love hard boil egg but i limit myself to 1 egg each week (before preggy till now).

my mum add red date to the bird nest. I think i have to skip the red date longan tea because it is too sweet.
hi ladies...

ya lo! it's not only the copying... i mean i seriously feel happy for a lady when the lady is preggie... cos it's the most lovely thing that can happen to a woman...

but for her, she's always saying one thing and doing another... she was telling a colleague who had difficulty conceiving that she will only try next year... but in fact, at that time, everyone is suspecting that she's preggie...

When i got engaged, she announced her engagement 2 weeks later... and this is despite the fact that she has been with her partner for less than a year... and a lot of other little things that she does behind one back... like trying to insinuate that the other person is inferior...

But i think God is very nice and good to her... cos to conceive at this age... and at a time where she wants to... is really not an easy feat...

i shall think of positive things so that baby will have positive vibes... haha
JC, is it due to the sugar level for the egg? cause usually we can eat 2-3 eggs a week when non preggy for woman, when preggy, my gynae told mi to try to eat 2 eggs a day. but i didnt lah.

2Ks: 50 eggs!! that is alot... :0

btw, my sil took the pkg. she says it's the most basic one... a soup a day for 28 days...

am thinking of gg Eu yan seng to ask if they have a similar pkg... at least i'm assured of the quality?
haa...ya i had 50 kampong eggs in that month lor..
i am also amazed by myself...LOL
but then kampong eggs smaller la...

esther: half bowl ginger juice + half bowl dom...
no need to put too much dom...
think she still double boil with pork loin or black chix...need to check my list.

my mil prepared red dates + dangshen + wolf berries drink for me once every 2 weeks. already started drinking.
Red dated tea - am having a cup now. Mil gives me a flask daily cos she cooking confinement for sil now. But mine is minus all herbs.
fool4love: EYS herbs is vvvvv exp u know.
i suggest u go si ma lu and buy. they have good and affordable herbs.
actually not much need to buy.
u can buy those pre packed herbs in boxes from fu hua to cook tonics. then add some additional herbs.
u go si ma lu upstairs the auntie will have a listing one.
just try not to get from PE_ ok...
the herbs they sell u $300+, but they prob only worth $100+
serious no bluff u cos i seen the herbs myself.
hi 2ks...


just afraid that my CL doesnt know which pkt to cook with what... i guess my mil will guide her along?

hopefully ba... now is to stay positive... haha!!
Fool4love, all the confinement ladies will know lah. Its their rice bowl. Cannot be dont know and must only use prepacked herbs by the company.
Have u all started on birds nest? Mil waiting for my puking to subside. But its still on going. Sigh... I love birds nest alot.
jelly jelly eat until v shiok. Its a treat and reward for bearing with all the suffering when pregnant.
Iko, i love chicken essence. Yah its suppose to be heaty but i tot preg heaty is ok but cannot take liang. Guess way too heaty also no good. This balancing between heaty n over heaty is all guess work. Been taking 1 bottle every two days. Dont feel sick or anything so far.
haha! really arh?! I dont know ma...

i thought will have certain herbs mixed with certain things... i only recall that the CL that my SIL used cooked practically the same stuff everyday... so much so that my bro just made an excuse to eat outside.

Fool4love: some cl really can cook diff dishes every day.my cl cook diff dishes and diff tonics soups daily. But sometimes I miss certain dish I get her to cook again. Specially miss her ginger sauce to dip with chix lor
Hi all! As I am usually not at my desktop, its a bit hard to post so gonna be another long post once in a couple of days.

Name: For my #1, I had a chinese name in mind. When she was delivered, I text the geomancer the birth details and a couple of days later, hubby went to meet him on the name discussion. The geomancer had came up with a list of characters that are suitable for the second n third character and we can permutate these characters as we like so could be hundreds of permutations! Good thing is 3rd character i like is there and as for 2nd character, I chose same pronounciation but different word. So overall I'm still happy.

Baby movement: Hmm, although its #2, I'm still not really feeling movements leh. Haha. Probably coz I put on too much weigh so I can't feel the kicks through the fats! I remembered gynae mentioned it also has to do with the position of the baby when we can feel the movements.

Babyplus: I have not idea whether baby plus worked. I used it pretty faithfully for #1 (daily but not same timing).Investment made so I shall take it out to use upon 18 weeks. We did a spree with my #1 mummies via ebay and shared the shipping. Think S$100+, less than S$150?

Dreams: Haha. I am a dreamer. I dream intensively everyday pregnant or not. So I am pretty immune to dreams but the bad thing is hard for me to wake up coz always in the midst of dreams and wanna know the ending!

DOM & Chicken essence: I hate both! I still got tonnes of them from #1. My CL would warm up one bottle of chicken essence for me every am. I can't take the DOM tonic soup. Super sweet n yucky. This time round maybe will try the method of adding ginger.

Rice wine: Rice wine is sweet n nice when cook with food. Ny mum helped me order with my great granduncle who brewed that for me. I still have 1-2 bottles left. Hmm. Shall reassess later if i need more.

Coconut: I didn't have chance to eat much coconuts. think maybe 2? as baby was delivered around 2 weeks b4 EDD. I had like 3 coconuts in my fridge when I delivered but cannot eat after that coz confinement can only eat heaty things. I think there is no difference leh. I didn't eat much coconuts but my gal was pretty 'clean' when delivered. Its shiok to eat coconuts though near tailend of pregnancy.

rabbit & snakes: Esther, rabbit & snake bb and rejoy 28, all have oct 11 babies? mine nov 11. Cool. Next time our play dates combine #1 & #2 can play together.

FB: paisay. I had difficulty finding the FB group name. Can someone share again and I search? I was with Dec 11 mummies group and we almost full migrated to FB around this timing (week 16-18) when pregnancy is stabilised for everyone. Its much more interactive, organised and fun on FB. Its also easier to share lobangs on FB. I am ok with joining current group if I'm accepted or a new group if there's one. Is the current FB group dormant bcoz there are less members? I wanna share good sales but then I am in real estate or busy taking care of #1 on MIL's off day so not much chance to access comp to post, easier to share the lobangs I have on WA/FB with you gals on FB.

Anyone going for the sales near tampines safra this fri? I swept like siao last yr during my confinement. Haha. Brought my CL, baby n hb along. Its like 3 for $10 for carters rompers and dresses! Going there with some of my #1 mummies on fri.
50 eggs? Wa... Impressive. Cannot imagine myself eating eggs everyday.

I take chicken essence once a week but see Mami drink 1 every 2 days, I feel like following too!

EYS herbs are very clean but very ex...for me I go hock hua and ZTP to buy. My CL oso say just buy the prepacked soup tonics from hock hua for the everydays soup for my meals.

I have a box of bird nest that my mil gave me. But I have not start cooking it. Very lazy to prepare.
Btw ladies,

I want to give away my sample packs of maternal milk powder. I don't drink them.

3 pack similac mum
4 pack mamil mama

Anyone wants it?
What's the a average weight gain for our stage? I'm now 19 gg 20 weeks and gained 1kg from pre-preg. But then it's cos I lost 2 kg in my 1st tri fr the nausea and lack of appetite. And my pre-preg weight was 3kg heavier than b4 I had my 1st bb. So hoping this time round I don't gain so much and can lose back to my original state. I gained a whopping 19kg for my 1st lor...sobz.
My mil suggests that I take cordyceps during confinement. She says having this beats any other tonic...but horr, when I checked out the price, I almost fainted. It costs easily 1000 bucks for 50g I think.
jcyp, the address is 43 Tampines St 92. 14-5 Dec. 10am-7pm. =)
btw, its cash only. think i bought like 20 over pcs last year. so you may want to bring more cash as its industrial area with no ATM.
Ikuko. I took tat during my confinement which cozy me a bomb.. dam ex.. tat time I bought yi lang 500 to 600 ... I Believe now price has increase Donn till how much
Takeiteasy cool our tot can be play mates running abt!!

Captain piglet.. I also pray hard tat I would gain so much.. #1 I gain 18kg took me 5 mths to get back to pre weight! Now I haft gain 4kg so far so good under control! But HB worry cozy I Don eat as.much compare to my #1. My aim is only.Max 12 kg
i got post the address and pic in the fb group for the carters sale this friday ah...
but then hor...i am not in singapore, so i gonna miss this round. anyway i dunno gender of baby, not likely buying yet.

TIE: u search the archive for the link or just search for a small small world.
its not very active as yet cos some mummies still prefer to chat here. cos during office hours, some unable to access fb one.
but i assume when on maternity or weekends or after office hours, it be more active bah.

ikuko: if u wanna buy cordyceps must go to reputable shops to get (but ex la). my mil told me, there are alot alot of fakes going around now. thus she dont advise me to take.
but then there is a cordyceps militaris that has the same effect as cordyceps which is equally good and most important cheap.
perhaps u can try that.

Cordyceps Militaris Benefits
Though, Cordyceps sinensis is much more popular than Cordyceps militaris, the latter too is fast gaining momentum, for its so-called health benefits. As mentioned above, Cordyceps militaris has been used in the traditional Chinese medicine for a long time. According to recent researches, this fungi contain certain polysaccharide components and cordycepin, which are said to be beneficial for treating cancer. It has also been suggested that as in case of Cordyceps sinensis, Cordyceps militaris too has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, the latter is also used as a substitute for the former.

As per some studies, Cordyceps militaris has higher amounts of polysaccharides and cordycepin, as compared to Cordyceps sinensis. Cordyceps militaris is also claimed to have anti-aging properties and is said to be suitable for everyone. It is also believed to be useful for boosting the immune system and promoting the health of kidneys and lungs. In some regions, this fungus is used for treating lung and kidney diseases, hyperglycemia and high blood cholesterol levels. It is also claimed to be good for those with insulin resistance. Owing to the growing popularity of this fungi, nowadays Cordyceps militaris cultivation is also done. The fungus is cultured and processed to be sold in the form of dried fungi, powder, extract, etc.
Morning ladies!

It's tuesday already... cant wait for my detailed scan next week...

Cant buy anything much now also since doc says it's 80% gal... Has the gynae told you all how big the baby will be?

Some of my friends gave birth to nearly 4kg babies and they werent able to wear those clothes which i had thought was for 0-3 months...
Rejoy : not becoz of the sugar but they say egg cholestrol is high..haha somemore i not very active type. If no limit, i can eat alot in a meal especially during buffet breakfast haha
rabbit&snakebb: ok ah, u nt in the oct FB group?

JC: i usually only eat egg white, not the egg yolk, quite wasted actually cause all the good things are mostly in egg yolk.

TIE: we can organise an outing maybe next year and can bring those with no 1 and have a gathering.. :0
JC.. i can fall asleep easily also. BUT in the middle of the night when i go pee after that i cant sleep le... my frd told me that actually they sleep side ways wont snore.. i told my frd bullshit. my hub right side, left side facing upwards also snore lor! and snore damn loud. i hope i can snore too!! so he know how i feel of cant sleep.. recently im so irritated i record his snore n let him listen. LOL he so peiseh about it.. but seems like cant control. haiz.. is not that he very tired.. he even sleep in the afternoon also at night can snore.. guys.. maybe he;s too chubby liao ba. i guess. too much air.. LOL

fool4love: so she know u got pregnant she also went to get pregnant? ^^ but you will be giving birth earlier than her right? so dont care about her ba.. people who compare usually quite stress one.. u also dont stress yourself. when u go detail scan u can ask how long is ya baby too.

rina_koh: twice? faints.. so tiring sia

FB Group Link - https://www.facebook.com/groups/421188187936373/
hi fabbie...

I do hope that the copycat got preggie bcos she wanted to and not becos of other people getting preggie... Cos it's just sad... my colleague did asked her about it a few months ago and she said that she wasnt ready... anyway, my gfs told me not to care about her as well... there's no way for comparison... So i'm trying to be zen while not letting her antics irks me...

My hubby snores too... but usually i'm too tired and i will push him to face the other way so that his snoring will reflect the other side instead of my side... haha!! less disturbance then..

Weight gain:

i put on 5 kg so far... hopefully i can maintain this weight gain and not go on any more till later part of the pregnancy...
Morning ladies,

My CL ask my MIL to buy cordycep during my last confinement, then she brew with other chinese herbs to make tonic for me. Took that during my last 2 weeks of the confinement.

What is the chinese name for cordyceps militaris? Just curious…. Looks it it had gd effects too.

I’m going to be 19weeks, I gained 2 kg from my pre-preg weight so far. I lost 2 kg during 1st tri because I have no appetite and kept vomiting.

2Ks, i saw them at Eu Yang Sang and Fu Hua. Most likely, my MIL will buy from Fu Hua cos they have membership there. How does the Cordyceps Miltaris look like?

Btw, can add me in FB? My user id: [email protected].
