(2013/05) May 2013

griny: 冬虫草花..u can get from si ma lu or even fu hua.
just brew with chicken/black chicken, pork loin...
its very nice too

actually, my frenz said that eat before delivery is good cos you will feel less tired..but hor, it just so expensive to eat.
Tampines Sale
Ehhh I wanna go for the sale... but I dunno the gender yet T__T

How about those cordyceps supplement in capsule form? I got buy a big bottle for my hubby while we ttc-ing. It's sold in hospital pharmacies also.

Bird nest
I only take those bottled bird nest once in a while. Heard from friend that better to take those concentrated one (1 spoon in the morning and at night that kind). But then i still have quite a few bottled bird nest.

I heard snow fungus is a good substitute for bird nest though cos their benefits are similar.
dian tang: please search and request to be added in. cos fb have limitation. i got to add u as friend then i can add in...its a bit ma fan for us. thank u
worried79: exp or cheap ones??
i bring my 3 years old to school dental health at outram.
he just went last week. checking plus polishing only $9
Morning ladies!

Fabbie: I agree on the snoring bit regarding men. My hubby likes to face me and snore! When I nudge him and he moves over he stops!

Gona double boil birds nest with pao sheng and red dates later today. Hehe
Hi mummy,

My EDD is 24/04/13 but can I join in here. Somehow from the start i kept coming in here so more familiar with the mummies here.

This is my 3rd child.

Will try to post more here.
fool4love: Ya dont care about her..u will feel better! hahaa at least u can push him another side.. mine too chubby to push.. so i just grab a pillow put on his face.. i heck care liao. LOL
fabbie : my hubby also sleep any way also will snore. He fat lah..haha..but i already get use to it. He usually let me sleep first than he sleep loh.

i cannot shop yet!!!!!! i duno the gender yet..humpf. yesterday my MiL ask my hubby's nephew to sayang my stomach ask him want didi or mei mei. Than he say want didi. Than my hubby say 'oh i wan mei mei'..i was like 'ya right'
ikuko: not bothering la... i anyhow give the group a name one. cos i dont want to put it like SMH what and what..

its called A small small world.
Re: Shopping
I grabbed some infant girl clothes in Melbourne. Couldn't resist. But if Zha(4) Hu(2) then I'll just give them away la. Hahaha I have quite a few friends preggers around the same time so I figure one of us will have a girl.
i think i would prefer not so expensive one? my son's doctor recommended one at orchard road one, i guess it will be very expensive, so looking for alernative. most impt is, they can handle toddlers
dian tang - Yeah, just that I hope can buy 'manly' or 'girly' clothes for bb ^^

By the way I notice Carters online quite cheap, like USD$15.60 for 5 bodysuits, and they look so cute. Any mummies buying from spree?

2ks - wow your dental fee for toddler is v affordable!
now USD exchange rate very low, can buy things from US... the carters material is not bad one.... i usually bought my daughter's romper from there....
worried79: can your kid open your mouth let ppl check 1st? if yes, then u can bring. some kids refused to, then it will be waste of time and money.

i bring my kyler to school dental health at outram. its by govt one, but appt have to wait like 4 months or so. u can call 6435 3782

your son doctor recommend one is it at camden? that one there, minimum u must pay $150
Chiro, haha I already buy from Carter online 5 pack girly one. Haha. I can't resist the price. Waiting for it to come
Shopping: so we can buy clothes and those baby items oledy?
I plan to buy those things at this month end , coz thinking shld hv promotion & discount during festival.
On the other hand, I hesitate coz dunno is there any pantang to buy the baby things so early,
but no more hesitation since know some mummies here start shop oledy hehe.
yes yes, my hb say sure very expensive one. but they say its specialized for kids one, very good.
we r hoping to find a neighbourhood one, not sure if normal dentist will handle small kids? my boy is only 2 plus, thats why i scare he wont lie down there and open his mouth! my biggest worry.

your agency same as fool4love one or a diff one? i used that for my #1, thot of asking for the same nanny, but will have to pay additional $200 booking fee, which i think its quite alot....still have to pay her hongbao*2 leh....
Hangbao for CL:
I think most nanny request for arrival and departure hangbao and they said for good luck . Wonder is there a market rate ?
worried79: i brought my boy when he was 3 years old. cos i wanna make sure he can listen to instructions, i dont wanna waste time and money. but then if cheap one, i think its fine to waste a trip there even though not successful.
oh btw, my gf daughter had 4 decayed teeth and she went there and only paid $50, whereas my sis went to a private one (also 4 decayed teeth) she spent $300

oh.i had issues with PE_ previously. i had shared earlier my issues. thus i dont use them anymore. i used another agency. i find not bad.
PEM this $200 thingy hor...think just started lately. damn shit lor them. last time dont have one

angbao for Cl: opening i gave $28. but closing cos she was really good, i gave $50
i heard from fool4love abt this extra $200 booking fee, so i called to confirm, and told them i am a returning customer, do i still need to pay that $200, and he said yes....omg, its quite alot leh... the agency u using is at harbourfront one?
my son's teeth still ok, but dun know why have two stains, which i cant remove by brushing, so thot of bringing him to dentist before things get worst....but u were saying have to wait for 4 months? haha. i was thinking of cleaning his teeth b4 cny...but the comparison of $50 and $300 hor, really can see the diff lor. i belong to the $50 group
worried79; kyler also got those stains...yellowish one rite. the dentist said must keep brushing that side. otherwise they will remove by polishing. i just went last friday and i asked about next booking, she told me is april. cos i wanted to book for #2 also. but may due mah...i wanted somewhere july/aug. so i got to call in feb.

i think the PE_ charged the $200 if u want a certain CL. otherwise they allocate dont have too rite? my agency i am not sure where one...i usually called the agent direct. i booked my 2 CL last minute. #1 time was 3 days after i discharge. #2 was on the day i discharge cos due to the hiccups caused by stupid PE_
Yah, his is abit of light orange color leh. dun know how he got the stain, now on 2 tooth. i tried brushing, but dare not brush too hard, but the stain dun come off. have to book way in advance rite?

yes, PE_ charged that extra 200 as booking fee lor. coz the ist one they allocated for me was damn lousy. she came for 3 days, i cant stand her, so asked for a change, then the 2nd one is very good. imagine the first one need to shower like 4-5 times a day, i let her nap ,she on air con until the room is very very cold, then bring my bb in the room immediately after she off the air con. the room was like freezing cold to me lor. then 2 days after arriving at my place, she started coughing and sneezing, i quickly used that as an excuse to ask for an exchange lor
hongbao: i must be the very stupid one to give such a big hongbao....after paying so much for the fees liao. will still to less than $100 this time round
worried79: u can call and make the booking. i know its in april. in the meantime, why dont u try to keep brushing on that 2 teeth.
if its not decayed, just yellowish stains is fine. i asked the dentist that day.
i was rather surprised when she told me he dont have decayed teeth cos i was expecting some.

PE_ dunno trick or what...a couple of my friends used them. their 1ST cl also lousy. after changing then 2nd one acceptable. i dunno la...i think max $50 ang bao is what i will pay
JC: for me my hub always sleep 1st. LOL so i got a very hard time to sleep.. how i wish i can snore.. so i can wake him up. i remember that time i went to genting.. lagi worst.. my mum and dad and my hub all sleeping in one room and the 3 of them snore.. wah... and my dad win! my hub actually woke up from his sleep and look at me. LOL so funny

ask you gals.. can we paint? like painting model?
ok, will continue brushing his stains first and see how. i hope he do not have decayed teeth! worst fear!

i was really pissed off with the ist cl lor. i cant shower, and she choose to shower so many times? aiyoh, i thot just give and take, but really cant tahan her attitude. any, PE_ is now managed by the young sons of the owner rite? i was so surprised when i was served by that guy, who do not looked married, and looks like he just graduated!
worried79: ya la...its a family business. and they EVERYTHING also said OK, but when the real thingy come ALOT of things also CANNOT.
and worse u complain also no use...cos family mah...
